Witches Gather

歌曲 Witches Gather
歌手 Elvenking
专辑 The Pagan Manifesto


[00:33.92] Incubus, Succubus
[00:42.18] Quaestio de Strigibus
[00:50.31] Incubus, Succubus
[01:00.00] Quaestio de Strigibus
[01:43.37] Wandering back, back in time oh what have you learnt?
[01:46.96] Of all the blood that was spilled, of all the witches burnt
[01:50.15] Filth and greed, vicious deeds, the holy rise and fall
[01:53.52] Killing in the name of the one who died for you all
[01:57.00] Centuries, centuries the wait has been so long
[02:00.15] Now you would expect intolerance to be gone
[02:03.50] Still the one who yearn for a sigh of relief to come
[02:06.75] Are seen as outcast sinners, blasphemous unholy scum
[02:10.66] Thirteen souls, the witches of the coven
[02:13.50] Hiding in the shadows of the night
[02:17.17] Blessed be their wombs, without which we would not be
[02:20.09] Born in freedom, bred to heal the world
[02:36.88] Set to burn at the stake. The heartless witches' bane
[02:40.12] Sisters of free spirit, cursed to die in vain
[02:43.12] Hammer crushed, blood gushed, skin was ripped apart
[02:46.46] Devilmen and church-beasts, butchers of the magical arts
[02:50.17] Nightshade cloves, hemlock groves, the cauldron starts to boil
[02:53.00] One-Two double trouble, One-Two double toil
[02:56.46] Wool of bat, owl's claw, of wolf the tooth, the gulf and maw
[02:59.68] The lived as living scarecrows, and that's all what we recall
[03:03.36] Uncluoded souls, the witches of the coven
[03:06.41] Dancing naked, on the Sabbat Night
[03:10.20] Blessed be their hearts, without which we would not love
[03:13.06] Born in freedom, bred to heal the world
[03:16.35] ( On a broomstick they fly before sunrise)
[03:16.81] See the fire that burns away
[03:18.82] ( Persecuted, with fear hunted down)
[03:20.91] ( On a broomstick they run away from their homes - their own homes)
[03:25.00] ( Fly away from this natural born chaos)
[03:25.05] See. It slowly fades away
[03:26.95] ( To a hidden place for the weak and diverse)
[03:29.26] ( I watch them with pity. In the darkness)
[03:33.25] Breathing in darkness, walking in darkness
[03:37.06] We won't be living another day
[03:41.50] Breathing in darkness, walking in darkness
[03:45.35] We won't be living another day
[03:49.66] The witches still gather round a circle of fire
[03:53.83] Together side by side, under the starlit sky
[03:57.85] The witches will gather and their spirits will fly
[04:01.95] Together side by side, in the middle of the night
[04:06.64] ( I ride! I ride with them in a circle of fire)
[04:10.94] ( Beyond... Save me, save me!)
[04:14.95] ( What's bad to all of you is good, so good to a little few)
[04:19.02] ( Watch out 'cause the are going to burn you, burn in hell!)
[04:38.00] CARMAN - white queen of evil
[04:41.60] DUB - the darkness
[04:45.42] DOTHER - black daughter of evil
[04:49.08] DIAN - the violence
[05:24.00] The sea of blood is running
[05:31.80] All the pain of the innocent will remain
[05:39.50] The moon high above is watching and praying and showing her love
[05:46.00] Like a star deep in the night, she'll start to shiver and will look so bright
[05:52.28] The sea of blood is running
[05:59.76] All the pain of the innocent will remain
[06:07.42] The moon high above is watching and praying and showing her love
[06:13.92] Like a star deep in the night, she'll start to shiver and will look so bright
[06:20.60] See the fire that burns away
[06:28.50] See. It slowly fades away
[06:37.00] Breathing in darkness, walking in darkness
[06:40.94] We won't be living another day
[06:45.50] Breathing in darkness, walking in darkness
[06:49.25] We won't be living another day
[06:53.66] The witches still gather round a circle of fire
[06:57.67] Together side by side, under the starlit sky
[07:01.71] The witches will gather and their spirits will fly
[07:06.04] Together side by side, in the middle of the night
[07:16.37] (Guitar solo: Aydan)
[07:26.78] The witches still gather round a circle of fire
[07:31.00] Together side by side, under the starlit sky
[07:35.11] The witches will gather and their spirits will fly
[07:39.33] Together side by side, in the middle of the night
[07:43.82] ( I ride! I ride with them in a circle of fire)
[07:48.23] ( Beyond... Save me, save me!)
