Part B 历年真题范文-8

歌曲 Part B 历年真题范文-8
歌手 英语听力
专辑 考研英语高分写作


[00:01.65] The drawing vividly shows a runner who is making a spurt at the finishing line
[00:07.49] which is also a new point he will start from.
[00:10.47] In the drawing, the runner is running with painstaking effort around the track of a playground,
[00:17.24] sweat pouring down his face.
[00:19.42] On both sides of the runner, there are two poles and a line between them.
[00:24.71] On the ground there are two signs that say "ENDING" and "STARTING".
[00:29.75] The painter wants to tell us that, just like running,
[00:33.34] whatever we are doing, we should never stop making progress.
[00:37.33] First and foremost, it applies to individuals as in such a competitive world everybody is trying to get ahead.
[00:45.57] Furthermore, the country on the world should move forward in terms of politics, economy, and culture
[00:52.30] so that we Chinese as a nation can gain sustained respect from other peoples.
[00:57.56] Examples to prove the view are abundant.
[01:00.83] The most persuasive are the cases of famous athletes like Fu Mingxia and Deng Yaping,
[01:07.06] whose success is gained through non-stop efforts.
[01:10.61] By contrast, a lot of people choose to take a rest to enjoy their small success
[01:16.18] and thus lose the motivation for further achievement.
[01:20.03] In sum, keeping making progress should be the right attitude towards life
[01:25.28] and work for everybody and even for a country


[00:01.65] zhè fú huà shēng dòng dì miáo huì le yí gè pǎo bù zhě zhèng zài chōng xiàng zhōng diǎn
[00:07.49] zhè gè zhōng diǎn tóng shí yě shì yí gè xīn de qǐ diǎn
[00:10.47] zài tú zhōng, tā zhèng fù chū jiān kǔ de nǔ lì, rào zhe cāo chǎng de pǎo dào bēn pǎo
[00:17.24] hàn shuǐ tǎng xià liǎn páng
[00:19.42] zài tā de liǎng biān, yǒu liǎng gè biāo gān, biāo gān jiān yǒu yī tiáo xiàn
[00:24.71] dì miàn shàng yǒu liǎng gè biāo jì, xiě zhe" zhōng diǎn" hé" qǐ diǎn"
[00:29.75] huà jiā xiǎng chuán dá gěi wǒ men de shì, zhèng rú pǎo bù yí yàng
[00:33.34] wú lùn wǒ men zuò shí mǒ, dōu bù yīng tíng zhǐ qián jìn
[00:37.33] shǒu xiān, tā shì yòng yú gè rén, yīn wèi zài zhè yàng yí gè chōng mǎn jìng zhēng de shì jiè lǐ, měi ge rén dōu zài nǔ lì xiàng qián
[00:45.57] qí cì, zhěng gè guó jiā zài zhèng zhì jīng jì hé wén huà fāng miàn yě yīng gāi bù duàn qián jìn
[00:52.30] zhè yàng zhōng guó cái néng yíng de gè guó rén mín de cháng jiǔ zūn jìng
[00:57.56] néng zhèng míng zhè gè guān diǎn de lì zi bù shèng méi jǔ
[01:00.83] zuì yǒu shuō fú lì de jiù shì zhū rú xiàng fú míng xiá hé dèng yà píng děng zhù míng yùn dòng yuán de lì zi
[01:07.06] tā men de chéng gōng zhèng shì tōng guò yǒng bù tíng xī de nǔ lì huò dé de
[01:10.61] xiāng bǐ zhī xià, hěn duō rén yīn wèi yì diǎn xiǎo de chéng gōng jiù xuǎn zé xiū xī
[01:16.18] jìn ér sàng shī le huò dé gèng gāo chéng jiù de dòng lì
[01:20.03] zǒng zhī, bù duàn qǔ de jìn bù yìng shì měi ge rén duì yú shēng huó
[01:25.28] hé gōng zuò, shèn zhì shì guó jiā de zhèng què tài dù