
歌曲 苏格兰玛丽女王chapter5
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第一级


[00:16.70] Chapter 5 My son is born
[00:23.84] Next morning, Darnley came to see me.
[00:28.82] He was afraid.'What's the matter,husband?'
[00:34.51] I said.'Why are you crying?'
[00:40.36] 'Oh Mary, Mary!'he said. 'I'm sorry!"
[00:46.72] I was wrong!I helped those men to kill Riccio,
[00:51.47] and now the Earl of Moray is back here with them!
[00:55.33] He hates me!他恨我!
[00:57.13] I am afraid they're going to kill me, and you too.
[01:01.77] Think of our child, Mary, here inside you!'
[01:08.58] He took me in his arms again.
[01:11.90] I was very angry.
[01:15.52] I am sorry, James,
[01:17.74] that this man was your father.
[01:21.42] He was a stupid boy, not a man.
[01:26.56] He was tall and strong and beautiful
[01:31.77] but he could never think like a man or a king.
[01:38.18] I said,' You know these men, Henry.
[01:43.16] What do they want?'
[01:46.70] 'They-they want our child, Mary.
[01:51.45] They don't want us.
[01:53.79] They're going to put you in prison.
[01:56.79] They don't want you to be Queen-
[02:00.04] they want your child to be King or Queen.
[02:05.18] I-I don't know what they want to do with me.
[02:12.33] 'Perhaps they want you to be King, too,
[02:16.16] without me,'I said quietly.
[02:22.08] 'Then you can do what they say, like a little boy.'
[02:29.07] 'Perhaps,Mary."
[02:31.13] They said that,yesterday.
[02:33.47] But now that Moray's here-I don't know.
[02:37.30] I'm afraid. Please help me!'
[02:41.59] He began to cry again.
[02:44.14] 'What can we do?'
[02:47.39] 'We can run away,'I said.
[02:51.19] 'We can leave Edinburgh quickly and quietly,
[02:54.92] before Ruthven and his men stop us.
[02:58.45] Be quiet for a minute.
[03:00.88] I want to think.'
[03:04.11] I walked up and down for two or three minutes,
[03:09.03] then I said:'Henry, go back to these men.
[03:15.79] Tell them-'
[03:17.46] 'No! Mary, please! I can't!
[03:22.31] I'm afraid of them!'
[03:25.46] 'Listen to me,Henry!"
[03:27.70] And try to be a man.
[03:30.70] Go and tell them I'm ill,
[03:33.73] because of the child.
[03:36.17] Say I'm not angry with them.
[03:38.83] Tell them anything-lie to them.
[03:42.69] Then, tonight, bring some men and horses here,
[03:48.34] behind the castle…'
[03:53.02] He went, and did it.All day I waited in my rooms,
[03:59.88] and listened.
[04:02.37] Then, at one o'clock in the morning,
[04:06.23] Darnley and I went quietly down the stairs behind the castle.
[04:13.82] Some of my friends were there,
[04:16.31] with horses for us.
[04:19.43] Quickly, we rode away into the night.
[04:24.56] That was a very bad night.
[04:28.28] It was dark and cold.
[04:31.68] I was ill,and Darnley was afraid.
[04:37.89] 'Come on!'he said.
[04:41.20] 'Ride faster,woman!
[04:43.61] You're too slow!'
[04:46.59] But I was pregnant, and it was cold and dark.
[04:52.99] We rode for five bours in the rain.
[04:57.08] 'I can't, Henry!'I said.
[05:01.51] 'I'm ill.Think of the baby!"
[05:05.54] I don't want it to die!'
[05:09.31] 'Why not?'he said.
[05:12.30] We can always make another one!'
[05:16.85] I'm sorry, but it is true.
[05:20.73] Your father said things like that,James..
[05:26.14] Then he rode away in front of me, into the dark.
[05:32.71] I rode slowly behind,
[05:35.69] with my good woman, Bess Curle.
[05:41.50] In the morning we arrived at Dunbar Castle.
[05:46.93] Darnley slept,and I wrote letters to my friends.
[05:53.13] Next day Lord Bothwell came to help me.
[05:57.89] I liked him-he was a good, strong man.
[06:04.75] Soon I had an army of 8,000 men.
[06:10.64] Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh with the army.
[06:16.23] Lord Ruthven died, and some of his friends ran away.
