Track 014 词以类记:TOEFL-人物

歌曲 Track 014 词以类记:TOEFL-人物
歌手 英语听力
专辑 托福词汇—词以类记


[00:11.74] counsel
[00:15.34] crew: The crew rowed the boat up and down the river.
[00:23.13] aviator(pilot): The navy aviator had been trained for many years.
[00:32.31] playwright
[00:35.78] operator
[00:39.30] clergy: Bill and his wife are both members of the clergy.
[00:47.49] auditor
[00:52.95] athlete
[00:56.94] satirist
[01:00.76] sculptor
[01:05.28] mathematician
[01:09.53] astronaut
[01:14.68] astronomer
[01:18.61] spaceman
[01:25.34] botanist
[01:29.64] choreographer
[01:33.63] scout: He is a responsible scout with keen observation.
[01:44.19] geographer
[01:48.91] geologist
[01:52.48] educator
[01:56.36] faculty
[02:00.68] treasurer
[02:07.29] archeologist
[02:13.43] paleoanthropologist
[02:17.37] pilot
[02:24.25] meteorologist
[02:29.08] anthropologist
[02:35.85] artist
[02:40.10] imagist
[02:44.52] inventor
[02:47.99] mechanic
[02:54.39] biographer
[02:58.77] censor: The dictator censored news of the war.
[03:08.53] physician(doctor)
[03:11.78] hermit: The hermit lived in a tiny cottage in the woods.
[03:20.11] recluse(hermit)
[03:24.10] ecologist
[03:28.51] critic
[03:35.65] philanthropist
[03:39.80] attorney(lawyer): Bob hired an attorney to get a patent for his invention.
[03:50.79] congressman: Five congressmen spoke in favor of the amendment.
[03:59.77] connoisseur: The art connoisseur thought the exhibit was distasteful.
[04:11.07] entrepreneur
[04:15.69] principal(head, headmaster)
[04:19.31] staff
[04:24.45] commander: The soldiers stood at attention while their commander inspected them.
[04:36.59] commentator: The sports commentator had his own radio program.
[04:47.84] attendant(waiter): The queen's attendants went everywhere with her.
[04:56.92] trapper
[05:02.34] orator(speaker)
[05:06.22] idiot
[05:10.36] idiocy
[05:14.00] moron(idiot)
[05:18.56] illiterate(uneducated)
[05:21.98] proxy(deputy): I'm acting as a proxy for the president while he's on vacation.
[05:32.16] deputy(representative): The head of the company could not be there in person, so he sent his deputy.
[05:43.10] proprietor
[05:47.98] consumer(customer)
[05:52.50] employer: I asked my employer for a raise.
[06:06.61] employee: The factory employees must arrive by 7:30 a.m..
[06:12.88] debtor: I don't borrow money because my parents told me never to be a debtor.
[06:23.32] arbitrator(mediator, arbiter): The disputing parties agreed to accept the decision of the arbitrator.
[06:34.19] superintendent(supervisor, manager)
[06:40.45] apprentice(disciple)
[06:43.77] tenant(occupant, inhabitant)
[06:48.54] miser
[06:53.47] donor(contributor): The hospital asked for blood donors.
[07:02.08] personnel
[07:08.17] benefactor: The generous benefactor remained anonymous.
[07:16.83] mortal(human): All mortals, however outstanding, are to die one day.
[07:26.28] company: You would not have been robbed if you had taken me as your company.
[07:35.09] audience(spectator): The audience loved the opera and gave it a standing ovation.
[07:45.28] recipient(receiver, payee)
[07:49.53] exponent(interpreter, expositor): The senator is a staunch exponent of civil rights.
[07:59.03] resident(inhabitant, occupant): The population of resident bacteria in a clean square centimeter on human skin exceeds a million.
[08:13.15] inhabitant(resident, occupant)
[08:17.73] bachelor(unmarried man)
[08:22.61] idol
[08:26.01] novice(beginner, tyro, layman)
[08:31.63] believer(faithful): The faithful believers always went to church.
[08:40.56] cult: The cult leader believed he was the son of God.
[08:49.58] fanatic
[08:53.73] adherent(supporter): The political party's loyal adherents contributed a lot of money.
[09:03.62] faithful: In Amish tribe, the faithful are not allowed to own auto-mobiles.
[09:14.43] disciple(apprentice): Jesus had twelve disciples.
[09:21.70] champion: Liu Xiang is the famous athlete who won the 28th Athen Olympic Games men's 110m hurdles champion.
[09:35.40] assassin: The spy was a trained assassin.
[09:43.27] bandit(robber, pirate): The bandit tried to hide from the sheriff.
[09:51.36] burglar: Bill thought he heard a burglar downstairs, but it was only the dog.
[10:02.76] barbarian: Bob's manners are worse than a barbarian's.
[10:11.65] exile: The king was exiled when his expire was taken over.
[10:21.79] rebel(traitor): He is the perfect recruit for fascist movements: a rebel not a revolutionary, contemptuous yet envious of the rich and involved with them.
[10:38.49] addict(indulger, surrender): John is an addict when it comes to cigarettes.
[10:48.48] egoist
[10:53.35] eyewitness(spectator): An eyewitness to the crime testified against the suspect.
[11:03.34] spectator(viewer, audience)
[11:08.22] spouse(partner, mate)
[11:11.90] couple(pair)
[11:15.47] beneficiary: The museum was the beneficiary of Mary's generosity.
[11:25.18] inferior: You can't talk like you are God even if he is your inferior.
[11:37.79] zealot(fanatic, bigot)
[11:40.47] precursor
[11:44.73] avant-garde
[11:48.94] alumni
[11:54.51] skeptic
[11:58.39] malcontent
[12:02.27] foe(enemy, adversary)
[12:05.64] opponent(enemy, rival)
[12:09.42] rival: Edison is a genius who can't be rivaled by ordinary mortals though advancedly educated.
[12:22.32] celebrity(person of note): The unknown actress became a celeberity when her first film was released.
[12:33.09] figurehead
[12:37.02] veteran(ex-serviceman, old soldier)
[12:41.59] traitor(betrayer)
[12:46.11] advocate: She is an advocate of equal pay for men and women.
[12:56.18] feminist
[13:03.53] humanitarian
[13:07.99] throng: The noisy throng of teenagers jammed the hall to hear the rock concert.
[13:17.81] civilian: The civilians watched the soldiers marching in the parade.
[13:28.20] monarch
[13:34.87] conservative: A conservative estimate of the cost to repair the car is $100.
[13:47.05] envoy: The envoy traveled regularly to foreign countries.
[13:56.29] aristocrat(blue blood)
[14:00.28] gentry
[14:04.69] autocrat(dictator): The autocrat ruled the country unjustly.
[14:12.93] delegate(deputy, representative)
[14:15.87] democrat
[14:19.28] independent
[14:24.53] candidate: The reporter asked the candidate some tough questions.
[14:35.13] Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.