威廉莎士比亚Queens, Kings, and Princes

歌曲 威廉莎士比亚Queens, Kings, and Princes
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第二级


[00:01.82] Chapter 7 Queens,Kings,and Princes 第七章 女王,国王和王子们
[00:08.59] Every year we took more and more plays to court at Christmas.每年圣诞节我们要安排愈来愈多的戏剧进宫演出。
[00:14.97] In 1598 one of Will's plays was Henry IV.1598年上演了威尔的一部历史剧《亨利四世》。
[00:22.61] A lot of the play was about the King's son and his friend,Sir John Falstaff.剧中大多描写亨利四世之子和他的朋友约翰?哺K固┓蚓羰苛饺恕?
[00:30.51]Sir John was old,fat,lazy,drank too much,talked too much,laughed too much. 约翰爵士已是垂暮之年,身体肥胖,游手好闲,只会酗酒聊天、寻欢作乐,[00:40.13] But you had to love him.但这个角色挺招人喜欢。
[00:43.47] He was a great favourite with the London playgoers,and there were a lot of Falstaff jokes going round at the time.他一度成为最受伦敦观众欢迎的人物,那时街头巷尾到处流传着关于福斯泰夫的种种笑料。
[00:53.59] After the play,the Queen wanted to speak to Will.演完戏后,女王传令召见威尔。
[00:59.46] Why?What have We done wrong?John Heminges said to me in a very quiet voice. 怎么啦?我们是否做错事啦?约翰?埠C髑嵘饰摇?
[01:08.35] We'll find out in a minute,I said.我们一会儿就知道了, 我说道。
[01:12.88] We all watched while Will walked over to the Queen's chair.我们目不转睛地看着威尔走到女王的座椅前。
[01:18.90]She was an old woman,she wore a red wig,and she had black teeth.女王已是垂暮之年,戴着红色假发,一口黑齿,[01:25.74] But she was still a very great queen.但又不失女王风度。
[01:30.06] And if the Queen was not pleased…如果女王一不高兴…
[01:34.56] She had a good,strong voice-an actor's voice.We could hear her easily.女王天生一副演员般的好嗓子,铿锵有力,我们可以很容易地听到她讲话。
[01:42.76] Mr Shakespeare,she began.莎士比亚绅士,她开口说道,
[01:47.36]Then she smiled,and suddenly you knew why all Englishmen loved the Queen.我恍然明白,为什么全英国人民如此爱戴女王。[01:54.59] It was like the sun coming out on a spring morning.接着启齿一笑,这微笑犹如春天早晨的旭日,
[01:59.26] Mr Shakespeare,you are the best playwriter in England.莎士比亚绅士,你不愧为英国最杰出的剧作家,
[02:05.70] I enjoyed your play,and I thought that Sir John Falstaff was very funny.我非常欣赏你这部戏剧。我觉得剧中的约翰·福斯泰夫非常滑稽诙谐,
[02:13.95] I have known many Englishmen like him.我认识不少这样的英国人。
[02:17.90] Will you write me another play?你能否为我续写一部喜剧?
