哈克贝利费恩历险记The Duke and the King

歌曲 哈克贝利费恩历险记The Duke and the King
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第二级


[00:01.05] Chapter4 The Duke and the King
[00:06.49] Two or three days and nights went by and nothing much happened.
[00:13.61] We travelled at night when it was dark and everybody was asleep.
[00:19.65] We didn't want anyone to see Jim and ask questions about him.
[00:26.17] Then, one morning,just after it was light,I found a little canoe,
[00:34.15] So I got into it and went over to the side of the river.
[00:38.74] I was looking round,when,suddenly,two men ran through the trees.
[00:45.75] 'Help!' they cried.'There are men and dogs trying to catch us.
[00:52.69] But we've done nothing wrong!'
[00:55.14] One of the men was about seventy years old;the other was about thirty,
[01:04.16] And they both had very old, dirty clothes.
[01:09.73] I said they could come with me, and we ran quickly back to the canoe.
[01:16.07] Back on the raft we talked for a time and then the young man said,
[01:24.98] 'My friends,I think I can tell you my secret now.I'm really a duke.
[01:34.73] My grandfather was the son of the Duke of Bridgewater,
[01:40.29] But he left England and came to America.
[01:44.91] When the old Duke died,my grandfather's younger brother stole everything
[01:53.79] And made himself the Duke of Bridgewater.'
[01:59.13] Well,of course,we were all very unhappy for our friend the Duke,
[02:07.09] But he said,'I'll be happier if you do things for me.Bring me my dinner!'
[02:16.24] So we did things for him,and he liked it.
[02:21.96] But the old man spoke very little and he looked unhappy,too.
[02:30.23] After a time he said,'You know,Bridgewater,I,too,have a secret.'And he began to cry.
[02:43.05] 'What do you mean?'the Duke asked.'What's your secret?'
[02:50.46] And then the old man told us that he was really the first son of the King of France.
[03:00.91] He asked us all to go down on one knee when we spoke to him.
[03:06.79] We could call him'Your Majesty',too.
[03:11.53] So that was what we did, and they were both happy.
[03:16.15] Of course,I knew that they weren't really a duke and a king, but I didn't tell Jim.
[03:26.47] It's best if everybody is happy when you're living together on a raft.
[03:32.81] The King and the Duke were very interested in Jim.
[03:39.21] 'Is he a slave?'they wanted to know.'Is he running away?'
[03:46.66] I had to tell them something, so I said that Jim belonged to my uncle
[03:54.44] And was taking me to my family in New Orleans.
[03:58.45] 'Well,we'll travel down river with you,then,'said the King.
[04:05.88] 'We'll have a fine time together.'
[04:10.42] So the four of us went on down the river, but Jim and I didn't like those two men.
[04:19.82] They were always getting drunk
[04:23.21] And making plans to get money out of people in every town.
[04:28.25] It's all right to take a chicken or something if you're hungry,
[04:33.55] But these men were really bad!
[04:37.17] Jim and I decided to get away from them as soon as we could.
[04:42.89] It wasn't easy because they wanted to be with us all the time.
[04:48.80] Then one morning the King went off into a town and told us to wait for him.
[04:57.26] We waited all morning and he didn't come back,
[05:03.80] So the Duke and I went into town to look for him.
[05:08.54] We looked all afternoon and in the end we found him in a bar, drunk,
[05:17.43] And then he and the Duke began to fight about some money.
[05:22.47] Now we can get away from them,I thought.
[05:27.89] I turned and ran back to the river.'Quick,Jim!' I shouted.
[05:35.16] 'It's time to go!'But there was no answer. Jim wasn't there!
[05:45.36] I ran into the woods,crying and shouting Jim's name. But there was still no answer.
[05:55.37] Just then a boy came along.
[05:59.96] 'Have you seen a slave?'I asked him,and I described Jim.
[06:05.96] 'Why,yes,'the boy replied.'He's a runaway slave.
[06:12.70] I heard all about it in town.A family called the Phelpses have got him now.
[06:19.29] An old man in a bar told Mr Phelps that
[06:24.02] There was a runaway slave on a raft down by the river.
