Chapter 1

歌曲 Chapter 1
歌手 Linkin Park
专辑 Star Profile: Linkin Park


[00:06.622] Blending hard core rock hip-hop and electronic
[00:09.548] Linkin Park has established a sound that easy to identify but hard to classify
[00:17.646] I don't know whenever there is been like diffucult times in my life which there is been quite a few
[00:22.322] I've just put the CD in and I listen to it and its helped me a lot just because
[00:26.945] I don't know if thats sound cheesy or not but it seriously has
[00:30.420] I'd say that the word are like the best part of the album
[00:33.894] and the musics are like great too I just
[00:36.323] that would be my reasoning for that I don't think there is anyway that you cannot like any of the sounds
[00:42.619] The band combined the hard hitting rythem of Michael Kenji Shinoda
[00:46.145] The melodic vocal of Chester Bennington,the bone-crashing beats of Rob Bourdon
[00:51.553] The vicious guitar riffs of Brad Delson,the pounding bass of Phoenix Farrell
[00:56.620] and last but not least,Joseph Hann's slip sliding decks
[01:00.643] Yeah people,this band kicks ass
[01:04.065] Very strong rythem Very strong rythem.
[01:05.920] I mean as long as you know everytime you listen to the radio stations and like you watch MTV or VH1
[01:11.406] or any of these music stations just by you know showing the videos or constently play the songs on a radio
[01:18.615] over and over again you can't help but falls into it.
[01:21.280] and you can't help but want you know their music, their CDs,their posters.All of the above
[01:28.020] So how did all of this happened? Where did it all begin?
[01:31.729] Well it didn't happened overnight.These guys has done their tour of duty another band
[01:36.117] But if you want a starting point you have to go back a few years
[01:39.853] Mike and Brad attended the same high school in Agoura it was here that they start to mess around with music
[01:45.522] and met up with drummer Rod Bourdon.
[01:47.481] Soon after the guys won their first band Xero
[01:51.895] This included fellow Linkin Park members Phoenix and Joe
[01:54.926] Brad haven't met Phoenix at UCLA,and mike haven't met Joe while studing illustration at Pasadena Art center
[02:01.770] Yeah,I believe there were yeah they been sense since they were young and that definitely help growing up playing together
[02:08.222] and sure contribute to you know graduate to all of their processers
[02:13.708] they've been spend so much time together and they know they can be conbined together
[02:17.678] and two of us for a *** year and they could spend a week in a recording studio twelve hours a day
[02:23.660] And I'm sure you know starting knowing each other for so long and growing up playing together
[02:29.512] and very intimate with each other
[02:32.098] and how they gonna react to each other personally and musicaly specially
[02:45.107] The lead singer I been listening Mike. I definitely like him just I guess 'couse he is the one like sing the words
[02:53.283] and like that's who I daily listening to. I 'm not sure who write the song,do the rhyme together or not
[02:58.612] But I definitely see all of them together see them also I've gone MTV at the word ever played in.
[03:05.221] they all like seem to like be influence
[03:09.087] *everything from hip hop stuff like Black Star the roots back to more like transbonding star
[03:17.995] *elemental visionaries word.Ronnie side effect twins like cash mode
[03:24.212] I like the driving the pulsing,I like motivitional music, music you can listen to and that will pump you up
[03:31.056] It will get you ready for you know any kind of whatever you need to prepare for
[03:35.680] when there is a test for school or driving on the freeway
[03:39.990] anything that's gonna just you know get you pumped and get you ready make you feel confident and motivated
[03:44.535] the guys play for fun at first before setting up their first major show at Whisky a Go Go on Sunset Boulevard LA
[03:52.215] The show is really energetic and we like the kids to be as well
[03:56.082] So been in a standing venue could be great because you know we'll go out there
[04:02.090] and they will freak out we gotta one more playing and stuff
[04:06.165] and whole lot stuff is pretty important
[04:07.915] Wow the Vally ,you know the Vally is really deverse,ethnically and musicly
[04:15.987] You have Jazz,back institute places right here,
[04:20.140] you know winin fifty yards of this place you have Jazz bands going on and punk bands going on
[04:29.100] Vally had a pretty decent hard core theme.
