
歌曲 潘德尔的巫师chapter3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第一级


[00:07.81] I ran from Malkin Tower,
[00:10.95] down the hill into Newchurch.
[00:14.59] James followed me.
[00:17.58] 'I want to go to Read Hall,too,'he said.
[00:24.03] We ran through the trees to Sabden Brook.
[00:29.59] The noise of the river was beautiful in my ears.
[00:35.98] We went along the river to the village of Sabden,
[00:40.43] and then it began to rain.
[00:44.36] Suddenly,we heard the noise of horses behind us.
[00:49.25] We got off the road, and watched the horses.
[00:54.57] It was Roger Nowell with some of his men.
[01:00.04] They saw us, and Mr Nowell stopped.
[01:05.11] 'It' s the Device children,' he said.
[01:09.22] ' What's your name,child?'
[01:13.02] 'My name is Jennet,' I said.
[01:16.54] 'We 're going to Read Hall.
[01:19.28] I want to talk to you.'
[01:23.68] Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes.
[01:30.77] 'Very well,'he said.
[01:34.08] 'Come home with me,
[01:36.09] and we can talk.
[01:39.90] 'He lifted me up on to his horse,
[01:44.19] and the horse moved quickly
[01:46.21] along the road to the village of Read.
[01:50.47] James ran along behind us.
[01:54.90] Very soon,we arrived at Read Hall.
[02:00.51] The servant opened the door for us,
[02:03.77] and we went into the warm house.
[02:09.20] James came in,too,
[02:11.99] and sat down next to me near the fire.
[02:18.11] Mr Nowell put his black hat down on the table.
[02:23.68] 'Bring a hot drink and some food for these children,
[02:28.61] 'he told the servant.' They' re cold and hungry.'
[02:36.17] The servant brought bread and hot milk for us,
[02:40.61] and James and I ate hungrily.
[02:44.82] I felt warm and happy in Mr Nowell' s house.
[02:50.48] I wanted to stay there all my life;
[02:54.45] I never wanted to go back to Malkin Tower.
[03:03.04] When we finished eating,
[03:05.43] Mr Nowell looked up from his book.
[03:09.81] 'You wanted to talk to me,'
[03:13.96] he said quietly.'Well, I'm listening.'
[03:20.35] I got up ,went across the room and stood in front of Mr Nowell.
[03:29.03] ' I'm afraid of my mother,'
[03:33.13] I began.' I'm afraid because
[03:38.20] she' s a witch and she can kill people.'
[03:44.70] The room was quiet.
[03:48.69] Mr Nowell said nothing,
[03:51.71] but his brown eyes were kind.
[03:57.54] 'My mother and her friends are at Malkin Tower,'
[04:03.93] I told him.'They want to go to Lancaster Castle and kill the guards.
[04:12.05] They' re going to bring Old Demdike and Alizon home again.'
[04:19.20] Mr Nowell got up and left the room.
[04:26.15] After some time, he came back with two of his friends.
[04:30.37] They all sat down at the table.
[04:34.53] 'Jennet, I want you to tell me again about your mother and her friends.'
[04:42.91] 'They want to kill the guards at Lancaster Castle
[04:46.99] and bring Old Demdike home to Malkin Tower,'
[04:51.05] I said.Then I began to cry.
[04:57.19] 'Den't cry,'Mr Nowell said kindly.
[05:02.65] 'We can help you,but we must talk to your brother first.
[05:08.35] James!'he called.
[05:12.21] 'Tell me about your mother.
[05:15.28] Is she a witch?'
[05:18.79] ' She' s a witch. We' re all witches,'
[05:23.23] James began.' Old Demdike's a witch.
[05:27.55] One night,she went to the church at Newchurch
[05:31.21] and got some teeth from dead bodies there.
[05:35.24] The Devil talked to her and she brought the teeth to Malkin Tower.
[05:40.52] They're under the ground by our door!'
[05:45.94] ' Old Demdike' s a witch; we know that,'
[05:50.58] Mr Nowell said.'Tell us about your mother.'
[05:56.86] 'Mother' s a witch,' James said.
[06:00.46] ' She killed Mr Robinson,from Barley village.
[06:04.14] She made a clay picture,
[06:06.75] and then she broke it,
[06:09.24] and Mr Robinson died a week later.'
[06:14.93] James smiled at Mr Nowell.
