
歌曲 歌剧院的幽灵03
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第一级


[00:02.56] CHAPTER 3 CHRISTINE Daaé
[00:07.54] Monsieur Firmin was right.
[00:10.00] All Paris talked about the new Margarita in Faust,
[00:14.07] the girl with the beautiful voice,the girl with the voice of an angel.
[00:20.18] People loved her.They laughed and cried and called for more.
[00:26.60] Daaé was wonderful,the best singer in the world!
[00:32.39] Behind the stage Meg Giry looked at Annie Sorelli.
[00:37.51] 'Christine Daaé never sang like that before.'
[00:41.11] she said to Annie.'Why was she so good tonight?'
[00:46.24] 'Perhaps she's got a new music teacher,'Annie said.
[00:52.33] The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time.
[00:56.77] In Box 14,Philippe,the Comte de Chagny,
[01:01.44] turned to his younger brother and smiled.
[01:04.79] 'Well, Raoul, what did you think of Daaé tonight?'
[01:09.87] Raoul,the Vicomte de Chagny,
[01:12.76] was twenty-one years old.
[01:15.05] He had blue eyes and black hair,and a wonderful smile.
[01:20.99] The Chagny family was old and rich,
[01:23.95] and many girls in Paris were in love with the young Vicomte.
[01:28.38] But Raoul was not interested in them.
[01:32.42] He smiled back at his brother.
[01:35.79] 'What can I say? Christine is an angel, that's all.
[01:40.91] I'm going to her dressing-room to see her tonight.'
[01:44.77] Philippe laughed.
[01:46.85] He was twenty years older than Raoul,
[01:48.83] and was more like a father than a brother.
[01:51.93] 'Ah, I understand,'he said.'You are in love!
[01:58.87] But this is your first night in Paris,
[02:02.04] your first visit to the opera.
[02:04.98] How do you know Christine Daaé?'
[02:09.30] 'You remember four years ago,
[02:11.69] when I was on holiday by the sea,in Brittany?'
[02:15.42] Raoul said.'Well, I met Christine there.
[02:20.53] I was in love with her then,
[02:22.79] and I'm still in love with her today!'
[02:27.15] The Comte de Chagny looked at his brother.
[02:30.89] 'Mmm, I see,'he said slowly.
[02:35.52] 'Well, Raoul, remember she is only an opera singer.
[02:40.28] We know nothing about her family.'
[02:43.84] But Raoul did not listen.
[02:46.77] To him,good families were not important,
[02:50.78] and young men never listen to their older brothers.
[02:56.36] There were many people in Christine Daaé's dressing-room that night.
[03:01.09] But there was a doctor with Christine,
[03:03.95] and her beautiful face Looked white and ill.
[03:07.93] Raoul went quickly across the room and took her hand.
[03:12.52] 'Christine! What's the matter? Are you ill?'
[03:17.90] He went down on the floor by her chair.
[03:21.50] 'Don't you remember me Raoul de Chagny, in Brittany?'
[03:27.66] Christine looked at him,
[03:29.76] and her blue eyes were afraid.
[03:32.85] She took her hand away.
[03:35.80] 'No, I don't know you.Please go away.
[03:41.42] I'm not well.'
[03:44.39] Raoul stood up, his face red.
[03:48.00] Before he could speak, the doctor said quickly,
[03:52.02] ' Yes, yes, please go away.
[03:55.17] Everybody, please leave the room.
[03:58.25] Mademoiselle Daaé needs to be quiet.
[04:00.79] She is very tired.'
[04:04.19] He moved to the door,
[04:06.03] and soon everybody left the room.
[04:09.40] Christine Daaé was alone in her dressing-room.
[04:13.98] Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy.
[04:20.52] How could Christine forget him?
[04:23.36] How could she say that to him?
[04:26.81] He waited for some minutes,
[04:28.74] then, very quietly and carefully,
[04:33.15] he went back to the door of her dressing-room.
[04:37.02] But he did not open the door,
[04:39.26] because just then he heard a man's voice in the room!
[04:45.40] 'Christine, you must love me!' the voice said.
[04:50.94] Then Raoul heard Christine's voice.
