
歌曲 潘德尔的巫师chapter4
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第一级


[00:06.69] On the twenty-seventh day of April,
[00:09.57] the guards took my mother and James to Lancaster Castle,
[00:15.49] and my life at Read Hall began.
[00:20.17] Suddenly,it was spring.
[00:23.09] The sky was blue and there were beautiful flowers on the hills.
[00:29.66] From Read Hall,Pendle Hill looked different :
[00:34.64] it looked smaller, and it was not so important in my life.
[00:41.79] Sometimes I walked along Sabden Brook to Sabden,
[00:47.62] and then to Newchurch,
[00:49.71] and I felt happy to be near Pendle Hill again.
[00:55.26] But I never visited Malkin Tower again.
[01:01.22] Spring changed into summer,
[01:04.47] and in August I went to Lancaster with Mr Nowell.
[01:09.89] Lancaster was thirty miles from Read Hall,
[01:14.43] and I got very tired because I sat on a horse for hours.
[01:21.23] It was a big, noisy town.
[01:24.70] I never saw so many people before in my life and I felt afraid.
[01:33.85] The trial of the witches of Pendle
[01:36.99] began at Lancaster Castle on the eighteenth day of August,
[01:42.92] and the judge was an important man from London.
[01:48.19] Judge Bromley listened to many people on that day,
[01:53.11] because there were a lot of witches from Lancashire in the prison.
[01:59.14] Old Demdike was not there because she died in May,
[02:04.40] before the judge arrived.
[02:09.16] I waited with Mr Nowell' s servant,
[02:12.98] and when a guard called my name,
[02:16.44] I went through a big door and saw the judge behind a table.
[02:23.13] Judge Bromley was rich and important,
[02:28.42] but his eyes were cold.
[02:32.54] Suddenly, I saw my mother!
[02:37.30] She was dirty and very thin.
[02:42.61] When she saw me,her face went red.
[02:48.55] My hair was clean now,
[02:50.78] and I wore shoes and an expensive dress.
[02:56.23] I saw my mother' s eyes:
[02:59.98] she hated me!
[03:03.87] 'Are you a witch?'Judge Bromley asked my mother.
[03:10.44] 'No, I 'm not,'my mother answered angrily.
[03:16.41] 'Did you kill Jack Robinson,of Barley village?'
[03:22.86] ' No, I did not.'
[03:26.42] 'Jennet Device is here,' a voice said quietly.
[03:32.14] It was Mr Nowell.
[03:34.97] 'She can tell us the truth about her mother.'
[03:41.05] For a minute, my mother did not move.
[03:46.77] Then she ran across the room and shouted at me.
[03:52.29] 'You know nothing, you bad child!
[03:56.86] And I'm your mother!Don' t forget that!'
[04:02.68] The guards ran after my mother and pulled her to the floor.
[04:08.18] ' I'm no witch!'my mother shouted.
[04:12.98] ' It' s all lies! Jennet,you' re a witch
[04:18.62] a child of the Devil!
[04:21.25] You' re my daughter,and I know!'
[04:28.30] I was afraid and I put my hands over my eyes.
[04:34.10] I didn't want to see my mother' s ugly face.
[04:39.62] The guards pulled my mother out of the room and the noise stopped.
[04:46.72] 'Jennet Device,'the judge said.
[04:50.80] 'Tell us the truth about your mother.'
[04:57.04] Roger Nowell lifted me up
[05:00.49] and put me on a table in front of the judge.
[05:05.58] 'My mother is a witch,'
[05:08.75] I began.'She has a friend,
[05:13.09] a dog called Ball.
[05:16.73] When she wants to kill somebody,
[05:19.11] she tells Ball…'I talked and talked;
[05:26.26] I told the judge everything.
[05:31.83] Judge Bromley listened carefully.
[05:35.94] 'My child,is this the truth?'
[05:40.55] 'Yes,'I answered.
[05:43.88] 'I'm telling you the truth.'
[05:49.45] The guards brought my mother back into the room again.
[05:53.89] Her face looked tired and her eyes were red.
[06:00.05] 'Elizabeth Device,your daughter told us about your dog,Ball.
[06:07.68] Your son, too,
[06:09.54] told us about the clay pictures.
[06:13.20] We know everything.'
[06:18.95] My mother said nothing.
[06:22.02] She didn't look at the judge and she didn' t look at me.
[06:29.36] Next, the guards brought my brother James into the room.
[06:35.93] When I saw James,I wanted to cry.
[06:41.22] James was thin and dirty and his hair was very long.
[06:49.97] He looked at the judge and at all the rich
[06:53.26] and important men in the room and he began to cry.
[07:00.20] Then he sat down on the floor.
[07:03.87] 'Stand up,James Device,'
[07:06.56] Judge Bromley said.
[07:09.95] The guards pulled James up,
[07:12.71] but he fell to the floor again.
[07:15.97] 'You killed Mr Duckworth,'
[07:19.30] Judge Bromley said.
[07:22.00] 'I wanted a shirt,'James cried.
[07:28.60] 'Is your brother a witch?'
[07:31.43] Judge Bromley asked me.
[07:35.00] ' Yes,' I said. My brother sat on the floor,
[07:41.30] his mouth open.
[07:44.63] He looked at me,but he didn't know me.
[07:50.51] I was clean,and fat because of all the good food at Read Hall.
