雾都孤儿Oliver's early life

歌曲 雾都孤儿Oliver's early life
歌手 英语听力
专辑 书虫系列第六级


[00:34.77] Oliver’s early life
[00:39.55] Oliver twist was born in a work house,
[00:43.22] and when he arrived in this hard world,
[00:45.75] it was very doubtful whether he would live beyond the first three minutes .
[00:50.13] He lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing
[00:55.74] Oliver fought his first battle without much assistance from the two people present at his birth. One was an old woman, who was nearly always drunk,
[01:06.80] and the other was a busy local doctor,
[01:09.08] who was not paid enough to be very interested in Oliver’s survival.
[01:13.00] After all, death is a very common event in the workhouse,
[01:17.19] where only the poor and homeless lived.
[01:20.17] However, Oliver managed to draw his first breath,
[01:23.46] and then announced his arrival to the rest of the work house by crying loudly.
[01:28.12] His mother raised her pale young face form the pillow and whispered,
[01:33.00] ‘Let me see the child, and die.’
[01:38.09] The doctor turned away from the fire,
[01:40.33] where he had warming his hands.
[01:42.45] ‘You must not talk about dying yet,’ he said to her kindly.
[01:47.35] He gave her the child to hold.
[01:49.68] Lovingly, she kissed the baby on his forehead with her cold white lips,
[01:55.92] then stared wildly around the room, fell back - and die.
[02:03.18] ‘Poor dear!’ said the nurse,
[02:06.71] hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt.
[02:10.71] The doctor began to put on his coat.
[02:15.44] ‘The baby is weak and probably have difficulties.’ he said
[02:19.87] ‘If so, give it a little milk to keep it quiet.’
[02:24.27] Then he looked at the dead woman,
[02:26.41] ‘The mother was a good-looking girl. Where did she come from?’
[02:32.91] ‘She was brought here last night,’ replied the old woman.
[02:37.27] ‘She was found lying in the street.
[02:39.74] She’d walked some distance, judging by her shoes, which were worn to pieces.
[02:44.79] Where she came from, where she was going to, or what her name was, nobody knows.’
[02:52.57] The doctor lifted the girl’s left hand. ‘The old story,’
[02:58.03] he said sadly, shaking his head. ‘No wedding ring, I see. Ah! Good night.’
[03:06.76] And so Oliver was left with only the drunken nurse.
[03:10.42] Without clothes, under his first blanket,
[03:13.11] he could have been the child of a king or a beggar.
[03:17.99] But when the woman dressed him later in rough cotton clothes, yellow with age,
[03:22.61] he looked exactly what he was—an orphan in the work house,
[03:27.00] ready for a life of misery, hunger and neglect.
[03:32.07] Oliver cried loudly.
[03:35.54] If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan,
[03:39.26] perhaps he would have cried more loudly.
[03:43.83] There was no one to look after the baby in the workhouse,
[03:46.48] so Oliver was sent to a special ‘baby farm’ nearby.
[03:50.58] There, he and other thirty children rolled around the floor all day,
[03:55.76] without the inconvenience of too much food or too much clothing.
[04:00.05] Mrs Mann, the old woman who ‘looked after’ them, was very experienced.
[04:06.67] She knew what was good for children,
[04:08.47] and a full stomach was very dangerous to their health.
[04:12.07] She also knew what was good for herself,
[04:14.75] so she kept for her own use the money that she was given for the children’s food.
[04:19.95] The board responsible for the orphans sometimes checked on the health of the children,
[04:25.87] but they always sent the beadle, a kind of local police man,
[04:29.92] to announce their visit the day before.
[04:31.75] So, whenever the board arrived, of course,
[04:34.54] the children were always neat and clean.
[04:39.03] This was the way Oliver was brought up.
[04:40.96] Consequently, at the age of nine he was a pale, thin child and short for his age.
[04:47.72] But despite frequent beatings by Mrs Mann, his spirit was strong,
[04:53.16] which was probably the reason why he managed to reach the age of nine at all.
[04:58.68] On Oliver’s ninth birthday,
[05:00.84] Mr Bumble the beadle came to the house to see Mrs Mann.