[07:52.25] ( What's bad to all of you is good, so good to a little few)
[07:56.56] Watch out 'cause the are going to burn you, burn in hell!)
[08:01.17] And the day will fade like a stream that is dying,
[08:06.05] There won't be any circle, nor magical rites... no more
[08:13.46] We tried to come, we tried to show you the goodness of the stars
[08:18.81] ...of the moon, but you failed miserably And we paid... we paid...
[08:29.42] We paid...


[00:33.92] yīng kù bù sī yī zhǒng xióng xìng mó guài, jù shuō huì pán xuán zài shú shuì nǚ zǐ de shàng fāng shì tú yǔ zhī fā shēng xìng guān xì, sū kù bù sī yī zhǒng cí xìng mó guài, néng zài shuì mèng zhōng yǐn yòu nán zǐ
[00:42.18] zhào huàn māo tóu yīng
[00:50.31] yīng kù bù sī, sū kù bù sī
[01:00.00] zhào huàn māo tóu yīng
[01:43.37] huí lái ba, huí xiǎng guò qù nǐ xué dào le shén me?
[01:46.96] liú le nà me duō de xuè, shāo sǐ le nà me duō de nǚ wū
[01:50.15] wū huì hé tān lán, huài shì zuò jǐn, zhè shì tā men de zuì míng
[01:53.52] chǔ sǐ tā men de rén, píng zhe nǐ men nà wèi jiù shì zhǔ zhī míng xíng shì
[01:57.00] yí gè shì jì yòu yí gè shì jì, wǒ men děng dài le tài jiǔ
[02:00.15] jīn tiān shì jiān shì fǒu yǐ biàn de kuān róng
[02:03.50] céng bèi shā jué de shì fǒu yǐ dào le huí guī zhī rì
[02:06.75] céng jīng bèi fàng zhú de zuì rén, xiè dú shén míng de yī qún
[02:10.66] shí sān ge líng hún, nǚ wū jù jí zài yì qǐ
[02:13.50] jiè zhe yè sè de yǎn hù
[02:17.17] zàn měi tā men de zǐ gōng, shēng yǎng le wǒ men zhòng rén
[02:20.09] shēng ér zì yóu, wèi zhì yù shì jiè ér shēng
[02:36.88] zài huǒ xíng zhù shàng fù zhī yī jù nǚ wū shì rén men de huò huàn
[02:40.12] tā men běn shì zì yóu zhī líng de jiě mèi, què bèi pò hài zhì sǐ
[02:43.12] zá suì le, xuè liú guāng le, pí yě bèi bō qù
[02:46.46] jiào huì qín shòu, bǐ mó guǐ hái xié è, tā men shì mó fǎ de pò hài zhě
[02:50.17] dīng xiāng, tiě shān, dà guō kāi shǐ fèi téng
[02:53.00] shuāng chóng de kǔ nàn, shuāng chóng de quān tào
[02:56.46] biān fú zhī máo, māo tóu yīng de zhuǎ zǐ, láng de yá chǐ, miàn lù zhēng níng
[02:59.68] zhào huàn méi yǒu líng hún de dào cǎo rén, lái dāng wǒ men de kuǐ lěi
[03:03.36] nǚ wū qí jù, niàn sòng mó zhòu
[03:06.41] chì luǒ qǐ wǔ, zài ān xī zhī yè
[03:10.20] zàn měi tā men de xīn líng, shǐ wǒ men xué huì le ài
[03:13.06] shēng ér zì yóu, wèi zhì yù shì jiè ér shēng
[03:16.35] zài rì chū zhī qián tā men qí zhe sào zhǒu fēi xiáng
[03:16.81] gōu huǒ yuè shāo yuè wàng
[03:18.82] táo bì zōng jiào pò hài
[03:20.91] tā men qí zhe sào zhǒu lí kāi jiā yuán tā men běn lái de jiā yuán
[03:25.00] yuǎn lí zhè chǎng hùn luàn de zāi nàn
[03:25.05] gōu huǒ jiàn jiàn xī miè
[03:26.95] duǒ cáng zài ruò zhě men de bì nàn suǒ
[03:29.26] zài hēi àn zhōng wǒ kàn zhe tā men, xīn huái lián mǐn
[03:33.25] zài hēi àn zhōng hū xī, zài hēi àn zhōng duó bù
[03:37.06] wǒ men bù zhī dào néng fǒu huó dào míng tiān
[03:41.50] zài hēi àn zhōng hū xī, zài hēi àn zhōng duó bù
[03:45.35] wǒ men bù zhī dào néng fǒu huó dào míng tiān
[03:49.66] nǚ wū men yī rán wéi zháo huǒ quān jù jí
[03:53.83] jiān bìng zhe jiān, zhàn zài duō xīng de tiān kōng xià
[03:57.85] nǚ wū men jù jí yì qǐ tā men de jīng hún huì téng fēi
[04:01.95] gāo gāo fēi qù, zài shēn yè shí fēn
[04:06.64] wǒ yě jiā rù! wǒ jiā rù le tā men de jù huì
[04:10.94] fēi wǎng tiān jì jiù wǒ, jiù wǒ!
