亡灵岛Coming to England

歌曲 亡灵岛Coming to England
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第二级


[00:20.91] Deadman's Island
[00:33.04] 1 Coming to England
[00:38.58] My name is Carol Sanders.
[00:43.52] I live in England now,but when I was younger,I lived in Hong Kong.
[00:49.90] My father was a businessman there and my mother worked as a secretary.
[00:56.67] We lived in Hong Kong for seven years.
[01:01.14] I was happy at school,with lots of friends,and we had a good time.
[01:08.75] I liked pop music—the Rolling Stones,
[01:13.44] David Bowie and Jake Rosso were my favourites.
[01:18.40] Jake Rosso was my favourite singer.
[01:23.25] He died in a car accident the year I left school,
[01:28.37] But I listened to his pop records all the time.
[01:33.25] I had hundreds of pictures and photos of him on my bedroom wall.
[01:40.17] Then one day in winter when I was seventeen,things began to go wrong for me.
[01:49.32] My father went to Australia on business.
[01:53.93] I loved him very much and didn't like him going away.
[01:59.30] ‘Come home quickly,’I always said to him.
[02:04.12] He was in Australia for two weeks.
[02:08.68] Then,on the day of his journey home,
[02:12.33] An aeroplane from Sydney crashed into the sea just south of Hong Kong.
[02:18.50] Everybody on the plane died.
[02:22.09] I heard about the plane crash on television.
[02:27.11] At first,I did not think about my father.
[02:32.08] Then I remembered he was flying back from Sydney on that day.
[02:38.63] ‘Oh,no!’I cried.
[02:42.40] I telephoned the airport but they did not know the names of all the passengers then.
[02:48.86] ‘Perhaps my father didn't get that plane,’I thought.‘Oh,please!Please!’
[02:56.88] My mother was at work and I called her on the telephone.
[03:03.25] She came home quickly and we went to the airport and waited for news.
[03:09.49] Later,we learned my father was on the plane.
[03:15.33] ‘It's not true!’I shouted.
[03:19.45] But it was true,and I began to cry.
[03:23.81] I cried for weeks and weeks.I spent many days alone in my room.
[03:32.30] I was lonely and sad and I wanted to die,too.
[03:37.97] I stopped going out with my friends.I didn't want to see other people.
[03:45.46] I stopped listening to Jake Rosso's records,
[03:50.20] And took his pictures off my bedroom wall.
[03:55.62] I didn't listen to music or watch television.Nothing mattered any more.
[04:02.80] Then I stopped crying.I stopped feeling sad and began to feel angry.
[04:13.29] ‘Why did it happen to him?’I asked my mother.
[04:18.96] ‘Why do the best people die?Jake Rosso.My father.’
[04:26.41] ‘I…I don't know,Carol,'my mother said.She was unhappy,too.
[04:36.58] At the time of the plane crash,I was a student at college.
[04:43.70] I enjoyed the college work and life very much,
[04:49.64] But after my father's death I stopped doing my work at the college.
[04:56.53] I began to go out with some new friends.
[05:00.74] They were different from my other friends,and my mother didn't like them.
[05:07.02] ‘They're bad people,Carol,'she told me.‘They do dangerous things.’
[05:14.90] ‘They're exciting,’I said.‘And I like them.’
[05:21.17] I knew she was angry but I didn't care.
[05:26.75] But then I learned my new friends took drugs,and I began to take drugs,too.
[05:33.56] It was wrong and stupid,I know that now,but I was unhappy and angry.
[05:40.41] The police came to the college to arrest some of the students.
[05:46.59] They didn't arrest me,but I had to leave the college.It was a bad time.
[05:53.73] My mother was very unhappy with me.
[05:58.15] ‘What am I going to do with you,Carol?she said.
[06:03.94] ‘I'm sorry,’I told her.
[06:08.43] ‘We'll go back to England,'she said.
[06:12.40] ‘You can find a college there.Perhaps you can be happier in England.’
[06:19.28] ‘All right,’I said.‘I want to forget what's happened.
[06:25.87] I want to forget what I've done and begin a new life,be a new person.’
[06:32.54] A month later,we came back to England.
[06:39.68] We lived in London,in a hotel.
[06:44.03] It was strange,at first,with all the red buses and everybody speaking English.
