圣诞欢歌Marley's ghost

歌曲 圣诞欢歌Marley's ghost
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第三级


1 Marley's ghost
It is important to remember that Jacob Marley was dead.Did Scrooge know that?Of course he did.
Scrooge and Marley had been partners in London for many years,and excellent men of business they were,too.When Marley died,Scrooge continued with the business alone.Both names still stood above the office door:Scrooge and Marley.Sometimes people who were new to the business called Scrooge Scrooge,and sometimes Marley,but he answered to both names.He did not care what name they called him.The only thing that mattered to him was the business,and making money.
Oh!He was a hard,clever,mean old man,Scrooge was! There was nothing warm or open about him.He lived a secretive,lonely life,and took no interest in other people at all.The cold inside him made his eyes red,and his thin lips blue,and his voice high and cross.It put white frost on his old head,his eyebrows and his chin.The frost in his heart made the air around him cold,too.In the hottest days of summer his office was as cold as ice,and it was just as cold in winter.
Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say,with a happy smile,‘My dear Scrooge,how are you?When will you come to see me?’No poor man asked him for money,no children asked him the time,no man or woman ever,in all his life, asked him the way.Animals as well as people were afraid of him.Dogs used to hide in doorways when they saw him coming.But what did Scrooge care!It was just what he wanted.He liked being on the edge of people's busy lives,while warning everyone to keep away from him.
One Christmas Eve,old Scrooge was working busily in his office.It was cold,frosty,foggy weather.Outside it was already dark,although it was only three o'clock in the afternoon,and there were candles in all the office windows The fog covered everything,like a thick grey blanket.
Scrooge kept his office door open,in order to check that his clerk,Bob Cratchit,was working.Bob spent his days in a dark little room,a kind of cupboard,next to his employer's office.Scrooge had a very small fire,but Bob's fire was much smaller.It was very cold in the cupboard,and Bob had to wear his long white scarf to try to keep warm.
‘Merry Christmas,uncle!God bless you!’cried a happy voice.Scrooge's nephew had arrived.
‘Bah!’said Scrooge crossly.‘Humbug!’
‘Christmas is humbug!Surely you don't mean that, uncle?’said his nephew.
‘I do,’said scrooge.‘Why do you call it“merry”Christmas?You're too poor to be merry.’
‘Well,’replied the nephew,smiling,‘why are you so cross?You're too rich to be unhappy.’
‘of course I'm cross,’answered the uncle,‘when I live in a world full of stupid people like you!You say“Merry Christmas”!But what is Christmas?Just a time when you spend too much,when you find yourself a year older and not an hour richer,when you have to pay your bills.Everyone who goes around saying“Merry Christmas”should have his tongue cut out.Yes,he should!’
‘Uncle!Please don't say that!’said the nephew.‘I've always thought of Christmas as a time to be helpful and kind to other People.It's the only time of the year when men and women open their hearts freely to each other.And so,uncle, although I've never made any money from it,I think Christmas has been and will be a good time for me!And I say,God bless Christmas!’
Bob,in the cupboard,agreed loudly,without thinking.He immediately realized his mistake,and went quickly back to his work,but Scrooge had heard him.
‘If I hear another sound from you,’said Scrooge,‘you'll lose you job!’
‘Don't be angry with him,uncle,’said the nephew.‘come and have dinner with us tomorrow.’
‘Dinner with you?I'll see you dead first!’
‘But why won't you come?Why?’
‘Because Christmas is humbug!Good afternoon!’
‘I want nothing from you.I ask nothing of you.Why can't we be friends?’
‘Good afternoon!’said Scrooge.
‘I am sorry,with all my heart,to find you like this.I have never wanted to argue with you.But I came to see you and invite you because it's Christmas,and so I'll say,a merry Christmas,uncle!’
‘Good afternoon,’said Scrooge.
‘And a happy new year!’
‘Good afternoon!’said Scrooge.
His nephew left the room,without an angry word,stopping only to wish Bob Cratchit a merry Christmas.
Then two other gentlemen came in.They were large,round,comfortable-looking men,with books and papers in their hands.
‘This is Scrooge and Marley's,I think,’said one of them, looking at the papers that he was carrying.‘Am I speaking to Mr Scrooge or Mr Marley?’
‘Mr Marley is dead,’scrooge replied.‘He died seven years ago today,on Christmas Eve.’
‘I'm sure that you are just as kind to the poor as your partner,’said the gentleman,smiling.
What was true was that Scrooge was just as mean as Marley,and Marley had been just as mean as Scrooge.
‘At this happy time of year,Mr Scrooge,’the gentleman went on,taking up his pen,‘we should help poor people who have no food or clothes or homes.’
‘Are there no prisons?’asked Scrooge coldly.
‘Plenty of prisons,’said the gentleman.
‘And the workhouses,where poor people can live and work?Are they still open?’
‘Yes,they are,I'm sorry to say.’
‘I'm happy to hear It,’said Scrooge.‘I thought,from what you said at first,that perhaps these useful places were closed,for some reason.’
‘But some of us feel,’replied the gentleman,‘that these places don't offer enough to poor people.We're hoping to give some meat and drink,and wood for a fire,to people who need all these things.This is a time when we should all be able to enjoy ourselves.How much will you give,sir?’
‘Nothing!’scrooge replied.‘I don't have a merry Christmas myself,and I won't pay for other people to be merry.We all have to pay for prisons and workhouses—they cost enough.The poor will have to go there.’
‘Many can't go there,and many prefer to die.’
‘If they prefer to die,why don't they die,then?There are too many people in the world,so it's a good thing if some of them die.All this is none of my business!It's enough for a man to understand his own business,and not to think about other people's.I'm a very busy man.Good afternoon,gentlemen!’
The gentlemen shook their heads a little sadly,and left the office.Scrooge went back to his work,feeling pleased with himself.
Now the fog was at its thickest outside,and the cold was biting.Lights shone brightly from the shop windows.People were hurrying here and there—rich and poor alike-to buy what they needed for tomorrow's Christmas dinner.