[07:57.23] 'James told me about his friend,Dandy,'
[08:01.61] I began.'Dandy was the Devil and-'
[08:05.70] James heard the name Dandy,
[08:08.62] and he began to cry again.
[08:11.60] 'I want Dandy!I want to go home!'
[08:17.97] The guards pulled him up from the floor
[08:20.92] and took him out of the room.
[08:23.80] I never saw my brother again.
[08:30.55] When the guards brought my sister Alizon
[08:34.74] in front of the judge, I said nothing.
[08:38.49] John Law,the pedlar,came into the room.
[08:44.13] He was a thin man now.
[08:47.06] He walked slowly and he talked slowly and his face looked ill.
[08:56.35] He told the judge about that day near Colne
[08:59.68] when Alizon cursed him and her dog ran after him.
[09:05.55] 'I'm sorry!' Alizon said.
[09:08.91] ' I was angry with you that day,
[09:10.76] but I'm sorry now.'
[09:14.00] Alizon 's eyes were dark and afraid,
[09:19.36] but she had no friends in that room
[09:22.56] and nobody wanted to listen to her.
[09:27.65] Then Mr Nowell took me out
[09:31.05] and I waited with his servant in a different room.
[09:36.22] An hour later,
[09:38.32] there was the noise of many people shouting and crying.
[09:43.54] The servant smiled.
[09:46.44] 'The trial is finished,'
[09:48.89] he said 'You' re a good child Jennet.
[09:52.81] You told the judge the truth about the Witches.'
[09:58.66] Mr Nowell took me home to Read Hall.
[10:03.19] And on the twentieth day of August 1612,
[10:08.27] the guards took my mother,
[10:10.96] my sister and my brother out of prison ,
[10:16.89] and hanged them in front of Lancaster Castle.
[10:24.48] And so I lost my family.
[10:31.99] When I was a child,
[10:34.64] I wanted to be happy.
[10:38.08] I wanted to be warm,
[10:40.39] to wear shoes, to eat good food.
[10:45.43] I wanted someone to take care of me.That's all.
[10:51.74] My mother gave me nothing.
[10:54.71] She gave me no love.
[10:57.28] She never took care of me.
[11:00.72] Because my mother was a witch,
[11:03.96] my father ran away and I never knew him.
[11:10.63] My father was a rich man without a name,
[11:14.54] and I lived hungry and cold with a witch.
[11:22.44] And so I told Judge Bromley the truth about my family.
[11:28.99] Was I wrong?I don't know.
[11:35.94] I was happy for years at Read Hall.
[11:39.55] For twenty-one years, I forgot my family.
[11:44.62] I learned to cook for the Nowell family;
[11:47.99] I worked many hours every day but I was warm
[11:52.46] and I ate good food.
[11:55.86] Every Sunday,in my best dress,I went to church;
[12:02.24] every summer I walked over Pendle Hill.
[12:07.66] I never thought about my family,
[12:10.63] because I was happy at Read Hall.
[12:16.65] In August 1612,
[12:20.29] the guards hanged my family in front of Lancaster Castle.
[12:26.22] But their dead faces waited for me there;
[12:32.09] and a year ago, in 1633,
[12:37.19] when the guards put me in the prison in Lancaster Castle,
[12:42.33] I met them again.
[12:46.22] Day after day, I see their ugly,
[12:50.07] dead faces and hear their cold, angry voices.
[12:58.85] I think of them all the time.
[13:04.88] God is with me here,in prison.
[13:07.53] I believe that.
[13:10.21] But my dead family is with me too.
[13:16.46] Mr Webster,from the church at Kildwick,
[13:22.06] visits me again.
[13:23.37] His blue eyes are tired,but he smiles at me.
[13:30.58] 'Edmund Robinson and his father told the truth in London, '
[13:36.67] he says quietly.
[13:39.16] ' The child told lies about you because he was afraid of his father.
[13:45.43] He wanted his father to love him.'
[13:50.50] I say nothing. Mr Webster wants to be kind,
[13:57.44] but he cannot help me.
[14:00.82] Mr Nowell cannot help me because he is dead.
[14:07.11] Edmund Robinson is only a child;
[14:11.05] he tells lies one day,
[14:13.42] and the truth the next day.
[14:17.16] but the truth cannot help me.
[14:21.14] What can I do against hate ,and lies?
[14:27.99] When Mr Nowell was alive,
[14:30.72] the Villagers didn't talk about me.
[14:34.52] But when Mr Nowell died,the lies began.
[14:40.49] The villagers are all afraid of me
[14:44.06] because my name is Device.
[14:47.18] They hate me
[14:49.71] because my name is Device.
[14:53.92] They say I am a witch
[14:57.38] because my name is Device.
[15:02.22] I come from a family of witches,
[15:05.46] but I am not a witch.
[15:09.73] Nobody died because I cursed them.
[15:13.40] I never made clay pictures,
[15:17.13] I never had a cat or dog.
[15:21.81] I only wanted to live quietly at Read Hall
[15:27.14] and watch the changing skies over Pendle Hill.
[15:34.30] When I was a child,
[15:36.33] I was always cold and hungry,
[15:40.18] and I hated my family because they were witches.
[15:45.45] In 1612, I told the truth,
[15:50.19] and the truth killed my family.