[06:50.75] It was the beginning of the summer,
[06:53.41] Three months before college began in the autumn.
[06:57.57] London was full of tourists.
[07:01.19] We looked at all the famous buildings—Buckingham Palace,the Tower of London.
[07:07.67] And we went to restaurants and theatres in the evenings.
[07:12.69] It was interesting and exciting and I began to forget the bad times in Hong Kong.
[07:20.15] ‘I'm pleased we came to London,’I told my mother.
[07:24.79] But after a few weeks,she said,‘You need to find a college,Carol.
[07:31.54] You must go on studying.And I need a job.’
[07:36.05] That evening,we looked in the newspapers.
[07:41.74] ‘What about this?’I said.I showed my mother a job in the newspaper.
[07:50.78] SECRETARY
[07:52.18] for the summer months
[07:53.72] on a small private island in Scotland.
[07:58.39] Live with the family in a big house.
[08:01.96] interseting work and good pay
[08:04.45] for the right person.
[08:07.37] Phone Greta Poss.Telephone number 071…
[08:12.53] ‘Well,that sounds interesting,'said my mother.
[08:16.48] ‘I'd like to work as a secretary on an island in Scotland.
[08:20.49] It's a beautiful country,Carol,and you can go to a college there in the autumn.’
[08:27.34] ‘And it's a place to live for the summer,’I said.‘Hotels are expensive.’
[08:34.74] My mother telephoned Greta Ross.
[08:39.43] Come and see me tomorrow,Greta Ross told her.
[08:44.12] ‘Come to Savoy Hotel at eleven o'clock.’
[08:48.52] I went to Savoy Hotel with my mother.
[08:53.75] It was big and expensive,bigger than our hotel,and in the centre of London.
[09:00.82] ‘Mum needs this job,I thought.
[09:04.48] ‘And a private island in Scotland is a nice place to live.
[09:08.92] Perhaps I can forget what's happened if I go there.’
[09:12.78] ‘Room twenty-two,'said the woman at the hotel desk.
[09:18.23] ‘Go on up.Mrs Ross will see you now.’
[09:22.17] Greta Ross was waiting for us.
[09:26.53] She was about thirty years old and very beautiful.
[09:31.39] She wore an expensive red dress and her hair was very long and dark.
[09:37.91] ‘This is my daughter,Carol,'said my mother.
[09:44.25] ‘Hallo,Carol,'said Greta Ross.
[09:47.88] ‘Hallo,’I said.
[09:50.70] ‘Carol is eighteen years old,'said my mother.
[09:55.54] ‘Can she come with me,if I get the job?
[09:58.08] Perhaps she can help in the house or in the garden.
[10:02.07] She likes gardening.She's studying farming at college.’
[10:06.13] ‘Perhaps,said Greta Ross.‘There's a small farm on the island.’
[10:13.21] ‘I'd like to work on the farm,’I said.
[10:16.93] Greta Ross looked at my mother.
[10:19.77] ‘How long did you live in Hong Kong,Mrs Sanders?’
[10:24.97] ‘Seven years,’answered my mother.
[10:28.41] ‘My husband died in a plane crash last year,
[10:32.21] So we've come back to live in England.’
[10:34.79] ‘Where did you live before Hong Kong?’
[10:38.12] ‘We lived in India for three years.’
[10:42.15] Then Greta Ross took my mother into a room and asked her more questions.
[10:49.43] I waited outside.
[10:51.38] ‘Greta Ross is nice,’I thought.‘I hope my mother gets the job.’
[10:58.56] Soon after,the door opened and my mother came out.She was smiling.
[11:04.97] Greta Ross said,‘Please wait here for a minute,Mrs Sanders.
[11:10.94] I want to make a phone call.'she went back into the room,and closed the door.
[11:17.93] I was sitting on a chair near the door,
[11:21.17] And I could just hear Greta Ross's voice speaking on the phone.
[11:26.18] ‘I think I've found someone,'she was saying.
[11:30.84] ‘She has a daughter,but the girl can work in the garden or on the farm…
[11:35.91] Don't worry,they've been away from England for ten years…
[11:40.30] It'll be all right,I tell you…Don't worry.’
[11:46.20] After a few minutes,Greta Ross put down the phone and came ont of the room.