At last it was time to close the office.Scrooge got up slowly from his desk.Bob was waiting for this moment,and he immediately put on his hat.
‘You'll want a holiday all day tomorrow,I suppose?’said Scrooge.
‘If you don't mind,sir.’
‘I do mind.It's not fair.I have to pay you for a day's work when you don't do any work.’
‘It's only once a year,sir,’said Bob politely.
‘That's no reason for robbing me every twenty-fifth of December!’said Scrooge,putting on his coat.‘But I suppose you must have it.Be here early next morning.’
‘Yes,sir,I will,I promise,’Bob said happily.Scrooge walked out,without another word.When bob had closed the office,he ran home to his family in Camden Town as quickly as possible.
Scrooge always used to eat his dinner alone,in the same miserable little eating-house.Tonight was no different from other nights.He read the newspapers,looked at his bank books, and went home to bed.He lived in rooms which had once belonged to his dead partner.They were in an old,dark building in a lonely side street,where no one except Scrooge lived.
In the blackness of the night,through the fog and the frost, Scrooge had to feel his way along the street with his hands.He finally reached his front door and put the key in the lock.Suddenly,to his great surprise,he saw that the knocker was not a knocker any more,but had become the face of Jacob Marley!
He had not thought of his partner for seven years,until that afternoon,when he spoke Marley's name to his visitors.But there in front of him was Marley's face,white and ghostly, with terrible staring eyes.
As Scrooge looked,it became a knocker again.He was afraid,but he did not show his fear.He turned the key, opened the door and walked in.He did look around before he shut the door,and he did look behind the door,to see if anyone was hiding there.But there was nothing there.He shut the door with a bang,to show that he was not afraid.
With his one candle he went slowly up the stairs.It was impossible to see into all the dark corners.Darkness was cheap, and Scrooge liked it.But he remembered the face,so he walked through all his rooms,checking that everything was all right.Nobody under the table or the bed,nobody behind the door!On the small fire in the bedroom there was a pot of soup,and Scrooge's bowl was ready on the table.Nobody in any of the rooms!Sure that he was safe now,Scrooge shut and locked his bedroom door behind him.He sat down by the fire to eat his soup.
The fireplace was an old one,with hundreds of pictures on the tiles around the fire.But Scrooge could only see Marley's face on every tile.
‘Humbug!’said Scrooge to the tiles,and walked across the room.When he sat down again,he noticed a bell on the other side of the room.As he looked,he saw,with great surprise and fear,that the bell was slowly beginning to move from side to side.Soon it was ringing loudly,and so was every bell in the house.
Suddenly they all stopped ringing at the same moment,and then came a strange noise from down below.It sounded like someone pulling heavy chains across the floor.Scrooge remembered hearing that ghosts in old houses sometimes pulled chains behind them.Then a door below opened with a crash,and the noise started coming up the stairs.It was coming towards his door.
‘It's humbug still!’cried Scrooge.But the colour left his face when,without stopping,it came straight through the heavy,locked door,and appeared in front of him.It was Marley's ghost!
Scrooge could see right through its body.Around its middle was a long chain,which had money-boxes,keys,bank books, and heavy purses on it.The ghost's death-cold eyes stared fixedly at Scrooge.
‘Well!’said Scrooge,trying to pretend that nothing strange was happening.‘What do you want?And who are you?’
‘In life I was your partner,Jacob Marley.’
‘It's humbug,I tell you!’said Scrooge.‘There are no ghosts!’But when he said this,the ghost gave a terrible cry, and shook its chain in a very frightening way.At once Scrooge fell on the ground in great fear,crying,‘Yes!Yes!You are real!I see that now!Why have you come?Why do ghosts come back from the dead?Tell me,Jacob!’
‘The spirit of every man who does not help other people in life has to travel endlessly through the world after his death.We have to carry the chains that we made for ourselves in our lifetime.Do you,Ebenezer Scrooge,recognize my chain?It is very like the one that you wear!’
Scrooge looked around him,but could see no chain.‘Jacob,’he said,‘please tell me more!’
‘I cannot help you much,Ebenezer!I cannot rest,I cannot stay anywhere for long.I have been dead for seven years and all that time I have been travelling on the wings of the wind! No peace,no rest for me in death,because I was never good or kind in life!’
‘But you were always a good man of business,Jacob,’said Scrooge,who was now beginning to worry about his own life.
‘Business!’cried the ghost miserably.‘Why didn't I think of people as my business?I thought only about making money,not about being kind and helpful to other people.Listen to me,Ebenezer!I am here tonight to warn you.You still have a chance to save yourself from what has happened to me.Three spirtis will come to visit you:the first tomorrow at one o'clock,the second at the same time the next night,and the third at midnight the following night.You will not see me any more,and for your own peace after death,remember what I have told you!’
The spirit walked slowly backwards to the window,which began to open.When the ghost reached the window,it held up its hand,and Scrooge listened.He could hear a noise of sad crying in the air.The spirit began to cry,too,and it moved out into the frosty,dark night to join the others.Scrooge ran to the window.Outside,the air was full of spirits,all wearing chains like Marley's ghost,all crying miserably as they realized,too late,the terrible mistakes that they had made in their lives.
Little by little,the spirits and their voices disappeared into the fog and the darkness,and the night was silent again.Scrooge closed the window,and checked his bedroom door.It was still locked.He started to say,‘Humbug!’but stopped suddenly.Perhaps because he was very tired,or because it was late,he went straight to bed,without taking off his clothes,and fell asleep immediately.