[02:21.03] I would like to see Sir John in love.我想看看福斯泰夫谈情说爱。
[02:26.72] When Will came back to us,his eyes were bright,but he was already thinking about it.威尔回到了我们身边,双眼闪闪发亮,看得出他已在构思了。
[02:34.51] Don't talk to me,he said.I've got a play to write.暂且别来找我说话,他说道,我得着手续写一部戏剧。
[02:40.55] He wrote it in two weeks,and we took it down to Richmond Palace and played it before the Queen on February the 20th.两星期后他就把剧本赶写了出来。2月20日我们便到里士满宫为女王演出此剧《温莎的风流娘儿们》,
[02:51.14] She laughed and laughed at The Merry Wives of Windsor.逗得女王开怀大笑。
[02:58.93] She didn't have much to laugh about in 1599.但1599年时就没多少事能令她开心了。
[03:04.15] There was a lot of trouble in Ireland,and the Queen sent the Earl of ***** with 20000 men to fight a war.爱尔兰经常发生动乱,女王派遣爱塞克斯伯爵率兵2万去征战,
[03:14.99] Lord Southampton,Will's friend,went with him.随同出征的还有威尔的好友索桑普敦勋爵。
[03:19.85] All London came out on to the streets to watch when ***** and his men left for Ireland.当爱塞克斯率兵出征爱尔兰时,所有的伦敦市民都走上街头夹道欢送。
[03:28.20] Will wrote and exciting play about war that summer,and he put in a word or two about Ireland.那年夏天,威尔写了一部关于战争的鼓舞斗志的历史剧《亨利五世》,其中有一两处提到了爱尔兰的动乱。
[03:37.11] That was Henry V,about a very famous English King who fought a war in France.这部历史剧描绘了一位在法国征战的功名显赫的英国君主形象。
[03:45.71] But ***** was not Henry the Fifth.爱塞克斯毕竟不是亨利五世,
[03:50.39]He didn't know how to fight a war,and he ran away back to England later that year.他压根不懂如何作战,不久就逃回英国,[03:57.32] The Queen never spoke to him again.女王也从此不再理他。
[04:02.34] In September we opened the Globe theatre.9月我们开放环球剧院。
[04:06.83] It was a grand,new building near the Rose.这座富丽堂皇的新剧院紧邻玫瑰剧院,
[04:11.57] Will,Richard Burbage,and the others paid for it themselves.由威尔,理查·白贝芝和其他股东出资建成,
[04:17.09]It was the best playhouse in London,and soon the most famous.是伦敦当时最好的一座剧院,不久就成为最负盛名的剧院。[04:24.19] The other companies had god theatres and some good actors,尽管其它剧团的剧院设备和演员配备都不错,
[04:29.09] but we had the famous Richard Burbage-and the best plays.但是我们有著名的理查·白贝芝和最好的剧本
[04:36.40] We put on three new plays by will in the next year,and some plays by other writers.第二年我们上演了威尔的三部新剧本和其他剧作家创作的一些剧本。
[04:44.24] One of the new playwrights was Ben Jonson.He was a clever man and he wrote clever plays,其中一位就是刚出道的剧作家本·琼生。这人机智聪明,剧本也写得好,
[04:53.65] but people still liked Will's plays best.但人们还是推崇威尔的作品。
[04:58.49] Ben couldn't understand it. He was always arguing with Will about how to write plays.本真不明白,他时常和威尔就如何创作剧本而争论不休,
[05:06.69] He argued with everyone.不过这人就爱与别人辩论。
[05:09.82] He went to prison once because he killed a man in fight.有一次因决斗杀了人,他还蹲过监狱。
[05:16.26]He was eight years younger than Will,but he and Will were very good friends.他比威尔小八岁,但两人是很好的朋友。[05:22.98] Will's next play was Hamlet,Prince of Denmark.威尔的又一部剧是《丹麦王于哈姆雷特》。
[05:28.69] We all met one day in the Boar's Head to talk about it.一天,我们六个人一起聚在公猪头酒吧讨论剧本。
[05:34.46] There were six of us-me and Will,Richard Burbage,Henry Condell,John Heminges,and Augustine Phillips.我、威尔、理查·白贝芝、亨利·康德尔、约翰·海明和奥古斯丁·菲利普
[05:46.40] Will put his pile of papers on the table and sat down.威尔将那堆手稿放在桌上,坐了下来。
[05:51.63] 'Well,'he said.'You've all read it.好吧,他说,剧本大家都看了,
[05:55.93] What do you think?'谈谈看法吧?
