
歌曲 圣十字架宫34
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC女王的宫殿


As he dreamt of victory, the aspiring prince slept here, the best bed in the house. When this bed was commissioned in 1682, it cost a king's ransom, the equivalent in today's money of £30,000, and nine tenths of that was the fabric. You see what was once a rich red velvet, and then around it the brocade of a silver or metallic thread. It's what's known as an angel bed, hanging from chains from the ceiling, as if suspended from heaven, and then it has these magnificent ostrich plumes and egret feathers at the corners and again it's a status symbol. Only the wealthiest could possibly afford these feathers from exotic climes, and just think, when Bonnie Prince Charlie slept in this bed he really must have felt like a king in the making.


As he dreamt of victory, the aspiring prince slept here, the best bed in the house. When this bed was commissioned in 1682, it cost a king' s ransom, the equivalent in today' s money of 30, 000, and nine tenths of that was the fabric. You see what was once a rich red velvet, and then around it the brocade of a silver or metallic thread. It' s what' s known as an angel bed, hanging from chains from the ceiling, as if suspended from heaven, and then it has these magnificent ostrich plumes and egret feathers at the corners and again it' s a status symbol. Only the wealthiest could possibly afford these feathers from exotic climes, and just think, when Bonnie Prince Charlie slept in this bed he really must have felt like a king in the making.
wáng zǐ jiù shuì zài zhè lǐ, mèng xiǎng yī zhàn gōng chéng. zhè shì gōng nèi zuì shū shì de chuáng, chuáng yú 1682 nián yǐ tiān jià pìn qǐng gōng jiàng zào chéng, zào jià xiāng děng yú jīn tiān de 3 wàn yīng bàng, qí zhōng 9 chéng huā zài bù liào zhī shàng. dāng shí shì xiān hóng de tiān é róng, wéi shàng yòng yín xiàn huò jīn shǔ xiàn zào chéng de zhī jǐn. zhè jiào tiān shǐ chuáng, cóng tiān huā yòng tiě liàn diào xià, fǎng sì cóng tiān ér jiàng, jiǎo luò yǒu huá lì de tuó niǎo hé bái lù yǔ máo, yě shì dì wèi xiàng zhēng, zhǐ yǒu jù fù cái kě cóng wài dì yùn lái měi yǔ zhuāng shì. dāng zhā lǐ wáng zǐ shuì zài chuáng shàng shí, yí dìng chóu chú mǎn zhì yǐ wéi wáng wèi zài wò.