[04:14.95] huài de duì nǐ men ér yán nǎi shì hǎo de, duì shǎo shù rén ér yán nǎi shì hǎo de
[04:19.02] xiǎo xīn dī fáng tā men yào xiǎng fāng shè fǎ shāo sǐ nǐ, shāo sǐ nǐ!
[04:38.00] kǎ ěr màn bái sè de nǚ wáng
[04:41.60] dù bó hēi àn
[04:45.42] duō tè ěr xié è hēi sè de nǚ ér
[04:49.08] dài ān bào lì
[05:24.00] xuè hǎi yí lù kuáng bēn
[05:31.80] wú gū zhě de tòng kǔ bú huì xiāo shī
[05:39.50] gāo kōng zhī shàng, yuè liàng kàn zhe zhè yī qiè, huái zhe ài yì
[05:46.00] hǎo bǐ yè kōng de míng xīng, tā kāi shǐ sè sè fā dǒu yuè fā míng liàng
[05:52.28] xuè hǎi yí lù kuáng bēn
[05:59.76] wú gū zhě de tòng kǔ bú huì xiāo shī
[06:07.42] gāo kōng zhī shàng, yuè liàng kàn zhe zhè yī qiè, huái zhe ài yì
[06:13.92] hǎo bǐ yè kōng de míng xīng, tā kāi shǐ sè sè fā dǒu yuè fā míng liàng
[06:20.60] gōu huǒ yuè shāo yuè wàng
[06:28.50] gōu huǒ jiàn jiàn xī miè
[06:37.00] zài hēi àn zhōng hū xī, zài hēi àn zhōng duó bù
[06:40.94] wǒ men bù zhī dào néng fǒu huó dào míng tiān
[06:45.50] zài hēi àn zhōng hū xī, zài hēi àn zhōng duó bù
[06:49.25] wǒ men bù zhī dào néng fǒu huó dào míng tiān
[06:53.66] nǚ wū men yī rán wéi zháo huǒ quān jù jí
[06:57.67] jiān bìng zhe jiān, zhàn zài duō xīng de tiān kōng xià
[07:01.71] nǚ wū men jù jí yì qǐ tā men de jīng hún huì téng fēi
[07:06.04] gāo gāo fēi qù, zài shēn yè shí fēn
[07:16.37] dān fēi!
[07:26.78] nǚ wū men yī rán wéi zháo huǒ quān jù jí
[07:31.00] jiān bìng zhe jiān, zhàn zài duō xīng de tiān kōng xià
[07:35.11] nǚ wū men jù jí yì qǐ tā men de jīng hún huì téng fēi
[07:39.33] gāo gāo fēi qù, zài shēn yè shí fēn
[07:43.82] wǒ yě jiā rù! wǒ jiā rù le tā men de jù huì
[07:48.23] fēi wǎng tiān jì jiù wǒ, jiù wǒ!
[07:52.25] huài de duì nǐ men ér yán nǎi shì hǎo de, duì shǎo shù rén ér yán nǎi shì hǎo de
[07:56.56] xiǎo xīn dī fáng tā men yào xiǎng fāng shè fǎ shāo sǐ nǐ, shāo sǐ nǐ!
[08:01.17] suí zhe bái zhòu xiàng xī liú yí yàng zhú jiàn shì qù
[08:06.05] zài yě méi yǒu huǒ quān, hé mó fǎ yí shì
[08:13.46] wǒ men jié jìn quán lì wèi nǐ men zhǎn shì fán xīng de měi miào
[08:18.81] yuè liàng de hǎo chù, dàn nǐ men méi yǒu jiē shòu wǒ men de hǎo yì wǒ men fù chū le dài jià
[08:29.42] fù chū le dài jià