All the Doubt in Town

歌曲 All the Doubt in Town
歌手 Eleventyseven
专辑 Attack of the Mountain Medley


[00:18] They both grew up
[00:21] In a rusted out old pick up truck
[00:25] Said I do in late October
[00:28] By November she was showing
[00:30] By July the jig was up.
[00:35] So they bought a house,
[00:38] past a rundown church outside of town.
[00:42] She said Baby I can't take it,
[00:45] Maybe this was a mistake
[00:47] I'm not the type to settle down.
[00:52] And he said \"All the doubt in town
[00:55] Ain't enough to shake the ground that my
[00:58] Feet have been walking on.
[01:01] Girl I love you now,
[01:03] Till I hear that trumpet sound,
[01:06] Wherever you are, I belong.
[01:10] He lost his job,
[01:13] At the saw mill around christmas time
[01:18] Ya the bills were piling up
[01:20] And all the odd jobs weren't enough,
[01:22] To keep the tinder on the fire.
[01:27] She said Oh My God,
[01:31] My daddy warned me that this day would come.
[01:35] My mama's waiting in the car,
[01:37] I can't let my baby starve,
[01:40] Honey, you and I are done.
[01:45] All the doubt in town,
[01:47] Ain't enought to shake the ground that my
[01:50] Feet have been walking on.
[01:54] Girl I love you now,
[01:56] Till I hear that trumpet sound,
[01:58] Girl wherever you are, I belong.
[02:17] 60 years go by,
[02:21] In the blinking of a young girls eye
[02:25] All 5 kids are up and grown,
[02:28] having families of their own,
[02:30] They hear Papa's gonna die.
[02:35] She takes his hand
[02:38] Says God oh please don't take away my man.
[02:43] Baby I can't let you leave
[02:45] Why did you put up with me
[02:47] How did you know where we would land?
[02:52] He said Girl I love you now
[02:55] But I hear that trumpet sound
[02:57] And I gotta be moving on
[03:01] Girl I leave you now
[03:04] I'll be up there looking down
[03:06] Keeping Heaven's porch light on.
[03:10] Cause all the doubt in town
[03:12] Ain't enought to shake the ground that my
[03:15] Feet have been walking on
[03:19] Girl I love you now
[03:21] Till I hear that trumpet sound
[03:23] Oh wherever you are, I belong
[03:28] Oh wherever you are, I belong


[00:18] tā men liǎ dōu cháng dà chéng rén
[00:21] zài yí gè xiù jī bān bān dí kǎ chē lǐ
[00:25] zài shí yuè xià xún shuō le wǒ yuàn yì
[00:28] shí yī yuè tā lòu miàn la
[00:30] qī yuè tā yì wài huái yùn le
[00:35] suǒ yǐ tā liǎ mǎi le yí gè fáng
[00:38] zài chéng wài de yī zuò pò jiù jiào táng páng
[00:42] tā shuō, bǎo bèi wǒ shòu bù liǎo le
[00:45] yě xǔ zhè shì yí gè cuò wù
[00:47] wǒ bú shì nà zhǒng huì ān dìng xià lái de rén
[00:52] tā shuō, suǒ yǒu de wèn tí
[00:55] dōu bù zú yǐ hàn dòng
[00:58] wǒ xiǎng zǒu de lù
[01:01] nǚ hái wǒ xǐ huān nǐ ya
[01:03] zhí dào wǒ tīng dào lǎ bā de shēng yīn
[01:06] wú lùn nǐ zài nǎ lǐ, wǒ dōu péi zhe nǐ
[01:10] tā zài shèng dàn jié diū diào le
[01:13] zài jù mù chǎng de gōng zuò
[01:18] zhàng dān duī jī rú shān
[01:20] dǎ zài duō de líng gōng dōu bù gòu
[01:22] yóu rú huǒ shàng jiāo yóu
[01:27] tā shuō, ó wǒ de tiān na
[01:31] bà bà céng jǐng gào guò zhè yì tiān de dào lái
[01:35] mā mā hái zài chē lǐ děng zhe
[01:37] wǒ bù néng ràng wǒ de hái zi è sǐ
[01:40] qīn ài de wǒ men fēn shǒu ba
[01:44] And he said tā shuō,
[01:45] suǒ yǒu de wèn tí
[01:47] dōu bù zú yǐ hàn dòng
[01:50] wǒ xiǎng zǒu de lù
[01:54] wǒ xǐ huān nǐ a nǚ hái
[01:56] zhí dào wǒ tīng dào lǎ bā de shēng yīn
[01:58] bù lùn nǐ zài nǎ lǐ, wǒ dōu bù lí bù qì
[02:17] cōng cōng 60 nián guò qù
[02:21] zhǎ yǎn de yī shùn jiān
[02:25] wǔ gè hái zǐ dōu yǐ jīng zhǎng dà
[02:28] yǒu le tā men zì jǐ de jiā tíng
[02:30] tā men tīng shuō bà bà jiāng yào qù shì
[02:35] tā wò zhù tā de shǒu
[02:38] shàng dì qiú qiú nǐ bú yào dài zǒu tā
[02:43] wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ lí kāi
[02:45] nǐ wèi shí me rěn shòu yǔ wǒ shēng huó
[02:47] yòu zěn me zhī dào wǒ men huì ān jū rù hù
[02:52] tā shuō, wǒ ài nǐ a nǚ hái
[02:55] dàn shì wǒ yǐ jīng tīng dào āi yuè xiǎng qǐ
[02:57] wǒ bì xū gāi zǒu la
[03:01] wǒ xiàn zài jiù yào lí kāi nǐ le
[03:04] dàn wǒ huì zài tiān shàng kàn zhe nǐ
[03:06] ràng tiān táng de dēng cháng liàng
[03:10] yīn wèi méi yǒu shén me wèn tí
[03:12] néng yǐng xiǎng wǒ
[03:15] xiǎng yào zǒu de lù
[03:19] wǒ ài nǐ a wǒ de nǚ hái
[03:21] zhí dào wǒ de shēng mìng jié shù
[03:23] wú lùn nǐ zài nǎ lǐ, wǒ dōu péi bàn yú nǐ
[03:28] wú lùn nǐ zài nǎ lǐ, wǒ dōu bù lí bù qì