[11:53.95] ‘You've got the job,'she told my mother.
[11:58.12] My mother was pleased.‘Thank you,'she replied.
[12:03.08] I was pleased,too,but now I was worried about that phone call.
[12:08.74] I didn't understand it.


[00:20.91] Deadman' s Island
[00:33.04] 1 Coming to England
[00:38.58] My name is Carol Sanders
[00:43.52] I live in England now, but when I was younger, I lived in Hong Kong
[00:49.90] My father was a businessman there and my mother worked as a secretary
[00:56.67] We lived in Hong Kong for seven years
[01:01.14] I was happy at school, with lots of friends, and we had a good time
[01:08.75] I liked pop music the Rolling Stones,
[01:13.44] David Bowie and Jake Rosso were my favourites
[01:18.40] Jake Rosso was my favourite singer
[01:23.25] He died in a car accident the year I left school,
[01:28.37] But I listened to his pop records all the time
[01:33.25] I had hundreds of pictures and photos of him on my bedroom wall
[01:40.17] Then one day in winter when I was seventeen, things began to go wrong for me
[01:49.32] My father went to Australia on business
[01:53.93] I loved him very much and didn' t like him going away
[01:59.30] ' Come home quickly,' I always said to him
[02:04.12] He was in Australia for two weeks
[02:08.68] Then, on the day of his journey home,
[02:12.33] An aeroplane from Sydney crashed into the sea just south of Hong Kong
[02:18.50] Everybody on the plane died
[02:22.09] I heard about the plane crash on television
[02:27.11] At first, I did not think about my father
[02:32.08] Then I remembered he was flying back from Sydney on that day
[02:38.63] ' Oh, no!' I cried
[02:42.40] I telephoned the airport but they did not know the names of all the passengers then
[02:48.86] ' Perhaps my father didn' t get that plane,' I thought' Oh, please! Please!'
[02:56.88] My mother was at work and I called her on the telephone
[03:03.25] She came home quickly and we went to the airport and waited for news
[03:09.49] Later, we learned my father was on the plane
[03:15.33] ' It' s not true!' I shouted
[03:19.45] But it was true, and I began to cry
[03:23.81] I cried for weeks and weeks I spent many days alone in my room
[03:32.30] I was lonely and sad and I wanted to die, too
[03:37.97] I stopped going out with my friends I didn' t want to see other people
[03:45.46] I stopped listening to Jake Rosso' s records,
[03:50.20] And took his pictures off my bedroom wall
[03:55.62] I didn' t listen to music or watch television Nothing mattered any more
[04:02.80] Then I stopped crying I stopped feeling sad and began to feel angry
[04:13.29] ' Why did it happen to him?' I asked my mother
[04:18.96] ' Why do the best people die? Jake Rosso My father'
[04:26.41] ' I I don' t know, Carol,' my mother said She was unhappy, too
[04:36.58] At the time of the plane crash, I was a student at college
[04:43.70] I enjoyed the college work and life very much,
[04:49.64] But after my father' s death I stopped doing my work at the college
[04:56.53] I began to go out with some new friends
[05:00.74] They were different from my other friends, and my mother didn' t like them
[05:07.02] ' They' re bad people, Carol,' she told me' They do dangerous things'
[05:14.90] ' They' re exciting,' I said' And I like them'
[05:21.17] I knew she was angry but I didn' t care
[05:26.75] But then I learned my new friends took drugs, and I began to take drugs, too
[05:33.56] It was wrong and stupid, I know that now, but I was unhappy and angry
[05:40.41] The police came to the college to arrest some of the students
[05:46.59] They didn' t arrest me, but I had to leave the college It was a bad time
[05:53.73] My mother was very unhappy with me
[05:58.15] ' What am I going to do with you, Carol? she said
[06:03.94] ' I' m sorry,' I told her
[06:08.43] ' We' ll go back to England,' she said
[06:12.40] ' You can find a college there Perhaps you can be happier in England'
[06:19.28] ' All right,' I said' I want to forget what' s happened
[06:25.87] I want to forget what I' ve done and begin a new life, be a new person'
[06:32.54] A month later, we came back to England
[06:39.68] We lived in London, in a hotel