1 Marley' s ghost
It is important to remember that Jacob Marley was dead Did Scrooge know that? Of course he did
Scrooge and Marley had been partners in London for many years, and excellent men of business they were, too When Marley died, Scrooge continued with the business alone Both names still stood above the office door: Scrooge and Marley Sometimes people who were new to the business called Scrooge Scrooge, and sometimes Marley, but he answered to both names He did not care what name they called him The only thing that mattered to him was the business, and making money
Oh! He was a hard, clever, mean old man, Scrooge was! There was nothing warm or open about him He lived a secretive, lonely life, and took no interest in other people at all The cold inside him made his eyes red, and his thin lips blue, and his voice high and cross It put white frost on his old head, his eyebrows and his chin The frost in his heart made the air around him cold, too In the hottest days of summer his office was as cold as ice, and it was just as cold in winter
Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with a happy smile,' My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?' No poor man asked him for money, no children asked him the time, no man or woman ever, in all his life, asked him the way Animals as well as people were afraid of him Dogs used to hide in doorways when they saw him coming But what did Scrooge care! It was just what he wanted He liked being on the edge of people' s busy lives, while warning everyone to keep away from him
One Christmas Eve, old Scrooge was working busily in his office It was cold, frosty, foggy weather Outside it was already dark, although it was only three o' clock in the afternoon, and there were candles in all the office windows The fog covered everything, like a thick grey blanket
Scrooge kept his office door open, in order to check that his clerk, Bob Cratchit, was working Bob spent his days in a dark little room, a kind of cupboard, next to his employer' s office Scrooge had a very small fire, but Bob' s fire was much smaller It was very cold in the cupboard, and Bob had to wear his long white scarf to try to keep warm
' Merry Christmas, uncle! God bless you!' cried a happy voice Scrooge' s nephew had arrived
' Bah!' said Scrooge crossly' Humbug!'
' Christmas is humbug! Surely you don' t mean that, uncle?' said his nephew
' I do,' said scrooge' Why do you call it" merry" Christmas? You' re too poor to be merry'
' Well,' replied the nephew, smiling,' why are you so cross? You' re too rich to be unhappy'
' of course I' m cross,' answered the uncle,' when I live in a world full of stupid people like you! You say" Merry Christmas"! But what is Christmas? Just a time when you spend too much, when you find yourself a year older and not an hour richer, when you have to pay your bills Everyone who goes around saying" Merry Christmas" should have his tongue cut out Yes, he should!'
' Uncle! Please don' t say that!' said the nephew' I' ve always thought of Christmas as a time to be helpful and kind to other People It' s the only time of the year when men and women open their hearts freely to each other And so, uncle, although I' ve never made any money from it, I think Christmas has been and will be a good time for me! And I say, God bless Christmas!'
Bob, in the cupboard, agreed loudly, without thinking He immediately realized his mistake, and went quickly back to his work, but Scrooge had heard him
' If I hear another sound from you,' said Scrooge,' you' ll lose you job!'
' Don' t be angry with him, uncle,' said the nephew' come and have dinner with us tomorrow'
' Dinner with you? I' ll see you dead first!'
' But why won' t you come? Why?'
' Because Christmas is humbug! Good afternoon!'
' I want nothing from you I ask nothing of you Why can' t we be friends?'
' Good afternoon!' said Scrooge
' I am sorry, with all my heart, to find you like this I have never wanted to argue with you But I came to see you and invite you because it' s Christmas, and so I' ll say, a merry Christmas, uncle!'
' Good afternoon,' said Scrooge
' And a happy new year!'
' Good afternoon!' said Scrooge
His nephew left the room, without an angry word, stopping only to wish Bob Cratchit a merry Christmas
Then two other gentlemen came in They were large, round, comfortablelooking men, with books and papers in their hands
' This is Scrooge and Marley' s, I think,' said one of them, looking at the papers that he was carrying' Am I speaking to Mr Scrooge or Mr Marley?'
' Mr Marley is dead,' scrooge replied' He died seven years ago today, on Christmas Eve'
' I' m sure that you are just as kind to the poor as your partner,' said the gentleman, smiling
What was true was that Scrooge was just as mean as Marley, and Marley had been just as mean as Scrooge
' At this happy time of year, Mr Scrooge,' the gentleman went on, taking up his pen,' we should help poor people who have no food or clothes or homes'
' Are there no prisons?' asked Scrooge coldly
' Plenty of prisons,' said the gentleman
' And the workhouses, where poor people can live and work? Are they still open?'
' Yes, they are, I' m sorry to say'
' I' m happy to hear It,' said Scrooge' I thought, from what you said at first, that perhaps these useful places were closed, for some reason'
' But some of us feel,' replied the gentleman,' that these places don' t offer enough to poor people We' re hoping to give some meat and drink, and wood for a fire, to people who need all these things This is a time when we should all be able to enjoy ourselves How much will you give, sir?'
' Nothing!' scrooge replied' I don' t have a merry Christmas myself, and I won' t pay for other people to be merry We all have to pay for prisons and workhouses they cost enough The poor will have to go there'
' Many can' t go there, and many prefer to die'
' If they prefer to die, why don' t they die, then? There are too many people in the world, so it' s a good thing if some of them die All this is none of my business! It' s enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to think about other people' s I' m a very busy man Good afternoon, gentlemen!'
The gentlemen shook their heads a little sadly, and left the office Scrooge went back to his work, feeling pleased with himself
Now the fog was at its thickest outside, and the cold was biting Lights shone brightly from the shop windows People were hurrying here and there rich and poor alike to buy what they needed for tomorrow' s Christmas dinner
At last it was time to close the office Scrooge got up slowly from his desk Bob was waiting for this moment, and he immediately put on his hat
' You' ll want a holiday all day tomorrow, I suppose?' said Scrooge
' If you don' t mind, sir'
' I do mind It' s not fair I have to pay you for a day' s work when you don' t do any work'
' It' s only once a year, sir,' said Bob politely
' That' s no reason for robbing me every twentyfifth of December!' said Scrooge, putting on his coat' But I suppose you must have it Be here early next morning'
' Yes, sir, I will, I promise,' Bob said happily Scrooge walked out, without another word When bob had closed the office, he ran home to his family in Camden Town as quickly as possible
Scrooge always used to eat his dinner alone, in the same miserable little eatinghouse Tonight was no different from other nights He read the newspapers, looked at his bank books, and went home to bed He lived in rooms which had once belonged to his dead partner They were in an old, dark building in a lonely side street, where no one except Scrooge lived
In the blackness of the night, through the fog and the frost, Scrooge had to feel his way along the street with his hands He finally reached his front door and put the key in the lock Suddenly, to his great surprise, he saw that the knocker was not a knocker any more, but had become the face of Jacob Marley!
