
歌曲 温莎城堡37
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC女王的宫殿


Windsor Castle would become a playground for Victoria's young family, as well as a place to entertain the grandest of visitors. But for Victoria, the castle ultimately became a place of grief. After her beloved Albert died of typhoid in 1861, she spent many hours secluded behind these walls, shrouded in black, earning herself the nickname "The Widow Of Windsor". Yet Windsor would once again become a symbol of the nation's identity. In the dark days of the First World War, Victoria's grandson, George V, dropped the royal family's German name of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. By proclamation on 17th July 1917, the Royal family became known as the House of Windsor.
对于年轻的维多利亚一家来说,温莎城堡成了游乐场,也是很多游客的娱乐之地。但对维多利亚来说,这座城堡最终成了伤心之地。 在她挚爱的阿尔伯特亲王于1861死于伤寒之后,她终年隐居在这里,常穿着黑衣,就此得一绰号“温莎寡妇”。然而温莎城堡再一次成了国家身份的象征,在一战那些黑暗的日子里,维多利亚的孙子,乔治五世,放弃了皇室的德国姓氏——萨克森-科堡-哥达。根据1917年7月17日发布的声明,皇室称号就变成了温莎王朝。


Windsor Castle would become a playground for Victoria' s young family, as well as a place to entertain the grandest of visitors. But for Victoria, the castle ultimately became a place of grief. After her beloved Albert died of typhoid in 1861, she spent many hours secluded behind these walls, shrouded in black, earning herself the nickname " The Widow Of Windsor". Yet Windsor would once again become a symbol of the nation' s identity. In the dark days of the First World War, Victoria' s grandson, George V, dropped the royal family' s German name of SaxeCoburg and Gotha. By proclamation on 17th July 1917, the Royal family became known as the House of Windsor.
duì yú nián qīng de wéi duō lì yà yī jiā lái shuō, wēn shā chéng bǎo chéng le yóu lè chǎng, yě shì hěn duō yóu kè de yú lè zhī dì. dàn duì wéi duō lì yà lái shuō, zhè zuò chéng bǎo zuì zhōng chéng le shāng xīn zhī dì. zài tā zhì ài de a ěr bó tè qīn wáng yú 1861 sǐ yú shāng hán zhī hòu, tā zhōng nián yǐn jū zài zhè lǐ, cháng chuān zhe hēi yī, jiù cǐ dé yī chuò hào" wēn shā guǎ fù". rán ér wēn shā chéng bǎo zài yī cì chéng le guó jiā shēn fèn de xiàng zhēng, zài yī zhàn nèi xiē hēi àn de rì zi lǐ, wéi duō lì yà de sūn zi, qiáo zhì wǔ shì, fàng qì le huáng shì de dé guó xìng shì sà kè sēn kē bǎo gē dá. gēn jù 1917 nián 7 yuè 17 rì fā bù de shēng míng, huáng shì chēng hào jiù biàn chéng le wēn shā wáng cháo.