[15:54.62] Now, twenty-two years later,
[15:59.39] lies are going to kill me,
[16:02.48] here in Lancaster Castle,
[16:06.64] and I am cold and hungry again.
[16:13.89] Mr Webster gives me bread,
[16:17.39] and I go back into the prison.
[16:20.44] I can never go back to Read Hall;
[16:23.74] I know that now.
[16:26.79] I must stay here in Lancaster Castle,
[16:30.60] with my dead family.
[16:34.30] They are watching me,
[16:36.64] and waiting for me.
[16:39.69] I can never be free of them.
[16:44.97] This is my true story;
[16:47.40] and I want to finish it now.


[00:06.69] On the twentyseventh day of April,
[00:09.57] the guards took my mother and James to Lancaster Castle,
[00:15.49] and my life at Read Hall began
[00:20.17] Suddenly, it was spring
[00:23.09] The sky was blue and there were beautiful flowers on the hills
[00:29.66] From Read Hall, Pendle Hill looked different :
[00:34.64] it looked smaller, and it was not so important in my life
[00:41.79] Sometimes I walked along Sabden Brook to Sabden,
[00:47.62] and then to Newchurch,
[00:49.71] and I felt happy to be near Pendle Hill again
[00:55.26] But I never visited Malkin Tower again
[01:01.22] Spring changed into summer,
[01:04.47] and in August I went to Lancaster with Mr Nowell
[01:09.89] Lancaster was thirty miles from Read Hall,
[01:14.43] and I got very tired because I sat on a horse for hours
[01:21.23] It was a big, noisy town
[01:24.70] I never saw so many people before in my life and I felt afraid
[01:33.85] The trial of the witches of Pendle
[01:36.99] began at Lancaster Castle on the eighteenth day of August,
[01:42.92] and the judge was an important man from London
[01:48.19] Judge Bromley listened to many people on that day,
[01:53.11] because there were a lot of witches from Lancashire in the prison
[01:59.14] Old Demdike was not there because she died in May,
[02:04.40] before the judge arrived
[02:09.16] I waited with Mr Nowell' s servant,
[02:12.98] and when a guard called my name,
[02:16.44] I went through a big door and saw the judge behind a table
[02:23.13] Judge Bromley was rich and important,
[02:28.42] but his eyes were cold
[02:32.54] Suddenly, I saw my mother!
[02:37.30] She was dirty and very thin
[02:42.61] When she saw me, her face went red
[02:48.55] My hair was clean now,
[02:50.78] and I wore shoes and an expensive dress
[02:56.23] I saw my mother' s eyes:
[02:59.98] she hated me!
[03:03.87] ' Are you a witch?' Judge Bromley asked my mother
[03:10.44] ' No, I ' m not,' my mother answered angrily
[03:16.41] ' Did you kill Jack Robinson, of Barley village?'
[03:22.86] ' No, I did not'
[03:26.42] ' Jennet Device is here,' a voice said quietly
[03:32.14] It was Mr Nowell
[03:34.97] ' She can tell us the truth about her mother'
[03:41.05] For a minute, my mother did not move
[03:46.77] Then she ran across the room and shouted at me
[03:52.29] ' You know nothing, you bad child!
[03:56.86] And I' m your mother! Don' t forget that!'
[04:02.68] The guards ran after my mother and pulled her to the floor
[04:08.18] ' I' m no witch!' my mother shouted
[04:12.98] ' It' s all lies! Jennet, you' re a witch
[04:18.62] a child of the Devil!
[04:21.25] You' re my daughter, and I know!'
[04:28.30] I was afraid and I put my hands over my eyes
[04:34.10] I didn' t want to see my mother' s ugly face
[04:39.62] The guards pulled my mother out of the room and the noise stopped
[04:46.72] ' Jennet Device,' the judge said
[04:50.80] ' Tell us the truth about your mother'
[04:57.04] Roger Nowell lifted me up
[05:00.49] and put me on a table in front of the judge
[05:05.58] ' My mother is a witch,'
[05:08.75] I began' She has a friend,
[05:13.09] a dog called Ball
[05:16.73] When she wants to kill somebody,
[05:19.11] she tells Ball' I talked and talked
[05:26.26] I told the judge everything
[05:31.83] Judge Bromley listened carefully
[05:35.94] ' My child, is this the truth?'
[05:40.55] ' Yes,' I answered
[05:43.88] ' I' m telling you the truth'
[05:49.45] The guards brought my mother back into the room again
[05:53.89] Her face looked tired and her eyes were red
[06:00.05] ' Elizabeth Device, your daughter told us about your dog, Ball
[06:07.68] Your son, too,
[06:09.54] told us about the clay pictures
[06:13.20] We know everything'
[06:18.95] My mother said nothing
[06:22.02] She didn' t look at the judge and she didn' t look at me
[06:29.36] Next, the guards brought my brother James into the room
[06:35.93] When I saw James, I wanted to cry
[06:41.22] James was thin and dirty and his hair was very long
[06:49.97] He looked at the judge and at all the rich
[06:53.26] and important men in the room and he began to cry
[07:00.20] Then he sat down on the floor
[07:03.87] ' Stand up, James Device,'
[07:06.56] Judge Bromley said
[07:09.95] The guards pulled James up,
[07:12.71] but he fell to the floor again
[07:15.97] ' You killed Mr Duckworth,'
[07:19.30] Judge Bromley said
[07:22.00] ' I wanted a shirt,' James cried
[07:28.60] ' Is your brother a witch?'