[05:04.94] Through the front window Mrs Mann saw him at the gate,
[05:08.63] and turned quickly to the girl who worked with her.
[05:10.90] ‘Quickly! Take Oliver and those others upstairs to be washed!’ she said.
[05:16.76] Then she ran out to unlock the gate.
[05:18.34] (It was always kept locked to present official visitors walking in unexpected.)
[05:23.26] ‘I have business to talk about,’
[05:27.25] Mr Bumble told Mrs Mann as he entered the house.
[05:30.41] He was a big fat man, often bad-tempered,
[05:33.64] and was full of self-importance.
[05:36.47] He did not like to be kept waiting at a locked gate.
[05:39.00] Mrs Mann took his hat and coat, placed a chair for him,
[05:44.68] and expressed great concern for his comfort.
[05:47.41] ‘You’ve had a long walk, Mr Bumble,’ she said, ‘and you must be thirsty.’
[05:52.31] She took out a bottle form the cupboard.
[05:54.94] ‘No, thank you, Mrs Mann.
[05:56.99] Not a drop.’ He waved the bottle away.
[06:00.49] ‘Just a little drop, Mr Bumble, with cold water,’
[06:04.66] said Mrs Mann persuasively.
[06:07.23] Mr Bumble coughed. ‘What is this?’ he asked,
[06:11.92] looking at bottle with interest.
[06:14.26] ‘Gin, I keep it for the children’s medicine drink.’
[06:18.76] ‘You gave the children gin, Mrs Mann?’ asked Mr Bumble,
[06:24.04] watching as she mixed his drink.
[06:26.15] ‘Only with medicine, sir. I don’t like to see them suffer.’
[06:31.21] ‘You are a good woman, Mrs Mann.’
[06:33.84] Mr Bumble drank half his glass immediately.
[06:37.44] ‘I’ll tell the board about you. Now, the reason why I’m here.
[06:43.39] Oliver Twist is nine years old today.
[06:46.91] We’ve never been able to discover anything about his parents.’
[06:51.91] ‘Then how did he get his name?’
[06:55.94] ‘I gave it to him,’ said Mr Bumble proudly.
[06:59.53] ‘We follow the alphabet.
[07:01.14] The last one was an S-Swubble.
[07:04.82] Then it was T, so this one is Twist.
[07:08.26] The next one will be Unwin.
[07:10.67] Anyway, Oliver Twist is now old enough to return to the workhouse.
[07:15.61] Bringing him here, please.’
[07:17.62] While Mrs Mann went to get him, Mr Bumble finished the rest of his gin.
[07:22.78] Oliver, his face and hands now almost clean, was led into the room.
[07:29.44] ‘Will you come with me, Oliver?’
[07:33.00] asked Mr Bumble in a loud voice.
[07:35.54] Oliver was very glad to be free of Mrs Mann’s violence,
[07:40.01] but he said nothing because she was angrily shaking her finger at him.
[07:43.46] However, as the gate closed behind Oliver, he burst into tears.
[07:49.19] He was leaving behind the other children,
[07:51.03] the only friends he had,
[07:52.84] and he realized at that moment how lonely he was in the world.
[07:58.86] Mr Bumble walked on with long steps,
[08:01.46] with Oliver on his short little legs running beside him.
[08:05.01] The feeling of contentment produced by gin –and-water had now disappeared,
[08:09.55] and the beadle was in a bad mood once more.
[08:13.62] Back at the housework, Oliver was taken to see the board. He stood in front of ten fat men who were sitting around a table.
[08:21.20] ‘What’s your name, boy?’
[08:23.33] asked a particularly fat man with a very round, red face.
[08:27.68] Oliver was frightened at the sight of so many people,
[08:30.65] and started to cry.
[08:33.08] ‘Why are you crying?’
[08:34.84] The beadle hit him on the back,
[08:36.52] and so naturally Oliver cried even more.
[08:40.08] ‘The boy is a fool,’ one member of the board announced.
[08:43.98] ‘You know you have no father or mother,’
[08:47.27] said the first man,
[08:48.32] ‘and that you have been brought up with other orphans?’
[08:51.14] ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Oliver, crying bitterly.
[08:55.38] ‘Why is the boy crying?’ repeated the other man, puzzled.
