亡灵岛The Locked Room

歌曲 亡灵岛The Locked Room
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第二级


[00:01.36] 4 The Locked Room4
[00:06.25] Two days later there was a storm in the middle of the night.
[00:11.68] I was hot and I couldn't sleep. l got out of bed, went across to the window and looked out at the night. Black cloudshur ried across the sky, and the trees moved wildly in the wind. The rain made aloud noise on the window.
[00:36.65] I opened my window and put my head out into the wind and the rain. I looked at the other windows in the house . Most of them were dark. But one window had a light in it. Somebody isn't sleeping, 'I thought. 'Which room is that?
[00:59.02] There were six windows between my window and the room withthe light.
[01:06.01] 'And there are six doors between my room and the locked door ! 'I thought. 'That light is in the locked room. Somebody's in there !“
[01:20.85] I put on my dressing - gownand went out of my room. The house was dark, and at first I couldn't see very well. I walked along the passage and turned the corner.
[01:36.35] There it was, the locked room. And there was a light under the door !I went nearer and heard noises.
[01:48.65] 'Somebody's moving about in the locked room', I thought. 'Who is it? 'Then the light went off and the door opened.I was afraid to move. “
[02:05.96] Somebody came out of the room, and into the dark passage. Lightning suddenly lit up the house, and I saw who it was.
[02:18.25] 'It's Mr Ross ! 'I thought. 'What was he doing in that room in the middle of the night'? “
[02:27.55] I didn't move and he didn't see me. He locked the door of the room carefully. He didn't put the key in his pocket, but hid it in the plant pot next to the door.
[02:43.65] 'He's coming along here, 'l thought. I must get back to my room.And I ran back along the passage.“
[02:58.87] I didn't answer, but ran into my room and closed the door.
[03:04.28] He came along the passage and stopped outside my door. Then he walked past and went on down the stairs.
[03:15.81] I took off my dressing - gown and went back to bed. I was shaking because I was afraid.
[03:26.45] 'Now I know how to get into the locked room, 'I thought. 'But what's in there? “
[03:33.25] There was no storm in the morning, but it was still raining.I got up early and worked on the farm. There were eggs from the chickens and I put them in boxes. I helped to milk the cows and then took them out to the field.
[03:51.58] Later, I went back into the house for breakfast. 'Did you sleep all right last night? 'asked Mrs Duncan. 'Or did the storm wake you up?
[04:05.68] ..seps. all right, 'I said. I didn't want to tell her about the light in the locked room, or about Mr Ross.”.....
[04:16.54] After breakfast, l went back upstairs. Mr Ross was talking on the telephone in his office. My mother was working at her desk. I knew that Mrs.Duncan was in the kitchen and that Mr Duncan was working in the garden.
[04:37.52] 'Where's Mrs Ross? 'l thought.“
[04:41.11] Then I looked out of the window and saw her with Tony·Duncan. They were walking to the boat.
[04:49.50] He's taking her out in the boat, I thought. 'Perhas she's going to Edinburgh.'“
[04:56.28] The boat moved away from the island and I waited until it was out at sea. Then I opened the door of my room.
[05:07.54] There was nobody in the passage and I ran along to the locked room. The key was still in the plant pot and I took it out. My hand was shaking.
[05:20.74] Then I unlocked the door.


[00:01.36] 4 The Locked Room4
[00:06.25] Two days later there was a storm in the middle of the night.
[00:11.68] I was hot and I couldn' t sleep. l got out of bed, went across to the window and looked out at the night. Black cloudshur ried across the sky, and the trees moved wildly in the wind. The rain made aloud noise on the window.
[00:36.65] I opened my window and put my head out into the wind and the rain. I looked at the other windows in the house . Most of them were dark. But one window had a light in it. Somebody isn' t sleeping, ' I thought. ' Which room is that?
[00:59.02] There were six windows between my window and the room withthe light.
[01:06.01] ' And there are six doors between my room and the locked door ! ' I thought. ' That light is in the locked room. Somebody' s in there !"
[01:20.85] I put on my dressing gownand went out of my room. The house was dark, and at first I couldn' t see very well. I walked along the passage and turned the corner.
[01:36.35] There it was, the locked room. And there was a light under the door ! I went nearer and heard noises.
[01:48.65] ' Somebody' s moving about in the locked room', I thought. ' Who is it? ' Then the light went off and the door opened. I was afraid to move. "
[02:05.96] Somebody came out of the room, and into the dark passage. Lightning suddenly lit up the house, and I saw who it was.