[06:18.97] He liked Mr Nowell because
[06:21.29] Mr Nowell didn' t shout at him.
[06:25.25] 'And I'm a witch, too!
[06:27.42] I can kill people!'
[06:30.22] 'No, James!' I cried.
[06:33.01] ' You' re not a witch!
[06:34.88] You don' t kill people!'
[06:37.75] ' Yes, I do,'James said angrily.
[06:43.14] His face went red.' My dog,Dandy,
[06:49.02] is the Devil and he killed a man for me.
[06:54.82] I wanted a shirt and Mr Duckworth
[06:59.07] was going to give me one of his old shirts.
[07:02.08] But in the end, he didn' t give it to me and I was very angry.
[07:09.39] I nearly killed Mr Duckworth!
[07:13.81] But I called Dandy,and he killed Mr Duckworth for me!'
[07:22.10] I began to cry.My brother was a witch,too!
[07:29.76] All my family were witches!
[07:34.92] 'Don't cry,Jennet,'Mr Nowell said.
[07:39.76] 'Someone must take care of you.
[07:43.20] You can stay here at Read Hall with me.'
[07:50.11] When Mr Nowell' s men brought my mother to Read Hall,
[07:55.44] she said nothing at first.
[08:00.36] 'Tell us about the pictures of clay,
[08:03.94] 'Mr Nowell said.'My men found pictures of clay at Malkin Tower.'
[08:14.80] My mother said nothing.
[08:19.12] 'Your mother,Old Demdike,
[08:23.04] is a witch.Your daughter is a witch,'
[08:29.61] Mr Nowell said.'Your son killed Mr Duckworth
[08:35.70] because of shirt.Now,tell us about the clay pictures.'
[08:45.79] My mother said nothing.
[08:50.42] 'James told us about Mr Robinson of Barley,
[08:55.29] 'Mr Nowell said .' Did you kill him?'
[09:02.01] Suddenly, my mother' s face went red
[09:05.81] and she began to shout at James.
[09:09.11] 'A good son,you are!
[09:10.85] You told this rich man about Jack Robinson of Barley.
[09:15.27] Well, you told the truth.
[09:18.83] I killed him! I made a clay picture,
[09:24.00] and then I broke it, and a week later he died.
[09:30.87] I killed him because I hated him.'
[09:38.23] She stopped and looked at me .
[09:42.05] I wanted to run away
[09:44.63] but Mr Nowell's servant stood in front of the door.
[09:49.64] Then my mother laughed. 'Jennet Device,
[09:57.08] witch' s daughter! You hate us,
[10:00.67] I know that.
[10:02.90] Well, it doesn' t matter because you're right:
[10:08.18] you are different.
[10:10.84] You 're my daughter,
[10:13.22] but you're not the daughter of my husband.
[10:17.82] Your father was a rich man,
[10:21.33] but he never gave me money.
[10:24.76] A witch' s child,he called you.
[10:28.77] And when you were born,
[10:31.00] he never came near me again.
[10:35.48] Jack Robinson learnt the truth about your father.
[10:40.19] He told the villagers of Barley and they called me a bad woman,
[10:47.49] but they didn 't call your father a bad man!
[10:52.06] Nobody in Barley gave me food again,
[10:56.02] because of Jack Robinson.
[10:59.83] I hated him,and so I killed him!'
[11:08.48] The room was very quiet and my mother laughed again.
[11:18.17] My hands felt cold and my face was hot,
[11:24.42] but I didn' t cry.When Mr Device died,
[11:31.57] I cried for days.
[11:35.37] But he was not my father.
[11:39.46] I looked at my mother,
[11:44.18] at her dirty hair and her ugly face,
[11:47.24] at her angry eyes.
[11:51.30] I hated her then,
[11:54.40] and I hated her for many years.


[00:07.81] I ran from Malkin Tower,
[00:10.95] down the hill into Newchurch
[00:14.59] James followed me
[00:17.58] ' I want to go to Read Hall, too,' he said
[00:24.03] We ran through the trees to Sabden Brook
[00:29.59] The noise of the river was beautiful in my ears
[00:35.98] We went along the river to the village of Sabden,
[00:40.43] and then it began to rain
[00:44.36] Suddenly, we heard the noise of horses behind us
[00:49.25] We got off the road, and watched the horses
[00:54.57] It was Roger Nowell with some of his men
[01:00.04] They saw us, and Mr Nowell stopped
[01:05.11] ' It' s the Device children,' he said
[01:09.22] ' What' s your name, child?'
