Track 083 词以类记:TOEFL-悲伤

歌曲 Track 083 词以类记:TOEFL-悲伤
歌手 英语听力
专辑 托福词汇—词以类记


[00:10.99] doleful 悲哀的 mournful sorrowful (dole 悲哀)
[00:14.50] upset 难过的 disturbed, distressed
[00:17.59] trying 难堪的 痛苦的 difficult grueling(a折磨人的 使人精疲力尽的 n严惩)
[00:21.89] It really was a trying day for him with no water and no electricity.
[00:27.92] sentimental 伤感的 多愁善感的 emotional
[00:33.40] Mary felt sentimental about life each autumn.
[00:38.18] grieve 悲伤 sorrow
[00:41.50] She grieve over her father's sudden death.
[00:45.67] grieved 伤心的
[00:49.56] gloom 忧愁 sadness depression
[00:52.26] torturous 痛苦的 tormenting v折磨
[00:56.37] misery 痛苦 苦恼
[00:59.79] miserable 痛苦的 可怜的
[01:04.58] distressed 痛苦的
[01:08.82] pensive 忧愁的 哀思的 thoughtful contemplative
[01:12.83] lament n悲伤 vt痛惜 mourn, grieve over
[01:15.93] torment n痛苦 anguish agony v折磨
[01:21.14] The murderer was tormented by guilt.
[01:25.39] deplore 悲痛 深悔 grieve mourn
[01:29.98] They deplore the use of force as a solution to this problem.


[00:10.99] doleful bēi āi de mournful sorrowful dole bēi āi
[00:14.50] upset nán guò de disturbed, distressed
[00:17.59] trying nán kān de tòng kǔ de difficult grueling a zhé mó rén de shǐ rén jīng pí lì jìn de n yán chéng
[00:21.89] It really was a trying day for him with no water and no electricity.
[00:27.92] sentimental shāng gǎn de duō chóu shàn gǎn de emotional
[00:33.40] Mary felt sentimental about life each autumn.
[00:38.18] grieve bēi shāng sorrow
[00:41.50] She grieve over her father' s sudden death.
[00:45.67] grieved shāng xīn de
[00:49.56] gloom yōu chóu sadness depression
[00:52.26] torturous tòng kǔ de tormenting v zhé mó
[00:56.37] misery tòng kǔ kǔ nǎo
[00:59.79] miserable tòng kǔ de kě lián de
[01:04.58] distressed tòng kǔ de
[01:08.82] pensive yōu chóu de āi sī de thoughtful contemplative
[01:12.83] lament n bēi shāng vt tòng xī mourn, grieve over
[01:15.93] torment n tòng kǔ anguish agony v zhé mó
[01:21.14] The murderer was tormented by guilt.
[01:25.39] deplore bēi tòng shēn huǐ grieve mourn
[01:29.98] They deplore the use of force as a solution to this problem.