
第一季第七集(2) 歌词

歌曲 第一季第七集(2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美剧听写:女实习医生格蕾
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[00:01.14] Gastric bypass is a procedure normally done on obese patients
[00:05.05] to help them lose weight.
[00:07.27] Claire?
[00:08.87] She doesn't need to lose weight.
[00:10.21] Are you kidding?
[00:11.51] This means the world to her.
[00:13.75] But it is so typical of this girl to take the easy way out.
[00:16.60] She's done it with everything since she was a little kid.
[00:19.13] Mrs. Rice, nothing about this is gonna be easy. Rice
[00:21.82] She's gonna face a lifelong struggle with malnutrition
[00:24.16] unless she has surgery to reverse the procedure.
[00:26.81] Do the surgery.
[00:28.92] I told her to watch the freshman 15 --
[00:31.58] don't eat junk, exercise.
[00:33.41] But when she came home Christmas, who had to take her out and buy her
[00:36.02] a brand-new pair of size-6 jeans because she couldn't get in the ones I got her last summer?
[00:40.24] Tina, you know, she tries so hard. Tina,
[00:43.31] She does. She gets good grades. She gets "A"s.
[00:46.77] She has illegal surgery in Mexico.
[00:49.65] Unfortunately, there were complications with the bypass.
[00:54.63] What do you mean?
[00:56.41] She has what looks like an abscess under her diaphragm --
[00:59.58] an edema, which is a swelling of the bowel wall.
[01:02.55] I can't say for certain she'll recover completely.
[01:07.22] Just... do whatever you have to do to make her well, okay?
[00:01.14] 胃旁路手术是针对肥胖的人做的
[00:05.05] 来帮助她们减肥
[00:07.27] Claire吗?
[00:08.87] 她不需要减肥
[00:10.21] 你开玩笑吧?
[00:11.51] 这对她很重要
[00:13.75] 这种简单的手术对她来说很见成效
[00:16.60] 当她还是个小孩子的时候就把这事完成了
[00:19.13] 夫人, 这并不简单
[00:21.82] 她将一辈子面临营养不良
[00:24.16] 除非她再做一次手术来逆转
[00:26.81] 做手术
[00:28.92] 我叫她学学大一的新生
[00:31.58] 不要吃垃圾,多运动
[00:33.41] 但是当她圣诞节回来 我不得不带她出去买
[00:36.02] 一条崭新的6号的牛仔裤 因为上个夏天买的她已经穿不上了
[00:40.24] 你知道吗? 她已经很努力了
[00:43.31] 是的,她学习成绩很好,得了很多“A”
[00:46.77] 她在墨西哥做非法的手术
[00:49.65] 很不幸,手术有并发症
[00:54.63] 你的意思是?
[00:56.41] 她的横隔下看上去有囊肿
[00:59.58] 一个水肿很厉害的地方,是扩张的肠管
[01:02.55] 我很难讲她会不会完全康复
[01:07.22] 拜托,尽你们的力量来使她好起来,好吗?
第一季第七集(2) 歌词
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