[00:21.72] ファミリア 限りある出会いの中で人生の一部の人
[00:27.40] ファミリア 携帯の着信履歴をいつも埋めてくれる人
[00:32.75] ファミリア 時に喧嘩して離れたり でもいつの間にかそばにいたり
[00:38.07] ファミリア 何かあるとすぐ駆けつけてくれる人よ
[00:43.95] 理由もなく孤独だと思うには
[00:48.62] ひとりじゃないと感じるためにあなたがくれた気持ち
[00:54.36] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends…
[00:57.82] Thank you for your love.
[00:59.24] ちっぽけでも卑怯者でも 僕のことを愛してくれる
[01:05.03] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends…
[01:08.55] I love you so much.
[01:10.14] いつも背中を押してくれるよ 温かい声
[01:26.11] ファミリア くだらない話でさえ笑い合ってくれる人
[01:31.03] ファミリア まるで自分のことのように幸せを感じる人
[01:36.14] ファミリア できれば僕より先に死んでほしくない人ばかりだけど
[01:41.93] ファミリア 决して僕が先に死んじゃいけない人もいる
[01:47.59] どうしてもっと素直になって
[01:50.24] 言わなきゃいけないこと言えないんだろう
[01:53.33] 身振りや手振りじゃ伝えきれない
[01:56.26] 言叶が生まれた意味を知るよ
[01:58.58] 「愛してる」「ありがとう」はなかなか伝えきれないけれど
[02:03.21] やっぱり伝えなきゃいけないんだ
[02:05.88] 今届けたい歌があるんだ
[02:30.57] 触れなくても見えなくても離れてても
[02:35.29] 何よりも強く何よりも濃い固く結び合った絆
[02:41.72] ♪♪♪♪
[02:43.76] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends…
[02:47.26] Thank you for your love.
[02:48.68] ちっぽけでも卑怯者でも 僕のことを爱してくれる
[02:54.51] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends…
[02:57.92] I love you so much.
[02:59.44] いつも背中を押してくれるよ 温かい声
[03:05.29] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends…
[03:08.49] Thank you for your love.
[03:10.02] どんな時も味方になって僕のことを信じてくれる
[03:15.90] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends…
[03:19.21] I love you so much.
[03:20.86] いつも心に響いているよ温かい声
[03:30.53] 出会ってくれて ありがとう
[03:37.33] ♪♪♪♪おしまい♪♪♪♪
[00:21.72] xian chu hui zhong ren sheng yi bu ren
[00:27.40] xie dai zhe xin lv li mai ren
[00:32.75] shi xuan hua li jian
[00:38.07] he qu ren
[00:43.95] li you gu du si
[00:48.62] gan qi chi
[00:54.36] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[00:57.82] Thank you for your love.
[00:59.24] bei qie zhe pu ai
[01:05.03] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[01:08.55] I love you so much.
[01:10.14] bei zhong ya wen sheng
[01:26.11] hua xiao he ren
[01:31.03] zi fen xing gan ren
[01:36.14] pu xian si ren
[01:41.93] jue pu xian si ren
[01:47.59] su zhi
[01:50.24] yan yan
[01:53.33] shen zhen shou zhen chuan
[01:56.26] yan ye sheng yi wei zhi
[01:58.58] ai chuan
[02:03.21] chuan
[02:05.88] jin jie ge
[02:30.57] chu jian li
[02:35.29] he qiang he nong gu jie he ban
[02:43.76] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[02:47.26] Thank you for your love.
[02:48.68] bei qie zhe pu ai
[02:54.51] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[02:57.92] I love you so much.
[02:59.44] bei zhong ya wen sheng
[03:05.29] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[03:08.49] Thank you for your love.
[03:10.02] shi wei fang pu xin
[03:15.90] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[03:19.21] I love you so much.
[03:20.86] xin xiang wen sheng
[03:30.53] chu hui
[00:21.72] xiàn chū huì zhōng rén shēng yī bù rén
[00:27.40] xié dài zhe xìn lǚ lì mái rén
[00:32.75] shí xuān huā lí jiān
[00:38.07] hé qū rén
[00:43.95] lǐ yóu gū dú sī
[00:48.62] gǎn qì chí
[00:54.36] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[00:57.82] Thank you for your love.
[00:59.24] bēi qiè zhě pú ài
[01:05.03] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[01:08.55] I love you so much.
[01:10.14] bèi zhōng yā wēn shēng
[01:26.11] huà xiào hé rén
[01:31.03] zì fēn xìng gǎn rén
[01:36.14] pú xiān sǐ rén
[01:41.93] jué pú xiān sǐ rén
[01:47.59] sù zhí
[01:50.24] yán yán
[01:53.33] shēn zhèn shǒu zhèn chuán
[01:56.26] yán yè shēng yì wèi zhī
[01:58.58] ài chuán
[02:03.21] chuán
[02:05.88] jīn jiè gē
[02:30.57] chù jiàn lí
[02:35.29] hé qiáng hé nóng gù jié hé bàn
[02:43.76] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[02:47.26] Thank you for your love.
[02:48.68] bēi qiè zhě pú ài
[02:54.51] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[02:57.92] I love you so much.
[02:59.44] bèi zhōng yā wēn shēng
[03:05.29] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[03:08.49] Thank you for your love.
[03:10.02] shí wèi fāng pú xìn
[03:15.90] Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and All of my friends
[03:19.21] I love you so much.
[03:20.86] xīn xiǎng wēn shēng
[03:30.53] chū huì
[00:21.72] (Familia 是在有限的相遇中 人生中一部分的人)
[00:27.40] (Familia 是一直让我埋头在手机简讯履历里的人)
[00:32.75] (Familia 是有时因为吵架而离开 但不知何时又待在我身边的人)
[00:38.07] (Familia 是只要我发生什麼事就立刻到我身边的人)
[00:43.95] (没有理由的感到孤独)
[00:48.62] (为了让我知道我不是一个人 你给了我感情)
[00:59.24] (不管是渺小亦或者是卑微的人 也都爱著我)
[01:10.14] (那温暖的声音一直支撑著我的背影喔)
[01:26.11] (Familia 是就算是无聊的笑话也愿意陪我一起笑的人)
[01:31.03] (Familia 是简直就像是自己的事一样感到幸福的人)
[01:36.14] (Familia 虽然都是不希望比我先死的人)
[01:41.93] (Familia 但有也我绝对不能比他们先死的人)
[01:47.59] (无论如何请再坦率一点)
[01:50.24] (你无法说出非得说出的事对吧)
[01:53.33] (小动作或是手势都无法传达)
[01:56.26] (我知道为什麼会有语言的诞生喔)
[01:58.58] (虽然不太能把「我爱你」「谢谢你」传达出来)
[02:03.21] (但果然还是不传达不行啊)
[02:05.88] (我现在有一首想传达给你的歌)
[02:30.57] (即使无法碰触即使无法看见即使分离)
[02:35.29] (这缠结的羁绊比什麼都还要坚强比什麼都还要坚固)
[02:48.68] (不管是渺小亦或者是卑微的人 也都爱著我)
[02:59.44] (那温暖的声音一直支撑著我的背影喔)
[03:10.02] (不管什麼时候都成为我的同伴相信我)
[03:20.86] (那温暖的声音一直在心里响彻喔)
[03:30.53] (能让我遇见你 谢谢你)
ファミリア 歌词
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