He had not thought of his partner for seven years, until that afternoon, when he spoke Marley' s name to his visitors But there in front of him was Marley' s face, white and ghostly, with terrible staring eyes
As Scrooge looked, it became a knocker again He was afraid, but he did not show his fear He turned the key, opened the door and walked in He did look around before he shut the door, and he did look behind the door, to see if anyone was hiding there But there was nothing there He shut the door with a bang, to show that he was not afraid
With his one candle he went slowly up the stairs It was impossible to see into all the dark corners Darkness was cheap, and Scrooge liked it But he remembered the face, so he walked through all his rooms, checking that everything was all right Nobody under the table or the bed, nobody behind the door! On the small fire in the bedroom there was a pot of soup, and Scrooge' s bowl was ready on the table Nobody in any of the rooms! Sure that he was safe now, Scrooge shut and locked his bedroom door behind him He sat down by the fire to eat his soup
The fireplace was an old one, with hundreds of pictures on the tiles around the fire But Scrooge could only see Marley' s face on every tile
' Humbug!' said Scrooge to the tiles, and walked across the room When he sat down again, he noticed a bell on the other side of the room As he looked, he saw, with great surprise and fear, that the bell was slowly beginning to move from side to side Soon it was ringing loudly, and so was every bell in the house
Suddenly they all stopped ringing at the same moment, and then came a strange noise from down below It sounded like someone pulling heavy chains across the floor Scrooge remembered hearing that ghosts in old houses sometimes pulled chains behind them Then a door below opened with a crash, and the noise started coming up the stairs It was coming towards his door
' It' s humbug still!' cried Scrooge But the colour left his face when, without stopping, it came straight through the heavy, locked door, and appeared in front of him It was Marley' s ghost!
Scrooge could see right through its body Around its middle was a long chain, which had moneyboxes, keys, bank books, and heavy purses on it The ghost' s deathcold eyes stared fixedly at Scrooge
' Well!' said Scrooge, trying to pretend that nothing strange was happening' What do you want? And who are you?'
' In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley'
' It' s humbug, I tell you!' said Scrooge' There are no ghosts!' But when he said this, the ghost gave a terrible cry, and shook its chain in a very frightening way At once Scrooge fell on the ground in great fear, crying,' Yes! Yes! You are real! I see that now! Why have you come? Why do ghosts come back from the dead? Tell me, Jacob!'
' The spirit of every man who does not help other people in life has to travel endlessly through the world after his death We have to carry the chains that we made for ourselves in our lifetime Do you, Ebenezer Scrooge, recognize my chain? It is very like the one that you wear!'
Scrooge looked around him, but could see no chain' Jacob,' he said,' please tell me more!'
' I cannot help you much, Ebenezer! I cannot rest, I cannot stay anywhere for long I have been dead for seven years and all that time I have been travelling on the wings of the wind! No peace, no rest for me in death, because I was never good or kind in life!'
' But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,' said Scrooge, who was now beginning to worry about his own life
' Business!' cried the ghost miserably' Why didn' t I think of people as my business? I thought only about making money, not about being kind and helpful to other people Listen to me, Ebenezer! I am here tonight to warn you You still have a chance to save yourself from what has happened to me Three spirtis will come to visit you: the first tomorrow at one o' clock, the second at the same time the next night, and the third at midnight the following night You will not see me any more, and for your own peace after death, remember what I have told you!'
The spirit walked slowly backwards to the window, which began to open When the ghost reached the window, it held up its hand, and Scrooge listened He could hear a noise of sad crying in the air The spirit began to cry, too, and it moved out into the frosty, dark night to join the others Scrooge ran to the window Outside, the air was full of spirits, all wearing chains like Marley' s ghost, all crying miserably as they realized, too late, the terrible mistakes that they had made in their lives
Little by little, the spirits and their voices disappeared into the fog and the darkness, and the night was silent again Scrooge closed the window, and checked his bedroom door It was still locked He started to say,' Humbug!' but stopped suddenly Perhaps because he was very tired, or because it was late, he went straight to bed, without taking off his clothes, and fell asleep immediately
1 mǎ lì de guǐ hún
yào jì zhù yǎ gè bù mǎ lì yǐ jīng sǐ le, zhè kě shì jiàn zhòng yào de shì ér. sī kè luó jí zhī dào zhè gè ma? tā dāng rán zhī dào. sī kè luó jí hé mǎ lì zài lún dūn céng shì duō nián de hé zuò huǒ bàn, bìng qiě tā men hái dōu shì jīng míng de shēng yì rén. dāng mǎ lì sǐ de shí hòu, sī kè luó jí yí ge rén jì xù cāo chí zhe shēng yì. bàn gōng shì mén kǒu de shàng fāng xuán guà de yī jiù shì liǎng gè rén de míng zì: sī kè luó jí hé mǎ lì. yǒu shí chū cì lái zhè ér dǎ jiāo dào de rén men hǎn sī kè luó jí sī kè luó jí, yǒu shí hǎn mǎ lì, dàn liǎng gè míng zì tā dōu yìng dá. tā bù zài hu bié rén jiào tā shén me míng zì. duì tā lái shuō wéi yī zhòng yào de shì qíng shì tā de shēng yì hé zhuàn qián.