[02:18.25] ' It' s Mr Ross ! ' I thought. ' What was he doing in that room in the middle of the night'? "
[02:27.55] I didn' t move and he didn' t see me. He locked the door of the room carefully. He didn' t put the key in his pocket, but hid it in the plant pot next to the door.
[02:43.65] ' He' s coming along here, ' l thought. I must get back to my room. And I ran back along the passage."
[02:58.87] I didn' t answer, but ran into my room and closed the door.
[03:04.28] He came along the passage and stopped outside my door. Then he walked past and went on down the stairs.
[03:15.81] I took off my dressing gown and went back to bed. I was shaking because I was afraid.
[03:26.45] ' Now I know how to get into the locked room, ' I thought. ' But what' s in there? "
[03:33.25] There was no storm in the morning, but it was still raining. I got up early and worked on the farm. There were eggs from the chickens and I put them in boxes. I helped to milk the cows and then took them out to the field.
[03:51.58] Later, I went back into the house for breakfast. ' Did you sleep all right last night? ' asked Mrs Duncan. ' Or did the storm wake you up?
[04:05.68] .. seps. all right, ' I said. I didn' t want to tell her about the light in the locked room, or about Mr Ross.".....
[04:16.54] After breakfast, l went back upstairs. Mr Ross was talking on the telephone in his office. My mother was working at her desk. I knew that Mrs. Duncan was in the kitchen and that Mr Duncan was working in the garden.
[04:37.52] ' Where' s Mrs Ross? ' l thought."
[04:41.11] Then I looked out of the window and saw her with Tony Duncan. They were walking to the boat.
[04:49.50] He' s taking her out in the boat, I thought. ' Perhas she' s going to Edinburgh.'"
[04:56.28] The boat moved away from the island and I waited until it was out at sea. Then I opened the door of my room.
[05:07.54] There was nobody in the passage and I ran along to the locked room. The key was still in the plant pot and I took it out. My hand was shaking.
[05:20.74] Then I unlocked the door.


[00:01.36] suǒ zhe de fáng jiān
[00:06.25] liǎng tiān hòu bàn yè lǐ lái le yī chǎng bào fēng yǔ.
[00:11.68] wǒ hěn rè, shuì bù zháo. wǒ xià le chuáng, zǒu dào chuāng biān, wàng zhe chuāng wài de yè sè. wū yún zài tiān kōng zhōng cōng cōng piāo guò, shù zài kuáng fēng zhōng měng liè dì yáo bǎi. yǔ dǎ zài chuāng zi shàng nòng chū le hěn dà de shēng xiǎng
[00:36.65] wǒ dǎ kāi chuāng zi, bǎ tóu shēn zài fēng yǔ zhōng. wǒ kàn le kàn zhè chuáng fáng zi de qí tā chuāng zi. jué dà bù fen chuāng zi shì hēi de. dàn yǒu yī shàn chuāng zi lǐ yǒu dēng guāng." yǒu rén méi shuì." wǒ xiǎng," nà shi něi gè fáng jiān ne?"
[00:59.02] wǒ zhè gè hé liàng zhe dēng de nà gè fáng jiān zhī jiàn gé liù ge chuāng zi.
[01:06.01] ér qiě wǒ zhè gè fáng jiān hé suǒ zhe mén de nà gè zhī jiàn gé liù shàn mén!" wǒ sī kǎo zhe." nà gè liàng zhe de dēng jiù zài nà gè suǒ zhe de fáng jiān. nà lǐ miàn yǒu rén!"
[01:20.85] wǒ chuān shang chén yī, cóng wǒ wū. lǐ zǒu le chū lái. zhè zuò fáng zi lǐ hěn àn, qǐ chū wǒ yě kàn de bù zěn me qīng chǔ. wǒ shùn zhe zǒu láng zǒu, guǎi le yí gè wān
[01:36.35] nà ér jiù shì nà gè suǒ zhe de fáng jiān. ér qiě mén xià miàn lòu chū le dēng guāng! wǒ zǒu jìn le xiē, tīng dào le dòng jìng.
[01:48.65] yǒu rén zài zhè gè suǒ zhe de fáng jiān lǐ zǒu dòng." wǒ sī kǎo zhe." shì shuí ne?" jiē zhe dēng xī le, mén kāi le. wǒ méi gǎn dòng.