[04:54.42] 'How can you talk like that?
[04:56.91] When I sing only for you…?
[05:00.06] Tonight, I gave everything to you, everything.
[05:04.58] And now I'm so tired.'
[05:07.89] Her voice was un happy and afraid.
[05:12.48] 'You sang like an angel,' the man's voice said.
[05:18.89] Raoul walked away.So that was the answer!
[05:25.06] Christine Daaé had a lover.
[05:27.57] But why was her voice so unhappy?
[05:31.31] He waited in the shadows near her room.
[05:34.72] He wanted to see her lover-his enemy!
[05:40.48] After about ten minutes Christine came out of her room, alone,
[05:46.51] and walked away down the passage.
[05:49.76] Raoul waited, but no man came out after her.
[05:55.81] There was nobody in the passage,
[05:58.12] so Raoul went quickly up to the door of the dressing-room,
[06:02.52] opened it and went in.
[06:05.75] He closed the door quietly behind him,
[06:09.17] then called out:
[06:11.29] 'Where are you?
[06:12.92] I know you're in here!Come out!'
[06:17.20] There was no answer.
[06:19.47] Raoul looked everywhere-under the chairs, behind all the clothes,
[06:26.75] in all the dark corners of the room.
[06:30.49] There was nobody there.


[00:02.56] CHAPTER 3 CHRISTINE Daaé
[00:07.54] Monsieur Firmin was right
[00:10.00] All Paris talked about the new Margarita in Faust,
[00:14.07] the girl with the beautiful voice, the girl with the voice of an angel
[00:20.18] People loved her. They laughed and cried and called for more
[00:26.60] Daaé was wonderful, the best singer in the world!
[00:32.39] Behind the stage Meg Giry looked at Annie Sorelli
[00:37.51] ' Christine Daaé never sang like that before'
[00:41.11] she said to Annie' Why was she so good tonight?'
[00:46.24] ' Perhaps she' s got a new music teacher,' Annie said
[00:52.33] The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time
[00:56.77] In Box 14, Philippe, the Comte de Chagny,
[01:01.44] turned to his younger brother and smiled
[01:04.79] ' Well, Raoul, what did you think of Daaé tonight?'
[01:09.87] Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny,
[01:12.76] was twenty one years old
[01:15.05] He had blue eyes and black hair, and a wonderful smile
[01:20.99] The Chagny family was old and rich,
[01:23.95] and many girls in Paris were in love with the young Vicomte
[01:28.38] But Raoul was not interested in them
[01:32.42] He smiled back at his brother
[01:35.79] ' What can I say? Christine is an angel, that' s all
[01:40.91] I' m going to her dressingroom to see her tonight'
[01:44.77] Philippe laughed
[01:46.85] He was twenty years older than Raoul,
[01:48.83] and was more like a father than a brother
[01:51.93] ' Ah, I understand,' he said' You are in love!
[01:58.87] But this is your first night in Paris,
[02:02.04] your first visit to the opera
[02:04.98] How do you know Christine Daaé?'
[02:09.30] ' You remember four years ago,
[02:11.69] when I was on holiday by the sea, in Brittany?'
[02:15.42] Raoul said' Well, I met Christine there
[02:20.53] I was in love with her then,
[02:22.79] and I' m still in love with her today!'
[02:27.15] The Comte de Chagny looked at his brother
[02:30.89] ' Mmm, I see,' he said slowly
[02:35.52] ' Well, Raoul, remember she is only an opera singer
[02:40.28] We know nothing about her family'
[02:43.84] But Raoul did not listen
[02:46.77] To him, good families were not important,
[02:50.78] and young men never listen to their older brothers
[02:56.36] There were many people in Christine Daaé' s dressing room that night
[03:01.09] But there was a doctor with Christine,
[03:03.95] and her beautiful face Looked white and ill
[03:07.93] Raoul went quickly across the room and took her hand
[03:12.52] ' Christine! What' s the matter? Are you ill?'
[03:17.90] He went down on the floor by her chair
[03:21.50] ' Don' t you remember me Raoul de Chagny, in Brittany?'
