
歌曲 圣十字架宫1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC女王的宫殿


Of all the Queen's palaces, the Scottish palace of Holyroodhouse boasts the most spectacular setting. The extinct volcano of Arthur's Seat and the mountainous Salisbury Crags dominate the landscape. At one end, the castle glowers down at Edinburgh, a brooding fortress. And then at the other end of the old thoroughfare sits Holyrood, stately and elegant. The Palace of Holyroodhouse has stood here for over 500 years. It's a treasure trove Scotland's most glorious objects. Clues in a story of murder, mystery and a struggle for power.
在英女皇的行宫中,以苏格兰的荷里路德宫景物最壮观,旁边有阿瑟王宝座死火山,索尔兹伯里峭壁,巍峨耸立。 城堡一边俯瞰爱丁堡,若有所思。另一边的荷里路德宫却是庄严典雅。 荷里路德宫已有500多年历史,宫内放有苏格兰最宝贵的珍品。 暗藏了一段宫闱仇杀…波谲云诡为权力明争暗斗的秘史。


Of all the Queen' s palaces, the Scottish palace of Holyroodhouse boasts the most spectacular setting. The extinct volcano of Arthur' s Seat and the mountainous Salisbury Crags dominate the landscape. At one end, the castle glowers down at Edinburgh, a brooding fortress. And then at the other end of the old thoroughfare sits Holyrood, stately and elegant. The Palace of Holyroodhouse has stood here for over 500 years. It' s a treasure trove Scotland' s most glorious objects. Clues in a story of murder, mystery and a struggle for power.
zài yīng nǚ huáng de xíng gōng zhōng, yǐ sū gé lán de hé lǐ lù dé gōng jǐng wù zuì zhuàng guān, páng biān yǒu a sè wáng bǎo zuò sǐ huǒ shān, suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ qiào bì, wēi é sǒng lì. chéng bǎo yī biān fǔ kàn ài dīng bǎo, ruò yǒu suǒ sī. lìng yī biān de hé lǐ lù dé gōng què shì zhuāng yán diǎn yǎ. hé lǐ lù dé gōng yǐ yǒu 500 duō nián lì shǐ, gōng nèi fàng yǒu sū gé lán zuì bǎo guì de zhēn pǐn. àn cáng le yī duàn gōng wéi chóu shā bō jué yún guǐ wèi quán lì míng zhēng àn dòu de mì shǐ.