[06:28.73] He said he hadn't got time to take the slave back himself.
[06:33.39] So Mr Phelps gave him forty dollars
[06:38.01] And they went down and caught the slave this afternoon.
[06:42.15] The Phelpses are going to take him back to his owner,
[06:45.75] And they'll get three hundred dollars for him!'
[06:49.63] I knew those two men were bad!
[06:54.73] I asked the boy where the Phelpses lived
[06:58.53] And he said it was a big white house a little way down the river.
[07:04.86] I began to make plans to get Jim back.
[07:09.90] First,I took the raft and went down to a little island.
[07:14.92] I hid the raft under the trees and lay down to sleep.
[07:20.41] Before it was light,I went off down the river in the canoe.
[07:25.49] When I thought I was near the Phelpses place,I stopped,
[07:31.08] Got out of the canoe and went up to the house.
[07:35.12] Suddenly,a lot of dogs ran out.
[07:39.59] They came from everywhere and they made a terrible noise.
[07:45.41] A woman about fifty years old ran out of the house,with some little children behind her.
[07:53.65] She was smiling all over her face and she took me by the hands and cried,
[08:02.92] 'It's you,at last,isn't it?'
[08:06.17] I didn't stop to think.'Yes,ma'am,'I said.
[08:12.75] 'Well, what took you so long? We thought you were coming two days ago.
[08:21.06] Your Uncle Silas goes to town every day to meet you.
[08:25.61] He's there now,but he'll be back soon.
[08:29.21] 'She didn't stop talking and I couldn't tell her that she was making a mistake.
[08:35.73] ' Tell us all about them,'she cried.'Tell me everything.'
[08:43.59] I knew then that I had to tell her…
[08:49.82] But just then she cried,'Here he is!Quick,hide!'
[08:57.01] And she pushed me inside the house and behind the front door.
[09:02.77] Then her husband came in and she asked him,'Has he come?'
[09:09.90] 'No,'her husband replied.
[09:12.95] 'Look!'she shouted,and then she pulled me out from behind the door.
[09:20.75] 'Why,who's that?'Mr Phelps cried,surprised.
[09:26.88] 'It's Tom Sawyer!'she laughed.


[00:01.05] Chapter4 The Duke and the King
[00:06.49] Two or three days and nights went by and nothing much happened
[00:13.61] We travelled at night when it was dark and everybody was asleep
[00:19.65] We didn' t want anyone to see Jim and ask questions about him
[00:26.17] Then, one morning, just after it was light, I found a little canoe,
[00:34.15] So I got into it and went over to the side of the river
[00:38.74] I was looking round, when, suddenly, two men ran through the trees
[00:45.75] ' Help!' they cried' There are men and dogs trying to catch us
[00:52.69] But we' ve done nothing wrong!'
[00:55.14] One of the men was about seventy years old the other was about thirty,
[01:04.16] And they both had very old, dirty clothes
[01:09.73] I said they could come with me, and we ran quickly back to the canoe
[01:16.07] Back on the raft we talked for a time and then the young man said,
[01:24.98] ' My friends, I think I can tell you my secret now I' m really a duke
[01:34.73] My grandfather was the son of the Duke of Bridgewater,
[01:40.29] But he left England and came to America
[01:44.91] When the old Duke died, my grandfather' s younger brother stole everything
[01:53.79] And made himself the Duke of Bridgewater'
[01:59.13] Well, of course, we were all very unhappy for our friend the Duke,
[02:07.09] But he said,' I' ll be happier if you do things for me Bring me my dinner!'
[02:16.24] So we did things for him, and he liked it
[02:21.96] But the old man spoke very little and he looked unhappy, too
[02:30.23] After a time he said,' You know, Bridgewater, I, too, have a secret' And he began to cry
[02:43.05] ' What do you mean?' the Duke asked' What' s your secret?'
[02:50.46] And then the old man told us that he was really the first son of the King of France
[03:00.91] He asked us all to go down on one knee when we spoke to him
[03:06.79] We could call him' Your Majesty', too
[03:11.53] So that was what we did, and they were both happy
[03:16.15] Of course, I knew that they weren' t really a duke and a king, but I didn' t tell Jim
[03:26.47] It' s best if everybody is happy when you' re living together on a raft
[03:32.81] The King and the Duke were very interested in Jim
[03:39.21] ' Is he a slave?' they wanted to know' Is he running away?'
