傲慢与偏见Mr Collins visits Longbour

歌曲 傲慢与偏见Mr Collins visits Longbour
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第六级


[00:08] Mr Collins visits Longbourn
[00:16] ‘I hope,my dear,’said Mr Bennet to his wife at break- fast the next morning,‘that you have told the cook to send up a good dinner today,as I am expecting a visitor.
[00:26] ‘Who is it, my dear? I know of nobody who is coming, un- less Charlotte Lucas happens to call in, and I hope my dinners are good enough for her.’
[00:30] ‘The person I'm talking about is a gentleman and a stranger.’
[00:43] Mrs Bennet's eyes shone with excitement.‘It's Mr Bingley,I'm sure! Why,Jane,you never mentioned it!Well,I’ll be extremely glad to see him. Lydia, my love,ring the bell.I must speak to the cook at once.’
[00:50] ‘It is not Mr Bingley,’said her husband.‘It's a person whom I have never seen before.’
[01:14] This caused general astonishment, and he had the pleasure of being eagerly questioned by his wife and five daughters all at the same time. Having amused himself for some time with their curiosity,he finally explained.‘I have recently received a letter from my cousin,Mr Collins,who,as you know,will inherit all my property when I die, and may throw you out of this house as soon as he wants.’
[01:29] ‘Oh, my dear!’cried his wife.‘Please don't mention that hateful man. It's the hardest thing in the world to accept the fact that your property is not left to your own children, and I'm sure, if I were you, I'd have tried to do something about it.’
[01:44] Jane and Elizabeth tried to explain the legal situation to her again.They had often attempted to do this before.But it was a matter which Mrs Bennet refused to understand, and she con- tinued to complain bitterly about Mr Collins.
[02:00] ‘It certainly is most unjust,’agreed Mr Bennet,‘and noth- ing can clear Mr Collins from the guilt of inheriting this house.But if you listen while I read his letter to you,you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself.’
[02:03] He read aloud the following letter:
[02:05] Dear Sir,
[02:11] The disagreement between you and my late respected fa- ther always worried me, and since his death I have frequently wished to improve the relationship between our families.
[02:27] After a long period of study and training I have recently become a priest,and have been fortunate enough to gain the patron- age of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh.
[02:47] This generous lady has given me the post of rector at Hunsford, which was luckily vacant.Hunsford is the village near her own large country house in Kent.Here I carry out the duties of my profession whenever necessary, and I take great care to behave at all times with grateful respect towards her ladyship.
[03:02] As a priest,moreover, I feel it my duty to encourage all families in my area of influence to live peacefully.Because of this,I flatter myself that I am acting correctly in offering you my friendship.
[03:29] I am of course concerned that when I even- tually inherit all your property, your daughters will doubtless be very poor,and I do apologize for this.I promise you I am ready to make amends in every possible way—but more about this later.If you do not object, I propose to visit you and your family on Monday November 18th,at four o’clock, and shall probably stay until the following Saturday week.
[03:40] This will cause me no inconvenience at all,as Lady Catherine is far from objecting to my occasional absence from my duties.
[03:45] I remain,dear sir,with respectful good wishes to your lady and your daughters, your friend, William Collins.
[04:01] ‘So we can expect this peace-making gentleman at four o’clock today,’said Mr Bennet,as he folded up the letter.‘He appears to be a most polite and serious young man.How considerate of Lady Catherine to allow him to visit us!’
[04:08] ‘Well,if he is ready to make amends to the girls in some way, I shall certainly not discourage him,’said Mrs Bennet.
[04:17] ‘Although it's difficult,’said Jane,‘to guess how he in- tends to do that,it's good of him to want to help us.
[04:34] ‘I think he's peculiar,’said Elizabeth.‘He sounds too pleased with himself,and he speaks so politely of Lady Cather- ine!And why does he apologize for inheriting Father's prop- erty in future? We know it's not his fault.Can he be a sensible man,sir?’she added,turning to Mr Bennet.
[04:47] ‘No, my dear, I think not.I have great hopes of finding him quite the opposite.There is a mixture of servility and self- importance in his letter, which promises to be entertaining.I am impatient to see him.’
[04:58] Mary,the middle daughter, who spent most of her time reading and who seldom joined in family conversations, now re- marked that in her opinion his letter was well expressed.
[05:10] But Kitty and Lydia did not show any interest in the letter or its writer.As it was highly unlikely that their cousin would arrive in a regimental uniform, they could not imagine having any pleasure in meeting him.
[05:22] Their mother, however, had changed her attitude towards Mr Collins after his letter, and was now preparing to meet him with such calmness that it astonished her husband and daughters.
[05:42] Mr Collins arrived punctually, and was received with great politeness by the whole family. Mr Bennet indeed said little,but the ladies were ready enough to talk, and Mr Collins did not seem in need of encouragement.He was a tall, heavy- looking young man of twenty-five.
