
歌曲 启示教学法(7/7)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八minilecture


Now, to sum up in today’s lecture, we have a general understanding of using suggestopedia in learning a foreign language. There is no doubt that suggestopedia has raised some interesting questions and some of its techniques can be successfully used to achieve good results in the areas of both learning and memory. I hope it will do you good in the future.
现在,来总结一下今天课程的主要内容。 我们对于暗示法在外语学习中的使用,有了大致的了解。 毫无疑问,暗示法提出了许多有趣的问题,其中许多方法可以成功运用于学习和记忆领域,并取得良好成效。希望未来,这个方法能对你们有所帮助。


Now, to sum up in today' s lecture, we have a general understanding of using suggestopedia in learning a foreign language. There is no doubt that suggestopedia has raised some interesting questions and some of its techniques can be successfully used to achieve good results in the areas of both learning and memory. I hope it will do you good in the future.
xiàn zài, lái zǒng jié yī xià jīn tiān kè chéng de zhǔ yào nèi róng. wǒ men duì yú àn shì fǎ zài wài yǔ xué xí zhōng de shǐ yòng, yǒu le dà zhì de liǎo jiě. háo wú yí wèn, àn shì fǎ tí chū le xǔ duō yǒu qù de wèn tí, qí zhōng xǔ duō fāng fǎ kě yǐ chéng gōng yùn yòng yú xué xí hé jì yì lǐng yù, bìng qǔ de liáng hǎo chéng xiào. xī wàng wèi lái, zhè gè fāng fǎ néng duì nǐ men yǒu suǒ bāng zhù.