
歌曲 如何写一篇论文(1/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八minilecture


Good morning, everyone. We will talk about how to write a dissertation in today’s lecture. As we know dissertations have become an increasingly important component of higher education. It provides you with an opportunity to work independently on a topic that particularly interests you. So, it is important to know how to approach your own dissertation in the first place. First, we will have a brief introduction of dissertation. Different subject disciplines may emphasize different features, but, broadly speaking, a dissertation is a continuous piece of writing, arranged in clearly placed paragraphs, in which an argument is developed, in response to a central question or proposition. The line of argument is supported by evidence you have acquired through research, which you are required to analyze, and which supports or contradicts the various perspectives explored in the course of the argument. The dissertation then reaches a conclusion in the final section, which pulls together the threads of your argument, supporting, qualifying or rejecting the original thesis. It is worth bearing in mind that an academic dissertation is not a piece of writing designed to reproduce information available elsewhere, but something new and expressive of your individual abilities to analyze and synthesize. In addition, the process of academic writing will help you to learn, by enabling you to work with concepts and information relevant to your subject, and thereby developing your intellectual skills.
大家早上好, 今天我们要讨论如何写一篇论文。 正如我们所知道的,在高等教育中,论文重要性日趋明显。 它提供了一个能让你对自己感兴趣的话题进行独立工作研究的机会。 所以,首先知道如何写一篇论文,是很重要的。 不同的学科强调不同的特点,但宽泛来讲,论文就是一篇连续的写作, 以明晰安排的段落组成,对一个网中心问题或者建议阐述一个观点。 并且找到支撑论点的证据,要求作者通过分析支持或者反对论点中的各种看法。 值得注意的是一篇学术论文不是为了复制其他地方的信息的,而是要体现个人的分析和综述能力。 而且,写这篇论文的过程中通过让你学习一些和主题相关的概念和信息,也可以帮助你学习,并最终,发展你的智力


Good morning, everyone. We will talk about how to write a dissertation in today' s lecture. As we know dissertations have become an increasingly important component of higher education. It provides you with an opportunity to work independently on a topic that particularly interests you. So, it is important to know how to approach your own dissertation in the first place. First, we will have a brief introduction of dissertation. Different subject disciplines may emphasize different features, but, broadly speaking, a dissertation is a continuous piece of writing, arranged in clearly placed paragraphs, in which an argument is developed, in response to a central question or proposition. The line of argument is supported by evidence you have acquired through research, which you are required to analyze, and which supports or contradicts the various perspectives explored in the course of the argument. The dissertation then reaches a conclusion in the final section, which pulls together the threads of your argument, supporting, qualifying or rejecting the original thesis. It is worth bearing in mind that an academic dissertation is not a piece of writing designed to reproduce information available elsewhere, but something new and expressive of your individual abilities to analyze and synthesize. In addition, the process of academic writing will help you to learn, by enabling you to work with concepts and information relevant to your subject, and thereby developing your intellectual skills.
dà jiā zǎo shàng hǎo, jīn tiān wǒ men yào tǎo lùn rú hé xiě yī piān lùn wén. zhèng rú wǒ men suǒ zhī dào de, zài gāo děng jiào yù zhōng, lùn wén zhòng yào xìng rì qū míng xiǎn. tā tí gōng le yí gè néng ràng nǐ duì zì jǐ gǎn xīng qù de huà tí jìn xíng dú lì gōng zuò yán jiū de jī huì. suǒ yǐ, shǒu xiān zhī dào rú hé xiě yī piān lùn wén, shì hěn zhòng yào de. bù tóng de xué kē qiáng diào bù tóng de tè diǎn, dàn kuān fàn lái jiǎng, lùn wén jiù shì yī piān lián xù de xiě zuò, yǐ míng xī ān pái de duàn luò zǔ chéng, duì yí gè wǎng zhōng xīn wèn tí huò zhě jiàn yì chǎn shù yí gè guān diǎn. bìng qiě zhǎo dào zhī chēng lùn diǎn dí zhèng jù, yāo qiú zuò zhě tōng guò fèn xī zhī chí huò zhě fǎn duì lùn diǎn zhōng de gè zhǒng kàn fǎ. zhí de zhù yì de shì yī piān xué shù lùn wén bú shì wèi le fù zhì qí tā dì fāng de xìn xī de, ér shì yào tǐ xiàn gè rén de fēn xī hé zōng shù néng lì. ér qiě, xiě zhè piān lùn wén de guò chéng zhōng tōng guò ràng nǐ xué xí yī xiē hé zhǔ tí xiāng guān de gài niàn hé xìn xī, yě kě yǐ bāng zhù nǐ xué xí, bìng zuì zhōng, fā zhǎn nǐ de zhì lì