
歌曲 如何成为有效的阅读者(4/9)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八minilecture


The second point I'd like to make is about the types of reading. Many books, papers and dissertations have been written about various types of reading, as well as methods of teaching reading. We will not go into details but will briefly revise basic types of reading. In academic environment, there are two basic types of reading: intensive and extensive. Let us briefly look at them separately. What is intensive reading?


The second point I' d like to make is about the types of reading. Many books, papers and dissertations have been written about various types of reading, as well as methods of teaching reading. We will not go into details but will briefly revise basic types of reading. In academic environment, there are two basic types of reading: intensive and extensive. Let us briefly look at them separately. What is intensive reading?
wǒ yào zhǐ chū de dì èr diǎn shì yuè dú de lèi xíng. xǔ duō shū jí bào zhǐ lùn wén dōu shì yǐ gè zhǒng jiǒng yì de fēng gé xiě chū lái de. zhè yě jiù yāo qiú yuè dú jiào xué shì yìng bù tóng de fēng gé. wǒ men bú huì shè jí tài duō de xì jié, dàn wǒ men huì jiǎn dān dì huí gù yī xià yuè dú de jī běn lèi xíng. zài xué shù yán jiū de dà bèi jǐng xià, yǒu liǎng zhǒng jī běn de yuè dú lèi xíng: jīng dú hé fàn dú. ràng wǒ men fēn bié duì tā men jìn xíng jiǎn dān de liǎo jiě. shén me shì jīng dú?