Track 016 词以类记:TOEFL-生物

歌曲 Track 016 词以类记:TOEFL-生物
歌手 英语听力
专辑 托福词汇—词以类记


[00:11.71] parasite
[00:16.90] parasitic
[00:21.45] mimicry(camouflage): The stick caterpillar's vivid mimicry enlarged its chances of survival.
[00:32.98] symbiosis
[00:40.00] symbiotic
[00:44.52] creature
[00:47.99] organism
[00:51.30] strain
[00:57.00] species
[01:00.66] vital
[01:04.97] ripe(mature, ready): We describe plants as “ripe”, and animals as “mature”.
[01:16.62] evolve(develop, grow): Modern turtles evolved from a very large, prehistoric species of turtle.
[01:30.01] evolutionary
[01:34.25] Darwinism
[01:39.29] extinct
[01:43.48] extinction: What caused the extinction of dinosaurs?
[01:52.40] breed(raise, species, strain): The housewife has been breeding chickens for years.
[02:04.20] reproduction(multiplication): Don't get yourself cheated. The vase is only a reproduction.
[02:16.01] proliferate(multiply, increase): Autumn is the best season for crab to proliferate.
[02:25.31] propagate(multiply, proliferate): Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith.
[02:35.66] subsist(live, survive)The poor farmer's family subsisted on potatoes.
[02:44.83] exist(survive): We wish our love will exist forever.
[02:52.75] posterity(offspring, descendant)
[02:57.28] fermentation: During fermentation, yeast emits a distinctive smell.
[03:06.94] respiration(breathing)
[03:10.72] stodgy
[03:14.96] secrete(discharge, release): The stomach begins to secrete a certain type of enzyme when food reaches it.
[03:25.58] secretion
[03:30.24] assimilate(absorb, integrate, incorporate): I have not quite assimilated the new rules so I sometimes violate them by mistake.
[03:40.47] immune(unaffected, unsusceptible): I had the mumps when I was six, so now I am immune.
[03:51.97] immunity
[03:55.65] metabolism: Lazy people with slow metabolism tend to gain weight.
[04:06.30] morphology
[04:10.45] microscope
[04:14.43] calorie
[04:18.79] carbohydrate
[04:23.41] glucose
[04:27.86] protein
[04:33.06] organ


[00:11.71] parasite
[00:16.90] parasitic
[00:21.45] mimicry camouflage: The stick caterpillar' s vivid mimicry enlarged its chances of survival.
[00:32.98] symbiosis
[00:40.00] symbiotic
[00:44.52] creature
[00:47.99] organism
[00:51.30] strain
[00:57.00] species
[01:00.66] vital
[01:04.97] ripe mature, ready: We describe plants as " ripe", and animals as " mature".
[01:16.62] evolve develop, grow: Modern turtles evolved from a very large, prehistoric species of turtle.
[01:30.01] evolutionary
[01:34.25] Darwinism
[01:39.29] extinct
[01:43.48] extinction: What caused the extinction of dinosaurs?
[01:52.40] breed raise, species, strain: The housewife has been breeding chickens for years.
[02:04.20] reproduction multiplication: Don' t get yourself cheated. The vase is only a reproduction.
[02:16.01] proliferate multiply, increase: Autumn is the best season for crab to proliferate.
[02:25.31] propagate multiply, proliferate: Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith.
[02:35.66] subsist live, survive The poor farmer' s family subsisted on potatoes.
[02:44.83] exist survive: We wish our love will exist forever.
[02:52.75] posterity offspring, descendant
[02:57.28] fermentation: During fermentation, yeast emits a distinctive smell.
[03:06.94] respiration breathing
[03:10.72] stodgy
[03:14.96] secrete discharge, release: The stomach begins to secrete a certain type of enzyme when food reaches it.
[03:25.58] secretion
[03:30.24] assimilate absorb, integrate, incorporate: I have not quite assimilated the new rules so I sometimes violate them by mistake.
[03:40.47] immune unaffected, unsusceptible: I had the mumps when I was six, so now I am immune.
[03:51.97] immunity
[03:55.65] metabolism: Lazy people with slow metabolism tend to gain weight.
[04:06.30] morphology
[04:10.45] microscope
[04:14.43] calorie
[04:18.79] carbohydrate
[04:23.41] glucose
[04:27.86] protein
[04:33.06] organ