
歌曲 美国黑人英语(1/6)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八minilecture


Good morning, boys and girls. There is an indispensable part of American English, which is American Black English. So in our today's lecture,we may focus on some issues about it. It is extremely difficult to say how many people speak Black English because it is not clearly what exactly this would mean. As we know, except for Native Americans, no one is from America. It is estimated that at least 170 ethnic groups live in the United States. American black people make up about 12% of the American population, and about 80% of American black people speak Black English. Because of its lack of formal recognition,American Black English is often treated just as a local slang and linguistic deviation. It is only recently that it has become an area of great interest to linguistics, who are keen on learning about universal tendencies in this language and studying language status,attitudes,and the importance of the language. But there are still many controversies about how to describe it and how to explain its origin and development. So we will talk about it in two aspects.
早上好,同学们。美国英语中有一个不可分割的部分是美国黑人英语,所以在我们今天的课程中,我们将集中讨论关于它的几个问题。很难统计有多少人在使用黑人英语因为这个词的准确定义还不清楚。如我们所知,出了美国本地的人,其他人原来不是来自美国的。据统计,美国至少有170个民族。美国黑人占据了美国人口的12%,其中80%的美国黑人使用黑人英语。 由于缺乏正式的认可,黑人英语一直被当做一种俚语或者是语言变体,直到最近它才引起很多热衷研究这个语言的一般趋势,语言地位,态度,和该语言重要性的语言学家研究的兴趣。但是关于如何形容它以及如何解释它的起源和发展,仍存在很多争议。所以我们从两个方面讨论这个问题。


Good morning, boys and girls. There is an indispensable part of American English, which is American Black English. So in our today' s lecture, we may focus on some issues about it. It is extremely difficult to say how many people speak Black English because it is not clearly what exactly this would mean. As we know, except for Native Americans, no one is from America. It is estimated that at least 170 ethnic groups live in the United States. American black people make up about 12 of the American population, and about 80 of American black people speak Black English. Because of its lack of formal recognition, American Black English is often treated just as a local slang and linguistic deviation. It is only recently that it has become an area of great interest to linguistics, who are keen on learning about universal tendencies in this language and studying language status, attitudes, and the importance of the language. But there are still many controversies about how to describe it and how to explain its origin and development. So we will talk about it in two aspects.
zǎo shàng hǎo, tóng xué men. měi guó yīng yǔ zhōng yǒu yí gè bù kě fēn gē de bù fèn shì měi guó hēi rén yīng yǔ, suǒ yǐ zài wǒ men jīn tiān de kè chéng zhōng, wǒ men jiāng jí zhōng tǎo lùn guān yú tā de jǐ gè wèn tí. hěn nán tǒng jì yǒu duō shǎo rén zài shǐ yòng hēi rén yīng yǔ yīn wèi zhè gè cí de zhǔn què dìng yì hái bù qīng chǔ. rú wǒ men suǒ zhī, chū le měi guó běn dì de rén, qí tā rén yuán lái bú shì lái zì měi guó de. jù tǒng jì, měi guó zhì shǎo yǒu 170 gè mín zú. měi guó hēi rén zhàn jù le měi guó rén kǒu de 12, qí zhōng 80 de měi guó hēi rén shǐ yòng hēi rén yīng yǔ. yóu yú quē fá zhèng shì de rèn kě, hēi rén yīng yǔ yī zhí bèi dàng zuò yī zhǒng lǐ yǔ huò zhě shì yǔ yán biàn tǐ, zhí dào zuì jìn tā cái yǐn qǐ hěn duō rè zhōng yán jiū zhè gè yǔ yán de yì bān qū shì, yǔ yán dì wèi, tài dù, hé gāi yǔ yán zhòng yào xìng de yǔ yán xué jiā yán jiū de xìng qù. dàn shì guān yú rú hé xíng róng tā yǐ jí rú hé jiě shì tā de qǐ yuán hé fā zhǎn, réng cún zài hěn duō zhēng yì. suǒ yǐ wǒ men cóng liǎng gè fāng miàn tǎo lùn zhè gè wèn tí.