[06:44.03] It was strange, at first, with all the red buses and everybody speaking English
[06:50.75] It was the beginning of the summer,
[06:53.41] Three months before college began in the autumn
[06:57.57] London was full of tourists
[07:01.19] We looked at all the famous buildings Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London
[07:07.67] And we went to restaurants and theatres in the evenings
[07:12.69] It was interesting and exciting and I began to forget the bad times in Hong Kong
[07:20.15] ' I' m pleased we came to London,' I told my mother
[07:24.79] But after a few weeks, she said,' You need to find a college, Carol
[07:31.54] You must go on studying And I need a job'
[07:36.05] That evening, we looked in the newspapers
[07:41.74] ' What about this?' I said I showed my mother a job in the newspaper
[07:50.78] SECRETARY
[07:52.18] for the summer months
[07:53.72] on a small private island in Scotland
[07:58.39] Live with the family in a big house
[08:01.96] interseting work and good pay
[08:04.45] for the right person
[08:07.37] Phone Greta Poss Telephone number 071
[08:12.53] ' Well, that sounds interesting,' said my mother
[08:16.48] ' I' d like to work as a secretary on an island in Scotland
[08:20.49] It' s a beautiful country, Carol, and you can go to a college there in the autumn'
[08:27.34] ' And it' s a place to live for the summer,' I said' Hotels are expensive'
[08:34.74] My mother telephoned Greta Ross
[08:39.43] Come and see me tomorrow, Greta Ross told her
[08:44.12] ' Come to Savoy Hotel at eleven o' clock'
[08:48.52] I went to Savoy Hotel with my mother
[08:53.75] It was big and expensive, bigger than our hotel, and in the centre of London
[09:00.82] ' Mum needs this job, I thought
[09:04.48] ' And a private island in Scotland is a nice place to live
[09:08.92] Perhaps I can forget what' s happened if I go there'
[09:12.78] ' Room twenty two,' said the woman at the hotel desk
[09:18.23] ' Go on up Mrs Ross will see you now'
[09:22.17] Greta Ross was waiting for us
[09:26.53] She was about thirty years old and very beautiful
[09:31.39] She wore an expensive red dress and her hair was very long and dark
[09:37.91] ' This is my daughter, Carol,' said my mother
[09:44.25] ' Hallo, Carol,' said Greta Ross
[09:47.88] ' Hallo,' I said
[09:50.70] ' Carol is eighteen years old,' said my mother
[09:55.54] ' Can she come with me, if I get the job?
[09:58.08] Perhaps she can help in the house or in the garden
[10:02.07] She likes gardening She' s studying farming at college'
[10:06.13] ' Perhaps, said Greta Ross' There' s a small farm on the island'
[10:13.21] ' I' d like to work on the farm,' I said
[10:16.93] Greta Ross looked at my mother
[10:19.77] ' How long did you live in Hong Kong, Mrs Sanders?'
[10:24.97] ' Seven years,' answered my mother
[10:28.41] ' My husband died in a plane crash last year,
[10:32.21] So we' ve come back to live in England'
[10:34.79] ' Where did you live before Hong Kong?'
[10:38.12] ' We lived in India for three years'
[10:42.15] Then Greta Ross took my mother into a room and asked her more questions
[10:49.43] I waited outside
[10:51.38] ' Greta Ross is nice,' I thought' I hope my mother gets the job'
[10:58.56] Soon after, the door opened and my mother came out She was smiling
[11:04.97] Greta Ross said,' Please wait here for a minute, Mrs Sanders
[11:10.94] I want to make a phone call' she went back into the room, and closed the door
[11:17.93] I was sitting on a chair near the door,
[11:21.17] And I could just hear Greta Ross' s voice speaking on the phone
[11:26.18] ' I think I' ve found someone,' she was saying
[11:30.84] ' She has a daughter, but the girl can work in the garden or on the farm
[11:35.91] Don' t worry, they' ve been away from England for ten years
[11:40.30] It' ll be all right, I tell you Don' t worry'
[11:46.20] After a few minutes, Greta Ross put down the phone and came ont of the room
[11:53.95] ' You' ve got the job,' she told my mother
[11:58.12] My mother was pleased' Thank you,' she replied
[12:03.08] I was pleased, too, but now I was worried about that phone call
[12:08.74] I didn' t understand it