ō! tā shì yí gè kè bó jīng míng lìn sè de lǎo tou er, sī kè luó jí dí què shì zhè yàng de! tā méi yǒu sī háo rè qíng, yě cóng lái bù chǎng kāi xīn fēi. tā guò zhe shén mì gū dú de shēng huó, duì bié rén sī háo bù gǎn xīng qù. tā nèi xīn de lěng mò shǐ tā de yǎn jīng chéng hóng sè, tā de báo chún chéng lán sè, tā de sǎng yīn jì gāo yòu bào zào. tā de lěng mò shǐ tā de lǎo nǎo ké méi máo hé xià bā zhào shàng le bái sè de bīng shuāng. tā nèi xīn de bīng wù shǐ de tā zhōu wéi de kōng qì dōu biàn de hán lěng. zài zuì yán rè de xià rì lǐ tā de bàn gōng shì yě hěn bīng lěng, jiù xiàng dōng tiān yí yàng hán lěng.
zǒu zài jiē shàng méi yǒu rén jié zhù tā bìng miàn dài xìng fú de wēi xiào xiàng tā shuō," wǒ qīn ài de sī kè luó jí, nǐ hǎo ma? nǐ shén me shí hòu lái wǒ zhè lǐ zuò zuò?" qióng rén méi yǒu xiàng tā tǎo guò qián, hái zi men méi yǒu xiàng tā wèn guò shí jiān. zài tā yī shēng zhōng, cóng méi yǒu rèn hé rén, wú lùn nán nǚ, xiàng tā wèn guò lù. rén hé dòng wù dōu pà tā. gǒu jiàn dào tā lái le jiù cáng dào mén láng xià. dàn sī kè luó jí zài hu shén me ne! zhè zhèng shì tā mèng mèi yǐ qiú de. tā xǐ huān chǔ zài rén men fán máng shēng huó de biān yuán, tā jǐng gào suǒ yǒu de rén dōu lí tā yuǎn diǎn ér.
zài yí gè shèng dàn qián yè, lǎo sī kè luó jí zhèng zài bàn gōng shì máng lù zhe. tiān qì hán lěng, hái yǒu shuāng dòng, wù méng méng de. suī rán cái xià wǔ 3 diǎn, dàn wài miàn tiān yǐ jīng hēi le, bàn gōng shì chuāng zi lǐ dōu liàng qǐ le là zhú. wù jiù xiàng yī tiáo hòu hòu de tǎn zi lǒng zhào le yī qiè.
sī kè luó jí bàn gōng shì de mén zǒng shì chǎng kāi zhe, mù dì shì jiān dū tā de gù yuán, bào bó kè lā qí dì yǒu méi yǒu dài gōng. bào bó zhěng tiān dāi zài lǎo bǎn gé bì de yī jiān xiǎo hēi wū lǐ, tā shí jì shì yí gè bì chú. sī kè luó jí fáng jiān de huǒ hěn xiǎo, bào bó de huǒ gèng xiǎo. bì chú lǐ lěng jí le, bào bó bù dé bù dài zhe tā nà tiáo bái sè de zhǎng wéi jīn qǔ nuǎn.
" jiù jiù, shèng dàn kuài lè! shàng dì bǎo yòu nǐ!" yí gè shēng yīn gāo xìng dì shuō. sī kè luó jí de wài shēng yǐ jīng dào le.
" pēi!" sī kè luó jí nǎo nù dì shuō." piàn rén de dōng xī!"
" shèng dàn jié shì piàn rén de dōng xī! jiù jiù, dāng rán nǐ bú shì zhè gè yì sī?" tā wài shēng shuō.
" wǒ jiù shì zhè gè yì sī," sī kè luó jí shuō." nǐ wèi shí me guǎn tā jiào' kuài lè' de shèng dàn jié? nǐ tài qióng le, gēn běn kuài lè bù qǐ lái."
" āi," wài shēng xiào zhe huí dá shuō," nǐ wèi shí me zhè me shēng qì? nǐ hěn yǒu qián bù gāi bù gāo xìng a."
" wǒ dāng rán shēng qì," jiù jiù huí dá shuō," dāng wǒ shēng huó zài yí gè mǎn shì xiàng nǐ zhè zhǒng chǔn rén de shì jiè lǐ! nǐ shuō' shèng dàn kuài lè'! dàn shèng dàn jié shì shén me? bù guò shì yí gè ràng nǐ dà bǎ dà bǎ huā qián de rì zi, zhè shí nǐ huì fā xiàn nǐ lǎo le yī suì kě cái fù què méi yǒu zēng jiā bàn diǎn, ér qiě nǐ hái dé qù fù suǒ yǒu de zhàng dān. suǒ yǒu dào chù yóu guàng shuō' shèng dàn kuài lè' de rén de shé tou dōu yīng bèi gē diào. shì de, tā huì de!"
" jiù jiù, qǐng bú yào zhè me shuō!" wài shēng shuō." wǒ yī zhí bǎ shèng dàn kàn zuò shì yí gè bāng zhù bié rén shàn dài bié rén de rì zi. yī nián zhōng zhǐ yǒu zhè me yì tiān nán nán nǚ nǚ kě yǐ bǐ cǐ zì yóu dì chǎng kāi xīn fēi. suǒ yǐ jiù jiù, jǐn guǎn wǒ cóng wèi fā guò shèng dàn de cái, wǒ rèn wéi duì wǒ lái shuō shèng dàn jié yī zhí jiù shì ér qiě yě jiāng shì měi hǎo de shí kè! yuàn shàng dì bǎo yòu nǐ!"
zuò zài bì chú lǐ de bào bó wèi jiā sī suǒ dà shēng biǎo shì zàn tóng. dàn tā lì kè yì shí dào zì jǐ suǒ fàn de cuò wù, biàn yòu lì jí mái tóu gōng zuò, dàn sī kè luó jí yǐ jīng tīng jiàn le tā de huà.
" rú guǒ wǒ zài tīng dào nǐ fā chū yì diǎn shēng yīn de huà," sī kè luó jí shuō," nǐ jiù huì diū diào zhè fèn gōng zuò!"
" jiù jiù, bié shēng tā de qì," wài shēng shuō." míng tiān lái hé wǒ men yì qǐ chī wǎn fàn ba."
" hé nǐ men chī wǎn fàn? mén ér yě méi yǒu!"
" nà nǐ wèi shí me bù lái ne? wèi shí me?"