[06:05] His expression was serious,and his manners very formal.Soon after his arrival, he said to Mrs Bennet,‘Madam, I must compliment you on having such a fine family of daughters. I had heard much of their beauty, but I find them even more beautiful than reports have stated.I do not doubt you will see them all well married quite soon.’
[06:15] Mrs Bennet never quarrelled with compliments,and she answered,‘You're very kind,sir,and indeed I do hope so,be-cause otherwise they’ll have nothing at all to live on.’
[06:19] ‘You refer perhaps to my inheriting the Bennet property?’
[06:24] ‘Ah,yes,sir,I do!You must confess it is a sad business for my poor girls.’
[06:43] ‘I am very aware,madam,of the hardship to your lovely daughters—and could say more about this,but I am cautious of saying too much too soon.But I would like to say that I have come prepared to admire the young ladies.And perhaps when we know each other better—’
[07:04] The bell rang for dinner,and the family moved into the dining-room with their guest.The girls smiled secretly at each other,as Mr Collins praised the hall,the dining-room and all the furniture.Mrs Bennet would normally have been delighted with such praise,but she could not help thinking that he was perhaps admiring it all as his future property.
[07:27] The dinner,too, he considered excellent,and he asked which of his charming cousins was responsible for it.But Mrs Bennet explained quite sharply to him that they were very well able to afford a good cook,and that her daughters had nothing to do in the kitchen. He begged her pardon immediately for offending her,and con- tinned to apologize for about a quarter of an hour.
[07:37] Mr Bennet had hardly spoken up to now,but he thought it was time to enter the conversation.‘You seem very fortunate in your patron,Mr Collins,’he said.
[07:52] He could not have chosen a better opening remark.Mr Collins spoke enthusiastically for several minutes in praise of Lady Catherine.‘Never in my life have I witnessed such con- siderate behaviour in a person of high birth!
[08:09] Although she is such a great lady,she has never treated me with disdain.She talks to me almost as an equal,and gives me advice.For exam- ple,she has recommended me to marry as soon as possible.And do you know,she has asked me to dinner twice at her house!
[08:24] Some people consider her proud,but she has only ever been kind to me.She even took the trouble to visit my small house, and was thoughtful enough to suggest one or two improve- ments—some shelves upstairs.’
[08:29] ‘That is very correct and polite,I'm sure,’said Mrs Bennet.‘Does she live near you,sir?’
[08:36] ‘Only a small country road separates my poor house from Rosings Park,her ladyship's home.’
[08:40] ‘I think you said she is a widow?Has she any family?’
[08:51] ‘She has only one daughter,who will inherit Rosings and all Lady Catherine's property.A most charming young lady,un- fortunately in weak health.
[09:04] I often pay her some little compli- ment on her appearance or her accomplishments when I visit Rosings.Lady Catherine appreciates these compliments to her daughter,and I see it as my duty to please her ladyship.’
[09:15] ‘I am sure you're right,’said Mr Bennet.‘No doubt you are expert at flattering with delicacy.May I ask how you think of these pleasing compliments?’
[09:26] ‘Some of them come to me at the time,but in my spare moments I do occasionally prepare a few words which may be suitable for different occasions.’
[09:38] Mr Bennet listened to his cousin with the greatest emjoyment.Mr Collins was as foolish as he had hoped.But by tea-time Mr Bennet had had enough,and after tea,asked his guest to read aloud to the ladies.
[09:45] However,when a novel was handed to Mr Collins,he looked shocked,and protested that he never read novels.
[10:10] He chose a religious book instead,and start- ed reading in a slow,serious voice.Lydia could not hide her boredom for long,and after only three pages she interrupted him rudely,to ask her mother a question about one of the offi- cers in Meryton Mr Collins was offended,and refused to read any more,although Mrs Bennet and her other daughters apolo- gized for Lydia's lack of manners.
[10:24] Mr Collins was not a sensible man,and neither education nor society had improved him.The respect he felt for his patron, and his very good opinion of himself and his new position, made him proud and servile at the same time.
[10:40] Now that he had a home and a considerable income,he had decided to marry.The Bennet girls,who would lose their inheritance because of him,had a reputation for being attractive and charming,and his idea of making amends to them was to marry one of them.
[10:48] He considered this an excellent plan,and thought himself ex- tremely generous and unselfish in carrying it out.
[11:00] He had known he was right when he arrived at Longbourn and saw Jane Bennet's lovely face.As the eldest,she should marry first,and for the first evening she was his choice.
[11:22] But the next morning,after a fifteen-minute conversation with Mrs Bennet,he had to change his mind.When he explained that he was hoping to find a wife among her daughters,she replied, with a happy smile,that her eldest daughter was very likely to be engaged soon.‘But there are my other daughters,Mr Collins,’she continued,encouragingly.
[11:35] Mr Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth,and it was soon done—done while Mrs Bennet was pouring the tea. Next to Jane in birth and beauty,Elizabeth was the obvious choice.
[11:45] Mr Bennet was delighted,hoping that she might soon have two daughters married.The man whom she had so disliked the day before was now a favourite with her.