[04:32.627] North hollywood start to have a couple more different music areas plces where you can go
[04:40.646] The west Vallly is kind of bad.Actually you can go for another new place,maybe about two miles north from here
[04:48.091] So there will be the main competition,
[04:50.416] but I think I'm looking at a verge of a big LA music explosion leads to some people noticing from the media or
[04:58.749] some big bands coming out here within the next year
[05:02.694] the larger focus on what's going on here
[05:13.221] Yeah, I would definitely say that there been from south California that's definitely prevalent in there sound
[05:21.659] You can tell they are not a Hollywood band, they are west Vally band you can tell
[05:25.682] That's for sure that there are many more peaceful a little more serene
[05:30.122] but they still have the ad,they still have the California edge if you calling that
[05:33.858] but you can tell there music isn't jaded in some of the other places like Hollywood or New York
[05:43.262] But they are also not you know from the middle of nowhere try to emulate the band of one of those area
[05:52.144] They must've been pretty good because some of the music publisher saw them and sign them there and then
[05:57.786] Well the A&R man today as against when I manage to became an A&R person of chain considerably I mean the traditional word
[06:05.335] A&R mean artist and repertoire back when I was originated
[06:09.541] it was the A&R man was the man who sign the artists, found the material for the artists
[06:15.340] found the range of the band leader,*help studio did all of that
[06:19.050] Today the A&R world is much different, most acts of conteporary field are self-contained
[06:25.554] so you gotta a A&R person who seeks talent,who um signs talent
[06:31.824] and then work and coordinate the recording brings the producer working with the others
[06:38.328] There are some act who don not write,the A&R person involve will as I have done with artist like Celion Dion.
[06:45.616] Find songs for them,and bringing various producers appropriate for the singer and the song.
[06:50.867] So the world of A&R is changing considerably. But the basic of the person is searches for the works with talent
[06:57.554] Two years later and after a slight of a line up change,
[07:00.846] Chester Bennington joined the band after the guys heard his vocal remix of one of their demos
[07:04.999] He was so excited when they asked him to try out that he ran out of his own birthday party and go work on his demo
[07:11.556] the band love what he has done and ask chester to join the band.
[07:15.239] He soon left Arizona and jump on a first plane in LA
[07:18.766] The thing that we saw on Chester right away is that he is someone who should be doing sing for his whole life
[07:26.655] and I am someone who has been rapping for my whole life,so that's just felt very natural you know
[07:31.592] We spent a lot of time working out what we were doing(some ages you wannna be chatter)
[07:35.797] and he like me a lot and I can't stand him
[07:37.809] With the band line-up complete,the band changed their name to Hybrid Theory to celebrate their new look
[07:51.236] The next few month the guys work hard on their demos and sent them out to just about anyone who would listen
[07:56.800] Lucky for them it was the Warner Brothers who had their ears glued to the stereo
[08:00.666] I think that its really taugh, I think that in the case of Linkin Park,
[08:04.297] I think,you know I have a lot of respect to the fact that
[08:07.902] they been able to stay on the top 20 charts for well over a year,
[08:12.500] and that's huge and one of those things Bennington and I was talking about part you coming here
[08:15.817] is that they had a buzz prior to them even when getting signed and I think that's a huge thing
[08:20.127] and I think that's the huge thing and the industry start to hear wow you gotta start to start check on this Linkin Park band
[08:23.497] They gonna be really great they gonna be huge .
[08:24.934] Some part of it the kids has the the kid appeal anyway but I think you'll get something told
[08:30.446] that it is gonna be big and for hearing it on the radio and they see them in MTV
[08:34.390] and they'll like the way they look then you can now get longer
[08:47.660] Well in a general sense ,we look to find the depends on the kind of music that you working with.
[08:56.046] But in the general sense ,to me I think we've gotten away in this day and age we got away a lot from it ,
[09:02.054] we have a tendency to jump on the quick trends and not really worry about the artist's integrity out of it
[09:07.409] But in truth I still think of the need for great artists.
[09:10.988] In real when you look for that you are looking for someone who are a artist or band who the A&R person's opinion
[09:21.384] has the potencial to be successful for a long period of time. Has something special about them that stands out
[09:29.926] What kind of gimmicks you do right? can make people like our band
[09:36.849] and the problem is we coundn't come out with anything so we are kind of forced to play our songs
[09:43.092] The Undergrounds sort of graft through kind of viral sort of marketing I think is one way,
[09:51.399] and some of these bands by the time they get signed they already havea mailing list to vote, a hundred thousand kids.