[06:22.08] But the Earl of Moray stayed.
[06:26.72] All that summer I ruled the country,
[06:30.95] and waited for the baby.
[06:34.42] My husband stayed outside my rooms.
[06:38.91] I did not want to see him.
[06:41.85] No one did.
[06:43.69] Perhaps he drank with his friends.
[06:46.75] I don't know.
[06:50.11] And then, on 19th June,
[06:54.31] in a small room in Edinburgh Castle,
[06:58.48] my baby was born.
[07:02.06] It took a long time,
[07:05.12] but at last you were in my arms, James, my son.
[07:13.52] I asked your father to come in.
[07:16.77] 'My Lord Henry,'I said.
[07:20.67] 'This is our baby! Look at him, my Lord.
[07:26.36] Take him in your arms.
[07:29.34] He is your son-isn't he beautiful?'
[07:35.92] But your father did not love me, James.
[07:40.96] Very often, after you were born,
[07:44.66] he slept with other women.
[07:47.70] I know that because he talked to everyone about it.
[07:53.48] I think he wanted people to know.
[07:58.80] And I am sorry, but I do not think he loved you,James.
[08:07.05] When I took you to church and gave you your name,
[08:12.46] he did not come.
[08:15.09] He wasn't interested.
[08:18.44] But because of him,
[08:20.72] David Riccio was dead.
[08:24.58] I could never forget that.Never.


[00:16.70] Chapter 5 My son is born
[00:23.84] Next morning, Darnley came to see me
[00:28.82] He was afraid' What' s the matter, husband?'
[00:34.51] I said' Why are you crying?'
[00:40.36] ' Oh Mary, Mary!' he said ' I' m sorry!"
[00:46.72] I was wrong! I helped those men to kill Riccio,
[00:51.47] and now the Earl of Moray is back here with them!
[00:55.33] He hates me! tā hèn wǒ!
[00:57.13] I am afraid they' re going to kill me, and you too
[01:01.77] Think of our child, Mary, here inside you!'
[01:08.58] He took me in his arms again
[01:11.90] I was very angry
[01:15.52] I am sorry, James,
[01:17.74] that this man was your father
[01:21.42] He was a stupid boy, not a man
[01:26.56] He was tall and strong and beautiful
[01:31.77] but he could never think like a man or a king
[01:38.18] I said,' You know these men, Henry
[01:43.16] What do they want?'
[01:46.70] ' Theythey want our child, Mary
[01:51.45] They don' t want us
[01:53.79] They' re going to put you in prison
[01:56.79] They don' t want you to be Queen
[02:00.04] they want your child to be King or Queen
[02:05.18] II don' t know what they want to do with me
[02:12.33] ' Perhaps they want you to be King, too,
[02:16.16] without me,' I said quietly
[02:22.08] ' Then you can do what they say, like a little boy'
[02:29.07] ' Perhaps, Mary"
[02:31.13] They said that, yesterday
[02:33.47] But now that Moray' s hereI don' t know
[02:37.30] I' m afraid Please help me!'
[02:41.59] He began to cry again
[02:44.14] ' What can we do?'
[02:47.39] ' We can run away,' I said
[02:51.19] ' We can leave Edinburgh quickly and quietly,
[02:54.92] before Ruthven and his men stop us
[02:58.45] Be quiet for a minute
[03:00.88] I want to think'
[03:04.11] I walked up and down for two or three minutes,
[03:09.03] then I said:' Henry, go back to these men
[03:15.79] Tell them'
[03:17.46] ' No! Mary, please! I can' t!
[03:22.31] I' m afraid of them!'
[03:25.46] ' Listen to me, Henry!"
[03:27.70] And try to be a man
[03:30.70] Go and tell them I' m ill,
[03:33.73] because of the child
[03:36.17] Say I' m not angry with them
[03:38.83] Tell them anythinglie to them
[03:42.69] Then, tonight, bring some men and horses here,
[03:48.34] behind the castle'
[03:53.02] He went, and did it All day I waited in my rooms,
[03:59.88] and listened
[04:02.37] Then, at one o' clock in the morning,
[04:06.23] Darnley and I went quietly down the stairs behind the castle
[04:13.82] Some of my friends were there,
[04:16.31] with horses for us
[04:19.43] Quickly, we rode away into the night
[04:24.56] That was a very bad night
[04:28.28] It was dark and cold
[04:31.68] I was ill, and Darnley was afraid
[04:37.89] ' Come on!' he said
[04:41.20] ' Ride faster, woman!
