
ボーダー・グランド 歌词

歌曲 ボーダー・グランド
歌手 キマグレン
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[00:00.00] 作曲 : ISEKI
[00:00.16] 作词 : KUREI
[00:20.76] Don't matter if your white or black
[00:23.27] Come join us I'll wave the flag
[00:25.80] Stop the lag pack your bag
[00:28.28] Let's cross the line made in the far passed
[00:30.92] 遠い昔の誰かさんが
[00:33.16] 何気なく描いた線は
[00:35.46] 今の時代の国境線に
[00:37.92] 形を変えて君と僕を離す
[00:40.62] Cause of the line we made I say
[00:42.86] Hey! Why do they need to seperate it mate?
[00:45.75] 陣地に限らず人種にも yo!
[00:47.96] 音楽もジャンルで分けたがる ho!
[00:50.44] Pop, rock hip-hop and Jazz
[00:52.76] Reggaeにpunk and alternative
[00:55.19] きりがないから以下省略
[00:57.62] In one word it's all Music
[01:00.00] 国境がなくなったら
[01:04.40] いつでも飛び乗って
[01:07.02] 君に会いに行ける
[01:14.11] 白も黒も関係ない
[01:15.84] 正解も間違いもない
[01:18.35] そんな場所があるなら
[01:20.65] 僕にも教えて欲しい
[01:24.16] 下も上も関係ない
[01:25.56] 右も左も変わらない
[01:27.92] 適当ぐらいが丁度いい
[01:30.54] そこは境界線がない
[01:32.73] ボーダー グランド
[01:44.03] 波の音で目覚める朝
[01:46.39] 水平線まで伸びる遠浅
[01:48.96] This Place is full of casa blanca
[01:51.56] Worryはnadaで皆ohana
[01:53.96] Seems far and seems unreal
[01:56.27] Scenes are 実際 all for real
[01:58.68] Leap of faith is what you need
[02:00.90] And信じhey, that's the way
[02:03.41] 国境に囚われて
[02:07.98] 今すぐ飛び出して
[02:10.65] 君に会いたいのに
[02:17.74] 白も黒も関係ない
[02:19.53] 気にするだけバカらしい
[02:22.19] 誰が決めた事なの?
[02:24.27] 僕にも教えて欲しい
[02:27.57] 夏も冬も関係ない
[02:29.32] 君がいればそれでいい
[02:31.91] 広い空 手をかざして
[02:34.07] 願う境界線がない
[02:36.50] ボーダー グランド
[02:40.42] Everybody gather up hang around gather up
[02:45.57] Everybody I think you guys should really move here
[02:50.24] The beach is fine OH and the girls are fine too...
[02:56.58] Come on!
[02:57.65] 国境がなくなったら
[03:01.97] いつでも飛び乗って
[03:04.30] 君に会いに行ける
[03:11.63] 白も黒も関係ない
[03:13.51] 正解も間違いもない
[03:15.86] そんな場所があるなら
[03:18.21] 僕にも教えて欲しい
[03:21.21] 下も上も関係ない
[03:23.07] 右も左も変わらない
[03:25.46] 適当ぐらいが丁度いい
[03:28.06] そこは境界線がない
[03:30.57] ボーダー グランド
[00:00.00] zuo qu : ISEKI
[00:00.16] zuo ci : KUREI
[00:20.76] Don' t matter if your white or black
[00:23.27] Come join us I' ll wave the flag
[00:25.80] Stop the lag pack your bag
[00:28.28] Let' s cross the line made in the far passed
[00:30.92] yuan xi shui
[00:33.16] he qi miao xian
[00:35.46] jin shi dai guo jing xian
[00:37.92] xing bian jun pu li
[00:40.62] Cause of the line we made I say
[00:42.86] Hey! Why do they need to seperate it mate?
[00:45.75] zhen di xian ren zhong yo!
[00:47.96] yin le fen ho!