[08:58.99] ‘You have come here to educated,’ continued the fat man,
[09:03.73] ‘so you will start working here tomorrow at six o’clock.
[09:06.85] Oliver was led away to a large room,
[09:09.26] on a rough hard bed, he cried himself to sleep.
[09:15.42] The room in the workhouse where the boy were fed was a large stone hall,
[09:20.27] and at one end the master and two women served the food,
[09:24.17] this consisted of a bowl of thin soup three times a day,
[09:28.09] with a piece of bread on Sundays.
[09:31.10] The boys ate everything and were always hungry.
[09:33.83] The bowls never needed washing.
[09:35.82] The boy polished them with their snoops until they shone.
[09:39.91] After mouths of this stow starvation,
[09:43.87] one of the boys told the others he was so hungry that one night he might eat the boy who sleep next to him.
[09:50.25] He had a wild hungry eye, and the other boys believed him.
[09:56.35] After a long discussion, they decided that one of them should ask for more food after supper that evening, and Oliver was chosen.
[10:05.87] The evening arrived;
[10:07.33] the soup was served, and the bowls were empty again in a few seconds.
[10:11.77] Oliver went up to the master, with his bowl in his hand.
[10:15.50] He felt very frightened, but also desperate with hunger.
[10:19.22] ‘Please, sir, I want some more.’
[10:24.66] The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale.
[10:28.46] He looked at the little boy in front of him with amazement.
[10:32.37] Nobody else spoke.
[10:35.01] ‘What?’ he asked at last, in a faint voice.
[10:39.41] ‘Please, sir, replied Oliver, ‘I want some more.’
[10:44.91] The master hit him with the serving spoon,
[10:47.04] then seized Oliver’s arms and shouted for the beadle.
[10:50.59] The beadle came quickly, heard the dreadful news,
[10:53.92] and immediately ran to tell the board.
[10:57.83] ‘He asked for more?’ Mr Limbkins, the fattest board member, asked in horror.
[11:04.03] ‘Bumble, is this really true?’
[11:07.35] ‘That boy will be hanged!’ said the man who earlier had called Oliver a fool.
[11:13.62] ‘you see if I’m not right.’
[11:16.72] Oliver was led away to be locked up,
[11:18.89] and a reward was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him to work.


[00:34.77] Oliver' s early life
[00:39.55] Oliver twist was born in a work house,
[00:43.22] and when he arrived in this hard world,
[00:45.75] it was very doubtful whether he would live beyond the first three minutes .
[00:50.13] He lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing
[00:55.74] Oliver fought his first battle without much assistance from the two people present at his birth. One was an old woman, who was nearly always drunk,
[01:06.80] and the other was a busy local doctor,
[01:09.08] who was not paid enough to be very interested in Oliver' s survival.
[01:13.00] After all, death is a very common event in the workhouse,
[01:17.19] where only the poor and homeless lived.
[01:20.17] However, Oliver managed to draw his first breath,
[01:23.46] and then announced his arrival to the rest of the work house by crying loudly.
[01:28.12] His mother raised her pale young face form the pillow and whispered,
[01:33.00] ' Let me see the child, and die.'
[01:38.09] The doctor turned away from the fire,
[01:40.33] where he had warming his hands.
[01:42.45] ' You must not talk about dying yet,' he said to her kindly.
[01:47.35] He gave her the child to hold.
[01:49.68] Lovingly, she kissed the baby on his forehead with her cold white lips,
[01:55.92] then stared wildly around the room, fell back and die.
[02:03.18] ' Poor dear!' said the nurse,
[02:06.71] hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt.
[02:10.71] The doctor began to put on his coat.
[02:15.44] ' The baby is weak and probably have difficulties.' he said
[02:19.87] ' If so, give it a little milk to keep it quiet.'
[02:24.27] Then he looked at the dead woman,
[02:26.41] ' The mother was a goodlooking girl. Where did she come from?'
[02:32.91] ' She was brought here last night,' replied the old woman.
[02:37.27] ' She was found lying in the street.
[02:39.74] She' d walked some distance, judging by her shoes, which were worn to pieces.
[02:44.79] Where she came from, where she was going to, or what her name was, nobody knows.'