[04:43.61] You' re too slow!'
[04:46.59] But I was pregnant, and it was cold and dark
[04:52.99] We rode for five bours in the rain
[04:57.08] ' I can' t, Henry!' I said
[05:01.51] ' I' m ill Think of the baby!"
[05:05.54] I don' t want it to die!'
[05:09.31] ' Why not?' he said
[05:12.30] We can always make another one!'
[05:16.85] I' m sorry, but it is true
[05:20.73] Your father said things like that, James.
[05:26.14] Then he rode away in front of me, into the dark
[05:32.71] I rode slowly behind,
[05:35.69] with my good woman, Bess Curle
[05:41.50] In the morning we arrived at Dunbar Castle
[05:46.93] Darnley slept, and I wrote letters to my friends
[05:53.13] Next day Lord Bothwell came to help me
[05:57.89] I liked himhe was a good, strong man
[06:04.75] Soon I had an army of 8, 000 men
[06:10.64] Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh with the army
[06:16.23] Lord Ruthven died, and some of his friends ran away
[06:22.08] But the Earl of Moray stayed
[06:26.72] All that summer I ruled the country,
[06:30.95] and waited for the baby
[06:34.42] My husband stayed outside my rooms
[06:38.91] I did not want to see him
[06:41.85] No one did
[06:43.69] Perhaps he drank with his friends
[06:46.75] I don' t know
[06:50.11] And then, on 19th June,
[06:54.31] in a small room in Edinburgh Castle,
[06:58.48] my baby was born
[07:02.06] It took a long time,
[07:05.12] but at last you were in my arms, James, my son
[07:13.52] I asked your father to come in
[07:16.77] ' My Lord Henry,' I said
[07:20.67] ' This is our baby! Look at him, my Lord
[07:26.36] Take him in your arms
[07:29.34] He is your sonisn' t he beautiful?'
[07:35.92] But your father did not love me, James
[07:40.96] Very often, after you were born,
[07:44.66] he slept with other women
[07:47.70] I know that because he talked to everyone about it
[07:53.48] I think he wanted people to know
[07:58.80] And I am sorry, but I do not think he loved you, James
[08:07.05] When I took you to church and gave you your name,
[08:12.46] he did not come
[08:15.09] He wasn' t interested
[08:18.44] But because of him,
[08:20.72] David Riccio was dead
[08:24.58] I could never forget that Never


[00:16.70] dì 5 zhāng wǒ ér zi de chū shēng
[00:23.84] dì èr tiān zǎo chén, dá ēn lì lái jiàn wǒ.
[00:28.82] tā xiǎn de hěn hài pà." zěn me le, zhàng fū?"
[00:34.51] wǒ wèn dào." nǐ gàn má kū?"
[00:40.36] " ō mǎ lì, mǎ lì!" tā shuō." duì bù qǐ,
[00:46.72] wǒ cuò le! wǒ bāng zhù nèi xiē rén shā sǐ le lǐ qí ào,
[00:51.47] xiàn zài mǎ lǐ bó jué huí lái le, hé tā men zài yì qǐ!
[00:55.33] tā hèn wǒ!
[00:57.13] wǒ pà tā men huì shā le wǒ, hái yǒu nǐ.
[01:01.77] mǎ lì, wèi nǐ dǔ zi lǐ de wǒ men de hái zi xiǎng yī xiǎng ba!"
[01:08.58] tā yòu yī cì bào zhe wǒ.
[01:11.90] wǒ hěn shēng qì.
[01:15.52] hěn bào qiàn, zhān mǔ sī,
[01:17.74] zhè rén jiù shì nǐ de fù qīn.
[01:21.42] tā shì gè yú chǔn de nán hái, bú shì gè nán zǐ hàn.
[01:26.56] tā gāo dà jiàn zhuàng yòu piào liàng,
[01:31.77] kě shì tā cóng lái méi xiǎng guò yào ràng zì jǐ xiàng gè nán zǐ hàn huò yí gè qīn wáng.
[01:38.18] wǒ shuō," nǐ liǎo jiě zhèi xiē rén, hēng lì.