[05:59.12] 'It's very good,'John Heminges began.'but it's too long.内容很好,约翰·海明带头说道,不过剧情太长,
[06:05.54] It'll take about four hours in the theatre.'在剧院上演要演四个多小时。
[06:10.00] 'We don't have to use it all,'Will said.'我们并不需要全部剧情,威尔说,
[06:13.41]We can cut it down to three hours,perhaps two and a half.'我们可以将剧本删减到三个小时,或者两个半小时也行。[06:19.48] Henry Condell picked up one of the paper from the table.'亨利·康德尔从桌上拿起一张手稿:
[06:24.28] Look at this bit,when Ophelia is talking about Hamlet,'he said.看这一段,奥菲利亚谈论哈姆雷特,他说道,
[06:30.49] 'Hamlet sounds like the Earl of ***** to me.我感觉剧中的哈姆雷特酷似爱塞克斯伯爵。
[06:34.34] Were you thinking of ***** when you wrote this?'你在写这段时是否想到爱塞克斯呢?
[06:38.13] Will smiled.'Perhaps,'he said.'And perhaps not.'威尔笑了起来。或许有,他说道,或许也没有。
[06:46.42] 'Richard will play Prince Hamlet,yes?'said Augustine.理查扮演哈姆雷特王子,对吧?奥古斯丁说。
[06:51.89] 'Of course!'Will said.'I wrote the part for him.那当然啦!威尔说道,这个角色专为他而写的。
[06:56.40] He's our star actor.他是我们剧团的明星。
[06:58.46] I'll play the ghost of Hamlet's father.'我将扮演哈姆雷特父亲的幽灵。
[07:02.35] He looked at me.他看看我,又说,托比,
[07:04.68] 'Hamlet will wear black,Toby,and Ophelia will wear white.'哈姆雷特要穿黑衣服,而奥菲莉亚就准备白衣吧。
[07:10.96] Henry finished his beer.亨利喝干了啤酒。
[07:13.84] 'It's a good story,Will,with good parts for us all.这故事取材不错,威尔,你为大家准备了好角色。
[07:19.22] But will the playgoers like it?不过,剧情进展太慢,观众会喜欢吗?
[07:22.10] It moves very slowly,and they like a play to be fast and exciting.他们看惯了剧情进展快而令人振奋的戏剧。
[07:29.49] Prince Hamlet knows that his uncle Claudius murdered the king his father.哈姆雷特王子明知道叔父杀了他的父王,但他长时间只是用空话泄气,
[07:34.50] But he doesn't do anything about it for a long time.却没有采取任何行动,
[07:38.68]He just talks about it.And in the end nearly everybody dies,one way or another.'再说故事最终人物几乎都这样或那样地死去了。[07:41.61] Augustine didn't agree with that.奥古斯丁并不同意这看法。
[07:50.26] 'You haven't understood the play,Henry.亨利,你还未真正理解这部戏,
[07:54.21] It is exciting,very exciting.The play in inside Hamlet himself.它会令人振奋,振奋不已的。这部戏的关键就在于哈姆雷特的内心活动。
[08:01.84] He wants to kill his uncle,but he can't Murder is wrong.他想杀死叔父,但却不能,谋杀是不赦之罪,
[08:07.80] But he must kill him,because of his father.We can all understand how he feels.'可他为了父王又必须杀死他。我们完全可以理解他的感受。
[08:16.80] All this time Richard Burbage was silent.理查·白贝芝一直一言不发。
[08:21.04] He was reading bits of the play again.他重新看了看剧本的部分章节,
[08:24.47] Now he put down the paper in his hand and looked up his eyes were bright,excited.然后放下手中的稿纸,抬起头,双眼奕奕放光、溢着兴奋之情。
[08:33.53] 'Have any of you really listened to the language of this play?你们当中有谁真正领会剧中的语言呢?
