Rusty Sky
[00:38.87] Golden clouds are sailing in the sky/
[00:47.84] I'm standing on thin ice/
[00:54.04] Black night is coming from above/
[00:57.76] No one can escape/
[00:59.75] Nowhere to hide anymore/
[01:03.26] We'll fall into an endless sleep/
[01:09.25] A gentle breeze touches my cheeks/
[01:16.03] Thin ice mirrors the sky burning/
[01:33.09] We know the world slowly makes all be back to the start/
[01:40.70] All of our wounds need to heal more or to get worse/
[01:48.31] Invisible forces leads us to where we belong/
[01:55.92] We're looking for reasons to resist or surrender/
[02:25.47] I pluck nails stuck deeply in my feet/
[02:34.55] to try to walk again/
[02:40.75] Black night is coming from above/
[02:44.48] No one can escape/
[02:46.42] Nowhere to hide anymore/
[02:49.81] We'll fall into an endless sleep/
[02:55.90] A gentle breeze touches my cheeks/
[03:02.74] I feel I'm helpless/
[03:07.33] Time won't stop/
[03:19.79] We know the world slowly makes all be back to the start/
[03:27.34] All of our wounds need to heal more or to get worse/
[03:34.94] Invisible forces leads us to where we belong/
[03:42.51] We're looking for reasons to resist or to surrender/
[03:56.83] Fading light/
[04:00.28] You're so far away/
[04:03.96] We're burning and frozen/
[04:07.93] I walk to you/
[00:38.87] 金色之云缓缓流转
[00:47.84] 我独立于薄冰之上
[00:54.04] 黑色的夜自天而坠
[00:57.76] 无人可逃
[00:59.75] 亦无处可避
[01:03.26] 我们将沉入永恒之眠
[01:09.25] 温柔的风轻抚我的面颊
[01:16.03] 薄冰倒映着燃烧的天空
[01:33.09] 我们知道世界正缓缓 将一切复归原点
[01:40.70] 所有往日的创伤亟需愈合 否即加深
[01:48.31] 无形的力量将我们引至注定的场所
[01:55.92] 我们寻找着一个理由 选择抵抗或乞降
[02:25.47] 我将没入双足的荆棘拔去
[02:34.55] 尝试重新启程
[02:40.75] 黑色的夜自天而坠
[02:44.48] 无人可逃
[02:46.42] 亦无处可避
[02:49.81] 我们将沉入永恒之眠
[02:55.90] 温柔的风轻抚我的面颊
[03:02.74] 我感到无助
[03:07.33] 但时间从不停步
[03:19.79] 我们知道世界正缓缓 将一切复归原点
[03:27.34] 所有往日的创伤亟需愈合 否即加深
[03:34.94] 无形的力量将我们引至注定的场所
[03:42.51] 我们寻找着一个理由 选择抵抗或乞降
[03:56.83] 光芒日渐黯淡
[04:00.28] 你的所在是如此遥远
[04:03.96] 于烈焰与寒冰之间
[04:07.93] 我向着你的方向前行
Rusty Sky 歌词
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