[01:43.16] tā men xiǎng yào shén me?"
[01:46.70] " tā men tā men xiǎng yào wǒ men de hái zi, mǎ lì.
[01:51.45] tā men bú yào wǒ men.
[01:53.79] tā men yào bǎ nǐ guān jìn jiān yù,
[01:56.79] tā men bù xiǎng ràng nǐ zuò nǚ wáng
[02:00.04] tā men xiǎng ràng nǐ de hái zi zuò guó wáng huò nǚ wáng.
[02:05.18] wǒ wǒ bù zhī dào tā men yào zěn yàng chǔ zhì wǒ."
[02:12.33] " huò xǔ tā men yě xiǎng ràng nǐ zuò guó wáng,
[02:16.16] ér bú yào wǒ." wǒ hěn píng jìng dì shuō.
[02:22.08] " rán hòu nǐ jiù àn tā men shuō de qù zuò, xiàng gè guāi nán hái."
[02:29.07] " yě xǔ ba, mǎ lì.
[02:31.13] tā men zuó tiān shì zhè yàng shuō de.
[02:33.47] bù guò xiàn zài mǎ lǐ huí lái le wǒ bù zhī dào.
[02:37.30] wǒ hěn hài pà, qǐng bāng bāng wǒ ba!"
[02:41.59] tā yòu kāi shǐ kū le qǐ lái.
[02:44.14] " wǒ men gāi zěn me bàn?"
[02:47.39] " wǒ men kě yǐ táo zǒu," wǒ shuō.
[02:51.19] " wǒ men kě yǐ zài lǔ sī wēn hé tā men de rén zǔ lán wǒ men zhī qián
[02:54.92] xùn sù ér bù shēng bù xiǎng dì lí kāi ài dīng bǎo.
[02:58.45] ān jìng yī huì ér,
[03:00.88] ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng."
[03:04.11] wǒ lái lái huí huí pái huái le èr sān fēn zhōng,
[03:09.03] shuō:" hēng lì, huí dào nèi xiē rén nà lǐ qù.
[03:15.79] gào sù tā men"
[03:17.46] " bù! mǎ lì, qǐng bié zhè yàng! wǒ bàn bú dào!
[03:22.31] wǒ pà tā men!"
[03:25.46] " tīng wǒ shuō, hēng lì!
[03:27.70] shì zhe zuò yí gè nán zǐ hàn.
[03:30.70] qù gào sù tā men, wǒ bìng le,
[03:33.73] shì yīn wèi huái yùn de yuán gù.
[03:36.17] shuō wǒ bú duì tā men shēng qì.
[03:38.83] zài gēn tā men shuō xiē shén me piàn piàn tā men.
[03:42.69] rán hòu, jīn tiān wǎn shàng, dài shàng zhè lǐ de yī xiē rén hé mǎ,
[03:48.34] cóng chéng bǎo hòu."
[03:53.02] tā qù le, yě zhè yàng zuò le. yī zhěng tiān wǒ děng zài zì jǐ de fáng jiān lǐ
[03:59.88] tīng dòng jìng.
[04:02.37] zài qīng chén 1 diǎn zhōng,
[04:06.23] dá ēn lì hé wǒ qiāo qiāo dì cóng chéng bǎo hòu de lóu tī xià lái.
[04:13.82] wǒ de yī xiē péng yǒu men yǐ qiān le yī xiē mǎ děng zài nà li.
[04:16.31] hěn kuài dì, wǒ men qí mǎ
[04:19.43] xiāo shī zài yè mù lǐ.
[04:24.56] nà shi gè hěn zāo gāo de yè wǎn.
[04:28.28] wài miàn yòu hēi yòu lěng.
[04:31.68] wǒ shēng bìng le, dá ēn lì hěn hài pà.
[04:37.89] " kuài diǎn!" tā shuō.
[04:41.20] " qí dé kuài diǎn, nǚ rén,
[04:43.61] nǐ tài màn le!"
[04:46.59] kě wǒ shì gè yùn fù, wài miàn yòu lěng yòu hēi.
[04:52.99] wǒ men zài yǔ zhōng qí le wǔ gè xiǎo shí.
[04:57.08] " wǒ bù néng, hēng lì!" wǒ shuō.
[05:01.51] " wǒ bìng le. wèi hái zi xiǎng yī xiǎng!