[09:58.060] So there is that way but also I think there is a old way whitch is
[10:02.188] just been you know anointed for success by a major who can marshal this massive
[10:09.345] promotional resources behind you.Almost preordained the hit.especially among the steam marketing I think
[10:25.149] Getting into the music industry is just,its just one big test .
[10:28.989] You know it's a test about everything,it's a test of your stamina,
[10:32.490] it's a test of how many time can you be rejected and still believe yourself .
[10:36.565] It's a test of you know can you basicly maintain your composure not freak out and strangle someone who just
[10:43.148] jerk you over for tens of thousands of dollar .
[10:45.812] It's everything you know you never really at the top,
[10:49.391] you might think you are at the top but I don't think anyone really is
[10:51.951] If you try to break into the industry,just you have to just believe in yourself
[10:56.157] and try to meet as many people as you can .Never give up
[10:59.997] know I guess obviously there is something interesting in what I'm doing it means the world to me .
[11:06.449] Every little dropback anyone ever gives you a compliment you just have to be as humble as you can be
[11:11.046] and just thank them .It doesn't even matter how huge or which or whatever
[11:14.991] you gave you have to matain that same atitude as humble as you possible can be
[11:19.719] and just keep adding persistence that's how I get through
[11:28.548] They have sertain labels,I mean most labels you have in California just because the whole of philosophy
[11:35.654] in Southern California should be able to show how much wealth do you
[11:39.206] have and be able to live whatever American dream you may think there may be .
[11:44.248] But you know for a label,most labels arould here just purely appropriate labels center in
[11:49.499] with the radio stations just wanna play whatever is popular .
[11:54.645] They wanna play whatever is the softest thing and whatever what they call the corporate rock
[12:01.567] you have like insane and all those little band just copy each other and it's more like a state show.
[12:09.091] And personally I think that music should be more about platform to be able to get a real messenger cross
[12:17.450] and you know I just named it right now
[12:19.566] solve the problems you have in the world and the United States people should actually be saying something
[12:24.477] rather than just talking about nothing like their girl friend and something stupid
[12:29.518] There was a problem though ,turns out there was another band called hybrid theory .
[12:38.139] So the guys have to come up a new name .It was Chester who came to a rescue.
[12:43.311] He recalled how he used to drive pass Lincoln Park in Santa Monica on his way to band practice.
[12:48.274] He relly like the name,and so did the other guys.With that Lincoln Park was born.