[00:50.44] Pop, rock hiphop and Jazz
[00:52.76] Reggae punk and alternative
[00:55.19] yi xia sheng lue
[00:57.62] In one word it' s all Music
[01:00.00] guo jing
[01:04.40] fei cheng
[01:07.02] jun hui xing
[01:14.11] bai hei guan xi
[01:15.84] zheng jie jian wei
[01:18.35] chang suo
[01:20.65] pu jiao yu
[01:24.16] xia shang guan xi
[01:25.56] you zuo bian
[01:27.92] shi dang ding du
[01:30.54] jing jie xian
[01:44.03] bo yin mu jue chao
[01:46.39] shui ping xian shen yuan qian
[01:48.96] This Place is full of casa blanca
[01:51.56] Worry nada jie ohana
[01:53.96] Seems far and seems unreal
[01:56.27] Scenes are shi ji all for real
[01:58.68] Leap of faith is what you need
[02:00.90] And xin hey, that' s the way
[02:03.41] guo jing qiu
[02:07.98] jin fei chu
[02:10.65] jun hui
[02:17.74] bai hei guan xi
[02:19.53] qi
[02:22.19] shui jue shi?
[02:24.27] pu jiao yu
[02:27.57] xia dong guan xi
[02:29.32] jun
[02:31.91] guang kong shou
[02:34.07] yuan jing jie xian
[02:40.42] Everybody gather up hang around gather up
[02:45.57] Everybody I think you guys should really move here
[02:50.24] The beach is fine OH and the girls are fine too...
[02:56.58] Come on!
[02:57.65] guo jing
[03:01.97] fei cheng
[03:04.30] jun hui xing
[03:11.63] bai hei guan xi
[03:13.51] zheng jie jian wei
[03:15.86] chang suo
[03:18.21] pu jiao yu
[03:21.21] xia shang guan xi
[03:23.07] you zuo bian
[03:25.46] shi dang ding du
[03:28.06] jing jie xian
[00:00.00] zuò qǔ : ISEKI
[00:00.16] zuò cí : KUREI
[00:20.76] Don' t matter if your white or black
[00:23.27] Come join us I' ll wave the flag
[00:25.80] Stop the lag pack your bag
[00:28.28] Let' s cross the line made in the far passed
[00:30.92] yuǎn xī shuí
[00:33.16] hé qì miáo xiàn
[00:35.46] jīn shí dài guó jìng xiàn
[00:37.92] xíng biàn jūn pú lí
[00:40.62] Cause of the line we made I say
[00:42.86] Hey! Why do they need to seperate it mate?
[00:45.75] zhèn dì xiàn rén zhǒng yo!
[00:47.96] yīn lè fēn ho!
[00:50.44] Pop, rock hiphop and Jazz
[00:52.76] Reggae punk and alternative
[00:55.19] yǐ xià shěng lüè
[00:57.62] In one word it' s all Music
[01:00.00] guó jìng
[01:04.40] fēi chéng
[01:07.02] jūn huì xíng
[01:14.11] bái hēi guān xì
[01:15.84] zhèng jiě jiān wéi
[01:18.35] chǎng suǒ
[01:20.65] pú jiào yù
[01:24.16] xià shàng guān xì
[01:25.56] yòu zuǒ biàn
[01:27.92] shì dāng dīng dù
[01:30.54] jìng jiè xiàn
[01:44.03] bō yīn mù jué cháo
[01:46.39] shuǐ píng xiàn shēn yuǎn qiǎn
[01:48.96] This Place is full of casa blanca
[01:51.56] Worry nada jiē ohana
[01:53.96] Seems far and seems unreal
[01:56.27] Scenes are shí jì all for real
[01:58.68] Leap of faith is what you need
[02:00.90] And xìn hey, that' s the way
[02:03.41] guó jìng qiú
[02:07.98] jīn fēi chū
[02:10.65] jūn huì
[02:17.74] bái hēi guān xì
[02:22.19] shuí jué shì?