[00:08] Mr Collins visits Longbourn
[00:16] ' I hope, my dear,' said Mr Bennet to his wife at break fast the next morning,' that you have told the cook to send up a good dinner today, as I am expecting a visitor
[00:26] ' Who is it, my dear? I know of nobody who is coming, un less Charlotte Lucas happens to call in, and I hope my dinners are good enough for her'
[00:30] ' The person I' m talking about is a gentleman and a stranger'
[00:43] Mrs Bennet' s eyes shone with excitement' It' s Mr Bingley, I' m sure! Why, Jane, you never mentioned it! Well, I' ll be extremely glad to see him Lydia, my love, ring the bell I must speak to the cook at once'
[00:50] ' It is not Mr Bingley,' said her husband' It' s a person whom I have never seen before'
[01:14] This caused general astonishment, and he had the pleasure of being eagerly questioned by his wife and five daughters all at the same time Having amused himself for some time with their curiosity, he finally explained' I have recently received a letter from my cousin, Mr Collins, who, as you know, will inherit all my property when I die, and may throw you out of this house as soon as he wants'
[01:29] ' Oh, my dear!' cried his wife' Please don' t mention that hateful man It' s the hardest thing in the world to accept the fact that your property is not left to your own children, and I' m sure, if I were you, I' d have tried to do something about it'
[01:44] Jane and Elizabeth tried to explain the legal situation to her again They had often attempted to do this before But it was a matter which Mrs Bennet refused to understand, and she con tinued to complain bitterly about Mr Collins
[02:00] ' It certainly is most unjust,' agreed Mr Bennet,' and noth ing can clear Mr Collins from the guilt of inheriting this house But if you listen while I read his letter to you, you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself'
[02:03] He read aloud the following letter:
[02:05] Dear Sir,
[02:11] The disagreement between you and my late respected fa ther always worried me, and since his death I have frequently wished to improve the relationship between our families
[02:27] After a long period of study and training I have recently become a priest, and have been fortunate enough to gain the patron age of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh
[02:47] This generous lady has given me the post of rector at Hunsford, which was luckily vacant Hunsford is the village near her own large country house in Kent Here I carry out the duties of my profession whenever necessary, and I take great care to behave at all times with grateful respect towards her ladyship
[03:02] As a priest, moreover, I feel it my duty to encourage all families in my area of influence to live peacefully Because of this, I flatter myself that I am acting correctly in offering you my friendship
[03:29] I am of course concerned that when I even tually inherit all your property, your daughters will doubtless be very poor, and I do apologize for this I promise you I am ready to make amends in every possible way but more about this later If you do not object, I propose to visit you and your family on Monday November 18th, at four o' clock, and shall probably stay until the following Saturday week
[03:40] This will cause me no inconvenience at all, as Lady Catherine is far from objecting to my occasional absence from my duties
[03:45] I remain, dear sir, with respectful good wishes to your lady and your daughters, your friend, William Collins
[04:01] ' So we can expect this peacemaking gentleman at four o' clock today,' said Mr Bennet, as he folded up the letter' He appears to be a most polite and serious young man How considerate of Lady Catherine to allow him to visit us!'
[04:08] ' Well, if he is ready to make amends to the girls in some way, I shall certainly not discourage him,' said Mrs Bennet
[04:17] ' Although it' s difficult,' said Jane,' to guess how he in tends to do that, it' s good of him to want to help us
[04:34] ' I think he' s peculiar,' said Elizabeth' He sounds too pleased with himself, and he speaks so politely of Lady Cather ine! And why does he apologize for inheriting Father' s prop erty in future? We know it' s not his fault Can he be a sensible man, sir?' she added, turning to Mr Bennet
[04:47] ' No, my dear, I think not I have great hopes of finding him quite the opposite There is a mixture of servility and self importance in his letter, which promises to be entertaining I am impatient to see him'
[04:58] Mary, the middle daughter, who spent most of her time reading and who seldom joined in family conversations, now re marked that in her opinion his letter was well expressed
[05:10] But Kitty and Lydia did not show any interest in the letter or its writer As it was highly unlikely that their cousin would arrive in a regimental uniform, they could not imagine having any pleasure in meeting him
[05:22] Their mother, however, had changed her attitude towards Mr Collins after his letter, and was now preparing to meet him with such calmness that it astonished her husband and daughters
[05:42] Mr Collins arrived punctually, and was received with great politeness by the whole family Mr Bennet indeed said little, but the ladies were ready enough to talk, and Mr Collins did not seem in need of encouragement He was a tall, heavy looking young man of twentyfive
[06:05] His expression was serious, and his manners very formal Soon after his arrival, he said to Mrs Bennet,' Madam, I must compliment you on having such a fine family of daughters I had heard much of their beauty, but I find them even more beautiful than reports have stated I do not doubt you will see them all well married quite soon'
[06:15] Mrs Bennet never quarrelled with compliments, and she answered,' You' re very kind, sir, and indeed I do hope so, because otherwise they' ll have nothing at all to live on'
[06:19] ' You refer perhaps to my inheriting the Bennet property?'