[03:27.66] Christine looked at him,
[03:29.76] and her blue eyes were afraid
[03:32.85] She took her hand away
[03:35.80] ' No, I don' t know you Please go away
[03:41.42] I' m not well'
[03:44.39] Raoul stood up, his face red
[03:48.00] Before he could speak, the doctor said quickly,
[03:52.02] ' Yes, yes, please go away
[03:55.17] Everybody, please leave the room
[03:58.25] Mademoiselle Daaé needs to be quiet
[04:00.79] She is very tired'
[04:04.19] He moved to the door,
[04:06.03] and soon everybody left the room.
[04:09.40] Christine Daaé was alone in her dressing room
[04:13.98] Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy
[04:20.52] How could Christine forget him?
[04:23.36] How could she say that to him?
[04:26.81] He waited for some minutes,
[04:28.74] then, very quietly and carefully,
[04:33.15] he went back to the door of her dressing room
[04:37.02] But he did not open the door,
[04:39.26] because just then he heard a man' s voice in the room!
[04:45.40] ' Christine, you must love me!' the voice said
[04:50.94] Then Raoul heard Christine' s voice
[04:54.42] ' How can you talk like that?
[04:56.91] When I sing only for you?
[05:00.06] Tonight, I gave everything to you, everything
[05:04.58] And now I' m so tired'
[05:07.89] Her voice was un happy and afraid
[05:12.48] ' You sang like an angel,' the man' s voice said
[05:18.89] Raoul walked away So that was the answer!
[05:25.06] Christine Daaé had a lover
[05:27.57] But why was her voice so unhappy?
[05:31.31] He waited in the shadows near her room
[05:34.72] He wanted to see her loverhis enemy!
[05:40.48] After about ten minutes Christine came out of her room, alone,
[05:46.51] and walked away down the passage
[05:49.76] Raoul waited, but no man came out after her
[05:55.81] There was nobody in the passage,
[05:58.12] so Raoul went quickly up to the door of the dressing room,
[06:02.52] opened it and went in
[06:05.75] He closed the door quietly behind him,
[06:09.17] then called out:
[06:11.29] ' Where are you?
[06:12.92] I know you' re in here! Come out!'
[06:17.20] There was no answer
[06:19.47] Raoul looked everywhereunder the chairs, behind all the clothes,
[06:26.75] in all the dark corners of the room
[06:30.49] There was nobody there


[00:02.56] dì 3 zhāng kè lì sī tíng dá āi
[00:07.54] fēi ěr màn xiān shēng shuō duì le.
[00:10.00] zhěng gè bā lí dōu zài tán lùn gē jù fú shì dé zhōng mǎ gé lì tǎ de xīn yǎn chàng zhě,
[00:14.07] nà gè yǒu zhe měi miào gē hóu de gū niáng, nà gè yǒu zhe tiān shǐ yì bān sǎng yīn de gū niáng.
[00:20.18] rén men rè ài tā. tā men gèng duō dì xiào a hǎn a jiào a.
[00:26.60] dá āi de yǎn chàng què shí bù cuò, tā shì shì jiè shang zuì hǎo de gē chàng jiā.
[00:32.39] zài wǔ tái de hòu miàn méi gé jí lì kàn zhe ān nī suǒ léi lì.
[00:37.51] " kè lì sī tíng dá āi yǐ qián cóng lái méi yǒu chàng dé nà me hǎo,"
[00:41.11] tā duì ān nī shuō," wèi shí me tā jīn wǎn chàng de zhè me hǎo ne?"
[00:46.24] " huò xǔ tā yǐ jīng yǒu le yī wèi xīn de yīn yuè lǎo shī." ān nī shuō.
[00:52.33] gē jù yuàn lǐ de xuān nào shēng chí xù le hěn zhǎng yī duàn shí jiān.
[00:56.77] zài 14 hào bāo xiāng lǐ, fēi lì pǔ, zhè wèi shā ní jiā zú de bó jué,
[01:01.44] wēi xiào zhe zhuǎn xiàng tā de dì di.
[01:04.79] " hēi, lā wū ěr, nǐ jué de jīn wǎn dá āi biǎo yǎn dé zěn me yàng?"