[08:39.04] This is your best play yet,Will-the best of them all.威尔,这是你写的最好的剧本了—所有戏剧中最好的一部。
[08:45.78] Just listen to the language,the poetry!'He stood up,and his great voice filled the room.听听剧中的语言,剧中的诗歌吧!他站起来,顿时整个房间回荡起他雄厚的嗓音。
[08:54.17] To be,or not to be-that is the question...活着还是死亡,这是问题……
[09:02.52] We sat and listened,silently,while that wonderful voice brought the words ot life.我们默默地坐着,倾听那绝妙的声音将纸上的文字赋予了生命。
[09:09.91] Will watched him,smiling.威尔望着他,会意地微笑着。
[09:14.47]He knew that Richard,like him,was in love with words.To die,to sleep. 他知道,只有理查能如他一样,深深地迷恋着语言的妙处。[09:24.63] To sleep-perchance to dream. Ay,theer's the rub.死亡,就是睡眠。
[09:29.89] For in that sleep of death what dreams may come睡眠—也许要做梦,这就麻烦了。
[09:33.93] When we have shuffled off this mortal coil我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠,在死的睡眠里,还会做些什么梦呢?
[09:39.56] Must give us pause.一想到就不能不踌躇。
[09:42.40] Richard Burbage was right,of course.理查真的说对了。
[09:45.52]The people loved the play,they loved Burbage as Hamlet,观众迷上了这部悲剧,他们迷上了白贝芝扮演的哈姆雷特,[09:50.16] they cried for poor Ophelia's death,他们为可怜的奥菲莉亚的死而哭泣,
[09:53.90] and they shouted for the murderer Claudius to die.他们怒吼着让凶手克劳狄斯死去。
[09:58.01] I think it was Will's most famous play.我认为这的确是威尔最负盛名的戏剧。


[00:01.82] Chapter 7 Queens, Kings, and Princes dì qī zhāng nǚ wáng, guó wáng hé wáng zǐ men
[00:08.59] Every year we took more and more plays to court at Christmas měi nián shèng dàn jié wǒ men yào ān pái yù lái yù duō de xì jù jìn gōng yǎn chū.
[00:14.97] In 1598 one of Will' s plays was Henry IV 1598 nián shàng yǎn le wēi ěr de yī bù lì shǐ jù hēng lì sì shì.
[00:22.61] A lot of the play was about the King' s son and his friend, Sir John Falstaff jù zhōng dà duō miáo xiě hēng lì sì shì zhī zǐ hé tā de péng yǒu yuē hàn? bǔ gù yǐn tāng kē jiǎo shù?
[00:30.51]Sir John was old,fat,lazy,drank too much,talked too much,laughed too much. 约翰爵士已是垂暮之年,身体肥胖,游手好闲,只会酗酒聊天、寻欢作乐,[00:40.13] But you had to love him dàn zhè gè jué sè tǐng zhāo rén xǐ huan.
[00:43.47] He was a great favourite with the London playgoers, and there were a lot of Falstaff jokes going round at the time tā yí dù chéng wéi zuì shòu lún dūn guān zhòng huān yíng de rén wù, nà shí jiē tóu xiàng wěi dào chù liú chuán zhe guān yú fú sī tài fū de zhǒng zhǒng xiào liào.
[00:53.59] After the play, the Queen wanted to speak to Will yǎn wán xì hòu, nǚ wáng chuán lìng zhào jiàn wēi ěr.
[00:59.46] Why? What have We done wrong? John Heminges said to me in a very quiet voice. zěn me la? wǒ men shì fǒu zuò cuò shì la? yuē hàn? bù dú róng shì yáo?
[01:08.35] We' ll find out in a minute, I said wǒ men yī huì ér jiù zhī dào le, wǒ shuō dào.
[01:12.88] We all watched while Will walked over to the Queen' s chair wǒ men mù bù zhuǎn jīng dì kàn zhe wēi ěr zǒu dào nǚ wáng de zuò yǐ qián.
[01:18.90]She was an old woman,she wore a red wig,and she had black teeth.女王已是垂暮之年,戴着红色假发,一口黑齿,[01:25.74] But she was still a very great queen dàn yòu bù shī nǚ wáng fēng dù.