[02:52.57] The doctor lifted the girl' s left hand. ' The old story,'
[02:58.03] he said sadly, shaking his head. ' No wedding ring, I see. Ah! Good night.'
[03:06.76] And so Oliver was left with only the drunken nurse.
[03:10.42] Without clothes, under his first blanket,
[03:13.11] he could have been the child of a king or a beggar.
[03:17.99] But when the woman dressed him later in rough cotton clothes, yellow with age,
[03:22.61] he looked exactly what he was an orphan in the work house,
[03:27.00] ready for a life of misery, hunger and neglect.
[03:32.07] Oliver cried loudly.
[03:35.54] If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan,
[03:39.26] perhaps he would have cried more loudly.
[03:43.83] There was no one to look after the baby in the workhouse,
[03:46.48] so Oliver was sent to a special ' baby farm' nearby.
[03:50.58] There, he and other thirty children rolled around the floor all day,
[03:55.76] without the inconvenience of too much food or too much clothing.
[04:00.05] Mrs Mann, the old woman who ' looked after' them, was very experienced.
[04:06.67] She knew what was good for children,
[04:08.47] and a full stomach was very dangerous to their health.
[04:12.07] She also knew what was good for herself,
[04:14.75] so she kept for her own use the money that she was given for the children' s food.
[04:19.95] The board responsible for the orphans sometimes checked on the health of the children,
[04:25.87] but they always sent the beadle, a kind of local police man,
[04:29.92] to announce their visit the day before.
[04:31.75] So, whenever the board arrived, of course,
[04:34.54] the children were always neat and clean.
[04:39.03] This was the way Oliver was brought up.
[04:40.96] Consequently, at the age of nine he was a pale, thin child and short for his age.
[04:47.72] But despite frequent beatings by Mrs Mann, his spirit was strong,
[04:53.16] which was probably the reason why he managed to reach the age of nine at all.
[04:58.68] On Oliver' s ninth birthday,
[05:00.84] Mr Bumble the beadle came to the house to see Mrs Mann.
[05:04.94] Through the front window Mrs Mann saw him at the gate,
[05:08.63] and turned quickly to the girl who worked with her.
[05:10.90] ' Quickly! Take Oliver and those others upstairs to be washed!' she said.
[05:16.76] Then she ran out to unlock the gate.
[05:18.34] It was always kept locked to present official visitors walking in unexpected.
[05:23.26] ' I have business to talk about,'
[05:27.25] Mr Bumble told Mrs Mann as he entered the house.
[05:30.41] He was a big fat man, often badtempered,
[05:33.64] and was full of selfimportance.
[05:36.47] He did not like to be kept waiting at a locked gate.
[05:39.00] Mrs Mann took his hat and coat, placed a chair for him,
[05:44.68] and expressed great concern for his comfort.
[05:47.41] ' You' ve had a long walk, Mr Bumble,' she said, ' and you must be thirsty.'
[05:52.31] She took out a bottle form the cupboard.
[05:54.94] ' No, thank you, Mrs Mann.
[05:56.99] Not a drop.' He waved the bottle away.
[06:00.49] ' Just a little drop, Mr Bumble, with cold water,'
[06:04.66] said Mrs Mann persuasively.
[06:07.23] Mr Bumble coughed. ' What is this?' he asked,
[06:11.92] looking at bottle with interest.
[06:14.26] ' Gin, I keep it for the children' s medicine drink.'
[06:18.76] ' You gave the children gin, Mrs Mann?' asked Mr Bumble,
[06:24.04] watching as she mixed his drink.
[06:26.15] ' Only with medicine, sir. I don' t like to see them suffer.'
[06:31.21] ' You are a good woman, Mrs Mann.'
[06:33.84] Mr Bumble drank half his glass immediately.
[06:37.44] ' I' ll tell the board about you. Now, the reason why I' m here.
[06:43.39] Oliver Twist is nine years old today.
[06:46.91] We' ve never been able to discover anything about his parents.'
[06:51.91] ' Then how did he get his name?'
[06:55.94] ' I gave it to him,' said Mr Bumble proudly.
[06:59.53] ' We follow the alphabet.
[07:01.14] The last one was an SSwubble.
[07:04.82] Then it was T, so this one is Twist.
