The Me Inside of Me

The Me Inside of Me 歌词

歌曲 The Me Inside of Me
歌手 Kevin Murphy
歌手 Laurence O'Keefe
专辑 Heathers The Musical (World Premiere Cast Recording)
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[00:00.22] J.D.
[00:00.32] Think. Long and hard. Conjure her up in your mind. What would she say?
[00:05.80] What is her final statement to a cold, uncaring planet?
[00:11.29] VERONICA
[00:11.33] (Writing) "Dear world...
[00:12.59] Believe it or not, I knew about fear;
[00:14.93] I knew the way loneliness stung.
[00:17.71] I hid behind smiles and crazy hot clothes;
[00:20.45] I learned to kiss boys with my tongue."
[00:22.69] J.D.
[00:22.79] That's good.
[00:23.44] VERONICA
[00:23.54] "But oh, the world, it held me down;
[00:28.67] it weighed like a concrete prom queen crown."
[00:33.45] (Dead Heather Chandler sits up. Only Veronica sees her)
[00:34.09] No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings.
[00:39.18] No one gets her insecurity.
[00:44.46] I am more than shoulder pads and makeup.
[00:49.78] No one sees the me inside of me.
[00:55.86][Spoken] Jesus, you're making me sound like Air Supply.
[00:59.40] J.D.
[00:59.50] Keep going. This has to be good enough to fool the cops.
[01:02.43] (Two Policemen, McCord and Milner, investigate the crime scene)
[01:09.44] MCCORD
[01:09.54] Whoa! Is it murder?
[01:13.02] MILNER
[01:13.12] No, look. Here's a suicide note.
[01:17.51] "They couldn't see past my rockstar mystique,
[01:20.00] They wouldn't dare look in my eyes.
[01:22.79] But just underneath was a terrified girl
[01:25.19] who clings to her pillow and cries!
[01:28.37] My looks were just like prison bars;
[01:34.01] they've left me a myriad of scars."
[01:38.74] "Myriad." Nice.
[01:39.93] (The COPS hand the suicide note to Principal Gowan)
[01:40.07] "No one thinks a pretty girl has substance. That's the curse of popularity."
[01:49.60] (Gowan reads the note aloud)
[01:50.99] "I am more than just a source of handjobs."
[01:55.38] "No one sees the me inside of me."
[02:02.46] (The COPS exit. GOWAN joins FLEMING, RIPPER and some FACULTY)
[02:06.06][Spoken] Heather Chandler is not your everyday suicide.
[02:08.46] COACH RIPPER
[02:08.66] You should cancel classes.
[02:10.32] No way, Coach.
[02:11.36] I send the kids home before lunch and the switchboard'll light up like a Christmas tree.
[02:15.29] MS. FLEMING
[02:15.44] Out children are dying.
[02:18.18] I suggest we get everyone into the cafeteria and just talk. And feel. Together.
[02:23.91] Thank you, Ms. Fleming. Call me when the shuttle lands.
[02:28.75] MS. FLEMING
[02:28.80] I'm telling you we all misjudged Heather Chandler.
[02:32.33] This is the loveliest suicide not I've ever read.
[02:36.22] "Box up my clothing for Goodwill,
[02:37.96] and give the poor my Nordic Track.
[02:39.81] Donate my car to crippled kids,
[02:41.96] or to those ghetto moms on crack.
[02:43.95] Give them my hats and my CDs,
[02:46.10] my pumps and my flats, my three TVs!"
[02:50.84] "No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings;
[02:55.47] but I weep for all I failed to be.
[03:00.16] Maybe I can help the world by leaving;
[03:04.64] Maybe that the me inside of me."
[03:12.42] Aw, hell. Long weekend for everybody!
[03:15.12] (Teachers cheer, as do arriving students)
[03:17.46] MS. FLEMING
[03:17.68] Not so fast, kids. They're refueling the buses, which gives us a solid half-hour of healing.
[03:24.50] I've mimeographed copies of the suicide note so you can feel Heather's anguish.
[03:31.22] I never knew about her pain.
[03:33.77] Go on!
[03:34.00] HIPSTER DORK
[03:34.3] Her life had hit a rocky patch.