[01:30.06] And if the Queen was not pleased rú guǒ nǚ wáng yī bù gāo xìng
[01:34.56] She had a good, strong voicean actor' s voice. We could hear her easily. nǚ wáng tiān shēng yī fù yǎn yuán bān de hǎo sǎng zi, kēng qiāng yǒu lì, wǒ men kě yǐ hěn róng yì dì tīng dào tā jiǎng huà.
[01:42.76] Mr Shakespeare, she began. shā shì bǐ yà shēn shì, tā kāi kǒu shuō dào,
[01:47.36]Then she smiled,and suddenly you knew why all Englishmen loved the Queen.我恍然明白,为什么全英国人民如此爱戴女王。[01:54.59] It was like the sun coming out on a spring morning. jiē zhe qǐ chǐ yī xiào, zhè wēi xiào yóu rú chūn tiān zǎo chén de xù rì,
[01:59.26] Mr Shakespeare, you are the best playwriter in England. shā shì bǐ yà shēn shì, nǐ bù kuì wèi yīng guó zuì jié chū de jù zuò jiā,
[02:05.70] I enjoyed your play, and I thought that Sir John Falstaff was very funny. wǒ fēi cháng xīn shǎng nǐ zhè bù xì jù. wǒ jué de jù zhōng de yuē hàn fú sī tài fū fēi cháng huá jī huī xié,
[02:13.95] I have known many Englishmen like him. wǒ rèn shi bù shǎo zhè yàng de yīng guó rén.
[02:17.90] Will you write me another play? nǐ néng fǒu wèi wǒ xù xiě yī bù xǐ jù?
[02:21.03] I would like to see Sir John in love. wǒ xiǎng kàn kàn fú sī tài fū tán qíng shuō ài.
[02:26.72] When Will came back to us, his eyes were bright, but he was already thinking about it. wēi ěr huí dào le wǒ men shēn biān, shuāng yǎn shǎn shǎn fā liàng, kàn de chū tā yǐ zài gòu sī le.
[02:34.51] Don' t talk to me, he said. I' ve got a play to write. zàn qiě bié lái zhǎo wǒ shuō huà, tā shuō dào, wǒ de zháo shǒu xù xiě yī bù xì jù.
[02:40.55] He wrote it in two weeks, and we took it down to Richmond Palace and played it before the Queen on February the 20th. liǎng xīng qī hòu tā jiù bǎ jù běn gǎn xiě le chū lái. 2 yuè 20 rì wǒ men biàn dào lǐ shì mǎn gōng wèi nǚ wáng yǎn chū cǐ jù wēn shā de fēng liú niáng r men,
[02:51.14] She laughed and laughed at The Merry Wives of Windsor. dòu dé nǚ wáng kāi huái dà xiào.
[02:58.93] She didn' t have much to laugh about in 1599. dàn 1599 nián shí jiù méi duō shǎo shì néng lìng tā kāi xīn le.
[03:04.15] There was a lot of trouble in Ireland, and the Queen sent the Earl of with 20000 men to fight a war. ài ěr lán jīng cháng fā shēng dòng luàn, nǚ wáng pài qiǎn ài sāi kè sī bó jué lǜ bīng 2 wàn qù zhēng zhàn,
[03:14.99] Lord Southampton, Will' s friend, went with him. suí tóng chū zhēng de hái yǒu wēi ěr de hǎo yǒu suǒ sāng pǔ dūn xūn jué.
[03:19.85] All London came out on to the streets to watch when and his men left for Ireland. dāng ài sāi kè sī lǜ bīng chū zhēng ài ěr lán shí, suǒ yǒu de lún dūn shì mín dōu zǒu shàng jiē tóu jiā dào huān sòng.
[03:28.20] Will wrote and exciting play about war that summer, and he put in a word or two about Ireland. nà nián xià tiān, wēi ěr xiě le yī bù guān yú zhàn zhēng de gǔ wǔ dòu zhì de lì shǐ jù hēng lì wǔ shì, qí zhōng yǒu yī liǎng chù tí dào le ài ěr lán de dòng luàn.
