
歌曲 在月亮下面chapter1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第一级


[00:34.87] Chapter 1 AOL
[00:39.35] Five hundred kilometres over Europe,
[00:42.88] Ship OM-45 moved north.
[00:49.32] In a room at the back of the ship,
[00:52.59] Kiah watched the numbers on the computer in front of him.
[00:59.14] 'Time for dinner,'Rilla said.
[01:04.70] The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move.
[01:13.26] Rilla went across the room to his table.
[01:18.30] She began to watch the numbers,too.
[01:23.32] 'What's wrong with the satellite?'she asked.
[01:28.36] She was a beautiful girl,about twenty years old,
[01:33.55] with long black hair and big eyes.
[01:38.59] 'Nothing's wrong with the satellite,'
[01:41.38] Kiah answered quietly.'It's the AOL.'
[01:47.86] He began to write the numbers in the book on his table.
[01:53.65] Suddenly,the numbers stopped changing.
[01:58.86] Kiah looked at Rilla.'Over Europe,'he said.
[02:05.71] 'It's happening.The AOL is breaking up.
[02:11.72] There are big holes in the AOL and they're getting bigger.'
[02:17.75] 'You're right!Shall we see Captain Seru now,before dinner?'
[02:26.33] Kiah stood up.He was nearly two metres tall,
[02:31.75] with dark eyes and hair.
[02:34.90] 'Yes,come on,'he said.
[02:39.87] Quickly,they went to Captain Seru's room.
[02:44.80] They waited at the door.
[02:48.38] 'Come in!'captain Seru called.
[02:52.86] She was a little woman with a fat face.
[02:57.03] 'Come in!Would you like a drink?'
[03:01.66] 'No,thank you,'Kiah answered.
[03:06.13] 'I'd like you to look at these numbers.'
[03:10.07] Kiah gave Captain Seru his book.
[03:14.68] Captain Seru looked at the numbers.
[03:18.89] Suddenly,her face changed.'No,no, 'she said.
[03:26.70] 'I don't want to talk.It's late and I'm tired.
[03:31.72] Sit down and have a drink.'
[03:35.69] Kiah and Rilla sat down.
[03:39.84] There was a big window in Captain Seru's room.
[03:44.76] Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky.
[03:50.54] He saw the Moon.
[03:53.18] It was cold and white in the dark sky.
[03:58.92] 'Captain Seru,'he began.
[04:02.91] 'It's important.Look at those numbers carefully.
[04:08.58] The AOL is beginning to-'
[04:12.15] 'Stop!'captain Seru stood up and put her hands in her pockets.
[04:19.71] She went to the window and looked at the sky.
[04:25.73] 'Three hundred years ago,Earth nearly died,'
[04:31.06] Rilla said.'Earth stopped dying because of the AOL.
[04:37.78] But now,over Europe,the AOL is breaking up.
[04:44.25] We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.'
[04:49.79] Captain Seru did not move.
[04:54.04] 'Do you remember Adai?'she asked.
[04:58.46] She didn't wait for an answer.
[05:02.26] 'I was on his ship,two years ago.
[05:06.94] One evening,
[05:08.86] the satellite gave us interesting numbers about the AOL.
[05:15.35] We went back to Earth and saw Earth Commander.'
[05:20.43] captain Seru stopped speaking.
[05:24.58] Rilla looked at Kiah.'And then?'
[05:29.41] she asked Captain Seru.
[05:33.04] 'Gog was angry,very angry,'captain Seru said.
[05:40.94] 'In the end,he sent Adai to the Moon.
[05:45.78] Adai's there now,
[05:47.91] Commander of the Moon colony,under the Moon.'
[05:53.70] Kiah waited for a second or two.
[05:58.69] 'I know about Adai.
[06:01.52] But we need to talk to Earth Commander again.
[06:05.83] These numbers are worse.'
[06:09.94] Captain Seru's face went red.
[06:13.64] 'You don't understand.
[06:16.53] I'm not going to talk to Gog.
[06:19.83] Last time,he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!
[06:26.36] This is my first Ship for two years!'
[06:32.00] And Captain Seru began drinking.
[06:37.27] Kiah stood up.'Thank you,Captain Seru.'
[06:43.60] Captain Seru said nothing.
[06:49.48] Kiah and Rilla left the room,
[06:53.16] and walked slowly downstairs.
[06:57.33] The Ship was dark and quiet.
[07:01.20] It was eight o'clock and everybody was at dinner.
[07:08.78] 'What are we going to do next?'Rilla asked.
[07:14.29] 'I need to talk to Adai,'Kiah said.
[07:19.52] 'OK,talk to Adai.But he's far away on the Moon colony,'
[07:27.03] Rilla said.'Let's visit Commander Zadak.'
[07:33.64] 'Zadak?Commander of Australia? He's famous!'
[07:40.49] 'Yes.He's my father's friend.
[07:45.00] He worked with my father in Brazil ten years ago.
[07:49.67] Perhaps he can help us.'
[07:54.14] Kiah smiled.'Good!We return to Earth next week.
[08:02.16] I can phone Adai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia.
