Part B 必背范文-17

歌曲 Part B 必背范文-17
歌手 英语听力
专辑 考研英语高分写作


[00:01.90] The cartoons vividly depict the relationship between wealth and happiness.
[00:06.18] In the first picture, a graduate is standing on the top of a hill named "high salary".
[00:12.60] In the second drawing, a magnate is imprisoned by a diamond crown.
[00:17.28] The caption reads "Wealth is not equal to happiness".
[00:21.60] There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness,
[00:24.99] especially in the modern society.
[00:27.07] Various kinds of up-to-date household appliances,
[00:30.18] latest fashions and recreations make their appearances with each passing day.
[00:35.80] On the contrary, wealth can also lead to disasters if we have an inappropriate approach to it.
[00:42.08] Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits,
[00:47.78] such as drug-taking and gambling, and result in their ruin.
[00:51.99] From my point of view, one should never rely only on wealth to achieve happiness.
[00:57.82] For one thing, a person may lose his reason and go astray if he only intends to seek wealth and indulges himself in leading a luxurious life.
[01:08.15] For another, there are some government officials who take advantage of their positions to take bribes from the people turning to them for help.
[01:17.06] Hence, on no account can we equate happiness with wealth.


[00:01.90] zhèi xiē màn huà shēng dòng de miáo huì le cái fù hé kuài lè de guān xì.
[00:06.18] tú yī zhōng, yí gè bì yè shēng zhàn zài yī zuò míng wéi" gāo xīn" de xiǎo shān dǐng shàng.
[00:12.60] tú èr zhōng, yí gè fù háo bèi qiú jìn zài zuàn shí huáng guān zhī zhōng.
[00:17.28] wén zì shuō míng xiǎn shì:" cái fù bù děng yú kuài lè."
[00:21.60] háo wú yí wèn, cái fù néng dài lái kuài lè,
[00:24.99] yóu qí shì zài xiàn dài shè huì.
[00:27.07] gè zhǒng gè yàng de xīn shì jiā yòng diàn qì,
[00:30.18] zuì xīn de shí shàng hé yú lè yǔ rì jù zēng.
[00:35.80] lìng yī fāng miàn, rú guǒ wǒ men cǎi qǔ bù qià dàng de shǒu duàn huò dé cái fù, cái fù yě néng dài lái zāi nàn.
[00:42.08] cái fù kě néng yòu huò yì zhì bó ruò de rén mí shàng yǒu hài de xí guàn,
[00:47.78] lì rú xī dú hé dǔ bó, bìng qiě dǎo zhì huǐ miè.
[00:51.99] zài wǒ kàn lái, rén bù néng zhǐ shì yī lài cái fù lái huò dé kuài lè.
[00:57.82] yī fāng miàn, yí ge rén rú guǒ zhǐ xiǎng xún qiú cái fù, bìng chén mí yú guò dù shē huá de shēng huó, jiù huì shī qù lǐ xìng, wù rù qí tú.
[01:08.15] lìng yī fāng miàn, yǒu yī xiē zhèng fǔ guān yuán lì yòng zhí quán, xiàng yǒu qiú yú tā men de rén suǒ qǔ huì lù.
[01:17.06] yīn cǐ, wǒ men jué bù néng bǎ kuài lè děng tóng yú cái fù.