[12:54.831] If you want people to know about you,you gotta have a website man.
[12:58.410] It's here that your fans can learn all about you,listen to your music
[13:02.459] and see those tour photos you wouldn't want to show your mom.
[13:05.985] I definitely think so that way,cause even for the people younger than me like they like to look it up
[13:10.792] and see what's going on and they really like the band in that way.
[13:13.613] They are updated and they can see what's going on with tours,
[13:17.322] that's just that's the best you can see your favourite band like playing live


[00:06.622] hùn hé le yìng hé yáo gǔn yǔ xī hā jí diàn zǐ lè
[00:09.548] lín kěn gōng yuán chuàng zào chū le yī zhǒng biàn shí dù jí gāo dàn hěn nán dìng yì de yīn yuè
[00:17.646] wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ de rén shēng zhōng yǒu méi yǒu tè bié jiān nán de shí kè, shì shí shì yǒu hěn duō
[00:22.322] wǒ zhǐ shì chā shang CD tīng gē, zhè yě bāng le wǒ hěn duō, yīn wèi
[00:26.945] bù zhī dào zhè yàng shuō shì bú shì tè bié sú qì dàn shì tā men què shí bāng le wǒ hěn duō
[00:30.420] wǒ xiǎng shuō gē cí shì zhuān jí zhōng zuì bàng de bù fèn
[00:33.894] ér qiě yīn yuè yě hěn bàng, wǒ zhǐ shì
[00:36.323] zhè jiù shì wǒ xǐ huān tā men de yuán yīn, wǒ bù jué de yǒu rén huì bù xǐ huān zhè yàng de yīn yuè
[00:42.619] zhè zhī yuè duì hùn hé le mài kè xìn tián qiáng yǒu lì de jié zòu
[00:46.145] chá sī tè bèi níng dùn fù yǒu cí xìng de shēng xiàn, luó bo bō dùn shēn rù gǔ suǐ de gǔ diǎn
[00:51.553] bù lā dé dé ěr sēn xiōng hěn de jí tā riff, fēi ní kè sī fǎ léi ěr péng pài de bèi sī
[00:56.620] zuì hòu dàn tóng yàng zhòng yào de shì yuē sè fū hán xī lì de dǎ dié
[01:00.643] shì de tīng zhòng men, zhè yuè duì diào zhà tiān
[01:04.065] jié zòu fēi cháng qiáng, fēi cháng qiáng
[01:05.920] wǒ de yì sī shì měi cì nǐ tīng diàn tái huò shì kàn MTV huò VH1
[01:11.406] huò rèn hé yīn yuè diàn tái, diàn tái zǒng huì yī biàn yī biàn bō fàng tā men de yīn yuè
[01:18.615] yī biàn yī biàn de tīng, ér nǐ yě huì bù zì jué dì màn màn ài shàng tā men
[01:21.280] zuì hòu nǐ huì wú fǎ zì bá dì xiǎng yào tā men de yīn yuè CD hái yǒu hǎi bào, nǐ quán dōu yào
[01:28.020] suǒ yǐ zhè yī qiè shì zěn me fā shēng de, gù shì de qǐ yuán yòu zài nǎ lǐ
[01:31.729] dāng rán, zhè kě bú shì yī yè zhī jiān fā shēng. zhèi xiē xiǎo huǒ men zuò wéi lìng yì zhī yuè duì yǐ jīng jīng guò le kǎo yàn
[01:36.117] dàn xiǎng huí dào qǐ diǎn nǐ dé huí dào jǐ nián yǐ qián
[01:39.853] mài kè hé bù lā dé zài yà gē lā shàng le tóng yī suǒ gāo zhōng, yě shì zài nà li tā men kāi shǐ wán yīn yuè le
[01:45.522] tóng shí yě yù jiàn le gǔ shǒu luó bo bō dùn
[01:47.481] bù jiǔ zhī hòu tā men jiù zǔ jiàn le tā men de dì yí gè yuè duì Xero
[01:51.895] zhè yě bāo hán le xiàn zài de chéng yuán fēi ní kè sī hé qiáo
[01:54.926] bù lā dé zài UCLA yù dào le fēi ní kè sī, mài kè yě zài pà sà dí nà yì shù zhōng xīn xué chā huà shí yù jiàn le qiáo
[02:01.770] duì, wǒ xiāng xìn tā men zài nián qīng shí hòu jiù rèn shi bǐ cǐ, tā men yì qǐ zhǎng dà yì qǐ yǎn zòu kěn dìng hěn yǒu bāng zhù