[03:36.52] Feel!
[03:37.10] She didn't mean to be such a snatch!
[03:39.10] Heal!
[03:39.68] She didn't mean to be such a snatch!
[03:42.22] MS. FLEMING
[03:42.26] Veronica, you're very quiet. What's on your mind.
[03:46.27] VERONICA
[03:46.37] Uh, maybe Heather realized that in order to be happy she had to give up her power.
[03:54.00] And the only way to do that was... death.
[03:58.08] MS. FLEMING
[03:58.18] My God.
[03:59.92] Look what we've done.
[04:00.88] We're breaking through!
[04:01.97] Heather would be so proud of you!
[04:04.01] And you! And you! And you! And you!
[04:07.41] No one thinks a pretty girl can touch you...
[04:11.40] NEW WAVE GIRL
[04:11.51] Heather touching me...
[04:13.05] But she's made us better than we were.
[04:17.33] Heather's dead, but she will live inside me, and I'll be the me inside of her...
[04:25.51] Holy crap! This is awesome!
[04:29.00] Heather cried, our sins fell on her shoulders!
[04:32.30] Jesus Christ!
[04:33.75] Heather died, so we could all be free!
[04:36.54] I'm bigger than John Lennon!
[04:37.59] Heather's gone, but she will live forever!
[04:41.73] She's the dove that sings outside my window!
[04:45.62] She's the twin from whom
[04:46.96] I'm separated!
[04:48.52] She's the horse I never got for Christmas!
[04:51.67] Heather sees the me inside of me!
[04:58.20] Heather is the me inside of me!
[05:04.05] Inside of... me!
[00:00.22] J.D.
[00:00.32] 好好想想,在你的脑内建立起她的形象,她会说什么?
[00:05.80] 她会在最后对着冷酷无情的世界说什么?
[00:11.29] Veronica
[00:11.33] (书写)“致这世界,
[00:12.59] 不管你们信不信,恐惧对我并不陌生,
[00:14.93] 我知道孤独如何吞噬一个人。
[00:17.71] 我用微笑、暴露的服饰掩饰自己,
[00:20.45] 我学会如何与男生舌吻。”
[00:22.69] J.D.
[00:22.79] 做得好。
[00:23.44] Veronica
[00:23.54] “但是,哦,世界,这一切对我只是累赘。
[00:28.67] 这一切就像一顶沉重的舞会皇后皇冠。”
[00:33.45] (Heather Chandler坐起来,但只有Veronica看得到她)
[00:34.00] Heather Chandler
[00:34.09] 没人觉得漂亮女孩能有感情,
[00:39.18] 没人理解她的不安全感,
[00:44.46] 我比我表面上的肩垫、化妆品要多得多,
[00:49.78] 没人能看到真实的自我,
[00:55.86] 老天啊,这字条读起来像是空中补给乐团的歌词似的。
[00:59.40] J.D.
[00:59.50] 继续,这得好到能骗到警察才行。
[01:02.43] (两位警员,McCord和Milner,前来调查现场)
[01:09.44] McCod
[01:09.54] 哇哦!这是谋杀吗?
