George Frideric Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 - Majora Canamus: And without controversy (Narrator)

歌曲 George Frideric Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 - Majora Canamus: And without controversy (Narrator)
歌手 鈴木雅明
专辑 Handel: Messiah


[00:00.51] And without controversy (Narrator)
[00:04.42] And without controversy
[00:07.65] great is the mystery of godliness:
[00:11.72] God was manifest in the flesh,
[00:16.44] justified by the Spirit,
[00:19.27] seen of angels,
[00:21.21] preached unto the Gentiles,
[00:24.21] believed on in the world,
[00:26.74] received up into glory. —— 1st Timothy 3:16 (提前3:16)
[00:30.51] In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom
[00:37.05] and knowledge.
[00:39.10] ——Colossians2:3 (歌罗西书2:3)


[00:00.51] And without controversy Narrator
[00:04.42] And without controversy
[00:07.65] great is the mystery of godliness:
[00:11.72] God was manifest in the flesh,
[00:16.44] justified by the Spirit,
[00:19.27] seen of angels,
[00:21.21] preached unto the Gentiles,
[00:24.21] believed on in the world,
[00:26.74] received up into glory. 1st Timothy 3: 16 tí qián 3: 16
[00:30.51] In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom
[00:37.05] and knowledge.
[00:39.10] Colossians2: 3 gē luó xī shū 2: 3


[00:00.51] wú rén bù yǐ wéi rán páng bái
[00:04.42] dà zāi jìng qián de ào mì
[00:07.65] wú rén bù yǐ wéi rán
[00:11.72] jiù shì  shén zài ròu shēn xiǎn xiàn
[00:16.44] bèi shèng líng chēng yì
[00:19.27] bèi tiān shǐ kàn jiàn
[00:21.21] bèi chuán yú wài bāng
[00:24.21] bèi shì rén xìn fú
[00:26.74] bèi jiē zài róng yào lǐ. tí mó tài qián shū 3 zhāng 16 jié
[00:37.05] jī dū shì kāi qǐ shàng dì suǒ cáng yī qiè zhì huì hé zhī shí de yào shi.
[00:39.10] gē luó xī shū 2 zhāng 3 jié