Lesson 32 Galileo reborn

歌曲 Lesson 32 Galileo reborn
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第四册)


[00:01.51] Lesson 32
[00:03.56] Galileo reborn
[00:12.03] What has modified our traditional view of Galileo in recent times?
[00:19.43] In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy, but the scientific dust has long since settled,
[00:28.25] and today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective.
[00:36.17] But, in contrast, it is only in modern times that Galileo has become a problem child for historians of science.
[00:45.97] The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated.
[00:50.82] He was, above all, a man who experimented:
[00:54.64] who despised the prejudice and book learning of the Aristotelians,
[01:00.10] who put his questions to nature instead of to the ancients, and who drew his conclusions fearlessly.
[01:07.90] He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky,
[01:11.23] and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together.
[01:16.89] He was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top,
[01:23.35] who rolled balls down inclined planes,
[01:26.10] and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall.
[01:33.47] But a closer study of the evidence,
[01:35.90] supported by a deeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution,
[01:45.78] has profoundly modified this view of Galileo.
[01:49.61] Today, although the old Galileo lives on in many popular writings,
[01:54.26] among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged.
[02:00.34] At the same time our sympathy for Galileo's opponents has grown somewhat.
[02:06.10] His telescopic observations are justly immortal;
[02:10.04] they aroused great interest at the time,
[02:12.77] they had important theoretical consequences,
[02:16.43] and they provided a striking demonstration of the potentialities hidden in instruments and apparatus.
[02:24.54] But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw,
[02:29.85] if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument?
[02:39.71] Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged
[02:46.36] that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the 1840s were scratches left by the grinder?
[03:05.22] as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth;
[03:15.32] and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them?


[00:01.51] dì 32 kè
[00:03.56] jiā lì lüè de fù shēng
[00:19.43] jiā lì lüè zài shì shí shì jī liè lùn zhàn de zhōng xīn, dàn shì, zì tā shì shì yǐ lái, nà chǎng kē xué shàng de fēn zhēng zǎo yǐ píng xī le xià lái,
[00:28.25] shèn zhì tā hé zōng jiào fǎ tíng de zhù míng chōng tū, wǒ men jīn tiān yě néng zhèng què rú shí dì kàn dài.
[00:36.17] dàn shì xiāng bǐ zhī xià, duì yú kē xué shǐ jiā lái shuō, jiā lì lüè zhǐ shì zài xiàn dài cái biàn chéng le yí gè xīn de nán tí.
[00:45.97] lìng rén gāo xìng de shì, guò qù duì jiā lì lüè de kàn fǎ bìng bù fù zá.
[00:50.82] tā shǒu xiān shì gè shí yàn gōng zuò zhě,
[00:54.64] tā miè shì yà lǐ shì duō dé xué pài de piān jiàn hé kōng dòng de shū běn zhī shi,
[01:00.10] tā xiàng zì rán jiè ér bú shì xiàng gǔ rén tí chū wèn tí, bìng dà dǎn dì dé chū jié lùn.
[01:07.90] tā shì dì yí gè bǎ wàng yuǎn jìng duì zhǔn tiān kōng de rén,
[01:11.23] guān chá dào de lùn jù zú yǐ bǎ yà lǐ shì duō dé hé tuō lè mì yì qǐ tuī fān.
[01:16.89] tā jiù shì nà gè céng jīng pá shàng bǐ sà xié tǎ, cóng tǎ dǐng xiàng xià pāo zhì jī gè zhǒng zhòng wù de rén
[01:23.35] tā shì nà gè shǐ dì qiú tǐ yán xié miàn xiàng xià gǔn dòng,
[01:26.10] rán hòu jiāng duō cì shí yàn jié guǒ gài kuò chéng zhù míng de zì yóu luò tǐ dìng lǜ de rén.
[01:33.47] dàn shì, duì nà gè shí dài de shēn huà liǎo jiě,
[01:35.90] yóu qí shì yǐ kē xué jiā gé mìng zhòng zhé xué qián liú de xīn yì shí wèi yī jù, jìn yī bù zǐ xì yán jiū,
[01:45.78] jiù huì jí dà dì gǎi biàn duì jiā lì lüè de kàn fǎ.
[01:49.61] jīn tiān, suī rán yǐ gù de jiā lì lüè jì xù huó zài xǔ duō tōng sú dú wù zhōng,
[01:54.26] dàn zài kē xué shǐ jiā zhōng jiān, yí gè xīn de gèng jiā fù zá de jiā lì lüè xíng xiàng chū xiàn le.
[02:00.34] yú cǐ tóng shí, wǒ men duì jiā lì lüè de fǎn duì pài de tóng qíng yě yǒu suǒ zēng jiā.
[02:06.10] jiā lì lüè yòng wàng yuǎn jìng suǒ zuò de guān chá què shí shì bù xiǔ de,
[02:10.04] zhèi xiē guān chá dāng shí yǐn qǐ rén men jí dà de xìng qù,
[02:12.77] jù yǒu zhòng yào de lǐ lùn yì yì,
[02:16.43] bìng chōng fèn xiǎn shì chū le yí biǎo hé yí qì de qián zài lì liàng.
[02:29.85] dàn shì, rú guǒ wǒ men xiǎng dào, biàn yòng yī jià bèi shù yǒu xiàn de wàng yuǎn jìng xū yào cháng qī de jīng yàn hé duì zì jǐ yí qì de shú xī chéng dù, nà me wǒ men zěn me néng qù zé bèi guān chá le tiān kōng dàn méi yǒu kàn dào jiā lì lüè suǒ kàn dào de dōng xī de nèi xiē rén ne?
[02:46.36] mǒu wèi zhé xué jiā céng jù jué shǐ yòng jiā lì lüè de wàng yuǎn jìng qù guān chá tiān kōng dào le 19 shì jì 40 nián dài, yǒu rén yìng bǎ luó sī xūn jué gāo bèi wàng yuǎn jìng guān cè dào de luó xuán zhuàng xīng yún shuō chéng shì mó jìng gōng liú xià de mó hén. nán dào fǎn duì jiā lì lüè de zhé xué jiā bǐ dǐ huǐ luó sī xūn jué zào yáo zhě yīng shòu dào gèng dà de qiǎn zé ma?
[02:55.75] rú guǒ wǒ men huí xiǎng yī xià jiā lì lüè zhī qián jǐ gè shì jì qī jiān,
[03:05.22] qǔ miàn jìng yī zhí shì yī zhǒng yòng yú chǎn shēng huàn yǐng ér bú shì chǎn shēng zhēn xiàng de bǎ xì zhuāng zhì, nà me wǒ men jiù huì yuán liàng nèi xiē dāng shí bǎ jiā lì lüè guān chá dào de mù xīng wèi shēng shuō chéng shì jiā lì lüè yòng tā de xiǎo wàng yuǎn jìng biàn chū lái de rén men,
[03:15.32] hé kuàng yī piàn qǔ miàn jìng jiù kě wāi qū zì rán, nà me jiā lì lüè de liǎng piàn qǔ miàn jìng duì zì rán de wāi qū yòu gāi duō dà ne?