Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise

歌曲 Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第四册)


[00:01.01] Lesson 25
[00:03.22] Non-auditory effects of noise
[00:11.01] What conclusion does the author draw about noise and health in this piece?
[00:18.19] Many people in industry and the Services,
[00:21.21] who have practical experience of noise,
[00:23.99] regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time;
[00:28.67] they are not prepared even to admit the possibility that noise affects people.
[00:34.56] On the other hand,
[00:35.97] those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence
[00:40.50] to support their pleas for a quieter society.
[00:44.39] This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause,
[00:50.12] and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science.
[00:56.80] One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness.
[01:02.85] A recent article in a weekly newspaper, for instance,
[01:06.37] was headed with a striking illustration of a lady in a state of considerable distress,
[01:12.20] with the caption 'She was yet another victim, reduced to a screaming wreck'.
[01:19.25] On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist
[01:24.54] who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more
[01:28.84] until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital.
[01:33.69] Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course
[01:37.49] that one cannot distinguish cause and effect.
[01:41.41] Was the noise a cause of the illness,
[01:44.21] or were the complaints about noise merely a symptom?
[01:48.33] Another patient might equally well complain
[01:51.08] that her neighbours were combining to slander her and persecute her,
[01:55.23] and yet one might be cautious about believing this statement.
[01:59.87] What is needed in the case of noise
[02:02.22] is a study of large numbers of people living under noisy conditions,
[02:07.04] to discover whether they are mentally ill more often than other people are.
[02:12.39] Some time ago the United States Navy, for instance,
[02:15.93] examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers:
[02:20.91] the study was known as Project Anehin.
[02:24.65] It can be unpleasant to live even several miles from an aerodrome;
[02:29.62] if you think what it must be like
[02:31.43] to share the deck of a ship with several squadrons of jet aircraft,
[02:35.96] you will realize that a modern navy is a good place to study noise.
[02:41.52] But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests
[02:45.92] were able to show any effects upon these American sailors.
[02:50.67] This result merely confirms earlier American and British studies:
[02:55.97] if there is any effect of noise upon mental health,
[02:59.29] it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it.
[03:05.82] That does not prove that it does not exist; but it does mean
[03:10.57] that noise is less dangerous than, say being brought up in an orphanage
[03:15.45] -- which really is a mental health hazard.


[00:01.01] 25
[00:03.22] zào shēng de fēi tīng jué xiào yìng
[00:11.01] zài zhè piān wén zhāng zhōng zuò zhě zuò chū le guān yú jiàn kāng hé zào shēng de zěn yàng de jié lùn?
[00:18.19] gōng yè jiè hé fú wù jiè de rén
[00:21.21] duì yú zào shēng yǒu zhe qiè shēn de gǎn shòu
[00:23.99] rèn wéi duì zào shēng jìn xíng yán jiū shì làng fèi shí jiān
[00:28.67] tā men shèn zhì bù chéng rèn zào shēng duì rén men yǒu yǐng xiǎng
[00:34.56] lìng yī fāng miàn
[00:35.97] duì yú nèi xiē tǎo yàn zào shēng de rén yǒu shí huì yòng bù chōng fèn dí zhèng jù
[00:40.50] lái zhī chí tā men duì yú yí gè gèng jiā ān jìng de shè huì de hū huàn
[00:44.39] zhè shì shí fēn kě bēi de, yīn wèi jiǎn shǎo zào shēng què shí shì yī jiàn hǎo shì
[00:50.12] dāng zhè gè hé kē xué de bù lì miàn lián xì qǐ lái de huà zhè shì bù kě xìn de
[00:56.80] rén men jīng cháng xuān chēng zào shēng yǐn qǐ jīng shén bìng
[01:02.85] lì rú, zhōu bào shàng de yī piān wén zhāng
[01:06.37] yǐ yòng yī wèi chǔ yú fēi cháng jǔ sàng nǚ shì de lìng rén zhèn jīng de miáo shù
[01:12.20] qí biāo tí shì" tā shì lìng yí gè shòu hài zhě, biàn chéng yí gè jiān jiào de cán hái"
[01:19.25] jì xù kàn zhè piān wén zhāng, wǒ men kě yǐ yì shí dào zhè wèi nǚ shì shì yí gè dǎ zì yuán
[01:24.54] tā fā xiàn bàn gōng shì dǎ zì jī ràng tā yuè lái yuè yōu yù
[01:28.84] zhī dào zuì hòu tā jìn le jīng shén bìng yuàn
[01:33.69] zài zhè gè xiào huà zhōng de zhàng ài shì xiǎn rán
[01:37.49] rén men bù néng jiāng yuán yīn hé hòu guǒ qū fēn de
[01:41.41] dào dǐ shì zào shēng shì bìng de lái yuán
[01:44.21] hái shì duì yú zào shēng de bào yuàn shì yī zhǒng zhèng zhuàng
[01:48.33] lìng yí gè bìng rén ne kě néng
[01:51.08] guān yú tā de lín jū lián hé qǐ lái zhòng shāng kòng gào tā de tóng yàng bào yuàn de fēi cháng duō
[01:55.23] duì yú zhèi xiē bào yuàn shì fǒu zhí de xiāng xìn wǒ men yào fēi cháng xiǎo xīn
[01:59.87] zài zhè gè zào shēng de àn lì zhōng
[02:02.22] zhí de yán jiū de shì chǔ yú xuān nào huán jìng xià de hěn duō de rén
[02:07.04] lái fā xiàn tā men shì bú shì bǐ qí tā rén gèng róng yì huàn jīng shén bìng
[02:12.39] lì rú yī duàn shí jiān yǐ qián měi guó hǎi jūn
[02:15.93] duì gōng zuò zài fēi xíng qì de dà liàng de rén jìn xíng yán jiū
[02:20.91] zhè gè yán jiū bèi chēng zuò Anehin gōng chéng