[01:13.02] ' My name is Jennet,' I said
[01:16.54] ' We ' re going to Read Hall
[01:19.28] I want to talk to you'
[01:23.68] Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes
[01:30.77] ' Very well,' he said
[01:34.08] ' Come home with me,
[01:36.09] and we can talk
[01:39.90] ' He lifted me up on to his horse,
[01:44.19] and the horse moved quickly
[01:46.21] along the road to the village of Read
[01:50.47] James ran along behind us
[01:54.90] Very soon, we arrived at Read Hall
[02:00.51] The servant opened the door for us,
[02:03.77] and we went into the warm house
[02:09.20] James came in, too,
[02:11.99] and sat down next to me near the fire
[02:18.11] Mr Nowell put his black hat down on the table
[02:23.68] ' Bring a hot drink and some food for these children,
[02:28.61] ' he told the servant' They' re cold and hungry'
[02:36.17] The servant brought bread and hot milk for us,
[02:40.61] and James and I ate hungrily
[02:44.82] I felt warm and happy in Mr Nowell' s house
[02:50.48] I wanted to stay there all my life
[02:54.45] I never wanted to go back to Malkin Tower
[03:03.04] When we finished eating,
[03:05.43] Mr Nowell looked up from his book
[03:09.81] ' You wanted to talk to me,'
[03:13.96] he said quietly' Well, I' m listening'
[03:20.35] I got up , went across the room and stood in front of Mr Nowell
[03:29.03] ' I' m afraid of my mother,'
[03:33.13] I began' I' m afraid because
[03:38.20] she' s a witch and she can kill people'
[03:44.70] The room was quiet
[03:48.69] Mr Nowell said nothing,
[03:51.71] but his brown eyes were kind
[03:57.54] ' My mother and her friends are at Malkin Tower,'
[04:03.93] I told him' They want to go to Lancaster Castle and kill the guards
[04:12.05] They' re going to bring Old Demdike and Alizon home again'
[04:19.20] Mr Nowell got up and left the room
[04:26.15] After some time, he came back with two of his friends
[04:30.37] They all sat down at the table
[04:34.53] ' Jennet, I want you to tell me again about your mother and her friends'
[04:42.91] ' They want to kill the guards at Lancaster Castle
[04:46.99] and bring Old Demdike home to Malkin Tower,'
[04:51.05] I said Then I began to cry
[04:57.19] ' Den' t cry,' Mr Nowell said kindly
[05:02.65] ' We can help you, but we must talk to your brother first
[05:08.35] James!' he called
[05:12.21] ' Tell me about your mother
[05:15.28] Is she a witch?'
[05:18.79] ' She' s a witch We' re all witches,'
[05:23.23] James began' Old Demdike' s a witch
[05:27.55] One night, she went to the church at Newchurch
[05:31.21] and got some teeth from dead bodies there
[05:35.24] The Devil talked to her and she brought the teeth to Malkin Tower
[05:40.52] They' re under the ground by our door!'
[05:45.94] ' Old Demdike' s a witch we know that,'
[05:50.58] Mr Nowell said' Tell us about your mother'
[05:56.86] ' Mother' s a witch,' James said
[06:00.46] ' She killed Mr Robinson, from Barley village
[06:04.14] She made a clay picture,
[06:06.75] and then she broke it,
[06:09.24] and Mr Robinson died a week later'
[06:14.93] James smiled at Mr Nowell
[06:18.97] He liked Mr Nowell because
[06:21.29] Mr Nowell didn' t shout at him
[06:25.25] ' And I' m a witch, too!
[06:27.42] I can kill people!'
[06:30.22] ' No, James!' I cried
[06:33.01] ' You' re not a witch!
[06:34.88] You don' t kill people!'
[06:37.75] ' Yes, I do,' James said angrily
[06:43.14] His face went red' My dog, Dandy,
[06:49.02] is the Devil and he killed a man for me
[06:54.82] I wanted a shirt and Mr Duckworth
[06:59.07] was going to give me one of his old shirts
[07:02.08] But in the end, he didn' t give it to me and I was very angry
[07:09.39] I nearly killed Mr Duckworth!