[01:09.87] lā wū ěr,
[01:12.76] zhè wèi shā ní jiā zú de zǐ jué 21 suì.
[01:15.05] tā lán yǎn jīng hēi tóu fà, yǒu zháo mí rén de wēi xiào.
[01:20.99] shā ní jiā zú gǔ lǎo ér fù yǒu,
[01:23.95] bā lí de xǔ duō gū niáng dōu ài shàng le zhè wèi nián qīng de zǐ jué,
[01:28.38] dàn shì lā wū ěr duì tā men què bìng bù gǎn xīng qù.
[01:32.42] tā duì tā de gē ge bào yǐ wēi xiào.
[01:35.79] " wǒ néng shuō shí mǒ ne? kè lì sī tíng shì yī wèi tiān shǐ, jiù zhè yàng.
[01:40.91] jīn wǎn wǒ yào qù tā de huà zhuāng shì bài fǎng tā."
[01:44.77] fēi lì pǔ xiào le.
[01:46.85] tā bǐ lā wū ěr dà 20 suì,
[01:48.83] yǔ qí shuō shì lā wū ěr de xiōng zhǎng, dào bù rú shuō shì tā de fù qīn.
[01:51.93] " a, wǒ míng bái le," tā shuō," nǐ liàn ài le!
[01:58.87] dàn shì zhè shì nǐ zài bā lí de dì yí gè yè wǎn,
[02:02.04] shì nǐ dì yī cì lái gē jù yuàn.
[02:04.98] nǐ shì rú hé rèn shi kè lì sī tíng dá āi de ne?"
[02:09.30] " nǐ hái jì de 4 nián qián,
[02:11.69] wǒ zài bù liè tǎ ní hǎi biān dù jià de shí hòu ma?"
[02:15.42] lā wū ěr shuō," ō, wǒ zài na r yù jiàn le kè lì sī tíng.
[02:20.53] dāng shí wǒ jiù ài shàng le tā,
[02:22.79] ér qiě jīn tiān wǒ hái ài zhe tā!"
[02:27.15] zhè wèi shā ní jiā zú de bó jué kàn zhe tā de dì di.
[02:30.89] " , wǒ míng bái," tā yī zì yī dùn dì shuō,
[02:35.52] " ō, lā wū ěr, jì zhù, tā zhǐ shì yí gè gē jù yǎn yuán.
[02:40.28] wǒ men duì tā de jiā tíng yī wú suǒ zhī."
[02:43.84] dàn shì lā wū ěr tīng bù jìn qù.
[02:46.77] duì tā lái shuō, hǎo de jiā tíng bìng bù zhòng yào,
[02:50.78] ér qiě nián qīng rén cóng lái dōu tīng bù jìn tā men xiōng zhǎng de quàn gào.
[02:56.36] nà tiān wǎn shàng kè lì sī tíng dá āi de huà zhuāng shì lǐ yǒu hěn duō rén.
[03:01.09] dàn shì kè lì sī tíng de shēn biān hái yǒu yī wèi yī shēng,
[03:03.95] ér qiě tā měi lì de miàn róng dài yǒu bìng sè, xiǎn de cāng bái.
[03:07.93] lā wū ěr kuài bù chuān guò fáng jiān, wò zhù tā de shǒu.
[03:12.52] " kè lì sī tíng! zěn me le? nǐ bìng le ma?"
[03:17.90] tā fǔ xià shēn qù kào jìn tā de zuò yǐ,
[03:21.50] " nǐ bù jì de wǒ le shā ní jiā zú de lā wū ěr, zài bù liè tǎ ní?"
[03:27.66] kè lì sī tíng kàn zhe tā,
[03:29.76] tā nà lán sè de yǎn jīng dài zhe jīng kǒng.
[03:32.85] tā bǎ tā de shǒu chōu zǒu.
[03:35.80] " bù, wǒ bù rèn shi nǐ. qǐng zǒu ba.
[03:41.42] wǒ shēn tǐ bù tài hǎo."
[03:44.39] lā wū ěr zhàn qǐ lái, tā de liǎn hóng le.