[03:37.11] That was Henry V, about a very famous English King who fought a war in France. zhè bù lì shǐ jù miáo huì le yī wèi zài fǎ guó zhēng zhàn de gōng míng xiǎn hè de yīng guó jūn zhǔ xíng xiàng.
[03:45.71] But was not Henry the Fifth. ài sāi kè sī bì jìng bú shì hēng lì wǔ shì,
[03:50.39]He didn't know how to fight a war,and he ran away back to England later that year.他压根不懂如何作战,不久就逃回英国,[03:57.32] The Queen never spoke to him again. nǚ wáng yě cóng cǐ bù zài lǐ tā.
[04:02.34] In September we opened the Globe theatre. 9 yuè wǒ men kāi fàng huán qiú jù yuàn.
[04:06.83] It was a grand, new building near the Rose. zhè zuò fù lì táng huáng de xīn jù yuàn jǐn lín méi guī jù yuàn,
[04:11.57] Will, Richard Burbage, and the others paid for it themselves. yóu wēi ěr, lǐ chá bái bèi zhī hé qí tā gǔ dōng chū zī jiàn chéng,
[04:17.09]It was the best playhouse in London,and soon the most famous.是伦敦当时最好的一座剧院,不久就成为最负盛名的剧院。[04:24.19] The other companies had god theatres and some good actors, jǐn guǎn qí tā jù tuán de jù yuàn shè bèi hé yǎn yuán pèi bèi dōu bù cuò,
[04:29.09] but we had the famous Richard Burbageand the best plays. dàn shì wǒ men yǒu zhù míng de lǐ chá bái bèi zhī hé zuì hǎo de jù běn
[04:36.40] We put on three new plays by will in the next year, and some plays by other writers. dì èr nián wǒ men shàng yǎn le wēi ěr de sān bù xīn jù běn hé qí tā jù zuò jiā chuàng zuò de yī xiē jù běn.
[04:44.24] One of the new playwrights was Ben Jonson. He was a clever man and he wrote clever plays, qí zhōng yī wèi jiù shì gāng chū dào de jù zuò jiā běn qióng shēng. zhè rén jī zhì cōng míng, jù běn yě xiě dé hǎo,
[04:53.65] but people still liked Will' s plays best. dàn rén men hái shì tuī chóng wēi ěr de zuò pǐn.
[04:58.49] Ben couldn' t understand it. He was always arguing with Will about how to write plays. běn zhēn bù míng bái, tā shí cháng hé wēi ěr jiù rú hé chuàng zuò jù běn ér zhēng lùn bù xiū,
[05:06.69] He argued with everyone. bù guò zhè rén jiù ài yǔ bié rén biàn lùn.
[05:09.82] He went to prison once because he killed a man in fight. yǒu yī cì yīn jué dòu shā le rén, tā hái dūn guò jiān yù.
[05:16.26]He was eight years younger than Will,but he and Will were very good friends.他比威尔小八岁,但两人是很好的朋友。[05:22.98] Will' s next play was Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. wēi ěr de yòu yī bù jù shì dān mài wáng yú hā mǔ léi tè.
[05:28.69] We all met one day in the Boar' s Head to talk about it. yì tiān, wǒ men liù ge rén yì qǐ jù zài gōng zhū tóu jiǔ bā tǎo lùn jù běn.
[05:34.46] There were six of usme and Will, Richard Burbage, Henry Condell, John Heminges, and Augustine Phillips. wǒ wēi ěr lǐ chá bái bèi zhī hēng lì kāng dé ěr yuē hàn hǎi míng hé ào gǔ sī dīng fēi lì pǔ
[05:46.40] Will put his pile of papers on the table and sat down. wēi ěr jiāng nà duī shǒu gǎo fàng zài zhuō shàng, zuò le xià lái.
[05:51.63] ' Well,' he said.' You' ve all read it. hǎo ba, tā shuō, jù běn dà jiā dōu kàn le,
[05:55.93] What do you think?' tán tán kàn fǎ ba?