[07:08.26] The next one will be Unwin.
[07:10.67] Anyway, Oliver Twist is now old enough to return to the workhouse.
[07:15.61] Bringing him here, please.'
[07:17.62] While Mrs Mann went to get him, Mr Bumble finished the rest of his gin.
[07:22.78] Oliver, his face and hands now almost clean, was led into the room.
[07:29.44] ' Will you come with me, Oliver?'
[07:33.00] asked Mr Bumble in a loud voice.
[07:35.54] Oliver was very glad to be free of Mrs Mann' s violence,
[07:40.01] but he said nothing because she was angrily shaking her finger at him.
[07:43.46] However, as the gate closed behind Oliver, he burst into tears.
[07:49.19] He was leaving behind the other children,
[07:51.03] the only friends he had,
[07:52.84] and he realized at that moment how lonely he was in the world.
[07:58.86] Mr Bumble walked on with long steps,
[08:01.46] with Oliver on his short little legs running beside him.
[08:05.01] The feeling of contentment produced by gin andwater had now disappeared,
[08:09.55] and the beadle was in a bad mood once more.
[08:13.62] Back at the housework, Oliver was taken to see the board. He stood in front of ten fat men who were sitting around a table.
[08:21.20] ' What' s your name, boy?'
[08:23.33] asked a particularly fat man with a very round, red face.
[08:27.68] Oliver was frightened at the sight of so many people,
[08:30.65] and started to cry.
[08:33.08] ' Why are you crying?'
[08:34.84] The beadle hit him on the back,
[08:36.52] and so naturally Oliver cried even more.
[08:40.08] ' The boy is a fool,' one member of the board announced.
[08:43.98] ' You know you have no father or mother,'
[08:47.27] said the first man,
[08:48.32] ' and that you have been brought up with other orphans?'
[08:51.14] ' Yes, sir,' replied Oliver, crying bitterly.
[08:55.38] ' Why is the boy crying?' repeated the other man, puzzled.
[08:58.99] ' You have come here to educated,' continued the fat man,
[09:03.73] ' so you will start working here tomorrow at six o' clock.
[09:06.85] Oliver was led away to a large room,
[09:09.26] on a rough hard bed, he cried himself to sleep.
[09:15.42] The room in the workhouse where the boy were fed was a large stone hall,
[09:20.27] and at one end the master and two women served the food,
[09:24.17] this consisted of a bowl of thin soup three times a day,
[09:28.09] with a piece of bread on Sundays.
[09:31.10] The boys ate everything and were always hungry.
[09:33.83] The bowls never needed washing.
[09:35.82] The boy polished them with their snoops until they shone.
[09:39.91] After mouths of this stow starvation,
[09:43.87] one of the boys told the others he was so hungry that one night he might eat the boy who sleep next to him.
[09:50.25] He had a wild hungry eye, and the other boys believed him.
[09:56.35] After a long discussion, they decided that one of them should ask for more food after supper that evening, and Oliver was chosen.
[10:05.87] The evening arrived
[10:07.33] the soup was served, and the bowls were empty again in a few seconds.
[10:11.77] Oliver went up to the master, with his bowl in his hand.
[10:15.50] He felt very frightened, but also desperate with hunger.
[10:19.22] ' Please, sir, I want some more.'
[10:24.66] The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale.
[10:28.46] He looked at the little boy in front of him with amazement.
[10:32.37] Nobody else spoke.
[10:35.01] ' What?' he asked at last, in a faint voice.
[10:39.41] ' Please, sir, replied Oliver, ' I want some more.'
[10:44.91] The master hit him with the serving spoon,
[10:47.04] then seized Oliver' s arms and shouted for the beadle.
[10:50.59] The beadle came quickly, heard the dreadful news,
[10:53.92] and immediately ran to tell the board.
[10:57.83] ' He asked for more?' Mr Limbkins, the fattest board member, asked in horror.
[11:04.03] ' Bumble, is this really true?'
[11:07.35] ' That boy will be hanged!' said the man who earlier had called Oliver a fool.
[11:13.62] ' you see if I' m not right.'
[11:16.72] Oliver was led away to be locked up,
[11:18.89] and a reward was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him to work.