[07:13.81] But I called Dandy, and he killed Mr Duckworth for me!'
[07:22.10] I began to cry My brother was a witch, too!
[07:29.76] All my family were witches!
[07:34.92] ' Don' t cry, Jennet,' Mr Nowell said
[07:39.76] ' Someone must take care of you
[07:43.20] You can stay here at Read Hall with me'
[07:50.11] When Mr Nowell' s men brought my mother to Read Hall,
[07:55.44] she said nothing at first
[08:00.36] ' Tell us about the pictures of clay,
[08:03.94] ' Mr Nowell said' My men found pictures of clay at Malkin Tower'
[08:14.80] My mother said nothing
[08:19.12] ' Your mother, Old Demdike,
[08:23.04] is a witch Your daughter is a witch,'
[08:29.61] Mr Nowell said' Your son killed Mr Duckworth
[08:35.70] because of shirt Now, tell us about the clay pictures'
[08:45.79] My mother said nothing
[08:50.42] ' James told us about Mr Robinson of Barley,
[08:55.29] ' Mr Nowell said ' Did you kill him?'
[09:02.01] Suddenly, my mother' s face went red
[09:05.81] and she began to shout at James
[09:09.11] ' A good son, you are!
[09:10.85] You told this rich man about Jack Robinson of Barley
[09:15.27] Well, you told the truth
[09:18.83] I killed him! I made a clay picture,
[09:24.00] and then I broke it, and a week later he died
[09:30.87] I killed him because I hated him'
[09:38.23] She stopped and looked at me
[09:42.05] I wanted to run away
[09:44.63] but Mr Nowell' s servant stood in front of the door
[09:49.64] Then my mother laughed ' Jennet Device,
[09:57.08] witch' s daughter! You hate us,
[10:00.67] I know that
[10:02.90] Well, it doesn' t matter because you' re right:
[10:08.18] you are different
[10:10.84] You ' re my daughter,
[10:13.22] but you' re not the daughter of my husband
[10:17.82] Your father was a rich man,
[10:21.33] but he never gave me money
[10:24.76] A witch' s child, he called you
[10:28.77] And when you were born,
[10:31.00] he never came near me again
[10:35.48] Jack Robinson learnt the truth about your father
[10:40.19] He told the villagers of Barley and they called me a bad woman,
[10:47.49] but they didn ' t call your father a bad man!
[10:52.06] Nobody in Barley gave me food again,
[10:56.02] because of Jack Robinson
[10:59.83] I hated him, and so I killed him!'
[11:08.48] The room was very quiet and my mother laughed again
[11:18.17] My hands felt cold and my face was hot,
[11:24.42] but I didn' t cry When Mr Device died,
[11:31.57] I cried for days
[11:35.37] But he was not my father
[11:39.46] I looked at my mother,
[11:44.18] at her dirty hair and her ugly face,
[11:47.24] at her angry eyes
[11:51.30] I hated her then,
[11:54.40] and I hated her for many years


[00:00.99] dì 3 zhāng wū shī zhī jiā
[00:07.81] wǒ pǎo chū mǎ ěr jīn tǎ,
[00:10.95] pǎo xià pān dé ěr shān lái dào le niǔ qiū qí cūn.
[00:14.59] zhān mǔ sī yī zhí gēn zhe wǒ.
[00:17.58] " wǒ yě xiǎng qù lǐ dé zhái yuàn." tā shuō.
[00:24.03] wǒ men chuān guò shù lín lái dào le sà bo dēng xiǎo xī.
[00:29.59] chán chán de liú shuǐ shēng zài wǒ tīng lái shí fēn yuè ěr.
[00:35.98] wǒ men yán zhe hé zǒu dào le sà bo dēng cūn,
[00:40.43] zhè shí tiān xià qǐ yǔ lái.
[00:44.36] hū rán, cóng wǒ men shēn hòu chuán lái le mǎ tí shēng.
[00:49.25] wǒ men lí kāi dà lù, kàn zhe nèi xiē mǎ pǐ.
[00:54.57] nà shi luó jié nuò āi ěr hé tā de shǒu xià.
[01:00.04] tā men kàn dào le wǒ men liǎ, nuò āi ěr xiān shēng tíng le xià lái.
[01:05.11] " yuán lái shì dí wǎ sī jiā de hái zi men," tā shuō.