" yīn wèi shèng dàn jié shì gè piàn rén de bǎ xì! zài jiàn!"
" wǒ shén me yě bú yào nǐ sòng gěi wǒ, wǒ shén me dōu bù wèn nǐ yào. wǒ men wèi shí me bù néng chéng wéi péng yǒu ne?"
" zài jiàn!" sī kè luó jí shuō.
" kàn dào nǐ zhè yàng, wǒ zhēn gǎn dào nán guò, wǒ cóng lái jiù méi xiǎng guò yào yǔ nǐ zhēng chǎo, dàn wǒ lái shì wèi le kàn kàn nǐ bìng yāo qǐng nǐ, yīn wéi shì shèng dàn jié, suǒ yǐ wǒ yào shuō yī shēng, jiù jiù, shèng dàn kuài lè!"
" zài jiàn." sī kè luó jí shuō.
" xīn nián kuài lè!"
" zài jiàn!" sī kè luó jí shuō.
tā wài shēng lí kāi le fáng jiān, méi yǒu yī jù yùn nù zhī yán. tā tíng xià lái zhǐ shì wèi le zhù bào bó kè lā qí dì shèng dàn kuài lè.
rán hòu jìn lái le lìng wài liǎng wèi shēn shì, tā men shēn cái kuí wú, pàng pàng de, yí biǎo táng táng, shǒu lǐ ná zhe shū hé wén jiàn.
" wǒ xiǎng, zhè shì sī kè luó jí hé mǎ lì de bàn gōng shì ba," qí zhōng yī wèi kàn zhuó shǒu zhōng de wén jiàn wèn dào." nǐ shì sī kè luó jí xiān shēng huán shì mǎ lì xiān shēng?"
" mǎ lì xiān shēng sǐ le," sī kè luó jí huí dá shuō." tā shì qī nián qián de jīn tiān sǐ de, sǐ zài shèng dàn yè."
" wǒ kěn dìng nǐ duì qióng rén tóng nǐ de hé huǒ rén de tài dù yí yàng hǎo," shēn shì wēi xiào zhe shuō.
shì shí shì sī kè luó jí tóng mǎ lì yí yàng de lìn sè, mǎ lì zài shì shí yě zēng hé sī kè luó jí yí yàng lìn sè.
" zài yī nián zhōng zhè gè xìng fú de rì zi lǐ, sī kè luó jí xiān shēng," shēn shì ná qǐ bǐ jì xù shuō,? wǒ men yīng gāi bāng zhù nèi xiē méi yǒu yī shí hé wú jiā kě guī de qióng rén."
" méi yǒu kān shǒu suǒ ma?" sī kè luó jí lěng lěng dì wèn.
" yǒu hěn duō kān shǒu suǒ," shēn shì shuō.
" hái yǒu kě gōng qióng rén shēng huó hé gōng zuò de jì pín yuàn ne? tā men hái kāi zhe ma?"
" shì de, tā men kāi zhe, hěn bào qiàn."
" wǒ hěn gāo xìng tīng dào zhè gè," sī kè luó jí shuō." tīng nǐ zuì kāi shǐ shuō de, wǒ hái yǐ wéi zhèi xiē néng gòu tí gōng bāng zhù de dì fāng yóu yú mǒu zhǒng yuán yīn dōu guān diào le ne."
" dàn shì wǒ men yǒu xiē rén gǎn dào," shēn shì huí dá shuō," zhèi xiē dì fāng wú fǎ wèi qióng rén tí gōng zú gòu de dōng xī. wǒ men xī wàng wèi nèi xiē xū yào bāng zhù de rén tí gōng yī xiē ròu lèi, yǐn liào hé chái huō. zhè gè shí hòu wǒ men dōu yīng gāi néng gòu guò de kāi xīn. nǐ néng gěi duō shǎo, xiān shēng?"
" shén me dōu bù gěi!" sī kè luó jí huí dá shuō." wǒ zì jǐ shèng dàn jié dōu bù kuài lè, suǒ yǐ wǒ yě bú huì huā qián qù ràng qí tā rén kuài lè. wǒ men dōu yào fù qián gěi kān shǒu suǒ hé jì pín yuàn zhè bǐ kāi xiāo gòu dà de le. méi qián de rén yīng gāi qù nà ér."
" hěn duō rén bù néng qù, hái yǒu hěn duō rén nìng yuàn qù sǐ."
" rú guǒ tā men nìng yuàn sǐ de huà, tā men wèi shí me bù qù sǐ ne? shì jiè shang de rén tài duō le, suǒ yǐ rú guǒ yǒu xiē rén sǐ le de huà zhè dǎo shì jiàn hǎo shì. zhèi xiē dōu yǔ wǒ wú guān! yí ge rén néng qīng chǔ tā zì jǐ gāi zuò shí mǒ jiù gòu le, yòng bù zháo qù kǎo lǜ bié rén de shì. wǒ hěn máng, zài jiàn, xiān shēng men!"
liǎng wèi shēn shì nán guò dì yáo yáo tóu, lí kāi le bàn gōng shì. sī kè luó jí yòu chóng xīn kāi shǐ gōng zuò, xīn zhōng hěn dé yì.
xiàn zài wài miàn dí wù dà dé bù néng zài dà le, tiān qì hán lěng cì gǔ. shāng diàn de chuāng hù shǎn shuò chū yào yǎn de guāng. rén men cōng máng dì chuān suō zhe yǒu qián rén hé qióng rén dōu yí yàng qù cǎi gòu tā men míng tiān shèng dàn wǎn cān suǒ xū yào de dōng xī.
zuì hòu zhōng yú dào le guān mén de shí jiān le. sī kè luó jí màn màn dì cóng zhuō zi hòu zhàn qǐ shēn. bào bó děng de jiù shì zhè yī kè, suǒ yǐ tā lì jí dài shang le mào zi.
" wǒ cāi cè nǐ xiǎng míng tiān yì tiān dōu fàng jià, shì ma?" sī kè luó jí wèn.
" xiān shēng, rú guǒ nǐ bù jiè yì de huà."
