Track 100 词以类记:TOEFL-态度

歌曲 Track 100 词以类记:TOEFL-态度
歌手 英语听力
专辑 托福词汇—词以类记


[00:12.08] jealous 妒忌的 envious, resentful 猜疑的
[00:15.91] indifferent 冷漠的 不积极的 uninteresed, nonchalant
[00:21.20] people were annoyed at the boss's indifferent attitude toward those who died in the accident.
[00:28.35] profane 亵渎(的)humiliate, disrespectful
[00:31.99] Please don't profane things that are sacred to other people.
[00:36.77] flatter 奉承 谄媚
[00:42.10] He was good at flattering others.
[00:46.22] begrudge 羡慕 嫉妒 grudge, stint, envy, admire
[00:50.23] She begrudged his youth.
[00:53.84] desperate 不顾一切的 绝望的 estremely serious
[00:58.33] Mary was desperate for a raise because her bills were mounting.
[01:03.45] contrite 悔悟的 repentant, remorseful
[01:07.76] The driver who caused the car accident was very contrite over it.
[01:13.12] forlorn 绝望的 被遗弃的 wretched, lonely


[00:12.08] jealous dù jì de envious, resentful cāi yí de
[00:15.91] indifferent lěng mò de bù jī jí de uninteresed, nonchalant
[00:21.20] people were annoyed at the boss' s indifferent attitude toward those who died in the accident.
[00:28.35] profane xiè dú de humiliate, disrespectful
[00:31.99] Please don' t profane things that are sacred to other people.
[00:36.77] flatter fèng chéng chǎn mèi
[00:42.10] He was good at flattering others.
[00:46.22] begrudge xiàn mù jí dù grudge, stint, envy, admire
[00:50.23] She begrudged his youth.
[00:53.84] desperate bù gù yī qiè de jué wàng de estremely serious
[00:58.33] Mary was desperate for a raise because her bills were mounting.
[01:03.45] contrite huǐ wù de repentant, remorseful
[01:07.76] The driver who caused the car accident was very contrite over it.
[01:13.12] forlorn jué wàng de bèi yí qì de wretched, lonely