
歌曲 体育教育(2/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八minilecture


All Physical education Activity courses stress the recreational and carry-over values of that activity rather than the ability or performance level of the students. One credit courses are offered on a quarter basis and meet for two hours of class per week for a half semester. Grading is on a "pass or fail" basis contingent upon attendance and participation in the activity. A maximum of four one-credit physical education courses are applicable toward graduation,but these courses are not required. Students are encouraged to register for second and fourth quarter classes during regular fall and spring registration. Remember that this is a vocational training institute. We train you so that you can take a particular kind of job. So it is important that you know the main roles of the jobs-what the work is like and what kind of qualities you need to succeeds at them. attendance vocational
所有的体育教育类课程都强调活动的娱乐性而非学生在课堂中的表现。 一学分的课程是分为四次可供选择。每半个学期每周都有两小时的课 出勤率和参与活动的表现都会考虑在成绩之内。 最多会有4个学分为一的体育教育课程在毕业之前可供选择。 学生可以在秋季和春季的第二次和第四次开课之时选课。 注意记住这是一个职业培训课程。训练的目的在于能让你胜任某种特定职业。所以你需要知道这些工作的主要职责。工作是什么样的工作,又需要哪些品质才能够在这些岗位上胜任。


All Physical education Activity courses stress the recreational and carryover values of that activity rather than the ability or performance level of the students. One credit courses are offered on a quarter basis and meet for two hours of class per week for a half semester. Grading is on a " pass or fail" basis contingent upon attendance and participation in the activity. A maximum of four onecredit physical education courses are applicable toward graduation, but these courses are not required. Students are encouraged to register for second and fourth quarter classes during regular fall and spring registration. Remember that this is a vocational training institute. We train you so that you can take a particular kind of job. So it is important that you know the main roles of the jobswhat the work is like and what kind of qualities you need to succeeds at them. attendance vocational
suǒ yǒu de tǐ yù jiào yù lèi kè chéng dōu qiáng diào huó dòng de yú lè xìng ér fēi xué shēng zài kè táng zhōng de biǎo xiàn. yī xué fēn de kè chéng shì fēn wéi sì cì kě gōng xuǎn zé. měi bàn gè xué qī měi zhōu dōu yǒu liǎng xiǎo shí de kè chū qín lǜ hé cān yù huó dòng de biǎo xiàn dōu huì kǎo lǜ zài chéng jī zhī nèi. zuì duō huì yǒu 4 gè xué fēn wéi yī de tǐ yù jiào yù kè chéng zài bì yè zhī qián kě gōng xuǎn zé. xué shēng kě yǐ zài qiū jì hé chūn jì de dì èr cì hé dì sì cì kāi kè zhī shí xuǎn kè. zhù yì jì zhù zhè shì yí gè zhí yè péi xùn kè chéng. xùn liàn de mù dì zài yú néng ràng nǐ shèng rèn mǒu zhǒng tè dìng zhí yè. suǒ yǐ nǐ xū yào zhī dào zhèi xiē gōng zuò de zhǔ yào zhí zé. gōng zuò shì shén me yàng de gōng zuò, yòu xū yào něi xiē pǐn zhì cái néng gòu zài zhèi xiē gǎng wèi shàng shèng rèn.