[07:31.43] Judge Bromley asked me
[07:35.00] ' Yes,' I said My brother sat on the floor,
[07:41.30] his mouth open
[07:44.63] He looked at me, but he didn' t know me
[07:50.51] I was clean, and fat because of all the good food at Read Hall
[07:57.23] ' James told me about his friend, Dandy,'
[08:01.61] I began' Dandy was the Devil and'
[08:05.70] James heard the name Dandy,
[08:08.62] and he began to cry again
[08:11.60] ' I want Dandy! I want to go home!'
[08:17.97] The guards pulled him up from the floor
[08:20.92] and took him out of the room
[08:23.80] I never saw my brother again
[08:30.55] When the guards brought my sister Alizon
[08:34.74] in front of the judge, I said nothing
[08:38.49] John Law, the pedlar, came into the room.
[08:44.13] He was a thin man now
[08:47.06] He walked slowly and he talked slowly and his face looked ill.
[08:56.35] He told the judge about that day near Colne
[08:59.68] when Alizon cursed him and her dog ran after him
[09:05.55] ' I' m sorry!' Alizon said
[09:08.91] ' I was angry with you that day,
[09:10.76] but I' m sorry now'
[09:14.00] Alizon ' s eyes were dark and afraid,
[09:19.36] but she had no friends in that room
[09:22.56] and nobody wanted to listen to her
[09:27.65] Then Mr Nowell took me out
[09:31.05] and I waited with his servant in a different room
[09:36.22] An hour later,
[09:38.32] there was the noise of many people shouting and crying
[09:43.54] The servant smiled
[09:46.44] ' The trial is finished,'
[09:48.89] he said ' You' re a good child Jennet
[09:52.81] You told the judge the truth about the Witches'
[09:58.66] Mr Nowell took me home to Read Hall
[10:03.19] And on the twentieth day of August 1612,
[10:08.27] the guards took my mother,
[10:10.96] my sister and my brother out of prison ,
[10:16.89] and hanged them in front of Lancaster Castle
[10:24.48] And so I lost my family
[10:31.99] When I was a child,
[10:34.64] I wanted to be happy
[10:38.08] I wanted to be warm,
[10:40.39] to wear shoes, to eat good food
[10:45.43] I wanted someone to take care of me That' s all
[10:51.74] My mother gave me nothing
[10:54.71] She gave me no love
[10:57.28] She never took care of me
[11:00.72] Because my mother was a witch,
[11:03.96] my father ran away and I never knew him
[11:10.63] My father was a rich man without a name,
[11:14.54] and I lived hungry and cold with a witch
[11:22.44] And so I told Judge Bromley the truth about my family
[11:28.99] Was I wrong? I don' t know
[11:35.94] I was happy for years at Read Hall
[11:39.55] For twentyone years, I forgot my family.
[11:44.62] I learned to cook for the Nowell family
[11:47.99] I worked many hours every day but I was warm
[11:52.46] and I ate good food
[11:55.86] Every Sunday, in my best dress, I went to church
[12:02.24] every summer I walked over Pendle Hill
[12:07.66] I never thought about my family,
[12:10.63] because I was happy at Read Hall
[12:16.65] In August 1612,
[12:20.29] the guards hanged my family in front of Lancaster Castle
[12:26.22] But their dead faces waited for me there
[12:32.09] and a year ago, in 1633,
[12:37.19] when the guards put me in the prison in Lancaster Castle,
[12:42.33] I met them again
[12:46.22] Day after day, I see their ugly,
[12:50.07] dead faces and hear their cold, angry voices
[12:58.85] I think of them all the time
[13:04.88] God is with me here, in prison
[13:07.53] I believe that
[13:10.21] But my dead family is with me too
[13:16.46] Mr Webster, from the church at Kildwick,
[13:22.06] visits me again
[13:23.37] His blue eyes are tired, but he smiles at me
[13:30.58] ' Edmund Robinson and his father told the truth in London, '
[13:36.67] he says quietly
[13:39.16] ' The child told lies about you because he was afraid of his father
[13:45.43] He wanted his father to love him'
[13:50.50] I say nothing Mr Webster wants to be kind,
[13:57.44] but he cannot help me
[14:00.82] Mr Nowell cannot help me because he is dead
[14:07.11] Edmund Robinson is only a child
[14:11.05] he tells lies one day,
[14:13.42] and the truth the next day
[14:17.16] but the truth cannot help me
[14:21.14] What can I do against hate , and lies?
