
歌曲 圣十字架宫30
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC女王的宫殿


The destiny of both Scotland and England would be decided here, in the Highlands. Everything rested on the ability of one man to rouse the nationalist ardour of Scotland. In 1745, a small boat landed off the west coast of Scotland, not far from here, in the Hebridean islands. It carried a 24-year-old man, Charles Edward Stuart, who believed his claim was more legitimate than the man currently sitting on the throne, the unpopular George II, who was German. As grandson of the last Stuart King, Charles declared his claim and that of his father to the thrones of Scotland and England. The fight would start in Scotland, where the Stuart name still held sway. He planned to rally support among the Highland clans and lead an army south, but he didn't get the most encouraging reception.
苏格兰西高地,苏格兰和英格兰的命运要在高地上决定,视乎他可否打动苏格兰人的爱国心。 1745年有条小船在苏格兰西岸泊岸,距离赫希底里群岛不远。船上是24岁的查理爱德华斯图亚特,他认为自己更有资格登上王位,胜过不受欢迎…又是德国人的乔治二世 查理是最后一位斯图亚特王的孙儿宣称他和他的父亲有资格登上苏格兰和英格兰的王位,他准备从苏格兰开始作战。斯图亚特在这里仍有影响力,他计划召集高地的氏族,起兵南下,不过反应并不热烈。


The destiny of both Scotland and England would be decided here, in the Highlands. Everything rested on the ability of one man to rouse the nationalist ardour of Scotland. In 1745, a small boat landed off the west coast of Scotland, not far from here, in the Hebridean islands. It carried a 24yearold man, Charles Edward Stuart, who believed his claim was more legitimate than the man currently sitting on the throne, the unpopular George II, who was German. As grandson of the last Stuart King, Charles declared his claim and that of his father to the thrones of Scotland and England. The fight would start in Scotland, where the Stuart name still held sway. He planned to rally support among the Highland clans and lead an army south, but he didn' t get the most encouraging reception.
sū gé lán xī gāo dì, sū gé lán hé yīng gé lán de mìng yùn yào zài gāo dì shàng jué dìng, shì hū tā kě fǒu dǎ dòng sū gé lán rén de ài guó xīn. 1745 nián yǒu tiáo xiǎo chuán zài sū gé lán xī àn pō àn, jù lí hè xī dǐ lǐ qún dǎo bù yuǎn. chuán shàng shì 24 suì de zhā lǐ ài dé huá sī tú yà tè, tā rèn wéi zì jǐ gèng yǒu zī gé dēng shàng wáng wèi, shèng guò bù shòu huān yíng yòu shì dé guó rén de qiáo zhì èr shì zhā lǐ shì zuì hòu yī wèi sī tú yà tè wáng de sūn ér xuān chēng tā hé tā de fù qīn yǒu zī gé dēng shàng sū gé lán hé yīng gé lán de wáng wèi, tā zhǔn bèi cóng sū gé lán kāi shǐ zuò zhàn. sī tú yà tè zài zhè lǐ réng yǒu yǐng xiǎng lì, tā jì huà zhào jí gāo dì de shì zú, qǐ bīng nán xià, bù guò fǎn yìng bìng bù rè liè.