[01:09.22] " hái zi, nǐ jiào shén me míng zì?"
[01:13.02] " wǒ jiào zhān nī tè," wǒ shuō.
[01:16.54] " wǒ men yào qù lǐ dé zhái yuàn.
[01:19.28] wǒ xiǎng hé nín tán tán."
[01:23.68] luó jié nuò āi ěr yòng tā nà shuāng chōng mǎn rè qíng de zōng sè yǎn jīng kàn le kàn wǒ.
[01:30.77] " hěn hǎo," tā shuō.
[01:34.08] " gēn wǒ yì qǐ huí jiā ba,
[01:36.09] zhè yàng wǒ men jiù kě yǐ tán tán le."
[01:39.90] tā bǎ wǒ jǔ qǐ lái fàng dào tā de mǎ shàng,
[01:44.19] mǎ yú shì xùn sù dì yán zhe dà dào
[01:46.21] xiàng lǐ dé cūn xíng jìn.
[01:50.47] zhān mǔ sī yí lù pǎo zhe gēn zài wǒ men hòu miàn.
[01:54.90] hěn kuài, wǒ men dào dá le lǐ dé zhái yuàn.
[02:00.51] xiān shēng de yòng rén dǎ kāi wū mén,
[02:03.77] wǒ men zǒu jìn le shí fēn nuǎn huo de fáng zi.
[02:09.20] zhān mǔ sī yě jìn lái le,
[02:11.99] tā āi zhe wǒ zuò zài lú huǒ biān.
[02:18.11] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng bǎ tā de hēi mào zi fàng zài zhuō zi shàng.
[02:23.68] " gěi hái zi men ná diǎn rè yǐn hé yī xiē chī de lái."
[02:28.61] tā fēn fù yòng rén shuō." tā men yòu lěng yòu è."
[02:36.17] yòng rén gěi wǒ men ná lái le miàn bāo hé rè niú nǎi,
[02:40.61] zhān mǔ sī hé wǒ dà chī qǐ lái.
[02:44.82] zài nuò āi ěr xiān shēng jiā lǐ, wǒ gǎn dào jì wēn nuǎn yòu kuài lè.
[02:50.48] wǒ xī wàng yī bèi zi dāi zài na r
[02:54.45] wǒ zài yě bù xiǎng huí dào mǎ ěr jīn tǎ qù le.
[03:03.04] wǒ men chī wán le fàn,
[03:05.43] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng bù zài kàn shū, tái qǐ tóu lái.
[03:09.81] " nǐ yǒu shì xiǎng duì wǒ shuō,"
[03:13.96] tā qīng shēng shuō." hǎo ba, wǒ tīng zhe ne."
[03:20.35] wǒ zhàn qǐ shēn, chuān guò fáng jiān, zhàn zài nuò āi ěr xiān shēng miàn qián.
[03:29.03] " wǒ hài pà wǒ mā mā,"
[03:33.13] wǒ kāi shǐ shuō dào." wǒ hài pà,
[03:38.20] yīn wèi tā shì nǚ wū, tā néng shā rén."
[03:44.70] fáng jiān lǐ shí fēn ān jìng.
[03:48.69] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shén me yě méi shuō,
[03:51.71] dàn shì tā de zōng sè yǎn jīng shì yǒu shàn de.
[03:57.54] " xiàn zài, wǒ mā mā hé tā de péng yǒu men zhèng jù zài mǎ ěr jīn tǎ,"
[04:03.93] wǒ gào sù tā shuō." tā men xiǎng yào qù lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo shā sǐ kān shǒu.
[04:12.05] tā men dǎ suàn bǎ lǎo dé mǔ dài kè hé ài lì sēn dài huí jiā."
[04:19.20] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng zhàn qǐ shēn lí kāi le fáng jiān.
[04:26.15] guò le yī xiē shí hòu, tā hé tā de liǎng gè péng yǒu yì qǐ huí lái le.
[04:30.37] tā men quán dōu zài zhuō qián zuò le xià lái.
[04:34.53] " zhān nī tè, wǒ yào nǐ zài duì wǒ shuō yī biàn yǒu guān nǐ mǔ qīn hé tā péng yǒu de shì."
[04:42.91] " tā men xiǎng shā sǐ lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo de kān shǒu,
[04:46.99] rán hòu bǎ lǎo dé mǔ dài kè dài huí mǎ ěr jīn tǎ."