[05:05.54] wǒ bù xiǎng ràng tā sǐ diào!"
[05:09.31] " wèi shí me bù ne?" tā shuō.
[05:12.30] " wǒ men kě yǐ zài yào yí gè!"
[05:16.85] wǒ hěn bào qiàn, dàn nà shi zhēn de.
[05:20.73] nǐ fù qīn shì nà yàng shuō de, zhān mǔ sī.
[05:26.14] suí hòu, tā yuǎn yuǎn dì qí zài le wǒ qián miàn, xiāo shī zài yè sè lǐ.
[05:32.71] wǒ hé wǒ de hǎo huǒ bàn bèi sī kē ěr
[05:35.69] zài hòu miàn màn màn dì qí zhe.
[05:41.50] zǎo chén wǒ men dào le táng bā ěr chéng bǎo.
[05:46.93] dá ēn lì shuì zháo le, wǒ gěi wǒ de péng yǒu xiě xìn.
[05:53.13] dì èr tiān, bó sī wéi ěr xūn jué lái bāng zhù wǒ.
[05:57.89] wǒ xǐ huān tā tā shì gè shàn liáng jiàn zhuàng de nán rén.
[06:04.75] bù jiǔ, wǒ jiù yōng yǒu le yī zhī bā qiān shì bīng de jūn duì.
[06:10.64] bó sī wéi ěr hé wǒ shuài lǐng zhe jūn duì qū mǎ huí dào ài dīng bǎo.
[06:16.23] jié guǒ lǔ sī wēn xūn jué sǐ le, tā de yī xiē péng yǒu táo zǒu le.
[06:22.08] kě mǎ lǐ bó jué liú le xià lái.
[06:26.72] zhěng gè xià jì wǒ zhì lǐ zhe zhè gè guó jiā,
[06:30.95] bìng děng dài zhe hái zi de jiàng shēng.
[06:34.42] wǒ de zhàng fū bù zài wǒ fáng jiān.
[06:38.91] wǒ bù xiǎng jiàn dào tā.
[06:41.85] méi yǒu rén xiǎng jiàn dào tā.
[06:43.69] huò xǔ tā hé tā de péng yǒu zài yì qǐ hē jiǔ.
[06:46.75] wǒ bù zhī dào.
[06:50.11] bù jiǔ yǐ hòu, 6 yuè 19 rì,
[06:54.31] zài ài dīng bǎo de yī jiān xiǎo fáng jiān lǐ,
[06:58.48] wǒ de hái zi chū shēng le.
[07:02.06] zhān mǔ sī, wǒ de ér zi, shēng nǐ fèi le hǎo zhǎng shí jiān,
[07:05.12] dàn zuì zhōng, nǐ hái shì tǎng zài wǒ huái bào lǐ le.
[07:13.52] wǒ bǎ nǐ fù qīn jiào jìn lái.
[07:16.77] " hēng lì, wǒ de zhàng fū," wǒ shuō.
[07:20.67] " zhè shì wǒ men de hái zi! kàn zhe tā ba, wǒ de zhàng fū.
[07:26.36] bào bào tā,
[07:29.34] tā shì nǐ de ér zi nán dào tā bù piào liàng ma?"
[07:35.92] kě shì nǐ de fù qīn bù ài wǒ, zhān mǔ sī.
[07:40.96] zài nǐ chū shēng zhī hòu,
[07:44.66] tā jīng cháng hé bié de nǚ rén shuì jiào.
[07:47.70] wǒ zhī dào zhè gè shì yīn wèi tā duì shuí dōu zhè me shuō.
[07:53.48] wǒ xiǎng tā shì xiǎng ràng rén men dōu zhī dào.
[07:58.80] wǒ hěn bào qiàn, kě wǒ rèn wéi tā bìng bù ài nǐ, zhān mǔ sī.
[08:07.05] dāng wǒ dài nǐ qù jiào táng gěi nǐ qǔ míng zì shí,
[08:12.46] tā méi lái,
[08:15.09] tā méi yǒu xìng qù.
[08:18.44] kě jiù shì yīn wèi tā,
[08:20.72] dá wéi lǐ qí ào sǐ le.
[08:24.58] wǒ yǒng yuǎn bú huì wàng jì zhè yì diǎn, yǒng yuǎn bù!