[00:00.66] RAM
[00:00.81] Heyyyyy, 'Ronica.
[00:04.91] VERONICA
[00:05.01] Ew. You got a left hand? Use it.
[00:07.19] KURT
[00:07.29] Don't talk mean like that.
[00:09.00] RAM
[00:09.09] You'll hurt their feelings.
[00:12.54] You make my balls so blue.
[00:15.48] KURT
[00:15.53] You hurt them badly.
[00:17.07] RAM
[00:17.22] You make my balls so blue.
[00:20.06] KURT
[00:20.22] They're hangin' sadly.
[00:21.41] RAM
[00:21.59] What did they do to you
[00:24.08] that you hate them so?
[00:26.43] KURT
[00:26.58] Don't run from me --
[00:27.67] They're all beat up
[00:28.80] KURT & RAM
[00:28.95] like a tackling dummy!
[00:30.39] KURT
[00:30.44] They long for your embrace!
[00:33.23] RAM
[00:33.30] They're warm like mittens!
[00:35.00] KURT
[00:35.15] They'll curl up on your face
[00:37.99] RAM
[00:38.00] and purr like kittens!
[00:39.55] KURT
[00:39.70] You make my balls so blue!
[00:42.29] KURT & RAM
[00:42.44] Just look at them glow...
[00:45.04] RAM
[00:45.10] We're beggin' you!
[00:46.23] KURT & RAM
[00:46.30] Don't make my balls so blue.
[00:48.70] VERONICA
[00:48.85] Heather...? Heather...? Open the door.
[00:51.33] Oh no, oh no no no!
[00:53.29] VERONICA
[00:53.39] Open the door!
[00:55.99] Oh no, oh no no no!
[00:57.13] KURT
[00:57.20] You make my balls so blue,
[01:00.39] so please say hello!
[01:01.64] RAM
[01:01.70] Hold 'em!
[01:02.30] KURT
[01:02.46] Enfold 'em,
[01:03.41] KURT & RAM
[01:03.51] and never let go!
[01:05.00] KURT
[01:05.08] Once you were geeky and nerdy,
[01:07.72] RAM
[01:07.87] but they knew you're dirty.
[01:10.07] KURT
[01:10.22] You've set them on fire,
[01:12.32] KURT & RAM
[01:12.48] Whatever you require they'll do!
[01:16.76] So take 'em home to meet your parents!
[01:19.26] RAM
[01:19.36] They'll wear a suit and tie,
[01:22.30] KURT
[01:22.45] and a fancy collar!
[01:24.12] RAM
[01:24.26] They'll sing a lullaby:
[01:26.71] KURT & RAM
[01:26.86] La la la la la!
[01:28.42] Please make these balls not blue,
[01:31.21] RAM
[01:31.32] Just for a while!
[01:33.11] KURT
[01:33.26] Can't wait till later,
[01:34.44] KURT & RAM
[01:34.60] my pants are rubbin'
[01:35.70] like a hot cheese grater!
[01:37.01] (VERONICA offers a bottle to RAM)
[01:37.22] VERONICA
[01:37.37] Look. Booze. Drink!
[01:39.21] KURT
[01:39.31] Aw, thank you so much!
[01:40.81] (KURT & RAM chug from the bottle)
[01:41.01] RAM
[01:41.16] They will protect you.
[01:42.01] KURT
[01:42.16] Defend you.
[01:43.03] RAM
[01:43.11] Respect you.
[01:44.27] KURT
[01:44.37] Befriend you --
[01:45.47] RAM
[01:45.52] Like Winnie-the-Pooh!
[01:47.48] Winnie-the-Pooh!
[01:48.37] KURT
[01:48.52] Baby baby baby they're so blue!
[01:50.42] RAM
[01:50.57] My balls will work for you.
[01:53.16] KURT
[01:53.27] They will obey ya!
[01:54.96] RAM
[01:55.01] They really need rescue!
[01:57.71] KURT
[01:57.86] Like Princess Leia!
[01:59.35] KURT & RAM
[01:59.41] Baby, you gots to come through.
[02:01.95] KURT
[02:02.10] Teach them to smile!