[14:27.99] When Mr Nowell was alive,
[14:30.72] the Villagers didn' t talk about me
[14:34.52] But when Mr Nowell died, the lies began
[14:40.49] The villagers are all afraid of me
[14:44.06] because my name is Device
[14:47.18] They hate me
[14:49.71] because my name is Device
[14:53.92] They say I am a witch
[14:57.38] because my name is Device
[15:02.22] I come from a family of witches,
[15:05.46] but I am not a witch
[15:09.73] Nobody died because I cursed them
[15:13.40] I never made clay pictures,
[15:17.13] I never had a cat or dog
[15:21.81] I only wanted to live quietly at Read Hall
[15:27.14] and watch the changing skies over Pendle Hill
[15:34.30] When I was a child,
[15:36.33] I was always cold and hungry,
[15:40.18] and I hated my family because they were witches
[15:45.45] In 1612, I told the truth,
[15:50.19] and the truth killed my family
[15:54.62] Now, twenty two years later,
[15:59.39] lies are going to kill me,
[16:02.48] here in Lancaster Castle,
[16:06.64] and I am cold and hungry again
[16:13.89] Mr Webster gives me bread,
[16:17.39] and I go back into the prison
[16:20.44] I can never go back to Read Hall
[16:23.74] I know that now
[16:26.79] I must stay here in Lancaster Castle,
[16:30.60] with my dead family
[16:34.30] They are watching me,
[16:36.64] and waiting for me
[16:39.69] I can never be free of them
[16:44.97] This is my true story
[16:47.40] and I want to finish it now


[00:01.21] dì 4 zhāng zhēn xiàng yǔ huǎng yán
[00:06.69] 4 yuè 27 rì,
[00:09.57] kān shǒu men bǎ wǒ mā mā hé zhān mǔ sī dài dào le lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo,
[00:15.49] wǒ zài lǐ dé zhái yuàn kāi shǐ le xīn de shēng huó.
[00:20.17] zhuǎn yǎn jiān, chūn tiān lái le.
[00:23.09] tiān kōng yī piàn zhàn lán, shān shàng kāi zhe měi lì de huā duǒ.
[00:29.66] cóng lǐ dé zhái yuàn kàn qù, pān dé ěr shān xiǎn de hé guò qù yǒu xiē bù tóng:
[00:34.64] tā kàn qǐ lái xiǎo le diǎn, ér qiě tā zài wǒ de shēng huó zhōng bù zài nà me zhòng yào le.
[00:41.79] yǒu shí wǒ yán zhe sà bo dēng xiǎo xī zǒu dào sà bo dēng cūn,
[00:47.62] rán hòu zài dào niǔ qiū qí cūn
[00:49.71] wǒ zhēn gāo xīng néng zài cì kào jìn pān dé ěr shān.
[00:55.26] dàn shì wǒ zài yě méi yǒu qù guò mǎ ěr jīn tǎ.
[01:01.22] chūn qù xià lái,
[01:04.47] 8 yuè fèn wǒ hé nuò āi ěr xiān shēng yì qǐ qù le lán kāi sī tè.
[01:09.89] lán kāi sī tè lí lǐ dé zhái yuàn yǒu 30 yīng lǐ yuǎn,
[01:14.43] yīn wèi yī lián jǐ xiǎo shí zuò zài mǎ bèi shàng, wǒ hěn pí bèi.
[01:21.23] lán kāi sī tè shì yí gè dà ér xuān nào de shì zhèn.
[01:24.70] wǒ yǐ qián cóng lái méi yǒu jiàn guò nà me duō de rén, suǒ yǐ yǒu diǎn hài pà.
[01:33.85] 8 yuè 18 rì,
[01:36.99] zài lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo kāi shǐ le duì pān dé ěr dì qū de wū shī de shěn pàn.
[01:42.92] fǎ guān shì yī wèi cóng lún dūn lái de zhòng yào rén wù.
[01:48.19] yóu yú jiān yù lǐ guān zhe xǔ duō lán kāi xià jùn de wū shī,
[01:53.11] bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān zài nà yì tiān tīng qǔ le hěn duō rén dí zhèng cí.
[01:59.14] lǎo dé mǔ dài kè méi yǒu chū tíng,
[02:04.40] yīn wèi zài fǎ guān dào dá zhī qián, tā yǐ jīng zài 5 yuè fèn sǐ qù le.
[02:09.16] wǒ hé nuò āi ěr xiān shēng de yòng rén zài yì qǐ děng hòu chū tíng.
[02:12.98] dāng kān shǒu jiào dào wǒ de míng zì shí,
[02:16.44] wǒ chuān guò yī shàn dà mén wǎng qián zǒu qù, kàn jiàn le zhuō zi hòu miàn dí fǎ guān dà rén.
[02:23.13] bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān shí fēn fù yǒu bìng qiě dì wèi xiǎn hè,
[02:28.42] dàn shì tā de yǎn jīng bīng lěng wú qíng.
[02:32.54] tū rán, wǒ kàn dào le mā mā!
[02:37.30] tā yòu zàng yòu shòu.
[02:42.61] dāng tā kàn jiàn wǒ shí, tā de liǎn biàn hóng le.
[02:48.55] dāng shí wǒ de tóu fà hěn gān jìng,
[02:50.78] wǒ hái chuān zhe xié zǐ hé yī tiáo tǐng guì de qún zi.
[02:56.23] wǒ cóng tā de yǎn shén zhōng kàn chū:
[02:59.98] tā hèn wǒ!
[03:03.87] " nǐ shì nǚ wū ma?" bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān wèn mā mā.
[03:10.44] " bù, wǒ bú shì." wǒ mā mā shēng qì dì huí dá.
[03:16.41] " nǐ shì bú shì hài sǐ le bā lì cūn de jié kè lǔ bīn xùn?"
[03:22.86] " bù, wǒ méi yǒu."
[03:26.42] " zhān nī tè dí wǎ sī jiù zài zhè lǐ." yí gè shēng yīn píng jìng dì shuō.
[03:32.14] nà shi nuò āi ěr xiān shēng.
[03:34.97] " tā kě yǐ gào sù wǒ men yǒu guān tā mǔ qīn dí zhēn shí qíng kuàng."