[04:51.05] wǒ shuō. shuō wán, wǒ kū le.
[04:57.19] " bié kū," nuò āi ěr xiān shēng hé ǎi dì shuō.
[05:02.65] " wǒ men néng bāng zhù nǐ, bù guò wǒ men bì xū xiān hé nǐ gē ge tán tán.
[05:08.35] zhān mǔ sī!" tā hǎn le yī shēng.
[05:12.21] " gěi wǒ jiǎng jiǎng nǐ mǔ qīn de shì.
[05:15.28] tā shì nǚ wū ma?"
[05:18.79] " tā shì nǚ wū. wǒ men dōu shì wū shī."
[05:23.23] zhān mǔ sī shuō." lǎo dé mǔ dài kè shì gè nǚ wū.
[05:27.55] yì tiān yè lǐ, tā qù le niǔ qiū qí cūn de jiào táng,
[05:31.21] cóng nà lǐ de shī tǐ shàng qǔ xià le yī xiē yá chǐ.
[05:35.24] mó guǐ hé tā duì le huà, suí hòu tā bǎ yá chǐ dài huí le mǎ ěr jīn tǎ,
[05:40.52] tā men jiù zài wǒ jiā dà mén páng de dì xià."
[05:45.94] " lǎo dé mǔ dài kè shì gè nǚ wū, zhè wǒ men zhī dào,"
[05:50.58] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shuō." bǎ nǐ mǔ qīn de shì gào sù wǒ men."
[05:56.86] " mā mā shì nǚ wū," zhān mǔ sī shuō.
[06:00.46] " tā shā sǐ le bā lì cūn de lǔ bīn xùn xiān shēng.
[06:04.14] tā zuò le yí gè ní xiàng,
[06:06.75] rán hòu bǎ tā dǎ suì,
[06:09.24] yī xīng qī hòu lǔ bīn xùn xiān shēng sǐ qù le."
[06:14.93] zhān mǔ sī duì nuò āi ěr xiān shēng wēi xiào le yī xià.
[06:18.97] tā xǐ huān nuò āi ěr xiān shēng,
[06:21.29] yīn wèi nuò āi ěr xiān shēng bù chōng zhe tā dà hǎn dà jiào.
[06:25.25] " hái yǒu, wǒ yě shì gè wū shī!
[06:27.42] wǒ néng hài sǐ rén!"
[06:30.22] " bù, zhān mǔ sī!" wǒ hǎn dào.
[06:33.01] " nǐ bú shì wū shī!
[06:34.88] nǐ bù shā rén!"
[06:37.75] " bù, wǒ shā rén." zhān mǔ sī shēng qì dì shuō.
[06:43.14] tā de liǎn hóng le qǐ lái." wǒ de gǒu dān dí shì mó guǐ,
[06:49.02] tā wèi wǒ shā guò yí ge rén.
[06:54.82] yǒu yī cì wǒ xiǎng yào yī jiàn chèn yī,
[06:59.07] dá kè wò sī xiān shēng zhǔn bèi bǎ tā de yī jiàn jiù chèn yī gěi wǒ.
[07:02.08] kě shì zuì hòu tā méi yǒu gěi wǒ, wǒ fēi cháng shēng qì.
[07:09.39] wǒ chà diǎn ér shā le tā!
[07:13.81] bù guò wǒ hǎn lái le dān dí, tā wèi wǒ shā sǐ le dá kè wò sī xiān shēng!"
[07:22.10] wǒ kū le qǐ lái. wǒ de gē ge yě shì gè wū shī!
[07:29.76] wǒ de quán jiā dōu shì wū shī!
[07:34.92] " bié kū, zhān nī tè," nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shuō.
[07:39.76] " bì xū yǒu rén zhào gù nǐ.
[07:43.20] nǐ kě yǐ liú zài lǐ dé zhái yuàn, hé wǒ zài yì qǐ."
[07:50.11] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shǒu xià de rén bǎ wǒ mā mā dài dào le lǐ dé zhái yuàn,
[07:55.44] qǐ chū tā yī yán bù fā.
[08:00.36] " bǎ ní sù xiàng de shì gào sù wǒ men,"
[08:03.94] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shuō." wǒ shǒu xià de rén zài mǎ ěr jīn tǎ zhǎo dào le yī xiē ní sù xiàng."