" wǒ què shí jiè yì, zhè bù gōng píng. nǐ bù zuò rèn hé gōng zuò, wǒ hái dé fù nǐ gōng qián."
" xiān shēng, yī nián jiù zhè me yī cì," bào bó lǐ mào dì shuō.
" zhè yě bìng bù néng chéng wéi měi nián de 12 yuè 25 wǔ rì nǐ qiǎng duó wǒ qián cái de lǐ yóu!" sī kè luó jí biān shuō biān chuān shang le dà yī." dàn wǒ xiǎng zhè gè jié nǐ bì xū de guò. dì èr tiān zǎo chén zǎo diǎn dào."
" shì de, xiān shēng, wǒ huì de, wǒ bǎo zhèng." bào bó gāo xìng dì shuō. sī kè luó jí zài méi shuō yī míng huà zǒu le chū qù. bào bó guān shàng bàn gōng shì de mén hòu, yǐ zuì kuài de sù dù pǎo huí tā wèi yú kǎ mǔ dēng zhèn de jiā.
sī kè luó jí zǒng shì dú zì yī rén zài tóng yàng hán suān de xiǎo yǐn shí diàn lǐ chī wǎn fàn, jīn wǎn yě tóng wǎng cháng yí yàng. tā dú zhe bào zhǐ, kàn zhe yín háng de cún dān, rán hòu huí jiā qù shuì jiào. tā zhù zài tā de hé huǒ rén céng zhù guò de fáng zi lǐ, tā zài yī chuáng lín jiē de gū líng líng de yòu jiù yòu hēi de lóu lǐ, zhǐ yǒu sī kè luó jí yī rén zhù zài zhè lǐ.
yè mù xià, yào chuān guò wù hé shuāng, sī kè luó jí bù dé bù yòng shǒu mō suǒ zhe zài jiē shàng qián xíng. zuì hòu zhōng yú lái dào le tā de qián mén, bǎ yào shi chā jìn suǒ lǐ. tū rán, lìng tā dà chī yī jīng de shì, tā kàn dào mén huán yǐ bù zài shì mén huán le, tā yǐ biàn chéng le yǎ gè bù mǎ lì de liǎn le.
zhí dào jīn tiān xià wǔ tā duì lái fǎng zhě shuō qǐ mǎ lì de míng zì shí, tā yǐ jīng yǒu qī nián méi yǒu xiǎng guò tā de hé huǒ rén le. dàn chéng xiàn zài tā miàn qián de shì mǎ lì de liǎn, cǎn bái shì guǐ yì bān, hái yǒu yī shuāng nù mù yuán zhēng de kǒng bù de yǎn jīng.
sī kè luó jí kàn zhe kàn zhe, tā yòu biàn chéng le mén huán, dàn tā méi yǒu biǎo xiàn chū tā de jù pà. tā zhuàn dòng yào shi, dǎ kāi mén zǒu le jìn qù. zài guān shàng fáng mén yǐ qián, tā dí què huán gù le sì zhōu, yě dí què wǎng mén hòu kàn le kàn, qí mù dì shì kàn kàn shì fǒu yǒu rén cáng zài nà li, dàn mén hòu méi yǒu rén. tā" pēng" dì yī shēng bǎ mén guān shàng yǐ shì tā bìng bù jù pà.
tā shǒu jǔ qǐ wéi yī de yī gēn là zhú màn màn dì shàng le lóu, tā wú fǎ kàn jiàn suǒ yǒu hēi àn de jiǎo luò. hēi àn pián yí de hěn, suǒ yǐ sī kè luó jí xǐ huān tā. dàn tā jì qǐ le nà zhāng liǎn, suǒ yǐ tā dào suǒ yǒu de fáng jiān dōu zǒu le yī biàn kàn kàn shì fǒu yī qiè dōu ān rán wú yàng. zhuō zi dǐ xià hé chuáng dǐ xià dū méi rén, mén hòu yě méi rén! wò shì wēi xiǎo de lú huǒ shàng dùn zhe yī guō tāng, sī kè luó jí de wǎn yǐ jīng bǎi zài le zhuō zi shàng. suǒ yǒu fáng jiān lǐ dōu méi yǒu rén! què xìn cǐ kè ān quán wú wù zhī hòu, sī kè luó jí suí shǒu guān shàng bìng suǒ shàng le wò shì de mén. tā zuò zài huǒ páng kāi shǐ hē tāng.
zhè shì yí gè jiù bì lú, huǒ zhōu wéi shì shù yǐ bǎi jì de yìn yǒu tú àn de cí zhuān, dàn sī kè luó jí zài měi zhāng cí zhuān shàng suǒ kàn dào de dōu shì mǎ lì de liǎn.
" piàn rén de dōng xī!" sī kè luó jí duì zhe cí zhuān shuō, bìng zài wū lǐ duó zhe bù. dāng tā zuò xià zhī hòu, tā fā xiàn fáng jiān de lìng yī miàn qiáng shàng guà zhe yí gè líng dǎng. tā kàn zhe kàn zhe, jīng qí ér yòu kǒng jù dì fā xiàn líng dǎng màn màn dì kāi shǐ zuǒ yòu bǎi dòng qǐ lái, bù yī huì ér, tā xiǎng le qǐ lái, shēng yīn hěn dà, jǐn jiē zhe wū lǐ suǒ yǒu de líng dāng dōu xiǎng le qǐ lái.
tū rán tā men zài tóng yī shí jiān dōu bù xiǎng le, jǐn jiē zhe cóng xià miàn chuán lái le yí gè qí guài de shēng yīn, tīng shǎng qù xiàng shì yǒu rén tuō zhe chén zhòng de liàn zǐ cóng dì bǎn shàng zǒu guò. sī kè luó jí jì qǐ céng tīng shuō guò yǒu shí jiù fáng zi lǐ de guǐ hún shēn hòu tuō zhe liàn zǐ. rán hòu lóu xià de yī jiān fáng mén dāng lāng yī shēng kāi le, shēng yīn kāi shǐ cháo lóu shàng zǒu lái, cháo tā de fáng mén zǒu lái.