[02:05.96] yí ge rén cóng wū lǐ zǒu chū lái, dào le hēi àn de zǒu láng lǐ. hū rán dào shǎn diàn zhào liàng le zhè chuáng fáng zi, wǒ kàn qīng le zhè gè rén shì shuí.
[02:18.25] shì luó sī xiān shēng!" wǒ xiǎng." tā bàn yè zài nà gè fáng jiān lǐ gàn shén me ne?"
[02:27.55] wǒ méi dòng, tā yě méi kàn jiàn wǒ. tā xiǎo xīn dì suǒ shàng le mén. tā méi bǎ yào shi fàng rù tā de yī dài lǐ, què bǎ tā cáng zài mén páng de huā pén lǐ.
[02:43.65] tā zhèng wǎng zhè ér lái le." wǒ xiǎng," wǒ bì xū huí wǒ de fáng jiān qù." yú shì wǒ jiù shùn zhe zǒu láng wǎng huí pǎo.
[02:53.85] Mr Ross heard me. ' Who' sthat? ' he called. luó sī xiān shēng tīng jiàn wǒ le." shuí? " tā jiào hǎn zhe.
[02:58.87] wǒ méi huí dá, què pǎo jìn zì jǐ de fáng jiān, guān shàng le mén.
[03:04.28] tā shùn zhe zǒu láng guò lái le, zài wǒ de mén wài tíng le xià lái. rán hòu tā jiù zǒu guò qù le, wǎng qián xià le lóu.. wǒ tuō xià chén yī, huí dào le chuáng shàng. wǒ yīn hài pà ér zhí fà dǒu.
[03:15.81] wǒ tuō xià chén yī, huí dào le chuáng shàng. wǒ yīn hài pà ér zhí fà dǒu.
[03:26.45] xiàn zài wǒ zhī dào zěn me jìn rù nà suǒ zhe de fáng jiān le." wǒ xiǎng," dàn nà lǐ yǒu shén me ne?"
[03:33.25] zǎo chén fēng bào tíng le, dàn yǔ hái zài xià. wǒ hěn zǎo jiù qǐ le chuáng, zài nóng chǎng lǐ gàn huó. nà ér yǒu xiǎo mǔ jī xià de xiē dàn, wǒ bǎ dàn fàng zài xiāng zi lǐ. wǒ bāng zhe gěi nǎi niú jǐ nǎi, rán hòu bǎ tā men dài dào le wài miàn dí tián yě.
[03:51.58] ' hòu lái wǒ huí fáng zi lǐ qù chī zǎo fàn." zuó tiān wǎn shàng nǐ shuì dé hǎo ma?" dèng kěn tài tài wèn dào." hái shì bào fēng yǔ bǎ nǐ chǎo xǐng le?"
[04:05.68] shuì de hěn hǎo," wǒ shuō. wǒ bù xiǎng bǎ suǒ zhe de nà gè fáng jiān lǐ liàng zhe dēng de shì huò luó sī xiān shēng de shì gào sù tā.
[04:16.54] zǎo fàn hòu, wǒ huí dào lóu shàng. luó sī xiān shēng zhèng zài tā de bàn gōng shì lǐ dǎ diàn huà. wǒ mā mā zhèng zuò zài tā bàn gōng zhuō páng gōng zuò. wǒ zhī dào dèng kěn tài tài zài chú fáng lǐ ér dèng kěn xiān shēng zài yuán zǐ lǐ gàn huó.
[04:37.52] luó sī fū rén zài nǎ ér ne?" wǒ xiǎng.
[04:41.11] jiē zhe wǒ cóng chuāng zi xiàng wài wàng qù, bìng kàn jiàn tā hé tuō ní dèng kěn zài yì qǐ. tā men zhèng xiàng yī tiáo chuán zǒu qù.
[04:49.50] tā yào yòng chuán sòng tā chū dǎo." wǒ xiǎng," tā kě néng qù ài dīng bǎo."
[04:56.28] chuán lí kāi le zhè zuò dǎo wǒ zhí děng zhe, zhí dào tā chū hǎi le. rán hòu wǒ dǎ kāi le wǒ fáng jiān de mén.
[05:07.54] zǒu láng lǐ méi yǒu rén, wǒ yí lù pǎo dào nà gè suǒ zhe de fáng jiān qián. yào shi hái zài huā pén lǐ, wǒ chàn dǒu dì bǎ tā ná le chū lái
[05:20.74] rán hòu wǒ dǎ kāi le mén.