[08:08.74] But now,I'm hungry!Let's get some dinner.'


[00:34.87] Chapter 1 AOL
[00:39.35] Five hundred kilometres over Europe,
[00:42.88] Ship OM45 moved north
[00:49.32] In a room at the back of the ship,
[00:52.59] Kiah watched the numbers on the computer in front of him
[00:59.14] ' Time for dinner,' Rilla said
[01:04.70] The numbers changed quickly and Kiah' s eyes didn' t move
[01:13.26] Rilla went across the room to his table.
[01:18.30] She began to watch the numbers, too
[01:23.32] ' What' s wrong with the satellite?' she asked
[01:28.36] She was a beautiful girl, about twenty years old,
[01:33.55] with long black hair and big eyes
[01:38.59] ' Nothing' s wrong with the satellite,'
[01:41.38] Kiah answered quietly' It' s the AOL'
[01:47.86] He began to write the numbers in the book on his table
[01:53.65] Suddenly, the numbers stopped changing
[01:58.86] Kiah looked at Rilla' Over Europe,' he said
[02:05.71] ' It' s happening The AOL is breaking up
[02:11.72] There are big holes in the AOL and they' re getting bigger'
[02:17.75] ' You' re right! Shall we see Captain Seru now, before dinner?'
[02:26.33] Kiah stood up He was nearly two metres tall,
[02:31.75] with dark eyes and hair
[02:34.90] ' Yes, come on,' he said
[02:39.87] Quickly, they went to Captain Seru' s room
[02:44.80] They waited at the door
[02:48.38] ' Come in!' captain Seru called
[02:52.86] She was a little woman with a fat face
[02:57.03] ' Come in! Would you like a drink?'
[03:01.66] ' No, thank you,' Kiah answered
[03:06.13] ' I' d like you to look at these numbers'
[03:10.07] Kiah gave Captain Seru his book
[03:14.68] Captain Seru looked at the numbers
[03:18.89] Suddenly, her face changed' No, no, ' she said
[03:26.70] ' I don' t want to talk It' s late and I' m tired
[03:31.72] Sit down and have a drink'
[03:35.69] Kiah and Rilla sat down
[03:39.84] There was a big window in Captain Seru' s room
[03:44.76] Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky
[03:50.54] He saw the Moon
[03:53.18] It was cold and white in the dark sky
[03:58.92] ' Captain Seru,' he began
[04:02.91] ' It' s important Look at those numbers carefully
[04:08.58] The AOL is beginning to'
[04:12.15] ' Stop!' captain Seru stood up and put her hands in her pockets
[04:19.71] She went to the window and looked at the sky
[04:25.73] ' Three hundred years ago, Earth nearly died,'
[04:31.06] Rilla said' Earth stopped dying because of the AOL
[04:37.78] But now, over Europe, the AOL is breaking up
[04:44.25] We would like you to talk to Earth Commander'
[04:49.79] Captain Seru did not move
[04:54.04] ' Do you remember Adai?' she asked
[04:58.46] She didn' t wait for an answer
[05:02.26] ' I was on his ship, two years ago
[05:06.94] One evening,
[05:08.86] the satellite gave us interesting numbers about the AOL
[05:15.35] We went back to Earth and saw Earth Commander'
[05:20.43] captain Seru stopped speaking
[05:24.58] Rilla looked at Kiah' And then?'
[05:29.41] she asked Captain Seru
[05:33.04] ' Gog was angry, very angry,' captain Seru said
[05:40.94] ' In the end, he sent Adai to the Moon
[05:45.78] Adai' s there now,
[05:47.91] Commander of the Moon colony, under the Moon'
[05:53.70] Kiah waited for a second or two
[05:58.69] ' I know about Adai
[06:01.52] But we need to talk to Earth Commander again
[06:05.83] These numbers are worse'
[06:09.94] Captain Seru' s face went red
[06:13.64] ' You don' t understand
[06:16.53] I' m not going to talk to Gog
[06:19.83] Last time, he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!
[06:26.36] This is my first Ship for two years!'
[06:32.00] And Captain Seru began drinking
[06:37.27] Kiah stood up' Thank you, Captain Seru'
[06:43.60] Captain Seru said nothing
[06:49.48] Kiah and Rilla left the room,
[06:53.16] and walked slowly downstairs
[06:57.33] The Ship was dark and quiet.
[07:01.20] It was eight o' clock and everybody was at dinner
[07:08.78] ' What are we going to do next?' Rilla asked
[07:14.29] ' I need to talk to Adai,' Kiah said
[07:19.52] ' OK, talk to Adai But he' s far away on the Moon colony,'
[07:27.03] Rilla said' Let' s visit Commander Zadak'
[07:33.64] ' Zadak? Commander of Australia? He' s famous!'
[07:40.49] ' Yes He' s my father' s friend
[07:45.00] He worked with my father in Brazil ten years ago
[07:49.67] Perhaps he can help us'
[07:54.14] Kiah smiled' Good! We return to Earth next week
[08:02.16] I can phone Adai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia
[08:08.74] But now, I' m hungry! Let' s get some dinner'