[06:24] ' Ah, yes, sir, I do! You must confess it is a sad business for my poor girls'
[06:43] ' I am very aware, madam, of the hardship to your lovely daughters and could say more about this, but I am cautious of saying too much too soon But I would like to say that I have come prepared to admire the young ladies And perhaps when we know each other better'
[07:04] The bell rang for dinner, and the family moved into the diningroom with their guest The girls smiled secretly at each other, as Mr Collins praised the hall, the diningroom and all the furniture Mrs Bennet would normally have been delighted with such praise, but she could not help thinking that he was perhaps admiring it all as his future property
[07:27] The dinner, too, he considered excellent, and he asked which of his charming cousins was responsible for it But Mrs Bennet explained quite sharply to him that they were very well able to afford a good cook, and that her daughters had nothing to do in the kitchen He begged her pardon immediately for offending her, and con tinned to apologize for about a quarter of an hour
[07:37] Mr Bennet had hardly spoken up to now, but he thought it was time to enter the conversation' You seem very fortunate in your patron, Mr Collins,' he said
[07:52] He could not have chosen a better opening remark Mr Collins spoke enthusiastically for several minutes in praise of Lady Catherine' Never in my life have I witnessed such con siderate behaviour in a person of high birth!
[08:09] Although she is such a great lady, she has never treated me with disdain She talks to me almost as an equal, and gives me advice For exam ple, she has recommended me to marry as soon as possible And do you know, she has asked me to dinner twice at her house!
[08:24] Some people consider her proud, but she has only ever been kind to me She even took the trouble to visit my small house, and was thoughtful enough to suggest one or two improve ments some shelves upstairs'
[08:29] ' That is very correct and polite, I' m sure,' said Mrs Bennet' Does she live near you, sir?'
[08:36] ' Only a small country road separates my poor house from Rosings Park, her ladyship' s home'
[08:40] ' I think you said she is a widow? Has she any family?'
[08:51] ' She has only one daughter, who will inherit Rosings and all Lady Catherine' s property A most charming young lady, un fortunately in weak health
[09:04] I often pay her some little compli ment on her appearance or her accomplishments when I visit Rosings Lady Catherine appreciates these compliments to her daughter, and I see it as my duty to please her ladyship'
[09:15] ' I am sure you' re right,' said Mr Bennet' No doubt you are expert at flattering with delicacy May I ask how you think of these pleasing compliments?'
[09:26] ' Some of them come to me at the time, but in my spare moments I do occasionally prepare a few words which may be suitable for different occasions'
[09:38] Mr Bennet listened to his cousin with the greatest emjoyment Mr Collins was as foolish as he had hoped But by teatime Mr Bennet had had enough, and after tea, asked his guest to read aloud to the ladies
[09:45] However, when a novel was handed to Mr Collins, he looked shocked, and protested that he never read novels
[10:10] He chose a religious book instead, and start ed reading in a slow, serious voice Lydia could not hide her boredom for long, and after only three pages she interrupted him rudely, to ask her mother a question about one of the offi cers in Meryton Mr Collins was offended, and refused to read any more, although Mrs Bennet and her other daughters apolo gized for Lydia' s lack of manners
[10:24] Mr Collins was not a sensible man, and neither education nor society had improved him The respect he felt for his patron, and his very good opinion of himself and his new position, made him proud and servile at the same time
[10:40] Now that he had a home and a considerable income, he had decided to marry. The Bennet girls, who would lose their inheritance because of him, had a reputation for being attractive and charming, and his idea of making amends to them was to marry one of them
[10:48] He considered this an excellent plan, and thought himself ex tremely generous and unselfish in carrying it out
[11:00] He had known he was right when he arrived at Longbourn and saw Jane Bennet' s lovely face As the eldest, she should marry first, and for the first evening she was his choice
[11:22] But the next morning, after a fifteenminute conversation with Mrs Bennet, he had to change his mind When he explained that he was hoping to find a wife among her daughters, she replied, with a happy smile, that her eldest daughter was very likely to be engaged soon' But there are my other daughters, Mr Collins,' she continued, encouragingly
[11:35] Mr Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth, and it was soon done done while Mrs Bennet was pouring the tea Next to Jane in birth and beauty, Elizabeth was the obvious choice
[11:45] Mr Bennet was delighted, hoping that she might soon have two daughters married The man whom she had so disliked the day before was now a favourite with her


[00:08] kē lín sī xiān shēng zào fǎng làng bó ēn
[00:16] " qīn ài de, wǒ xī wàng nǐ yǐ jīng tōng zhī guò chú shī jīn tiān sòng shàng yī fèn xiàng yàng de wǎn fàn, wǒ yǒu kè rén lái." dì èr tiān zǎo fàn hòu bān nà tè xiān shēng duì qī zǐ shuō.
[00:26] qīn ài de, shì shuí? chú le xià luò tè lú kǎ sī ǒu ěr lái yī tàng, wǒ bù zhī dào shuí hái huì lái. yào shì tā, jiā cháng biàn fàn jiù gòu le."
