
歌曲 第一季第七集(8)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美剧听写:女实习医生格蕾


[00:00.96] When you're done here, you have post-ops waiting.
[00:04.17] I know, Dr. Bailey.
[00:05.78] Cristina's got the flu, so you need to pick up the slack in the clinic. Cristina
[00:08.75] Look, I'll mop the floors, okay?
[00:12.54] Sorry, that was inappropriate.
[00:14.37] It's not the only thing that's inappropriate.
[00:19.36] You care to tell me what you think you're doing?
[00:22.18] I'll jump through hoops if you want me to.
[00:24.48] But what I do what I leave this hospital is my business.
[00:27.32] Half this hospital knows your business.
[00:29.42] Flu isn't the only virus spreading around here.
[00:32.22] I made a choice, and I know you don't respect me for that choice.
[00:36.05] But I'll live with the consequences.
[00:38.28] Then I'll have lots of hoops for you to jump through.
[00:40.83] I've done everything you've asked me to do.
[00:42.76] I may not do it your way, but it gets done.
[00:45.58] So whatever else you got, bring it on.


[00:00.96] zuò wán zhè gè, nǐ kě yǐ zài mén zhěn fú wù tái děng zhe
[00:04.17] wǒ zhī dào Bailey yī shēng
[00:05.78] gǎn mào le suǒ yǐ yī yuàn lǐ yǒu xiē méi rén zuò de shì nǐ yào qù zuò
[00:08.75] wǒ huì shōu shi cán jú de, kě yǐ le ma?
[00:12.54] duì bù qǐ, nà bù hé lǐ
[00:14.37] bìng bù zhǐ yǒu zhè yī jiàn shì bù hé lǐ
[00:19.36] nǐ néng gào sù wǒ nǐ zhī dào nǐ zài gàn shén me ma?
[00:22.18] wǒ huì kuà yuè nèi xiē zhàng ài, rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng de huà
[00:24.48] dàn shì wǒ zuò shí mǒ, shén me shí hòu lí kāi yī yuàn shì wǒ zì jǐ de shì qíng
[00:27.32] bàn gè yī yuàn de rén dōu zhī dào nǐ de shì le
[00:29.42] liú gǎn bìng bú shì wéi yī zài zhè màn yán de dōng xī
[00:32.22] wǒ zuò le zì jǐ de jué dìng, wǒ yě zhī dào nǐ bù xǐ huān wǒ de jué dìng
[00:36.05] dàn shì wǒ huì duì zì jǐ de suǒ zuò suǒ wéi fù zé dào dǐ de
[00:38.28] wǒ zhè huì yǒu yī dà duī nǐ bì xū kuà yuè de zhàng ài
[00:40.83] nǐ jiào wǒ de zuò de shì wǒ dōu zuò le
[00:42.76] kě néng bú shì àn zhào nǐ xiǎng yào de fāng shì zuò de dàn bì jìng dōu wán chéng le
[00:45.58] suǒ yǐ bù guǎn nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng, fàng mǎ guò lái ba