[03:41.05] yǒu yī xiǎo huì ér, wǒ de mā mā yī dòng bù dòng.
[03:46.77] suí hòu tā pǎo zhe chuān guò fáng jiān, xiàng wǒ dà hǎn:
[03:52.29] " nǐ shén me yě bù zhī dào, nǐ zhè gè huài hái zi!
[03:56.86] wǒ shì nǐ mā mā, bié wàng le zhè diǎn!"
[04:02.68] kān shǒu men zhuī zhe wǒ mā mā, bǎ tā lā dǎo zài dì shàng.
[04:08.18] " wǒ bú shì nǚ wū!" mā mā hǎn dào.
[04:12.98] " nà quán shì huǎng yán! zhān nī tè, nǐ shì gè nǚ wū
[04:18.62] mó guǐ de hái zi!
[04:21.25] nǐ shì wǒ nǚ ér, wǒ zhī dào!"
[04:28.30] wǒ hěn hài pà, yòng shǒu dǎng zhù yǎn jīng.
[04:34.10] wǒ bù xiǎng kàn dào mā mā nà zhāng chǒu lòu de liǎn.
[04:39.62] kān shǒu men bǎ mā mā lā chū le fáng jiān, chǎo rǎng shēng zhǐ zhù le.
[04:46.72] " zhān nī tè dí wǎ sī," fǎ guān shuō,
[04:50.80] " bǎ nǐ mǔ qīn dí zhēn shí qíng kuàng gào sù wǒ men."
[04:57.04] luó jié nuò āi ěr bǎ wǒ jǔ qǐ lái,
[05:00.49] fàng zài fǎ guān qián miàn dí yī zhāng zhuō zi shàng.
[05:05.58] " wǒ de mā mā shì gè nǚ wū,"
[05:08.75] wǒ shuō dào." tā yǒu yí gè péng yǒu,
[05:13.09] shì yī tiáo míng jiào bào ěr de gǒu.
[05:16.73] dāng tā xiǎng shā sǐ shuí de shí hòu,
[05:19.11] tā jiù gào sù bào ěr" wǒ jiǎng a, jiǎng a,
[05:26.26] bǎ yī qiè dōu gào sù le fǎ guān.
[05:31.83] bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān zǐ xì dì tīng zhe.
[05:35.94] " wǒ de hái zi, zhè shì zhēn de ma?"
[05:40.55] " shì de," wǒ huí dá shuō.
[05:43.88] " wǒ shuō de dōu shì zhēn huà."
[05:49.45] kān shǒu men yòu bǎ wǒ mā mā dài huí le fáng jiān.
[05:53.89] tā miàn dài juàn róng, yǎn jīng hóng hóng de.
[06:00.05] " yī lì shā bái dí wǎ sī, nǐ de nǚ ér duì wǒ men jiǎng le nǐ de gǒu bào ěr de shì.
[06:07.68] lìng wài nǐ de ér zi
[06:09.54] duì wǒ men shuō le ní xiàng de shì.
[06:13.20] wǒ men shén me dōu zhī dào le."
[06:18.95] wǒ mā mā yī shēng bù kēng.
[06:22.02] tā jì méi yǒu kàn fǎ guān, yě méi yǒu kàn wǒ.
[06:29.36] jiē xià lái, kān shǒu men bǎ wǒ de gē ge zhān mǔ sī dài jìn le fáng jiān.
[06:35.93] dāng wǒ kàn dào gē ge shí, wǒ zhēn xiǎng kū.
[06:41.22] zhān mǔ sī yòu zàng yòu shòu, tóu fà cháng cháng de.
[06:49.97] tā kàn le kàn fǎ guān hé fáng jiān lǐ yǒu qián yǒu shì de rén,
[06:53.26] kū le qǐ lái.
[07:00.20] rán hòu, tā zuò zài dì shàng.
[07:03.87] " zhàn qǐ lái, zhān mǔ sī dí wǎ sī,"
[07:06.56] bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān shuō.
[07:09.95] kān shǒu men bǎ zhān mǔ sī tuō le qǐ lái,
[07:12.71] dàn shì tā yòu dào zài le dì shàng.
[07:15.97] " nǐ hài sǐ le dá kè wò sī xiān shēng,"
[07:19.30] bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān shuō.
[07:22.00] " wǒ xiǎng yào jiàn chèn yī," zhān mǔ sī dà shēng shuō.
[07:28.60] " nǐ gē ge shì wū shī ma?"
[07:31.43] bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān wèn wǒ.
[07:35.00] " shì," wǒ shuō. wǒ gē ge
[07:41.30] zhāng zhe zuǐ zuò zài dì shàng.
[07:44.63] tā kàn le wǒ yī yǎn, kě shì méi rèn chū wǒ lái.
[07:50.51] yīn wèi wǒ hěn gān jìng pàng hū hū de, nà shi yóu yú zài lǐ dé zhái yuàn chī de hěn hǎo de yuán gù.
[07:57.23] " zhān mǔ sī gěi wǒ jiǎng guò tā de péng yǒu dān dí de shì,"
[08:01.61] wǒ shuō." dān dí shì mó guǐ, bìng qiě"
[08:05.70] zhān mǔ sī tīng dào dān dí zhè gè míng zì,
[08:08.62] yòu jiào le qǐ lái:
[08:11.60] " wǒ yào dān dí! wǒ xiǎng huí jiā!"