[00:30] " wǒ shuō de nà gè rén shì gè yǒu jiào yǎng de nán rén, yí gè mò shēng rén."
[00:43] bān nà tè tài tài jī dòng dé liǎng yǎn fàng guāng." shì bīn gé lái xiān shēng, wǒ gǎn kěn dìng! jiǎn, nǐ zěn me cóng lái méi yǒu tí guò! a, néng jiàn dào tā wǒ gāo xìng jí le. lì dí yà, wǒ de guāi, kuài lā líng. wǒ dé mǎ shàng gēn chú shī jiǎng."
[00:50] " bú shì bīn gé lái xiān shēng," tā zhàng fū shuō," zhè gè rén wǒ yǐ qián cóng lái méi yǒu jiàn guò."
[01:14] yī yán jì chū, mǎn zuò jiē jīng. tài tài hé wǔ gè nǚ ér yì kǒu tóng shēng, jí qiè dì xiàng tā fā wèn, zhè shǐ tā shí fēn de yì. tā xiān ná tā men de hào qí xīn dòu le yī huì ér lè, zuì hòu zuò liǎo jiě shì." zuì jìn, wǒ shōu dào le yuǎn fáng zhí zi kē lín sī xiān shēng de yī fēng lái xìn. nǐ men zhī dào, wǒ sǐ hòu tā yào jì chéng wǒ de yī qiè
[01:29] " ó, qīn ài de!" tā qī zǐ jiào dào." qǐng bú yào tí nà gè kě wù de jiā huo. zì jǐ de cái chǎn bù liú gěi zì jǐ de hái zi, zhè kǒng pà shì shì jiè shang zuì nán jiào rén jiē shòu de shì qíng le. wǒ yào shì nǐ de huà, kěn dìng bú huì jiù cǐ bà xiū."
[01:44] jiǎn hé yī lì shā bái yòu xiàng tā jiě shì le yī biàn fǎ lǜ shàng de jù tǐ qíng kuàng. tā men yǐ qián jīng cháng xiàng tā jiě shì, kě shì zhè zhǒng shì bān nà tè tài tài jù bù lǐ jiě, tā jì xù jiào kǔ bù dié dì duì kē lín sī xiān shēng fà láo sāo.
[02:00] " zhè jiàn shì dāng rán hěn bù gōng píng," bān nà tè xiān shēng biǎo shì zàn tóng," kē lín sī xiān shēng jì chéng zhè chuáng fáng zi shòu zhī yǒu kuì, wú lùn zěn yàng tā dōu nán yǐ miǎn yú zhè zhǒng kuì jiù. kě shì, rú guǒ nǐ yuàn yì tīng tīng tā de lái xìn, tā shuō huà de kǒu qì yě xǔ huì shǐ nǐ de tài dù huǎn hé yì diǎn."
[02:03] tā dà shēng lǎng dú le yǐ xià zhè fēng xìn:
[02:05] qīn ài de xiān shēng,
[02:11] gé xià yǔ xiān fù zhī bù hé yī zhí lìng wǒ shēn gǎn bù ān. zì cóng xiān fù qù shì zhī hòu wǒ yī zhí xī wàng chóng xiū liǎng jiā zhī hǎo.
[02:27] jīng guò cháng qī xué xí yǔ péi xùn, wǒ yǐ yú zuì jìn chéng wéi mù shī, bìng wàn fēn róng xìng dì huò dé liú yì sī dé bāo ěr gōng jué de yí shuāng kǎi sè lín dé bāo ěr fū rén de ēn chǒng.
[02:47] zhè wèi kāng kǎi de fū rén jiāng hàn sī fú de jiào qū zhǎng zhí wèi cì yǔ le wǒ, dāng shí zhè gè zhí wèi zhèng hǎo kòng quē. hàn sī fú shì gè cūn zhuāng, wèi yú zhè wèi fū rén zài kěn tè jùn jù dà de xiāng jiān bié shù fù jìn. zài cǐ, yī yǒu bì yào, wǒ biàn lǚ xíng zì jǐ de zhí zé, ér qiě wú shí wú kè bù jí lì biǎo xiàn chū duì fū rén de gǎn jī hé zūn jìng
[03:02] lìng wài, zuò wéi yī míng mù shī, wǒ gǎn dào yǒu zé rèn jǐn wǒ lì zhī suǒ jí, cù jìn běn jiào qū jiā jiā hù hù qīn shàn hé mù. yǒu jiàn yú cǐ, wǒ zì xìn xiàng nín shēn chū yǒu yì zhī shǒu shì zhèng què zhī jǔ.
