Lesson 40 Waves

歌曲 Lesson 40 Waves
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第四册)


[00:01.54] Lesson 40
[00:03.21] Waves
[00:10.91] What false impression does an ocean wave convey to the observer?
[00:17.55] Waves are the children of the struggle between ocean and atmosphere, the ongoing signatures of infinity.
[00:26.32] Rays from the sun excite and energize the atmosphere of the earth, awakening it to flow, to movement, to rhythm, to life.
[00:36.58] The wind then speaks the message of the sun to the sea
[00:40.58] and the sea transmits it on through waves--an ancient, exquisite powerful message.
[00:48.64] These ocean waves are among the earth's most complicated natural phenomena.
[00:54.50] The basic features include a crest (the highest point of the wave),
[00:59.77] a trough (the lowest point), a height (the vertical distance from the trough to the crest),
[01:07.89] a wave length (the horizontal distance between two wave crests),
[01:13.45] and a period (which is the time it takes awave crest to travel one wave length).
[01:19.92] Although an ocean wave give the impression of a wall of water moving in your direction,
[01:25.99] in actuality waves move through the water leaving the water about where it was.
[01:32.43] If the water was moving with the wave,
[01:35.08] the ocean and everything on it would be racing in to the shore with obviously catastrophic results.
[01:42.76] An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit,
[01:51.32] drawing the particle first towards the advancing wave, then up into the wave,
[01:57.22] then forward with it and then--as the wave leaves the particles behind--back to its starting point again.
[02:05.22] From both maturity to death, a wave is subject to the same laws as any other 'living' thing.
[02:13.11] For a time it assumes a miraculous individuality that, in the end, is reabsorbed into the great ocean of life.
[02:22.79] The undulating waves of the open sea are generated by three natural causes:
[02:28.83] wind, earth movements or tremors, and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
[02:37.07] Once waves have been generated,
[02:39.21] gravity is the force that drives them in a continual attempt to restore the ocean surface to a flat plain.


[00:01.54] dì 40 kè
[00:03.21] hǎi làng
[00:10.91] hǎi làng gěi rén men liú xià le shén me cuò wù de yìn xiàng?
[00:17.55] hǎi làng shì dà hǎi hé kōng qì xiāng dòu de chǎn wù, yī zhǒng xiàng zhēng yǒng héng de shēng dòng tǐ xiàn.
[00:26.32] tài yáng guāng cì jī le dì qiú de dà qì céng, bìng fù yǔ tā néng liàng yáng guāng shǐ kōng qì kāi shǐ liú dòng, chǎn shēng jié zòu, huò dé shēng mìng.
[00:36.58] rán hòu, fēng bǎ tài yáng de xìn xī dài gěi le dà hǎi,
[00:40.58] hǎi yáng yòng bō làng de xíng shì chuán dì zhè gè xìn xī yí gè yuán yuǎn liú cháng gāo yǎ ér yǒu lì de xìn xī.
[00:48.64] zhèi xiē hǎi làng shǔ yú dì qiú shàng zuì fù zá de zì rán xiàn xiàng.
[00:54.50] tā men de jī běn tè zhēng bāo kuò làng fēng bō làng de zuì gāo diǎn
[00:59.77] bō gǔ zuì dī diǎn làng gāo cóng bō gǔ dào làng fēng de chuí zhí jù lí
[01:07.89] bō cháng liǎng gè làng fēng jiān de shuǐ píng jù lí
[01:13.45] hé zhōu qī làng fēng zǒu guò yí gè bō cháng suǒ xū de shí jiān.
[01:19.92] suī rán, hǎi làng gěi rén de yìn xiàng shì yī dǔ yóu shuǐ zǔ chéng de qiáng xiàng nǐ yā lái,
[01:25.99] ér shí jì shang, làng cóng shuǐ zhōng yí guò, ér shuǐ zé liú zài yuán chǔ.
[01:32.43] rú guǒ làng hé shuǐ yì qǐ yí dòng de huà,
[01:35.08] nà me dà hǎi hé hǎi lǐ de dōng xī jiù huì xiàng àn biān jí yǒng ér lái, dài lái zāi nàn xìng de hòu guǒ.
[01:42.76] chuān guò shēn shuǐ de hǎi làng shǐ shuǐ miàn shàng de yí gè wēi lì àn zhào yī zhǒng jìn hū yuán xíng de guǐ dào yí dòng,
[01:51.32] xiān bǎ wēi lì lā xiàng qián yí de hǎi làng, rán hòu tuī shàng bō làng,
[01:57.22] suí zhe bō làng yí dòng, rán hòu dāng bō làng bǎ wēi lì liú zài shēn hòu shí yòu huí dào le chū fā diǎn.
[02:05.22] cóng chéng shú dào xiāo wáng, bō làng hé qí tā rèn hé" huó dòng zhōng" de dōng xī yí yàng, dōu shòu zhì yú gòng tóng de fǎ zé.
[02:13.11] yí dù tā huò dé fēi fán de gè xìng, dàn zuì zhōng yòu bèi chóng xīn róng jìn shēng mìng de dà yáng.
[02:22.79] gōng hǎi shàng qǐ fú de bō làng shì yóu 3 gè zì rán yīn sù gòu chéng de:
[02:28.83] fēng dì qiú de yùn dòng huò zhèn chàn hé yuè liàng tài yáng de yǐn lì.
[02:37.07] yī dàn bō làng xíng chéng,
[02:39.21] dì xīn yǐn lì shì chí xù bù duàn qǐ tú shǐ hǎi miàn fù yuán wèi píng miàn dí lì liàng.