第四辑Test 4 - Part 1 Conversation 3

歌曲 第四辑Test 4 - Part 1 Conversation 3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC中级真题听力


New Vision, Conference Department, Janet Edwards speaking. Hello. This is Nick Brown from Business News. I hear you're running a rather special conference in Newcastle. You mean our event on the tenth of October? Yes. Can you tell me something about it, so I can mention it in our paper? Certainly. The name should give you a clue - we're calling it 'Innovations'. Not the usual 'Better Sales Techniques', etc. That sounds very forward-looking. I assume it's about new developments in technology? We thought there were too many seminars on that. We're focusing on human resources instead. New ways of approaching it, I suppose. Interesting! So, who have you got to lead it? Well, this is a little different, too - Daniel Christie. Is he the man from Cambridge Business School who's just written that book on incentive schemes? I believe teamwork is actually his field. So, for example, the way people interact... Any other special features? We're planning some practical and very unusual workshops about motivation. I think that'll cause a few surprises. How 'unusual'? Come and see for yourself. I'll send you a complimentary ticket. Thank you. I will.