[03:29] wǒ zuì zhōng jì chéng nín de cái chǎn zhī hòu, zhū wèi lìng yuàn yí dìng huì yī wú suǒ yǒu, duì cǐ wǒ zì rán shēn gǎn bù ān, bìng wèi cǐ zhēn qiè dào qiàn. wǒ xiàng nín bǎo zhèng wǒ yuàn yì jǐn yī qiè kě néng jǐ yǔ bǔ cháng zhè yì diǎn róng hòu zài xù. rú guǒ nín bù fǎn duì, wǒ nǐ yú 11 yuè 18 rì xīng qī yī 4 diǎn zhōng qián lái bài yè nín hé quán jiā,
[03:40] zhè bú huì yǐn qǐ wǒ shén me bù biàn, yīn wèi kǎi sè lín fū rén duì yú wǒ ǒu ěr lí kāi zhí shǒu jué wú fǎn duì zhī yì.
[03:45] qīn ài de xiān shēng, wǒ xiàng zūn fū rén jí zhū wèi lìng yuàn zhì yǐ zūn jìng de liáng hǎo de zhù yuàn. nín de péng yǒu wēi lián kē lín sī.
[04:01] " suǒ yǐ, jīn tiān xià wǔ 4 diǎn zhè wèi hé shì lǎo xiān shēng jiù yào lái le," bān nà tè xiān shēng shuō zhe, yī miàn bǎ xìn zhé dié qǐ lái." tā xiàng shì yī wèi zhī shū dá lǐ yán sù rèn zhēn de nián qīng rén. kǎi sè lín fū rén yǔn xǔ tā bài fǎng wǒ men, zhēn shì tǐ tiē rù wēi ya!"
[04:08] " nà me, rú guǒ tā yuàn yì yòng mǒu zhǒng fāng shì gěi nǚ ér men yǐ bǔ cháng de huà, wǒ dāng rán bú huì gěi tā pō lěng shuǐ," bān nà tè tài tài shuō.
[04:17] suī rán hěn nán cāi cè," jiǎn shuō," tā dǎ suàn rú hé bǔ cháng wǒ men, bù guò, tā xiǎng bāng zhù wǒ men, dǎo shì jiàn hǎo shì."
[04:34] " wǒ jué de tā yǒu diǎn ér gǔ guài," yī lì shā bái shuō." tā tīng qǐ lái guò yú zì míng dé yì, tán qǐ kǎi sè lín fū rén yòu guò yú kè qì! tā jiāng lái jì chéng fù qīn de cái chǎn wèi shí me yào dào qiàn? wǒ men zhī dào nà bú shì tā de cuò. xiān shēng, tā huì shì gè lǐ zhì de rén ma?" tā zhuǎn xiàng bān nà tè xiān shēng, bǔ chōng dào.
[04:47] " wǒ xiǎng bú shì, qīn ài de. tā jí yǒu kě néng qià qià xiāng fǎn. tā zài xìn zhōng xiǎn de jì bēi gōng qū xī, yòu wàng zì zūn dà, zhè yí dìng hěn yǒu qù, wǒ zhēn xiǎng mǎ shàng jiàn dào tā."
[04:58] nián jì jū zhōng de nǚ ér mǎ lì dà bù fèn shí jiān dōu zài dú shū, hěn shǎo cān yù jiā rén de tán huà, zhè shí tā chā huà shuō, zài tā kàn lái, zhè fēng xìn yì sī biǎo dá dé qià rú qí fèn.
[05:10] kě shì jí dì hé lì dí yà duì zhè fēng xìn hé tā de zuò zhě méi biǎo xiàn chū rèn hé xìng qù. tā men xiǎng xiàng bù chū lái jiàn dào biǎo xiōng huì yǒu shén me lè qù, yīn wèi tā jí bù kě néng chuān zhe jūn fú lái.
[05:22] bù guò, tā men de mǔ qīn tīng wán xìn zhī hòu gǎi biàn le duì kē lín sī xiān shēng de tài dù, xiàn zài zhǔn bèi zhe xīn píng qì hé dì yíng jiē tā, zhè shǐ de zhàng fū hé nǚ ér men dà wéi jīng yà.
[05:42] kē lín sī xiān shēng zhǔn shí dào dá, shòu dào le quán jiā jí wéi kè qì de jiē dài. bān nà tè xiān shēng shí jì shang méi shuō jǐ jù huà, kě shì nǚ shì men zǒng shì yǒu huà kě shuō, ér kē lín sī xiān shēng sì hū yě bù xū yào gǔ lì. zhè gè nián qīng rén 25 suì, gāo gāo de gè zi, yàng zi hěn wěn zhòng.
[06:05] tā biǎo qíng yán sù, yán tán jū jǐn. tā lái dào bù jiǔ, jiù duì bān nà tè tài tài shuō: fū rén, nín yǒu zhè me duō dǒng shì de nǚ ér, wǒ bì xū xiàng nín biǎo shì zhù hè. guān yú tā men de měi mào wǒ ěr wén hěn duō, rú jīn xiāng jiàn, cái zhī dào bǐ chuán wén de piào liàng bǎi bèi. wǒ xiāng xìn, nín bù jiǔ jiù huì kàn dào tā men yí gè gè xǐ jié liáng yuán
[06:15] duì yú bié rén de kuā jiǎng, bān nà tè tài tài cóng lái bù zhēng zhí, yú shì tā huí dá dào:" xiè xiè nǐ de jí yán, xiān shēng, wǒ què shí xī wàng tā men zhǎo dào hǎo nán rén, bù rán de huà, tā men shēng huó jiù wú yī wú kào le."