" yòu shì piàn rén de guǐ bǎ xì!" sī kè luó jí dà shēng shuō dào, dàn dāng shēng yīn jìng zhí dì chuān guò hòu hòu de bèi suǒ zhe de fáng mén chū xiàn zài tā miàn qián shí, tā miàn wú xuè sè. zhè shì mǎ lì de guǐ hún!
sī kè luó jí néng gòu kàn chuān tā de qū tǐ. yī tiáo cháng cháng de suǒ liàn chán zài yāo jiān, shàng miàn guà zhe qián hé zi yào shi cún zhé hé hòu hòu de qián bāo. guǐ hún sǐ yì bān lěng mò de yǎn jīng dīng zhe sī kè luó jí kàn.
" āi!" sī kè luó jí shuō, jí lì zhuāng chū shén me guài shì yě méi fā shēng de yàng zi." nǐ xiǎng yào shén me? nǐ shì shuí?"
" huó zhe de shí hòu wǒ shì nǐ de hé huǒ rén, yǎ gè bù mǎ lì."
" wǒ gào sù nǐ, zhè shì piàn rén de." sī kè luó jí shuō." méi yǒu guǐ hún!" dàn dāng tā shuō cǐ huà shí, guǐ hún fā chū le kě pà de jiào shēng, fēng kuáng dì yáo dòng zhe shēn shàng de liàn zǐ. sī kè luó jí xià dé lì kè pā dào zài dì bǎn shàng, dà shēng shuō," shì de! shì de! nǐ shì zhēn de! wǒ xiàn zài míng bái le! nǐ lái gàn shén me? wèi shí me rén sǐ hòu guǐ hún yào huí lái? gào sù wǒ, yǎ gè bù!"
" nèi xiē zài shì shí bù bāng zhù tā rén de rén, qí líng hún sǐ hòu dōu yào zài zhè gè shì jiè shang yǒng wú xiū zhǐ dì yóu dàng. wǒ men bù dé bù dài zhe wǒ men huó zhe shí wéi zì jǐ zhì zào de suǒ liàn. āi bǐ ní zé sī kè luó jí, nǐ rèn chū wǒ de suǒ liàn le ma? tā hé nǐ dài de suǒ liàn hěn xiāng sì!"
sī kè luó jí xiàng tā sì zhōu kàn le kàn, dàn méi kàn dào suǒ liàn." yǎ gè bù," tā shuō," qǐng nǐ zài duō gào sù wǒ yī xiē!"
" wǒ bāng bù shàng nǐ tài dà de máng, āi bǐ ní zé! wǒ bù néng tíng xià lái, wǒ bù néng zài yí gè dì fāng jiǔ liú. wǒ yǐ jīng sǐ le qī nián le, zài zhè qī nián zhōng, wǒ yī zhí jiè zhe fēng de chì bǎng piāo yóu zhe! méi yǒu ān níng, sǐ le yě bù dé xiū xī, yīn wèi wǒ huó zhe de shí hòu cóng lái méi yǒu xíng shàn jī dé!"
" dàn nǐ shì yí gè jīng míng de shāng rén, yǎ gè bù," sī kè luó jí shuō, tā xiàn zài kāi shǐ dān yōu qǐ zì jǐ de mìng yùn lái.
" shēng yì!" guǐ hún bēi cǎn dì shuō." wǒ wèi shí me bù bǎ rén kàn zuò shì wǒ de shēng yì? wǒ yī xīn xiǎng de jiù shì zhuàn qián, dàn méi yǒu xiǎng guò shàn dài bié rén huò shì bāng zhù bié rén. tīng wǒ shuō, āi bǐ ní zé! wǒ jīn wǎn lái zhè ér shì yào jǐng gào nǐ, nǐ hái yǒu jī huì zhěng jiù nǐ zì jǐ bì miǎn chóng dǎo wǒ de fù zhé. yǒu sān ge yōu líng jiāng lái kàn nǐ: dì yí gè yú míng tiān yì diǎn zhōng lái, dì èr gè yú cì rì de tóng yī shí jiān lái, dì sān ge yú dà hòu tiān de wǔ yè lái. nǐ bú huì zài jiàn dào wǒ le, wèi le nǐ zì jǐ sǐ hòu néng tài píng, wù bì jì zhù wǒ duì nǐ shuō de huà!"
yōu líng màn màn dì tuì huí dào chuāng qián, chuāng hù kāi shǐ dǎ kāi. dāng guǐ hún dào le chuāng qián shí, tā jǔ qǐ yì zhī shǒu, sī kè luó jí tīng zhe. tā tīng jiàn kōng zhōng chuán lái yī shēng qī cǎn de jiào shēng. yōu líng yě kāi shǐ dà jiào, tā lái dào le wù méng méng hēi qī qī de yè sè lǐ, jiā rù dào qí tā yōu líng de háng liè. wài miàn dí kōng zhōng dào chù dōu shì yōu líng, tā men dōu dài zhe hé mǎ lì guǐ hún yí yàng de suǒ liàn, tā men dōu zài bēi cǎn dì jiào zhe, yīn wèi tā men guò wǎn dì rèn shi dào le tā men huó zhe de shí hòu suǒ fàn xià de bù kě ráo shù de cuò wù.
jiàn jiàn dì, yōu líng men hé tā men de chǎo nào shēng xiāo shī zài wù ǎi hé yè sè zhōng, yè wǎn yòu huī fù le píng jìng. sī kè luó jí guān shàng chuāng hù, jiǎn chá le wò shì de mén. mén yī rán suǒ zhe. tā kāi shǐ shuō," piàn rén de dōng xī!" dàn tū rán tíng zhù le. yě xǔ shì yīn wèi tā tài lèi le, huò shì tài wǎn le, tā lián yī fú yě méi tuō jiù shàng chuáng shuì jiào le, ér qiě lì kè jiù shuì zháo le.