Track 143 词以类记:TOEFL-讽刺

歌曲 Track 143 词以类记:TOEFL-讽刺
歌手 英语听力
专辑 托福词汇—词以类记


[00:10.76] satirical
[00:14.48] sardonic:Bill's sardonic sense of humor is often misunderstood
[00:23.44] sarcastic:I was being sarcastic when I said this movie was thrilling.It's really bad
[00:35.27] sarcasm
[00:39.33] cynical:His cynical remarks simply show how uninformed he is
[00:49.68] mock
[00:54.51] taunt:they taunted Tom into losing his temper
[01:00.83] jeer:Don't sneer at the person eho came last in the race-it's very unkind.
[01:11.92] flout:He flouted his mother's advice
[01:18.11] sneer:James sneered at my old bicycle.He has a new one.
[01:25.99] deride:The politician derided his opponents at every opportunity.
[01:35.67] gibe:Don't make gibes about her behavior