[08:14.80] wǒ mā mā méi yǒu zuò shēng.
[08:19.12] " nǐ de mǔ qīn lǎo dé mǔ dài kè shì nǚ wū.
[08:23.04] nǐ de nǚ ér shì nǚ wū,"
[08:29.61] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shuō." nǐ de ér zi wèi le yī jiàn chèn yī shā sǐ le dá kè wò sī xiān shēng.
[08:35.70] xiàn zài bǎ ní sù xiàng de shì gào sù wǒ men."
[08:45.79] wǒ mā mā shén me yě méi shuō.
[08:50.42] " zhān mǔ sī duì wǒ men jiǎng le bā lì cūn lǔ bīn xùn xiān shēng de shì,"
[08:55.29] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng shuō." shì nǐ shā le tā ma?"
[09:02.01] tū rán jiān, wǒ mā mā de liǎn zhàng hóng le,
[09:05.81] tā chōng zhe zhān mǔ sī dà hǎn:
[09:09.11] " nǐ zhēn shì gè hǎo ér zi!
[09:10.85] nǐ bǎ bā lì cūn jié kè lǔ bīn xùn de shì gào sù le zhè gè yǒu qián rén.
[09:15.27] shì de, nǐ shuō de wán quán shǔ shí.
[09:18.83] shì wǒ shā le tā! wǒ zuò le yí gè ní xiàng,
[09:24.00] rán hòu bǎ tā dǎ suì, yī xīng qī hòu tā jiù sǐ le.
[09:30.87] wǒ shā le tā shì yīn wèi wǒ hèn tā."
[09:38.23] tā tíng xià lái kàn zhe wǒ.
[09:42.05] wǒ xiǎng pǎo kāi,
[09:44.63] kě shì nuò āi ěr xiān shēng de yòng rén zhèng zhàn zài mén qián.
[09:49.64] mā mā hā hā dà xiào zhe shuō:" zhān nī tè dí wǎ sī,
[09:57.08] wū shī de nǚ ér!
[10:00.67] wǒ zhī dào, nǐ hèn wǒ men.
[10:02.90] , zhè méi shén me, yīn wèi nǐ shì duì de:
[10:08.18] nǐ shì bù yí yàng.
[10:10.84] nǐ shì wǒ nǚ ér,
[10:13.22] dàn nǐ bú shì wǒ zhàng fū de nǚ ér.
[10:17.82] nǐ de fù qīn shì gè yǒu qián rén,
[10:21.33] kě tā cóng lái bù gěi wǒ qián.
[10:24.76] tā guǎn nǐ jiào wū shī de hái zi.
[10:28.77] cóng nǐ yī chū shēng,
[10:31.00] tā jiù zài yě méi kào jìn guò wǒ.
[10:35.48] jié kè lǔ bīn xùn dé zhī nǐ qīn shēng fù qīn dí zhēn xiāng hòu,
[10:40.19] biàn gào sù le bā lì cūn de jū mín men. tā men shuō wǒ shì huài nǚ rén,
[10:47.49] què bù shuō nǐ fù qīn shì yí gè huài nán rén!
[10:52.06] cóng nà yǐ hòu, zài bā lì cūn, zài yě méi yǒu rén gěi wǒ chī de le,
[10:56.02] zhè dōu shì jié kè lǔ bīn xùn zào chéng de.
[10:59.83] wǒ hèn tā, suǒ yǐ wǒ shā le tā!"
[11:08.48] fáng jiān lǐ jìng qiāo qiāo de, wǒ de mā mā yòu dà xiào qǐ lái.
[11:18.17] wǒ de shǒu bīng liáng bīng liáng, wǒ de liǎn rè là là.
[11:24.42] bù guò wǒ méi yǒu kū. dí wǎ sī xiān shēng qù shì shí,
[11:31.57] wǒ kū le hǎo jǐ tiān.
[11:35.37] rán ér tā bú shì wǒ fù qīn.
[11:39.46] wǒ kàn zhe mā mā,
[11:44.18] kàn zhe tā nà āng zāng de tóu fà chǒu lòu de miàn róng
[11:47.24] hé fèn nù de shuāng yǎn.
[11:51.30] zài nà yī kè, wǒ zhēn hèn tā,
[11:54.40] xǔ duō nián lái wǒ yī zhí hèn tā.