[05:59.12] ' It' s very good,' John Heminges began.' but it' s too long. nèi róng hěn hǎo, yuē hàn hǎi míng dài tóu shuō dào, bù guò jù qíng tài zhǎng,
[06:05.54] It' ll take about four hours in the theatre.' zài jù yuàn shàng yǎn yào yǎn sì gè duō xiǎo shí.
[06:10.00] ' We don' t have to use it all,' Will said.' wǒ men bìng bù xū yào quán bù jù qíng, wēi ěr shuō,
[06:13.41]We can cut it down to three hours,perhaps two and a half.'我们可以将剧本删减到三个小时,或者两个半小时也行。[06:19.48] Henry Condell picked up one of the paper from the table.' hēng lì kāng dé ěr cóng zhuō shàng ná qǐ yī zhāng shǒu gǎo:
[06:24.28] Look at this bit, when Ophelia is talking about Hamlet,' he said. kàn zhè yī duàn, ào fēi lì yà tán lùn hā mǔ léi tè, tā shuō dào,
[06:30.49] ' Hamlet sounds like the Earl of to me. wǒ gǎn jué jù zhōng de hā mǔ léi tè kù sì ài sāi kè sī bó jué.
[06:34.34] Were you thinking of when you wrote this?' nǐ zài xiě zhè duàn shí shì fǒu xiǎng dào ài sāi kè sī ne?
[06:38.13] Will smiled.' Perhaps,' he said.' And perhaps not.' wēi ěr xiào le qǐ lái. huò xǔ yǒu, tā shuō dào, huò xǔ yě méi yǒu.
[06:46.42] ' Richard will play Prince Hamlet, yes?' said Augustine. lǐ chá bàn yǎn hā mǔ léi tè wáng zǐ, duì ba? ào gǔ sī dīng shuō.
[06:51.89] ' Of course!' Will said.' I wrote the part for him. nà dāng rán la! wēi ěr shuō dào, zhè gè jué sè zhuān wèi tā ér xiě de.
[06:56.40] He' s our star actor. tā shì wǒ men jù tuán de míng xīng.
[06:58.46] I' ll play the ghost of Hamlet' s father.' wǒ jiāng bàn yǎn hā mǔ léi tè fù qīn de yōu líng.
[07:02.35] He looked at me. tā kàn kàn wǒ, yòu shuō, tuō bǐ,
[07:04.68] ' Hamlet will wear black, Toby, and Ophelia will wear white.' hā mǔ léi tè yào chuān hēi yī fú, ér ào fēi lì yà jiù zhǔn bèi bái yī ba.
[07:10.96] Henry finished his beer. hēng lì hē gàn le pí jiǔ.
[07:13.84] ' It' s a good story, Will, with good parts for us all. zhè gù shì qǔ cái bù cuò, wēi ěr, nǐ wèi dà jiā zhǔn bèi le hǎo jué sè.
[07:19.22] But will the playgoers like it? bù guò, jù qíng jìn zhǎn tài màn, guān zhòng huì xǐ huān ma?
[07:22.10] It moves very slowly, and they like a play to be fast and exciting. tā men kàn guàn le jù qíng jìn zhǎn kuài ér lìng rén zhèn fèn de xì jù.
[07:29.49] Prince Hamlet knows that his uncle Claudius murdered the king his father. hā mǔ léi tè wáng zǐ míng zhī dào shū fù shā le tā de fù wáng, dàn tā zhǎng shí jiān zhǐ shì yòng kōng huà xiè qì,
[07:34.50] But he doesn' t do anything about it for a long time. què méi yǒu cǎi qǔ rèn hé xíng dòng,
[07:38.68]He just talks about it.And in the end nearly everybody dies,one way or another.'再说故事最终人物几乎都这样或那样地死去了。[07:41.61] Augustine didn' t agree with that. ào gǔ sī dīng bìng bù tóng yì zhè kàn fǎ.
