
歌曲 白金汉宫7
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC女王的宫殿


[00:00.427] But years later, one king had different ideas for the park.
[00:08.867] James I didn't cut the finest of figures,
[00:12.336] yet he was fond of the finest of clothes,
[00:14.674] especially the best silk.
[00:18.315] Always short of cash,
[00:19.386] James realised that silk,
[00:20.690] a great luxury of the day,
[00:23.217] might be an excellent way to make some serious money.
[00:27.335] On the land that is now the gardens of Buckingham Palace,
[00:30.575] James decided to create a homespun English silk industry
[00:35.005] with the help of a particular tree, the mulberry.
[00:39.430] In 1608, James I had dozens of mulberry trees planted here 1608
[00:43.682] and introduced these Silkworms.
[00:48.762] And the idea was to harvest the silkworms' thread from the cocoon
[00:54.437] and use it to spin silk.
[00:55.808] Trouble is, he chose the wrong kind of mulberry tree.
[00:58.699] This, the black mulberry.
[01:01.547] And the silkworms just weren't interested.


[00:00.427] dàn jǐ nián yǐ hòu, yī wèi guó wáng duì zhè gè lù yuán yǒu liǎo bù tóng de xiǎng fǎ
[00:08.867] zhān mǔ shì yī shì méi gěi shì rén liú xià shén me hǎo yìn xiàng
[00:12.336] tā fēi cháng xǐ huān shē huá de yī fú
[00:14.674] tè bié shì hěn hǎo shì sī chóu
[00:18.315] dàn tā hěn quē qián
[00:19.386] zhān mǔ shì yì shí dào sī chóu
[00:20.690] zhōng yǒu yì tiān huì chéng wéi shē chǐ pǐn
[00:23.217] zhè shì yí gè jué jiā de lái qián shǒu duàn
[00:27.335] zài zhè kuài xiàn zài shì bái jīn hàn gōng huā yuán de tǔ dì
[00:30.575] zhān mǔ shì jué dìng zhòng zhí yī xiē xī yǒu shù zhǒng sāng shù
[00:35.005] chuàng jiàn qǐ yīng shì sī chóu chǎn yè
[00:39.430] nián, zhān mǔ shì yī shì yǒu le yī xiē sāng shù
[00:43.682] rán hòu yǎng cán
[00:48.762] yuán xiǎng zhe cán sī dà fēng shōu hòu
[00:54.437] zài fǎng chéng sī chóu
[00:55.808] dàn shì chū le má fán, tā xuǎn cuò le sāng shù de pǐn zhǒng
[00:58.699] zhè zhǒng shì hēi sāng shù
[01:01.547] cán bìng bù xǐ huān