
歌曲 美国企业过在中国经商(4/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC高级


What about their behaviour ? The Chinese have a reputation for being difficult to read. I don't really find that. Perhaps they use facial expressions or gestures less freely than westerners do. They do seem to take their time agreeing to things. There are two reasons for that. First of all, they generally operate within big hierarchies and the decision may need to come from high up. Secondly, they dislike saying "no" directly. If they start to make a series of small objections to something, it generally means they're trying to say they’re not interested. But above all, as I said before, don't worry about the time all this takes. You're going to need that anyway to learn how Chinese companies operate and all the governance and tax laws, the regulations around joint ventures and so on...
他们的行为如何?中国人因为难以读懂而出名。 我不认为是那样。或许他没不如西方人那样使用面部表情或是手势。他们似乎用更多的时间去接受事情。这其中有两个原因。首先,他们有很大的阶级观念并且有高层的人来做决定。其次,他们不喜欢直接说“不”。如果他们开始提出一些小的反对意见,基本上说明他们想表达他们不感兴趣。但是尤其重要的是,正如上面我所说的,不要担心这些耗费时间。无论你是学习中国公司的运行模式,政府的税收制度或是合资公司的规章等等都需要这些,


What about their behaviour ? The Chinese have a reputation for being difficult to read. I don' t really find that. Perhaps they use facial expressions or gestures less freely than westerners do. They do seem to take their time agreeing to things. There are two reasons for that. First of all, they generally operate within big hierarchies and the decision may need to come from high up. Secondly, they dislike saying " no" directly. If they start to make a series of small objections to something, it generally means they' re trying to say they' re not interested. But above all, as I said before, don' t worry about the time all this takes. You' re going to need that anyway to learn how Chinese companies operate and all the governance and tax laws, the regulations around joint ventures and so on...
tā men de xíng wéi rú hé? zhōng guó rén yīn wéi nán yǐ dú dǒng ér chū míng. wǒ bù rèn wéi shì nà yàng. huò xǔ tā méi bù rú xī fāng rén nà yàng shǐ yòng miàn bù biǎo qíng huò shì shǒu shì. tā men sì hū yòng gèng duō de shí jiān qù jiē shòu shì qíng. zhè qí zhōng yǒu liǎng gè yuán yīn. shǒu xiān, tā men yǒu hěn dà de jiē jí guān niàn bìng qiě yǒu gāo céng de rén lái zuò jué dìng. qí cì, tā men bù xǐ huān zhí jiē shuō" bù". rú guǒ tā men kāi shǐ tí chū yī xiē xiǎo de fǎn duì yì jiàn, jī běn shàng shuō míng tā men xiǎng biǎo dá tā men bù gǎn xīng qù. dàn shì yóu qí zhòng yào de shì, zhèng rú shàng miàn wǒ suǒ shuō de, bú yào dān xīn zhèi xiē hào fèi shí jiān. wú lùn nǐ shì xué xí zhōng guó gōng sī de yùn xíng mó shì, zhèng fǔ de shuì shōu zhì dù huò shì hé zī gōng sī de guī zhāng děng děng dōu xū yào zhèi xiē,