[08:17.97] kān shǒu men bǎ tā cóng dì shàng lā qǐ lái,
[08:20.92] dài le chū qù.
[08:23.80] cóng cǐ, wǒ zài yě méi yǒu jiàn guò gē ge.
[08:30.55] dāng kān shǒu men bǎ wǒ jiě jie ài lì sēn dài dào fǎ guān qián miàn shí,
[08:34.74] wǒ shén me huà dōu méi shuō.
[08:38.49] xiǎo fàn yuē hàn láo zǒu jìn le fáng jiān.
[08:44.13] tā biàn de fēi cháng shòu,
[08:47.06] zǒu lù shuō huà dōu hěn huǎn màn, yī liǎn bìng róng.
[08:56.35] tā duì fǎ guān jiǎng shù le nà yì tiān zài kē ēn cūn fù jìn,
[08:59.68] ài lì sēn zǔ zhòu tā yǐ jí tā de gǒu zhuī gǎn tā de shì qíng.
[09:05.55] " wǒ hěn bào qiàn!" ài lì sēn shuō.
[09:08.91] " nà tiān wǒ hěn shēng nǐ de qì,
[09:10.76] bù guò xiàn zài wǒ gǎn dào bào qiàn."
[09:14.00] ài lì sēn de yǎn jīng hēi hēi de, liú lòu chū kǒng jù.
[09:19.36] dàn shì zài nà gè fáng jiān lǐ tā méi yǒu yí gè péng yǒu,
[09:22.56] méi yǒu rén kěn tīng tā de huà.
[09:27.65] hòu lái, nuò āi ěr xiān shēng bǎ wǒ lǐng le chū qù,
[09:31.05] wǒ hé tā de yòng rén zài lìng wài yí gè fáng jiān lǐ děng zhe.
[09:36.22] yī xiǎo shí hòu,
[09:38.32] chuán lái le xǔ duō rén de kū rǎng shēng.
[09:43.54] yòng rén xiào le.
[09:46.44] " shěn pàn jié shù le,"
[09:48.89] tā shuō." nǐ shì gè hǎo hái zi, zhān nī tè,
[09:52.81] nǐ bǎ yǒu guān wū shī men dí zhēn xiāng gào sù le fǎ guān."
[09:58.66] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng bǎ wǒ dài huí lǐ dé zhái yuàn.
[10:03.19] 1612 nián 8 yuè 20 rì,
[10:08.27] kān shǒu men bǎ wǒ de mā mā
[10:10.96] jiě jie hé gē ge yā chū jiān yù,
[10:16.89] zài lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo qián jiǎo sǐ le tā men.
[10:24.48] jiù zhè yàng wǒ shī qù le wǒ de yī jiā.
[10:31.99] dāng wǒ hái shì gè hái zǐ shí,
[10:34.64] wǒ xī wàng guò de kuài lè.
[10:38.08] wǒ xiǎng chuān dé nuǎn huo,
[10:40.39] xiǎng yǒu xié chuān, yǒu hǎo dōng xī chī.
[10:45.43] wǒ pàn wàng yǒu rén lái guān xīn wǒ. jǐn cǐ ér yǐ.
[10:51.74] wǒ de mā mā shén me yě méi yǒu gěi guò wǒ.
[10:54.71] tā cóng wèi gěi guò wǒ yì diǎn ài.
[10:57.28] tā cóng bù guān xīn wǒ.
[11:00.72] yīn wèi mā mā shì nǚ wū,
[11:03.96] wǒ de fù qīn pǎo diào le, wǒ gēn běn bù zhī dào tā shì shuí.
[11:10.63] tā shì yí gè méi yǒu míng zì de yǒu qián rén,
[11:14.54] ér wǒ què hé nǚ wū yì qǐ shēng huó, guò zhe jī hán jiāo pò de rì zi.
[11:22.44] yīn cǐ, wǒ bǎ wǒ yī jiā dí zhēn xiāng gào sù le bù luó mǔ lì fǎ guān.
[11:28.99] wǒ cuò le ma? wǒ bù zhī dào.
[11:35.94] zài lǐ dé zhái yuàn wǒ xìng fú dì shēng huó le hěn duō nián.
[11:39.55] 21 nián lái, wǒ wàng jì le wǒ de jiā rén.
[11:44.62] wǒ xué zhe wèi nuò āi ěr yī jiā zuò fàn
[11:47.99] suī rán měi tiān gōng zuò hěn zhǎng shí jiān, dàn shì wǒ chuān dé nuǎn
[11:52.46] chī dé hǎo.
[11:55.86] měi gè xīng qī tiān, wǒ chuān shang zuì hǎo de yī fú qù jiào táng qí dǎo
[12:02.24] měi nián xià tiān wǒ zài pān dé ěr shān shàng màn bù.
[12:07.66] wǒ cóng wèi xiǎng dào guò wǒ de jiā rén,
[12:10.63] yīn wèi wǒ zài lǐ dé zhái yuàn shēng huó de hěn yú kuài.
[12:16.65] 1612 nián 8 yuè,
[12:20.29] kān shǒu men zài lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo qián jiǎo sǐ le wǒ de yī jiā.
[12:26.22] rán ér tā men sǐ qù de miàn kǒng zài nà li děng dài zhe wǒ.