[02:04.06] RAM, HEATHERS
[02:04.22] You got no clue how much
[02:05.58] [these two depend on you --
[02:07.17] Please help them through!
[02:11.07] KURT & RAM
[02:11.12] My balls are in your court!
[02:13.11] Yeah!
[02:15.72] You make my balls so blue!
[02:17.43] MAC & DUKE
[02:17.48] You make them balls so blue!
[02:20.08] KURT & RAM
[02:20.13] You make my balls so blue!
[02:22.32] KURT & RAM
[02:22.48] Good God!
[02:23.35] KURT & RAM
[02:23.46] My balls!
[02:24.57] You make my balls so blue!
[02:26.61] KURT & RAM
[02:26.76] Lookit! Lookit!
[02:28.01] Lookit! Lookit!
[02:29.32] You make my balls so blue!
[02:30.72] Please make their dreams come true,
[02:34.01] and make these balls not blue
[00:00.81] 嘿嘿嘿,佛洛尼卡
[00:05.01] 恶,你的左手呢,自行解决
[00:07.29] 不要这样小气嘛
[00:09.09] 你伤了它们的感情
[00:12.54] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[00:15.53] 你深深地伤害了它们
[00:17.22] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[00:20.22] 它们忧伤地垂着头
[00:21.59] 它们怎么你了
[00:24.08] 怎么就这么招你嫌
[00:26.58] 别跑呀
[00:27.67] 它们兴致正高
[00:28.95] 像假人沙袋一样立正
[00:30.44] 渴望你的拥抱
[00:33.30] 像毛线手套一样温暖
[00:35.15] 蜷缩在你脸庞
[00:38.00] 还像猫咪一样呼噜噜
[00:39.70] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[00:42.44] 看啊,它们容光焕发
[00:45.10] 求你啦
[00:46.30] 不要让我蛋蛋的忧伤
[00:48.85] 海德?赫德?快开门
[00:51.33] 啊,就不开门
[00:53.39] 快点开门
[00:55.99] 啊,就不开门
[00:57.20] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[01:00.39] 快来打个招呼
[01:01.70] 抱抱它们
[01:02.46] 抱紧它们
[01:03.51] 千万别松手
[01:05.08] 之前你还是个死宅怪胎
[01:07.87] 但蛋蛋们知道你可放荡了
[01:10.22] 你和它们干柴烈火
[01:12.48] 它们对你俯首帖耳
[01:16.76] 所以快带回去见见爸妈
[01:19.36] 它们会穿上西装
[01:22.45] 打扮成大人模样
[01:24.26] 还会给你唱小曲儿
[01:28.42] 请安抚这蛋蛋的忧伤
[01:31.32] 一下下就好
[01:33.26] 一点都不能等
[01:34.60] 被裤子磨得好疼
[01:35.70] 就像擦丝刀板
[01:37.01] (VERONICA给RAM一瓶酒)
[01:37.37] 看,有酒,干了
[01:39.31] 非常感谢
[01:40.81] (KURT和RAM轮流对瓶吹)
[01:41.16] 它们会保护你
[01:42.16] 守卫你
[01:43.11] 尊敬你
[01:44.37] 爱惜你
[01:45.52] 像小熊一样友善
[01:47.48] 小熊哦
[01:48.52] 宝贝啊宝贝,忧伤啊忧伤
[01:50.57] 它们会为你效劳
[01:53.27] 听你号令
[01:55.01] 求你拯救
[01:57.86] 像莱雅公主一样求救
[01:59.41] 你要伸出援手
[02:02.10] 教它们微笑
[02:04.22] 你完全不懂
[02:05.58] 它(他)们俩多依赖你
[02:07.17] 快伸出援手
[02:11.12] 轮到你接球
[02:13.11] 是哒!
[02:15.72] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[02:17.48] 你挑起他蛋蛋的忧伤
[02:20.13] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[02:22.48] 老天爷哟
[02:23.46] 蛋之又蛋
[02:24.57] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[02:26.76] 快看快看
[02:28.01] 快瞧快瞧
[02:29.32] 你挑起我蛋蛋的忧伤
[02:30.72] 请让满足它们的梦想
[02:34.01] 安抚这蛋蛋的忧伤
Blue 歌词
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