[07:50.26] ' You haven' t understood the play, Henry. hēng lì, nǐ hái wèi zhēn zhèng lǐ jiě zhè bù xì,
[07:54.21] It is exciting, very exciting. The play in inside Hamlet himself. tā huì lìng rén zhèn fèn, zhèn fèn bù yǐ de. zhè bù xì de guān jiàn jiù zài yú hā mǔ léi tè de nèi xīn huó dòng.
[08:01.84] He wants to kill his uncle, but he can' t Murder is wrong. tā xiǎng shā sǐ shū fù, dàn què bù néng, móu shā shì bù shè zhī zuì,
[08:07.80] But he must kill him, because of his father. We can all understand how he feels.' kě tā wèi le fù wáng yòu bì xū shā sǐ tā. wǒ men wán quán kě yǐ lǐ jiě tā de gǎn shòu.
[08:16.80] All this time Richard Burbage was silent. lǐ chá bái bèi zhī yī zhí yī yán bù fā.
[08:21.04] He was reading bits of the play again. tā chóng xīn kàn le kàn jù běn de bù fèn zhāng jié,
[08:24.47] Now he put down the paper in his hand and looked up his eyes were bright, excited. rán hòu fàng xià shǒu zhōng de gǎo zhǐ, tái qǐ tóu, shuāng yǎn yì yì fàng guāng yì zhe xīng fèn zhī qíng.
[08:33.53] ' Have any of you really listened to the language of this play? nǐ men dāng zhōng yǒu shuí zhēn zhèng lǐng huì jù zhōng de yǔ yán ne?
[08:39.04] This is your best play yet, Willthe best of them all. wēi ěr, zhè shì nǐ xiě de zuì hǎo de jù běn le suǒ yǒu xì jù zhōng zuì hǎo de yī bù.
[08:45.78] Just listen to the language, the poetry!' He stood up, and his great voice filled the room. tīng tīng jù zhōng de yǔ yán, jù zhōng de shī gē ba! tā zhàn qǐ lái, dùn shí zhěng gè fáng jiān huí dàng qǐ tā xióng hòu de sǎng yīn.
[08:54.17] To be, or not to bethat is the question... huó zhe hái shì sǐ wáng, zhè shì wèn tí
[09:02.52] We sat and listened, silently, while that wonderful voice brought the words ot life. wǒ men mò mò dì zuò zhe, qīng tīng nà jué miào de shēng yīn jiāng zhǐ shàng de wén zì fù yǔ le shēng mìng.
[09:09.91] Will watched him, smiling. wēi ěr wàng zhe tā, huì yì dì wēi xiào zhe.
[09:14.47]He knew that Richard,like him,was in love with words.To die,to sleep. 他知道,只有理查能如他一样,深深地迷恋着语言的妙处。[09:24.63] To sleepperchance to dream. Ay, theer' s the rub. sǐ wáng, jiù shì shuì mián.
[09:29.89] For in that sleep of death what dreams may come shuì mián yě xǔ yào zuò mèng, zhè jiù má fán le.
[09:33.93] When we have shuffled off this mortal coil wǒ men yī dàn bǎi tuō le chén shì de qiān chán, zài sǐ de shuì mián lǐ, hái huì zuò xiē shén me mèng ne?
[09:39.56] Must give us pause. yī xiǎng dào jiù bù néng bù chóu chú.
[09:42.40] Richard Burbage was right, of course. lǐ chá zhēn de shuō duì le.
[09:45.52]The people loved the play,they loved Burbage as Hamlet,观众迷上了这部悲剧,他们迷上了白贝芝扮演的哈姆雷特,[09:50.16] they cried for poor Ophelia' s death, tā men wèi kě lián de ào fēi lì yà de sǐ ér kū qì,
[09:53.90] and they shouted for the murderer Claudius to die. tā men nù hǒu zhe ràng xiōng shǒu kè láo dí sī sǐ qù.
[09:58.01] I think it was Will' s most famous play. wǒ rèn wéi zhè dí què shì wēi ěr zuì fù shèng míng de xì jù.