Lesson 27 The ‘Vasa’

歌曲 Lesson 27 The ‘Vasa’
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第四册)


[00:03.67] The 'Vasa'
[00:11.34] What happened to the 'Vasa' almost immediately after she was launched?
[00:18.62] From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden,
[00:21.74] the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628
[00:27.76] must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.
[00:31.24] For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbour
[00:36.53] until her discovery in 1956.
[00:40.12] This was the Vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.
[00:46.86] King Gustavus Adolphus 'The Northern Hurricane',
[00:50.94] then at the height of his military success in the 'Thirty Years' War,
[00:55.49] had dictated her measurements and armament.
[00:59.31] Triple gun-decks mounted sixty-four bronze cannon.
[01:03.49] She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden.
[01:09.08] As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628,
[01:14.49] Stockholm was in a ferment.
[01:17.49] From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands
[01:20.40] the people watched this thing of beauty
[01:22.84] begin to spread her sails and catch the wind.
[01:26.99] They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art;
[01:31.89] she was more richly carved and ornamented than any previous ship.
[01:37.17] The high stern castle was a riot of carved gods, demons, knights, kings, warriors,
[01:45.16] mermaids, cherubs; and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue,
[01:52.79] symbols of courage, power, and cruelty,
[01:56.68] were portrayed to stir the imaginations of the superstitious sailors of the day.
[02:03.69] Then the cannons of the anchored warships thundered a salute to which the Vasa fired in reply.
[02:11.45] As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke
[02:14.94] with the water churned to foam beneath her bow,
[02:18.53] her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze,
[02:24.31] and the red and gold or her superstructure ablaze with colour,
[02:28.59] she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before.
[02:35.26] All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.
[02:40.98] As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port.
[02:49.42] The Ordnance officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard
[02:54.14] to counteract the list but the steepening angle of the decksincreased.
[02:59.67] Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore,
[03:04.25] as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people
[03:09.36] went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.
[03:14.93] The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate.
[03:21.83] In that first glorious hour, the mighty Vasa, which was intended to rule the Baltic,
[03:28.29] sank with all flags flying--in the harbour of her birth.


[00:03.67] wǎ sà hào
[00:18.62] 1628 nián, yī sōu dà fān chuán zài chǔ nǚ háng shí jiù chén mò le
[00:21.74] zhè gè cóng róng bù pò 7 shì jì ruì diǎn dì guó liú chuán zhì jīn de gù shì wú yí shì háng hǎi shǐ shàng zuì lí qí de shì jiàn zhī yī
[00:31.24] zhè sōu dà chuán zài sī dé gē ěr mó gǎng kǒu de hǎi dǐ tǎng le jiāng jìn 3 gè bàn shì jì zhī hòu,
[00:36.53] zhí dào 1956 nián cái bèi fā xiàn
[00:40.12] zhè jiù shì" wǎ sà" hào, dì guó dà jiàn duì de huáng jiā qí jiàn.
[00:46.86] dāng shí hào chēng" běi fāng jù fēng" de guó wáng gǔ sī fū sī. ā dào ěr fú zhèng chǔ zài" sān shí nián zhàn zhēng" de jūn shì dǐng shèng jiē duàn
[00:55.49] tā qīn zì guī dìng le zhè sōu chuán de guī mó hé wǔ qì pèi bèi
[00:59.31] 3 céng de huǒ pào jiǎ bǎn shàng zhuāng zhe 64 mén qīng tóng jiā nóng pào
[01:03.49] mù dì jiù shì yào zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng de ruì diǎn shì lì zhōng qǐ zhǔ dǎo zuò yòng
[01:09.08] 1628 nián 8 yuè 10 rì " wǎ sà" hào zhǔn bèi shǒu háng shí
[01:14.49] sī dé gē ěr mó yī piàn huān téng.
[01:17.49] rén men cóng sī kāi bō sī bù lǎng hé zhōu wéi de dǎo yǔ
[01:20.40] qián lái guān kàn zhè sōu měi lì de zhàn chuán yáng fān qǐ háng
[01:22.84] chéng fēng qián jìn.
[01:26.99] ruì diǎn rén xīn xīn kǔ kǔ gàn le 3 nián
[01:31.89] cái jiàn chéng zhè jiàn shuǐ shàng yì shù pǐn tā bǐ yǐ wǎng rèn hé chuán zhī diāo kè dé dōu gèng jiā jīng měi, zhuāng shì dé dōu gèng jiā huá lì.
[01:37.17] gāo sǒng de chuán lóu shàng diāo kè le lìng rén yǎn huā liáo luàn de shén xiān yāo mó qí shì guó wáng wǔ shì měi rén yú
[01:45.16] hé xiǎo tiān shǐ hái yǒu yòng hóng sè jīn huáng sè lán sè huì zhì de guāng cǎi duó mù dì shòu xíng tú àn
[01:52.79] xiàng zhēng zhe yǒng gǎn lì liàng hé cán bào
[01:56.68] yǐ jī qǐ dāng shí chóng shàng mí xìn de shuǐ shǒu men de xiǎng xiàng
[02:03.69] zhè shí, tíng bó zài gǎng kǒu de qí tā zhàn chuán xiàng" wǎ sà" hào míng pào zhì lǐ wǎ sà" hào yě míng pào huí lǐ
[02:11.45] dāng" wǎ sà" hào cóng mí màn de lǐ pào yān yún zhōng chū xiàn shí
[02:14.94] chuán tóu xià làng huā sì jiàn
[02:18.53] jiàn qí yíng fēng zhāo zhǎn sān jiǎo qí suí fēng piāo dòng wēi fēng gǔ qǐ fēng fān
[02:24.31] jīn bì huī huáng de chuán lóu shǎn yào zhe càn làn de sè cǎi
[02:28.59] wǎ sà" hào zhǎn xiàn de zhuàng guān jǐng xiàng shì sī dé gē ěr mó rén cóng wèi jiàn guò de
[02:35.26] chuán shàng de pào yǎn kāi zhe, pào kǒu hǔ shì dān dān dì xiàng wài kuī shì zhe
[02:40.98] dāng fēng lì zēng qiáng shí, tū rán guā lái yī zhèn dà fēng," wǎ sà" hào qí guài dì yáo huàng le yī xià, biàn xiàng zuǒ xián qīng xié
[02:49.42] pào cháng mìng lìng bǎ zuǒ xián shàng suǒ yǒu dà pào bān dào yòu xián shàng lái yǐ dǐ xiāo chuán de qīng xié
[02:54.14] dàn jiǎ bǎn de qīng xié dù réng zài zēng jiā
[02:59.67] dāng wù pǐn yā cāng wù dàn yào hé 400 gè rén hōng dì yī shēng huá xiàng dǒu xié de zuǒ xián shí
[03:09.36] àn shàng de guān zhòng tīng dào le léi míng bān de hōng xiǎng
[03:14.93] xià céng pào yǎn yǐ yān mò zài shuǐ lǐ yǒng jìn chuán cāng de shuǐ gěi" wǎ sà" hào dài lái le nán yǐ táo tuō de è yùn
[03:21.83] jiù zhè yàng, xiǎng yào tǒng zhì bō luó de hǎi de dà xíng zhàn jiàn" wǎ sà" hào, zài tā zhuàng lì de qǐ háng shí kè
[03:28.29] dài zhe quán shēn piāo yáng de cǎi qí, chén mò zài le tā dàn shēng de gǎng kǒu