[02:08.222] háo wú yí wèn duì tā men zhī hòu de chéng jiù yǒu suǒ bāng zhù
[02:13.708] tā men yì qǐ gòng dù le tài duō shí jiān, yǐ jīng xīn yǒu líng xī le
[02:17.678] ér qiě wǒ men liǎng gè rén zài guò qù de hǎo duō nián dōu néng gòu lián xù yī zhōu měi tiān shí èr gè xiǎo shí pào zài lù yīn shì lǐ
[02:23.660] wǒ hěn què dìng nǐ zhī dào rèn shi bǐ cǐ hěn zhǎng shí jiān cóng xiǎo wán dào dà
[02:29.512] bǐ cǐ fēi cháng qīn mì
[02:32.098] liǎng gè rén dōu néng zuò dào xīn yǒu líng xī, yóu qí shì bǐ cǐ de zhī yīn
[02:45.107] wǒ tīng dé zhǔ chàng mài kè, háo wú yí wèn wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huān tā, yīn wèi tā shì chàng chū gē cí de rén
[02:53.283] ér qiě tā de shēng yīn wǒ měi tiān dū néng tīng jiàn. wǒ bù què dìng gē shì shuí xiě de, yā bù yā yùn
[02:58.612] dàn shì wǒ wú yōng zhì yí jué de tā men shì yí gè zhěng tǐ, ér wǒ zài MTV kàn dào gē qǔ zhōng de gē cí shí
[03:05.221] tā men dōu gěi le wǒ jí dà de yǐng xiǎng
[03:09.087] tā men yǒu zhe hěn qiáng de xī hā fēng gé, yǒu Black Star de yǐng zi, gèng xiàng shì yī zhǒng hùn hé fēng gé de gē xīng tīng bù dǒng, biān de
[03:17.995] biān bù xià qù le, qiú gāo rén zhǐ diǎn
[03:24.212] wǒ xǐ huān xiōng měng, qiáng liè de lǜ dòng, wǒ hěn xǐ huān zhèn fèn rén xīn de yīn yuè, yī tīng jiù néng gěi nǐ dǎ jī xuè
[03:31.056] wú lùn hé shí tā néng ràng nǐ zhǔn bèi hǎo xū yào zhǔn bèi de yī qiè
[03:35.680] bù guǎn shì xué xiào kǎo shì hái shì shàng gāo sù
[03:39.990] rèn hé shì nǐ dǒng ma zǒng huì ràng nǐ chōng mǎn huó lì ràng nǐ zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi, gǎn dào zì xìn qiě fù yǒu dòng lì
[03:44.535] yī kāi shǐ tā men zuò yīn yuè zhǐ shì zuò zhe wán, zhí dào zài rì luò dà dào de Whisky a Go Go jìn xíng le tā men de dì yī chǎng zhèng shì yǎn chū
[03:52.215] nà chǎng biǎo yǎn chōng mǎn huó lì, wǒ men yě hěn xǐ huān zài chǎng de nián qīng rén
[03:56.082] suǒ yǐ zhàn zài wǔ tái zhōng yāng zhēn de hěn bàng, yīn wèi nǐ zhī dào nǐ yī chū chǎng
[04:02.090] guān zhòng men dōu fēng le, ràng nǐ zài chàng yī shǒu zhī lèi de
[04:06.165] dāng rán hěn duō shì qíng dōu fēi cháng zhòng yào
[04:07.915] wa, guī gǔ, nǐ zhī dào guī gǔ fēi cháng de duō yàng huà, bù guǎn shì zhǒng zú hái shì yīn yuè
[04:15.987] nǐ néng tīng dào jué shì yuè, yě néng zài zhè lǐ kàn dào hēi rén qū
[04:20.140] nǐ zhī dào fāng yuán wǔ shí mǎ zhī nèi jiù yǒu hěn duō jué shì yuè duì hé péng kè yuè duì
[04:29.100] guī gǔ yǒu hěn duō fēi cháng chún zhèng de yìng hé xuán lǜ
[04:32.627] běi hǎo lái wù yě kāi shǐ yǒu hěn duō yīn yuè qū yù, nǐ men kě yǐ qù nà lǐ kàn kàn
[04:40.646] guī gǔ xī cè yě hěn lì hài, nǐ kě yǐ qù diǎn bié de dì fāng, dà gài wǎng běi zǒu liǎng yīng lǐ
[04:48.091] nà lǐ de jìng zhēng gèng jiā jī liè
[04:50.416] dàn shì zài wǒ kàn lái zhè lǐ zhèng chǔ zài yí gè luò shān jī yīn yuè dà bào fā de biān yuán, zài jiē xià lái de jǐ nián lǐ zhè cì bào fā huì ràng xǔ duō rén cóng méi tǐ huò