[06:19] " nín dà gài shì zhǐ wǒ yào jì chéng bān nà tè jiā de cái chǎn yī shì ba?"
[06:24] " a, shì de, xiān shēng, yì diǎn ér bù cuò! nǐ yě de chéng rèn, duì wǒ nà kě lián de nǚ ér lái shuō, zhè kě bú shì shén me lìng rén gāo xìng de shì."
[06:43] fū rén, wǒ shí fēn qīng chǔ lìng yuàn men de kùn nán chǔ jìng guān yú zhè yì diǎn, wǒ hái yǒu huà yào shuō, kě shì wǒ shí fēn zhù yì jiǎng huà yào níng shǎo wù duō, níng wǎn wù zǎo. bù guò, wǒ yuàn yì gào sù nín, duì yú dào zhè lǐ hòu duì gū niáng men chǎn shēng ài mù zhī qíng, wǒ shì yǒu sī xiǎng zhǔn bèi de. yě xǔ děng wǒ men hù xiāng shú xī zhī hòu
[07:04] kāi fàn de líng shēng xiǎng le, quán jiā rén tóng kè rén yì qǐ lái dào le cān tīng. kē lín sī xiān shēng chēng zàn kè tīng cān tīng hé suǒ yǒu de jiā jù, gū niáng men duì cǐ tōu tōu dì xiāng shì ér xiào. yào zài wǎng cháng, bān nà tè fū rén tīng dào zhè yàng de zàn měi, yí dìng huì lè zī zī de, kě shì zhè cì tā jīn bú zhù xīn lǐ dí gū,
[07:27] wǎn fàn tā yě shuō hǎo jí le, jiù wèn shì nǎ wèi mí rén de biǎo mèi de shǒu yì. kě shì bān nà tè fū rén shí fēn jiān kè dì xiàng tā jiě shì shuō, tā men wán quán qǐng dé qǐ hǎo chú shī, nǚ ér men gēn běn bù yòng xià chú fáng. tā yú shì gǎn jǐn qǐng tā yuán liàng zì jǐ de mào shī, jiē zhe yòu dào qiàn le dà yuē yī kè zhōng.
[07:37] dào xiàn zài wéi zhǐ, bān nà tè xiān shēng jī hū hái méi yǒu shuō shí mǒ huà, dàn shì, tā jué de xiàn zài yīng gāi jiè rù tán huà le." kē lín sī xiān shēng, nǐ bèi shòu yǔ shèng zhí sì hū fēi cháng xìng yùn," tā shuō.
[07:52] tā xuǎn de zhè jù kāi chǎng bái zài hé shì bù guò le. kē lín sī xiān shēng xìng zhì bó bó dì jiǎng le jǐ fēn zhōng, chēng zàn kǎi sè lín fū rén." wǒ yī shēng zhōng hái cóng lái méi yǒu jiàn guò chū shēn rú cǐ gāo guì de rén huì zhè yàng tǐ tiē rén!
[08:09] suī rán tā shì yī wèi guì fù rén, kě shì tā cóng lái dōu méi yǒu kàn bù qǐ wǒ. tā hé wǒ tán huà jī hū jiù xiàng hé tóng děng shēn fèn de rén tán huà yí yàng, huán gěi wǒ tí chū jiàn yì. lì rú, tā jiàn yì wǒ jìn zǎo jié hūn. ér qiě, nín zhī dào ma, tā qǐng wǒ dào tā jiā chī guò liǎng cì fàn!
[08:24] yǒu rén rèn wéi tā gāo ào, kě shì tā duì wǒ cóng lái dōu hěn hé ǎi. tā shèn zhì bù pà má fán dào hán shè qù guò yī cì, hái shí fēn xì xīn dì ràng wǒ zuò yī liǎng chù gǎi jìn zài lóu shàng fàng jǐ gè jià zi."
[08:29] " wǒ xiāng xìn tā zuò de hěn duì hěn yǒu lǐ mào," bān nà tè tài tài shuō," tā zhù dé lí nǐ jìn ma, xiān shēng?"
[08:36] " fū rén de jiā luó xīn sī zhuāng yuán hé hán shè jǐn yǒu yī tiáo xiāng jiān xiǎo lù xiāng gé."
[08:40] " wǒ xiǎng nǐ gāng shuō guò tā shì gè guǎ fù? yǒu hái zi ma?"
[08:51] " tā zhǐ yǒu yí gè nǚ ér, jiāng huì jì chéng luó xīn sī zhuāng yuán hé kǎi sè lín fū rén suǒ yǒu de cái chǎn. shì yī wèi hěn yǒu mèi lì de nián qīng xiǎo jiě, kě xī jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng qiàn jiā.