[01:13.02] Milner
[01:13.12] 不是,快看,这是封遗书。
[01:17.46] Veronica,Heather,警员们
[01:17.51] “他们都看不穿我明星般的表面,
[01:20.00] 他们甚至不敢直视我的眼睛,
[01:22.79] 但在这一切深处,我只是个吓坏了的女孩,
[01:25.19] 一个天天把眼泪埋在枕头里的女孩。
[01:28.37] 我的外表就像是监狱栅栏,
[01:34.01] 它们给我的打击,更仆难数。”
[01:38.64] Heather Chandler
[01:38.74] “更仆难数”不错。
[01:39.93] (警员把遗书交给Gowan校长)
[01:40.00] Veronica,Heather,警员
[01:40.07] “没人觉得漂亮女孩会有内涵,这就是名气的诅咒。”
[01:49.60] (Gowan大声读出遗书内容)
[01:50.74] Gowan校长
[01:50.99] “我不只只是提供手活的工具”
[01:55.28] Veronica,Heather,Gowan,警员
[01:55.38] “没人能看到真实的我”
[02:02.46] (警员下场,Gowan与Fleming,Ripper,以及其他教员聚集在一起)
[02:05.91] Gowan校长
[02:06.06] Heather Chandler与那些平时自杀的人不一样
[02:08.46] Ripper教练
[02:08.66] 你应该让全校停课
[02:10.10] Gowan校长
[02:10.32] 不可能,教练
[02:11.36] 如果我让他们在午餐前放假回家,学校的电话总机就会闪得和圣诞树似的
[02:15.29] Fleming老师
[02:15.44] 我们的孩子在垂死边缘。
[02:18.18] 我觉得我们应该把大家聚集到食堂,谈谈心,聚在一起感受生活。
[02:23.86] Gowan校长
[02:23.91] 谢谢,Fleming老师,等巴士到的时候叫我一声。
[02:28.75] Fleming老师
[02:28.80] 我觉得我们都误解了Heather Chandler,
[02:32.33] 这是我读过的最有爱的遗书
[02:36.02] Fleming老师和Heather Chandler
[02:36.22] “把我的衣服打包送去做福利,
[02:37.96] 把我的诺迪克跑步机送去给穷人,
[02:39.81] 把我的车捐给残障儿童,
[02:41.96] 把我的帽子,我的CD
[02:43.95] 捐给贫民窟中患有毒瘾的母亲们,
[02:46.10] 还有我的高跟鞋、我的公寓、我的三台电视!”
[02:50.84] “没人觉得漂亮女孩会有感情,
[02:55.47] 但我为所有生活中的失败哭泣,
[03:00.16] 也许离开是我唯一能做的,
[03:04.64] 也许这样我才能做真正的自己。”
[03:12.26] Gowan校长
[03:12.42] 啊,去他的。全校这周末都放长假。
[03:15.12] (老师与到来的学生一同雀跃)
[03:17.46] Fleming老师
[03:17.68] 别着急,孩子们。校车还要加油,我们还有半个小时来谈谈心。
[03:24.50] 我已经打印好了Heather的遗书,这样你们就能体会到她的痛苦。
[03:30.97] Heather McNamara
[03:31.22] 我从不知道她的痛苦
[03:33.77] 继续!
[03:34.00] 嬉皮士打扮的呆子
[03:34.3] 她的人生陷入了低谷
[03:36.52] 感受!
[03:37.00] Young Republicanette
[03:37.10] 她不是故意的
[03:39.10] 治愈!
[03:39.68] 她不是故意的
[03:42.22] Fleming老师
[03:42.26] Veronica,你好像特别安静,你有什么想法吗?
[03:46.27] Veronica
[03:46.37] 呃,也许Heather意识到只有放弃她的权力,她才能真正地变得开心。
[03:54.00] 但放弃权力的唯一途径就是......死亡
[03:58.08] Fleming老师
[03:58.18] 老天
[03:59.92] 我们做了什么
[04:00.88] 我们有了这么大的进展!
[04:01.97] Heather一定会为你骄傲
[04:04.01] 还有你!还有你!你!你!
[04:07.41] 没人觉得一个漂亮女孩能打动你
[04:11.40] 新来的女学生
[04:11.51] Heather感动了我
[04:13.05] 她使我们成为更好的自我
[04:17.33] Heather死了,她会活在我身上,我也会看到真实的她。
[04:25.40] Heather Chandler
[04:25.51] 老天啊!这太棒了!
[04:29.00] Heather哭泣,因为我们的过错被强加于她
[04:32.20] Heather Chandler
[04:32.30] 老天
[04:33.75] Heather死了,我们才终于获得自由。
[04:36.44] Heather Chandler
[04:36.54] 我比约翰 列侬还受欢迎!
[04:37.59] Heather逝去了,但她将获得永生!
[04:41.73] 她是在我窗边歌唱的白鸽!
[04:45.62] 她是我被分离
[04:46.96] 的胞姐!
[04:48.52] 她是我在圣诞节祈祷的小马!
[04:51.67] Heather看到真实的我
[04:58.20] Heather就是真实的我
[05:04.05] 真实的我
The Me Inside of Me 歌词
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