[02:24.27] pú jiào yù
[02:27.57] xià dōng guān xì
[02:29.32] jūn
[02:31.91] guǎng kōng shǒu
[02:34.07] yuàn jìng jiè xiàn
[02:40.42] Everybody gather up hang around gather up
[02:45.57] Everybody I think you guys should really move here
[02:50.24] The beach is fine OH and the girls are fine too...
[02:56.58] Come on!
[02:57.65] guó jìng
[03:01.97] fēi chéng
[03:04.30] jūn huì xíng
[03:11.63] bái hēi guān xì
[03:13.51] zhèng jiě jiān wéi
[03:15.86] chǎng suǒ
[03:18.21] pú jiào yù
[03:21.21] xià shàng guān xì
[03:23.07] yòu zuǒ biàn
[03:25.46] shì dāng dīng dù
[03:28.06] jìng jiè xiàn
[00:20.76] 不要介意你的肤色
[00:23.27] 加入我们挥动旗帜
[00:25.80] 别再慢慢吞吞的收拾行李
[00:28.28] 让我们跨过那古老的界线
[00:30.92] 很久以前不知道是谁
[00:33.16] 无意之间划下的线条
[00:35.46] 在今天的国界线上
[00:37.92] 变换形状和你分离
[00:40.62] 因为那条我们定下的线 我说
[00:42.86] 嘿伙计 为什么他们要分开呢
[00:45.75] 不限阵地和种族 哟
[00:47.96] 音乐也用风格区分 吼
[00:50.44] 流行 摇滚 嘻哈和爵士乐
[00:52.76] 瑞格舞里有朋克和别的什么
[00:55.19] 因为太多了所以以下省略
[00:57.62] 在这个世界里音乐就是所有
[01:00.00] 如果没有国境
[01:04.40] 任何时候都能乘着歌声飞翔
[01:07.02] 就可以去见到你
[01:14.11] 肤色都没有关系
[01:15.84] 也不分什么对错
[01:18.35] 只要有那样的地方
[01:20.65] 也想让你告诉我
[01:24.16] 没有上下的关系
[01:25.56] 左右也不再改变
[01:27.92] 只要适当就是正好
[01:30.54] 那里没有国境线
[01:32.73] 边界上的运动场
[01:44.03] 每天被声波唤醒
[01:46.39] 海水延伸到水平面的尽头
[01:48.96] 这个地方全都是白色房子
[01:51.56] 担心的是海滩上全是花朵
[01:53.96] 看起来很远 好像很不同
[01:56.27] 感觉实际上都是真的
[01:58.68] 你需要的是一次信仰的飞跃
[02:00.90] 而且要相信 只有那条路
[02:03.41] 被困在国境线
[02:07.98] 现在就能飞出来
[02:10.65] 虽然好想见你
[02:17.74] 肤色都没有关系
[02:19.53] 只是注意那些才是傻瓜
[02:22.19] 那些是可以决定的吗
[02:24.27] 也想让你告诉我
[02:27.57] 季节也没有关系
[02:29.32] 只要有你在就够了
[02:31.91] 向着辽阔的天空挥一挥手
[02:34.07] 希望国境线可以消失
[02:36.50] 边界上的运动场
[02:40.42] 所有人都聚拢起来手拉着手
[02:45.57] 我觉得你们都应该到这来
[02:50.24] 这海岸可真棒 噢姑娘们也不错
[02:56.58] 来吧
[02:57.65] 如果没有国境
[03:01.97] 任何时候都能乘着歌声飞翔
[03:04.30] 就可以去见到你
[03:11.63] 肤色都没有关系
[03:13.51] 也不分什么对错
[03:15.86] 只要有那样的地方
[03:18.21] 也想让你告诉我
[03:21.21] 没有上下的关系
[03:23.07] 左右也不再改变
[03:25.46] 只要适当就是正好
[03:28.06] 那里没有国境线
[03:30.57] 边界上的运动场
ボーダー・グランド 歌词
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