[04:58.749] yī xiē dāng dì de dà yuè duì dé dào guān zhù
[05:02.694] zhè lǐ huì de dào gèng dà de guān zhù
[05:13.221] méi cuò, wǒ kěn dìng huì shuō tā men de nán jiā zhōu xuè tǒng huì ràng tā men de yīn yuè gèng jiā liú xíng
[05:21.659] nǐ néng tīng chū lái tā men bú shì yí gè hǎo lái wù yuè duì, tā men shì xī guī gǔ de yuè duì nǐ néng fēn biàn de
[05:25.682] hěn què dìng tā men gèng jiā píng hé, gèng jiā shū huǎn
[05:30.122] dàn shì tā men réng rán yǒu zhe nà zhǒng gǎn jué, kě yǐ shuō shì nà zhǒng jiā zhōu de tè sè
[05:33.858] dàn shì nǐ yě néng kàn chū lái tā men de yīn yuè zài hǎo lái wù zài niǔ yuē yī rán hěn huǒ
[05:43.262] dàn shì tā men yě bìng bú shì yí gè míng bù jiàn jīng zhuàn de xiǎo yuè duì zhǐ huì mó fǎng nèi xiē dì fāng de yuè duì fēng gé
[05:52.144] tā men yí dìng fēi cháng yōu xiù bù rán yǒu xiē yīn yuè fā háng shāng bú huì yī kàn jiàn tā men jiù lì mǎ qiān xià
[05:57.786] qí shí yǐ qián de A R hé wǒ dāng nián zuò A R chǎn yè liàn shí biàn huà hěn dà le, wǒ de yì sī shì chuán tǒng de A R
[06:05.335] yì sī shì yì shù jiā hé jù mù, shì wǒ qǐ tóu de
[06:09.541] shì A R lái qiān yīn yuè rén, wèi yīn yuè rén xún zhǎo cái liào
[06:15.340] zhǎo dào yuè duì lǎo dà de fàn wéi, bāng gōng zuò shì zuò suǒ yǒu zhèi xiē gōng zuò
[06:19.050] xiàn zài A R shì jiè yǐ jīng dà bù xiāng tóng le, xǔ duō dāng dài de lǐng yù dōu shì zì jǐ zì zú de
[06:25.554] suǒ yǐ A R yào xún zhǎo yǒu cái néng de rén, qiān xià zhèi xiē cái zǐ
[06:31.824] rán hòu xié tóng gōng zuò, ràng zhì zuò rén yǔ qí tā rén tōng lì hé zuò
[06:38.328] yǒu xiē yì rén shì bú huì zì jǐ xiě gē de, A R yě yào lǎn huó, jiù xiàng wǒ yǔ xí lín dí wēng hé zuò de nà yàng
[06:45.616] zhǎo dào shì hé tā men de gē, ān pái bù tóng de shì hé gē shǒu hé gē qǔ de zhì zuò rén
[06:50.867] suǒ yǐ A R de shì jiè tiān fān dì fù. dàn shì gōng zuò de jī chǔ hái shì xún zhǎo yǔ yǒu cái néng de rén gòng shì de jī huì
[06:57.554] liǎng nián guò hòu, jīng guò xiǎo de rén yuán biàn dòng
[07:00.846] zài tā men tīng dào chá sī tè bèi níng dùn de shēng yīn cǎi yàng hòu, lǎo chá jiā rù le yuè duì
[07:04.999] dāng yuè duì yāo qǐng tā lái shì yīn shí tā xīng fèn jí le, dāng chǎng cóng zì jǐ de shēng rì pài duì liū hào qù dǎ mó tā de shì yīn chàng piān
[07:11.556] yuè duì fēi cháng xǐ huān tā de zuò pǐn bìng yāo qǐng tā jiā rù yuè duì
[07:15.239] tā dāng chǎng lí kāi le yà lì sāng nà tiào shàng le qù luò shān jī de dì yī bān fēi jī
[07:18.766] wǒ men dāng shí jiù fā jué chá sī tè jiù shì nà zhǒng jiāng zì jǐ de yī shēng dōu xiàn gěi yīn yuè de rén
[07:26.655] ér wǒ yě zhù dìng yào shuō chàng yī bèi zi, suǒ yǐ jué de zhēn shì tiān zuò zhī hé nǐ dǒng wǒ yì sī ba
[07:31.592] wǒ men huā le hěn zhǎng shí jiān yì qǐ chuàng zuò c: nǐ kě zhēn shì néng liáo yī nián
[07:35.797] tā ài wǒ ài de bù xíng wǒ shǔ shí shòu bù liǎo le
[07:37.809] yuè duì chéng yuán wěn dìng xià lái hòu, yuè duì jiāng míng zì huàn chéng le hùn hé lǐ lùn lái qìng zhù zì jǐ de xīn miàn mào
[07:51.236] jiē xià lái de jǐ gè yuè tā men nǔ lì jīng jìn zì jǐ de zuò pǐn, rán hòu bǎ zuò pǐn fā gěi rèn hé yí gè yuàn yì tīng dé rén
