Track 061 词以类记:TOEFL-犯罪

歌曲 Track 061 词以类记:TOEFL-犯罪
歌手 英语听力
专辑 托福词汇—词以类记


[00:14.62] deceit :no one trusts John because they known of his deceit
[00:23.10] deceitful :the deceitful merchant's store was closed by the government
[00:32.49] deceive :Marry deceived the interviewer about her past experience
[00:42.39] deceptive: many customers were angered by the deceiptive ads
[00:52.82] gangster(mobster,hoodlum)
[00:59.26] fraud : never try to get my money by fraud (fauit,deception)
[01:06.30] fraudulent
[01:12.84] homicede
[01:17.42] theft
[01:20.71] pilferage(stealing)
[01:24.88] counterfeit:this counterfeit money is obviously an imitation (sham)
[01:37.08] conspire:the bank tellers conspired to rob the bank (intrigue,plot)
[01:46.67] conspiracy:the police officer uncovered a conspiration to assassinate the President
[01:59.24] sin
[02:05.69] brew:we could tell by the clouds that a storm was brewing (ferment)
[02:14.46] beguile:he beguiled the voters with his good looks
[02:22.75] despoil:the rigion is dispoiled of its scenic beauty by its unchecked development
[02:33.26] forge: the gangsters think the best way thy could get monry is ti forge them in their own factory
[02:44.59] assassinate:a horrible war began when the terrorist assassinate a government official
[02:56.92] kidnap:the businissmen have been kidnapped
[03:03.63] embezzle:two employees planned to embezzle a million dollars over a period of year
[03:13.01] extort :a blackmailer extorted thousands of dollars from the millionair
[03:23.16] blackmail the gangsters who knew of Bill's past tried to blackmail him
[03:33.48] delude : that playboy often deludes his girls with emoty promises
[03:44.84] defraut:the tax accountant defraut the government
[03:53.84] fabricate :Jane fabricated the story that she was late because she was caught in traffic
[04:04.34] purge :the old tycoon did a lot of good deeds to purge away his sins
[04:14.62] belie : he spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility
[04:23.97] trap : the general was trapped and sentenced to death
[04:33.54] accomplice : Bill and his accomplice Max were arrested last week
[04:42.14] abduct : the police thinnk the boy has been abducted