[12:32.09] yī nián qián, yě jiù shì 1633 nián,
[12:37.19] kān shǒu men bǎ wǒ guān jìn le lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo jiān yù.
[12:42.33] zài yù zhōng, wǒ yòu yù dào le tā men.
[12:46.22] rì fù yī rì, wǒ néng kàn jiàn tā men chǒu lòu de sǐ qù de miàn kǒng,
[12:50.07] tīng dé dào tā men bīng lěng qì fèn de shēng yīn.
[12:58.85] wǒ zǒng shì xiǎng dào tā men.
[13:04.88] shàng dì zài zhè lǐ, zài jiān yù zhōng yǔ wǒ tóng zài,
[13:07.53] duì cǐ wǒ shēn xìn bù yí.
[13:10.21] kě shì wǒ sǐ qù de yī jiā yě yǔ wǒ tóng zài.
[13:16.46] jī ěr dé wēi kè jiào táng de wéi bó sī tè xiān shēng
[13:22.06] yòu lái kàn wǒ le.
[13:23.37] tā kàn shang qu hěn pí láo, dàn shì tā xiàng wǒ wēi xiào zhe.
[13:30.58] " āi dé méng lǔ bīn xùn hé tā fù qīn zài lún dūn shuō le shí huà,"
[13:36.67] tā qīng shēng shuō.
[13:39.16] " nà gè hái zi guò qù suǒ shuō de yǒu guān nǐ de shì dōu shì chě huǎng, yīn wèi tā hài pà tā fù qīn.
[13:45.43] tā xī wàng fù qīn ài tā."
[13:50.50] wǒ shén me yě méi shuō. wéi bó sī tè xiān shēng jǐn liàng hé shàn dì dài wǒ,
[13:57.44] kě shì tā bāng bù liǎo wǒ.
[14:00.82] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng yě wú fǎ bāng wǒ, yīn wèi tā yǐ jīng qù shì le.
[14:07.11] āi dé méng lǔ bīn xùn zhǐ shì gè hái zi
[14:11.05] tā jīn tiān shuō huǎng,
[14:13.42] míng tiān shuō zhēn huà,
[14:17.16] dàn shì zhēn huà yě bāng bù liǎo wǒ.
[14:21.14] wǒ néng zuò shí mǒ lái duì kàng chóu hèn hé huǎng yán ne?
[14:27.99] nuò āi ěr xiān shēng zài shì shí,
[14:30.72] cūn mín men méi yǒu yì lùn guò wǒ.
[14:34.52] rán ér nuò āi ěr xiān shēng qù shì hòu, huǎng yán biàn kāi shǐ liú chuán qǐ lái.
[14:40.49] cūn mín men dōu hài pà wǒ
[14:44.06] yīn wèi wǒ xìng dí wǎ sī.
[14:47.18] tā men hèn wǒ
[14:49.71] yīn wèi wǒ xìng dí wǎ sī.
[14:53.92] tā men shuō wǒ shì nǚ wū
[14:57.38] yīn wèi wǒ xìng dí wǎ sī.
[15:02.22] wǒ lái zì wū shī zhī jiā,
[15:05.46] kě wǒ bú shì wū shī.
[15:09.73] wǒ cóng wèi zhòu sǐ guò rèn hé rén.
[15:13.40] wǒ cóng wèi zhì zuò guò ní xiàng.
[15:17.13] wǒ cóng wèi yǎng guò māo huò gǒu.
[15:21.81] wǒ zhǐ xiǎng zài lǐ dé zhái yuàn píng jìng dì shēng huó,
[15:27.14] wǒ zhǐ xiǎng níng wàng pān dé ěr shān dǐng shàng nà piàn bù duàn biàn huà de tiān kōng.
[15:34.30] hái tí shí dài,
[15:36.33] wǒ zǒng shì ái è shòu dòng,
[15:40.18] wǒ hèn wǒ de jiā rén, yīn wèi tā men dōu shì wū shī.
[15:45.45] 1612 nián, wǒ shuō le zhēn huà,
[15:50.19] ér zhēn huà hài sǐ le wǒ de yī jiā.
[15:54.62] 22 nián hòu de jīn tiān,
[15:59.39] huǎng yán jiāng shǐ wǒ zài lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo zhōng sàng shēng,
[16:02.48] wǒ zài cì xiàn rù le
[16:06.64] jī hán jiāo pò de kǔ nàn zhōng.
[16:13.89] wéi bó sī tè xiān shēng gěi le wǒ miàn bāo,
[16:17.39] wǒ yòu huí dào le láo fáng lǐ.
[16:20.44] wǒ zài yě wú fǎ zhòng guī lǐ dé zhái yuàn le
[16:23.74] xiàn zài wǒ zhī dào zhè diǎn le.
[16:26.79] wǒ bì xū dāi zài lán kāi sī tè chéng bǎo jiān yù lǐ,
[16:30.60] hé wǒ sǐ qù de yī jiā zài yì qǐ.
[16:34.30] tā men zhèng zài zhù shì zhe wǒ,
[16:36.64] děng dài zhe wǒ,
[16:39.69] wǒ yǒng yuǎn yě wú fǎ bǎi tuō tā men.
[16:44.97] zhè shì wǒ dí zhēn shí gù shì
[16:47.40] jiù jiǎng dào zhè ér ba.