[03:48.00] tā hái méi lái de jí shuō huà, nà wèi yī shēng jiù jí máng qiǎng zhe shuō:
[03:52.02] " duì, duì, qǐng zǒu ba.
[03:55.17] gè wèi, qǐng lí kāi zhè fáng jiān.
[03:58.25] dá āi xiǎo jiě xū yào ān jìng.
[04:00.79] tā tài lèi le."
[04:04.19] tā zǒu xiàng mén kǒu,
[04:06.03] bù jiǔ suǒ yǒu de rén dōu lí kāi le nà gè fáng jiān,
[04:09.40] zhǐ liú xià kè lì sī tíng dá āi dú zì zài tā de huà zhuāng shì lǐ.
[04:13.98] zài mén wài de zǒu láng shàng nián qīng de zǐ jué gǎn dào bù yuè hé sǎo xìng.
[04:20.52] kè lì sī tíng zěn me huì wàng le tā?
[04:23.36] tā zěn me huì duì tā shuō nèi xiē huà?
[04:26.81] tā děng le jǐ fēn zhōng,
[04:28.74] rán hòu, qīng qīng dì, xiǎo xīn yì yì dì,
[04:33.15] tā yòu zǒu huí dào tā de huà zhuāng shì de mén kǒu.
[04:37.02] dàn shì tā méi yǒu bǎ mén tuī kāi,
[04:39.26] yīn wèi jiù zài zhè gè shí hòu tā tīng dào wū lǐ yǒu yí gè nán rén de shēng yīn!
[04:45.40] " kè lì sī tíng, nǐ bì xū ài wǒ!" nà gè shēng yīn shuō.
[04:50.94] jiē zhe lā wū ěr tīng dào kè lì sī tíng de shēng yīn.
[04:54.42] " nǐ zěn me néng nà yàng gēn wǒ shuō huà?
[04:56.91] shén me shí hòu wǒ zhǐ wèi nǐ gē chàng?
[05:00.06] jīn wǎn, wǒ bǎ yī qiè dōu gěi le nǐ, yī qiè.
[05:04.58] ér xiàn zài wǒ tài lèi le."
[05:07.89] tā de shēng yīn xiǎn de chóu kǔ ér hài pà.
[05:12.48] " nǐ chàng dé xiàng yī wèi tiān shǐ." nà gè nán rén de shēng yīn shuō.
[05:18.89] lā wū ěr zǒu kāi le. zhè yàng kàn lái nà jiù shì dá àn!
[05:25.06] kè lì sī tíng yǒu yí gè qíng rén.
[05:27.57] dàn shì wèi shí me tā de shēng yīn xiǎn de rú cǐ bù yuè?
[05:31.31] tā zài tā de fáng jiān fù jìn de yī chù yīn yǐng lǐ děng zhe.
[05:34.72] tā yào kàn kàn tā de qíng rén tā de qíng dí!
[05:40.48] dà yuē guò le 10 fēn zhōng zuǒ yòu, kè lì sī tíng cóng tā de fáng jiān lǐ chū lái le.
[05:46.51] tā dú zì yī rén, cóng zǒu láng shàng xià qù.
[05:49.76] lā wū ěr děng zhe, dàn shì méi yǒu nán rén gēn zhe tā chū lái.
[05:55.81] zǒu láng shàng méi yǒu rén,
[05:58.12] yú shì lā wū ěr kuài bù lái dào huà zhuāng shì mén qián,
[06:02.52] tuī mén ér rù.
[06:05.75] tā qīng qīng dì bǎ shēn hòu de mén guān shàng,
[06:09.17] rán hòu hǎn dào:
[06:11.29] " nǐ zài nǎ lǐ?
[06:12.92] wǒ zhī dào nǐ zài zhè ér! chū lái!"
[06:17.20] méi yǒu huí dá.
[06:19.47] lā wū ěr zhǎo biàn le suǒ yǒu dì fāng yǐ zi xià miàn suǒ yǒu de yī fú bèi hòu
[06:26.75] fáng jiān lǐ de měi yí gè yīn àn jiǎo luò.
[06:30.49] dàn háo wú rén yǐng.