[09:04] wǒ bài fǎng luó xīn sī shí jīng cháng shāo shāo chēng zàn yī xià tā de róng mào hé cái yì. kǎi sè lín fū rén hěn xǐ huān duì tā nǚ ér de chēng zàn. wǒ bǎ qǔ yuè fū rén dàng chéng le wǒ de zhí zé."
[09:15] wǒ rèn wéi nǐ zuò de duì," bān nà tè xiān shēng shuō." nǐ fèng chéng rén tǐ tiē rù wēi, háo wú yí wèn shì gè zhuān jiā. qǐng wèn nǐ shì zěn me xiǎng qǐ zhèi xiē qǔ yuè zhī cí de?"
[09:26] " yǒu xiē shì dāng xià suí kǒu shuō de, bù guò, kòng xián shí wǒ yě zhǔn bèi jǐ jù, yě xǔ zài bù tóng de chǎng hé kě yǐ yòng shàng."
[09:38] bān nà tè xiān shēng ráo yǒu xìng qù dì tīng le zhè wèi zhí zi de tán huà. kē lín sī xiān shēng zhèng xiàng tā suǒ yù liào de nà yàng yú chǔn. dào hē chá shí fēn, bān nà tè xiān shēng jué de yǐ jīng tīng gòu le, chá diǎn guò hòu, tā biàn qǐng kè rén gěi gū niáng men dà shēng dú diǎn dōng xī.
[09:45] kě shì, kē lín sī xiān shēng yī kàn dào dì gěi tā de shì xiǎo shuō, liǎn shàng mǎ shàng lòu chū chī jīng de shén sè, jiān chí shuō tā cóng lái bù dú xiǎo shuō.
[10:10] xiāng fǎn, tā xuǎn le yī běn zōng jiào fāng miàn dí shū, rán hòu yòng huǎn màn yán sù de shēng diào dú le qǐ lái. lì dí yà bú huì zhǎng shí jiān dì yǎn shì zì jǐ de yàn juàn qíng xù, tā zhǐ dú le sān yè, tā biàn cū lǔ dì dǎ duàn le tā, wèn tā mǔ qīn mài lǐ tún yī wèi jūn guān de qíng kuàng zěn me yàng le. kē lín sī xiān shēng gǎn qíng shòu dào le shāng hài,
[10:24] kē lín sī xiān shēng bú shì yī wèi hěn yǒu lǐ zhì de rén, jiào yù hé shè huì dōu gǎi biàn bù liǎo tā. duì bǎo hù rén de zūn jìng zì mìng bù fán hé xīn zhí wèi shǐ de ào qì hé nú xìng zài tā shēn shàng bìng cún.
[10:40] tā xiàn zài jì rán yǒu le jiā, shōu rù yòu xiāng dāng kě guān, yú shì biàn jué dìng jié hūn le. bān nà tè jiā de gū niáng yǐ jiāo mèi mí rén wén míng xiá ěr, tā suǒ wèi de bǔ cháng jiù shì tóng qí zhōng de yī wèi gū niáng jié hūn, yǐ mí bǔ zhèi xiē gū niáng yīn wèi tā ér shī qù de jì chéng quán.
[10:48] tā rèn wéi zhè shì yí gè jí hǎo de jì huà, hái jué de zì jǐ shǐ zhī fù zhū shí shī, fēi cháng kāng kǎi wú sī.
[11:00] tā dào dá làng bó ēn, jiàn le jiǎn bān nà tè kě ài de liǎn dàn hòu, biàn kěn dìng zì jǐ de jué dìng shì zhèng què de. jiǎn zuò wéi cháng nǚ, yīng dāng shǒu xiān jié hūn, zài tóu tiān wǎn shàng, tā jiù xuǎn zhòng le tā.
[11:22] dàn dì èr tiān zǎo shàng yǔ bān nà tè tài tài jīng guò 15 fēn zhōng de jiāo tán, tā jiù bù dé bù gǎi biàn zì jǐ de xiǎng fǎ le. tā jiě shì shuō tā yào zài jǐ wèi gū niáng zhōng zhǎo yī wèi qī zǐ shí, bān nà tè tài tài liǎn shàng yáng yì chū xìng fú de wēi xiào, tā huí dá shuō, dà nǚ ér hěn kě néng bù jiǔ jiù dìng hūn." kě shì wǒ hái yǒu bié de nǚ ér ne,
[11:35] kē lín sī xiān shēng bù dé bù bǎ jiǎn huàn chéng yī lì shā bái, bù yī huì ér jiù dìng le xià lái bān nà tè tài tài qī chá shí tā zuò chū le jué dìng. yī lì shā bái zài nián líng hé zī sè shàng dōu jǐn cì yú jiǎn, xuǎn tā shì hěn xiǎn rán de.
[11:45] bān nà tè tài tài lè zī zī de, mǎn xīn xī wàng bù jiǔ jiāng yǒu liǎng gè nǚ ér jià chū qù. qián yì tiān tā hái gǎn dào yàn wù de nà gè nán rén yī xià zǐ chéng le tā de zhǎng shàng míng zhū.