[03:46.66] I had to tell them something, so I said that Jim belonged to my uncle
[03:54.44] And was taking me to my family in New Orleans
[03:58.45] ' Well, we' ll travel down river with you, then,' said the King
[04:05.88] ' We' ll have a fine time together'
[04:10.42] So the four of us went on down the river, but Jim and I didn' t like those two men
[04:19.82] They were always getting drunk
[04:23.21] And making plans to get money out of people in every town
[04:28.25] It' s all right to take a chicken or something if you' re hungry,
[04:33.55] But these men were really bad!
[04:37.17] Jim and I decided to get away from them as soon as we could
[04:42.89] It wasn' t easy because they wanted to be with us all the time
[04:48.80] Then one morning the King went off into a town and told us to wait for him
[04:57.26] We waited all morning and he didn' t come back,
[05:03.80] So the Duke and I went into town to look for him
[05:08.54] We looked all afternoon and in the end we found him in a bar, drunk,
[05:17.43] And then he and the Duke began to fight about some money
[05:22.47] Now we can get away from them, I thought
[05:27.89] I turned and ran back to the river' Quick, Jim!' I shouted
[05:35.16] ' It' s time to go!' But there was no answer Jim wasn' t there!
[05:45.36] I ran into the woods, crying and shouting Jim' s name But there was still no answer
[05:55.37] Just then a boy came along
[05:59.96] ' Have you seen a slave?' I asked him, and I described Jim
[06:05.96] ' Why, yes,' the boy replied' He' s a runaway slave
[06:12.70] I heard all about it in town A family called the Phelpses have got him now
[06:19.29] An old man in a bar told Mr Phelps that
[06:24.02] There was a runaway slave on a raft down by the river
[06:28.73] He said he hadn' t got time to take the slave back himself
[06:33.39] So Mr Phelps gave him forty dollars
[06:38.01] And they went down and caught the slave this afternoon
[06:42.15] The Phelpses are going to take him back to his owner,
[06:45.75] And they' ll get three hundred dollars for him!'
[06:49.63] I knew those two men were bad!
[06:54.73] I asked the boy where the Phelpses lived
[06:58.53] And he said it was a big white house a little way down the river
[07:04.86] I began to make plans to get Jim back
[07:09.90] First, I took the raft and went down to a little island
[07:14.92] I hid the raft under the trees and lay down to sleep
[07:20.41] Before it was light, I went off down the river in the canoe
[07:25.49] When I thought I was near the Phelpses place, I stopped,
[07:31.08] Got out of the canoe and went up to the house
[07:35.12] Suddenly, a lot of dogs ran out
[07:39.59] They came from everywhere and they made a terrible noise
[07:45.41] A woman about fifty years old ran out of the house, with some little children behind her
[07:53.65] She was smiling all over her face and she took me by the hands and cried,
[08:02.92] ' It' s you, at last, isn' t it?'
[08:06.17] I didn' t stop to think' Yes, ma' am,' I said
[08:12.75] ' Well, what took you so long? We thought you were coming two days ago
[08:21.06] Your Uncle Silas goes to town every day to meet you
[08:25.61] He' s there now, but he' ll be back soon
[08:29.21] ' She didn' t stop talking and I couldn' t tell her that she was making a mistake
[08:35.73] ' Tell us all about them,' she cried' Tell me everything'
[08:43.59] I knew then that I had to tell her
[08:49.82] But just then she cried,' Here he is! Quick, hide!'
[08:57.01] And she pushed me inside the house and behind the front door
[09:02.77] Then her husband came in and she asked him,' Has he come?'
[09:09.90] ' No,' her husband replied
[09:12.95] ' Look!' she shouted, and then she pulled me out from behind the door
[09:20.75] ' Why, who' s that?' Mr Phelps cried, surprised
[09:26.88] ' It' s Tom Sawyer!' she laughed