[07:56.800] tā men hěn zǒu yùn, huà nà xīong dì duì tā men de zuò pǐn ài bù shì shǒu
[08:00.666] wǒ jué de fēi cháng qiáng yìng, guān yú lín kěn gōng yuán zhè dàng shì
[08:04.297] wǒ jué de nǐ zhī dào wǒ fēi cháng pèi fú
[08:07.902] tā men néng zài qián èr shí de bǎng dān shàng tíng liú chāo guò yī nián
[08:12.500] zhè hěn bù róng yì ér wǒ gēn chá sī tè liáo qǐ nèi xiē shì shí, yǒu yī huì nǐ men lái dào zhè lǐ
[08:15.817] tā men shí kè bǎo chí zhe chuàng zuò de jī jí xìng, jí shǐ shì de zhī zì jǐ chéng gōng qiān yuē le yě bù wàng chū xīn, zhè fēi cháng nán de
[08:20.127] zhe fēi cháng lì hài, zhěng gè háng yè kāi shǐ tīng tā men de zuò pǐn, ér qiě fēng kuáng ān lì: wa nǐ men kuài lái kàn kàn lín kěn gōng yuán zhè gè yuè duì
[08:23.497] tā men jiāng huì fēi cháng huǒ bào, wèi lái wú fǎ gū liang
[08:24.934] zhèi xiē xiǎo huǒ hěn xī yǐn rén, nǐ yě huì tīng bié rén tán qǐ
[08:30.446] zhǐ yào nǐ zài diàn tái tīng dào tā men huò shì zài MTV kàn dào tā men nǐ jú zhī dào tā men wèi lái kě qī
[08:34.390] ér qiě zhǎng de dōu hěn tǎo xǐ, nǐ jiù zhī dào tā men néng zǒu dé cháng yuǎn
[08:47.660] cóng cháng lǐ shàng jiǎng, wǒ men yào xún zhǎo yí gè yì rén zhǔ yào qǔ jué yú nǐ suǒ shè jí de yīn yuè lèi xíng
[08:56.046] dàn shì píng xīn ér lùn wǒ jué de zhèi xiē suì yuè wǒ men kāi shǐ bèi lí chū zhōng
[09:02.054] wǒ men gèng qīng xiàng yú xún qiú jié jìng, ér bù qù dān xīn yì rén shì fǒu zhèng zhí
[09:07.409] dàn shì shí shàng wǒ réng rán jué de wǒ men xū yāo hǎo de yì shù jiā
[09:10.988] zài xiàn shí zhōng dāng nǐ yào zhǎo yí gè gē shǒu yí gè yuè duì, nǐ huì kǎo lǜ A R de yì jiàn
[09:21.384] shuí yǒu zài wèi lái yǒu qián lì bǎo chí zhǎng shí jiān de chéng gōng. tā men yǒu shén me cháng chù néng gòu tuō yǐng ér chū
[09:29.926] nǐ huì shén me bǎ xì? duì ba, néng gòu ràng rén men xǐ huān shàng wǒ men de yuè duì
[09:36.849] wèn tí shì wǒ men yě xiǎng bù chū shén me huó kě yǐ zhěng suǒ yǐ zhǐ néng bù duàn jīng jìn wǒ men de gē qǔ
[09:43.092] dì xià de chuán bō zài shì chǎng shàng yǒu diǎn xiàng bìng dú yí yàng, zhè yě shì yī zhǒng lù jìng
[09:51.399] yǒu xiē yuè duì zài gāng qiān yuē de shí hòu jiù huì yǒu yí gè zhī chí zhě míng dān, lǐ miàn yǒu shí wàn gè hái zi men
[09:58.060] zhè shì yī zhǒng lù jìng, dāng rán yě yǒu lǎo lù zi
[10:02.188] yě jiù shì bèi hòu yǒu yí gè néng gòu zhī shǒu zhē tiān
[10:09.345] shǒu wò jù dà xuān fā zī yuán de rén lái què bǎo nǐ de chéng gōng. jī hū kěn dìng néng chéng wéi rè mén. yóu qí shì zài zhēng qì shì chǎng wǒ jué de
[10:25.149] jìn rù yīn yuè quān fēi cháng de, tā shì gè jù dà de kǎo yàn
[10:28.989] nǐ dǒng ma tā huì kǎo yàn nǐ de yī qiè, kǎo yàn nǐ de nài lì
[10:32.490] kǎo yàn nǐ zài bèi jù jué duō shǎo cì zhī hòu réng rán xiāng xìn zì jǐ
[10:36.565] kǎo yàn dāng yí ge rén wèi le yì diǎn chòu qián jiù bǎ nǐ dāng hóu shuā shí
[10:43.148] nǐ néng bù néng bǎo chí lǐ zhì bù qù qiā sǐ tā
[10:45.812] zhè dōu hěn zhòng yào, nǐ zhī dào ma nǐ yǒng yuǎn dōu bú huì zài dǐng fēng
