[00:02.345] Love is a mysterious thing
[00:04.954] If we chase it it runs away
[00:08.718] If it runs away we chase it again
[00:12.280] The first time I felt true love
[00:14.699] I realized I didn't need to think about it
[00:18.157] Let's spend a lovely time together
[00:20.723] just the two of us
[00:24.389] 冷たく煌めく雪が
[00:28.907] 美しくも儚く舞い散る
[00:34.612] Tick-tock 時は過ぎ往き
[00:39.108] 運命の中に羽根を探す
[00:44.191] 孤独と空虚の狭間に咲いた
[00:49.259] 一輪の温もりの花
[00:54.471] 冬の終わりを
[00:55.781] 知らずに生きてきた
[00:59.539] 心を解かす春の空
[01:07.106] A never ending love story
[01:10.219] 生まれゆくWe dream
[01:12.326] 輝けオーロラのように
[01:17.437] 失いたくない 初めてのVision
[01:22.924] 夢も愛も 俺なら
[01:25.634] そのすべてSing for you
[01:43.036] どちらがかけてしまっても
[01:47.455] 奏で合う事は出来はしない
[01:53.283] コンチェルトの響きには
[01:57.800] 信じ合うハートが必要
[02:02.872] 未来に薫る夢の調べには
[02:07.889] どんな歌が似合うだろう
[02:13.072] お前と二人確かめる明日は
[02:18.241] 言葉もいらぬDestiny road
[02:25.864] A never ending love story
[02:28.727] 果てしないHistory
[02:31.066] いつしか世界を照らし
[02:36.091] たった一人だけ 守りたいもの
[02:41.467] それがお前と わかった
[02:44.331] I will make your dreams come true
[03:20.047] A never ending love story
[03:23.162] 生まれゆくWe dream
[03:25.220] 輝けオーロラのように
[03:30.305] 過去はもう二度と
[03:33.296] 振り返りはしない
[03:35.857] 夢も愛も 俺なら
[03:38.522] そのすべてSing for you
[04:01.147] Can't I love you
[00:02.345] Love is a mysterious thing
[00:04.954] If we chase it it runs away
[00:08.718] If it runs away we chase it again
[00:12.280] The first time I felt true love
[00:14.699] I realized I didn' t need to think about it
[00:18.157] Let' s spend a lovely time together
[00:20.723] just the two of us
[00:24.389] leng huang xue
[00:28.907] mei meng wu san
[00:34.612] Ticktock shi guo wang
[00:39.108] yun ming zhong yu gen tan
[00:44.191] gu du kong xu xia jian xiao
[00:49.259] yi lun wen hua
[00:54.471] dong zhong
[00:55.781] zhi sheng
[00:59.539] xin jie chun kong
[01:07.106] A never ending love story
[01:10.219] sheng We dream
[01:12.326] hui
[01:17.437] shi chu Vision
[01:22.924] meng ai an
[01:25.634] Sing for you
[01:47.455] zou he shi chu lai
[01:53.283] xiang
[01:57.800] xin he bi yao
[02:02.872] wei lai xun meng diao
[02:07.889] ge shi he
[02:13.072] qian er ren que ming ri
[02:18.241] yan ye Destiny road
[02:25.864] A never ending love story
[02:28.727] guo History
[02:31.066] shi jie zhao
[02:36.091] yi ren shou
[02:41.467] qian
[02:44.331] I will make your dreams come true
[03:20.047] A never ending love story
[03:23.162] sheng We dream
[03:25.220] hui
[03:30.305] guo qu er du
[03:33.296] zhen fan
[03:35.857] meng ai an
[03:38.522] Sing for you
[04:01.147] Can' t I love you
[00:02.345] Love is a mysterious thing
[00:04.954] If we chase it it runs away
[00:08.718] If it runs away we chase it again
[00:12.280] The first time I felt true love
[00:14.699] I realized I didn' t need to think about it
[00:18.157] Let' s spend a lovely time together
[00:20.723] just the two of us
[00:24.389] lěng huáng xuě
[00:28.907] měi méng wǔ sàn
[00:34.612] Ticktock shí guò wǎng
[00:39.108] yùn mìng zhōng yǔ gēn tàn
[00:44.191] gū dú kōng xū xiá jiān xiào
[00:49.259] yī lún wēn huā
[00:54.471] dōng zhōng
[00:55.781] zhī shēng
[00:59.539] xīn jiě chūn kōng
[01:07.106] A never ending love story
[01:10.219] shēng We dream
[01:12.326] huī
[01:17.437] shī chū Vision
[01:22.924] mèng ài ǎn
[01:25.634] Sing for you
[01:47.455] zòu hé shì chū lái
[01:53.283] xiǎng
[01:57.800] xìn hé bì yào
[02:02.872] wèi lái xūn mèng diào
[02:07.889] gē shì hé
[02:13.072] qián èr rén què míng rì
[02:18.241] yán yè Destiny road
[02:25.864] A never ending love story
[02:28.727] guǒ History
[02:31.066] shì jiè zhào
[02:36.091] yī rén shǒu
[02:41.467] qián
[02:44.331] I will make your dreams come true
[03:20.047] A never ending love story
[03:23.162] shēng We dream
[03:25.220] huī
[03:30.305] guò qù èr dù
[03:33.296] zhèn fǎn
[03:35.857] mèng ài ǎn
[03:38.522] Sing for you
[04:01.147] Can' t I love you
[00:02.345] 爱是神秘
[00:04.954] 我们追逐它就逃离
[00:08.718] 它若逃离我们再度追逐
[00:12.280] 我第一次感受真爱
[00:14.699] 我意识到我不需要思考
[00:18.157] 让我们共度甜蜜时光
[00:20.723] 只有你和我
[00:24.389] 晶莹闪耀的雪花
[00:28.907] 美丽而缥缈地零落
[00:34.612] 嘀嗒嘀嗒间 时光飞逝
[00:39.108] 在宿命中追寻羽翼
[00:44.191] 在孤独与空虚的夹缝中
[00:49.259] 一株温暖的花朵悄然绽放
[00:54.471] 丝毫不知寒冬已去
[00:55.781] 坚强地活着
[00:59.539] 春日的天空让人打开心结
[01:07.106] 永不完结的爱的故事
[01:10.219] 由此诞生我们的梦
[01:12.326] 闪耀吧 如极光一般
[01:17.437] 不想失去 最初的美景
[01:22.924] 由我将梦想和爱恋
[01:25.634] 一切都为你歌唱
[01:43.036] 无论是哪边
[01:47.455] 都无法成功
[01:53.283] 回响的协奏曲
[01:57.800] 需要彼此信赖的心
[02:02.872] 梦想的音调散发出未来的味道
[02:07.889] 怎样的歌曲才合适呢
[02:13.072] 由你我二人确认的未来
[02:18.241] 已不需要言语 命运之路
[02:25.864] 永不完结的爱的故事
[02:28.727] 没有尽头的历史
[02:31.066] 不知何时照亮了世界
[02:36.091] 只有自己一人也要守护的
[02:41.467] 那就是你
[02:44.331] 我会让你美梦成真
[03:20.047] 永不完结的爱的故事
[03:23.162] 由此诞生我们的梦
[03:25.220] 闪耀吧 如极光一般
[03:30.305] 已不会再
[03:33.296] 回望过去
[03:35.857] 由我将梦想和爱恋
[03:38.522] 一切都为你歌唱
[04:01.147] 爱你到极致
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