[10:49.391] nǐ kě néng jué de xiàn zài nǐ yǐ jīng dào dǐng le dàn shì wǒ bìng bù jué de rèn hé yí ge rén dōu néng dá dào dǐng fēng
[10:51.951] rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng jìn rù zhè gè háng yè, nǐ zhǐ néng xiāng xìn nǐ zì jǐ
[10:56.157] rán hòu jìn kě néng tuò kuān rén mài, yǒng bù fàng qì
[10:59.997] nà gè nǐ zhī dào hěn míng xiǎn wǒ de gōng zuò fēi cháng yǒu qù, ér zhè yě shì wǒ de quán shì jiè
[11:06.449] jīng lì le suǒ yǒu de cuò zhé hé rén men jǐ yǔ de zàn xǔ, nǐ réng yào bǎo chí jìn kě néng de qiān bēi
[11:11.046] rán hòu shuō shēng gǎn xiè, wú lùn nǐ fù chū le duō shǎo nǔ lì, zuò chū le duō shǎo xī shēng
[11:14.991] nǐ bì xū bǎo chí běn xīn, bǎo chí jìn kě néng de qiān bēi
[11:19.719] rán hòu pá qǐ lái bù duàn xiàng qián, wǒ jiù shì zhè me guò lái de
[11:28.548] tā men yǒu zhe dú tè de biāo qiān, wǒ de yì sī shì hěn duō zài jiā zhōu de biāo qiān dōu dài yǒu nán jiā zhōu de chǔ shì zhé xué
[11:35.654] nà jiù shì xuàn fù, zhǎn shì nǐ zhēng le duō shǎo qián
[11:39.206] néng guò nǐ xīn zhōng de nà gè měi guó mèng
[11:44.248] dàn shì nǐ dǒng de, xiàn zài de dà duō shù biāo qiān dōu shì wèi le yíng hé dà zhòng
[11:49.499] diàn tái yě zhǐ shì liú xíng shén me fàng shén me
[11:54.645] tā men xiǎng fàng ruǎn mián wú lì de tā men kǒu zhōng de shén me" liú shuǐ xiàn yáo gǔn"
[12:01.567] nǐ jiù néng fā le fēng shì de tīng nèi xiē hù xiāng chāo xí de xiǎo yuè duì, zhè gèng xiàng shì yí gè wǔ tái biǎo yǎn
[12:09.091] dàn shì gè rén jué de yīn yuè yīng gāi shì yí gè néng gòu shí zhì fā shēng jiāo liú de píng tái
[12:17.450] nǐ zhī dào ma wǒ yǐ jīng shuō guò le
[12:19.566] xiàng jiě jué zài měi guó hé shì jiè shang de zhǒng zhǒng, rén men yě yīng gāi shuō diǎn yǒu yì yì de nèi róng
[12:24.477] ér bú shì chàng zhe tā men de nǚ péng yǒu shén me shén me de chǔn shì
[12:29.518] dàn shì yě chū xiàn le yí gè wèn tí, jié guǒ dāng shí hái yǒu yī zhī yuè dǐ yě jiào hùn hé lǐ lùn
[12:38.139] suǒ yǐ tā men bì xū xiǎng yí gè xīn míng zì. shì chá sī tè xiǎng dào le bǔ jiù fāng àn
[12:43.311] tā huí yì qǐ měi cì qù yuè duì xùn liàn zǒng huì jīng guò shèng mǎ lì yà de lín kěn gōng yuán
[12:48.274] tā hěn xǐ huān zhè gè míng zì, yuè duì qí tā xiǎo huǒ bàn yě hěn xǐ huān, jiù zhè yàng lín kěn gōng yuán chū shēng le
[12:54.831] rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng ràng rén men liǎo jiě nǐ, nǐ bì xū yào yǒu gè wǎng zhàn lǎo xiōng
[12:58.410] zài zhè lǐ nǐ de fěn sī men kě yǐ liǎo jiě nǐ men, tīng nǐ men de yīn yuè
[13:02.459] yě néng kàn nèi xiē nǐ bù xiǎng ràng nǐ mā kàn jiàn de xún huí yǎn chū zhào piān
[13:05.985] wǒ fēi cháng tóng yì, jí shǐ shì bǐ wǒ nián qīng de xiǎo fěn sī yě huì xiǎng yào zhā zhā
[13:10.792] kàn kàn yuè duì de jìn kuàng, zhè shì tā men zhuī yuè duì de fāng shì
[13:13.613] tā men néng shí shí gēng xīn zhuàng tài, fěn sī men kě yǐ liǎo jiě dào xún yǎn de qíng kuàng
[13:17.322] zuì xìng fú de shì jiù shì néng kàn dào zuì ài de yuè duì xiàn chǎng biǎo yǎn le