Act I: Girl Meets Boy

Act I: Girl Meets Boy 歌词

歌曲 Act I: Girl Meets Boy
歌手 Andrew Lloyd Webber
专辑 Sunset Boulevard (Highlights) (Original Motion Picture Score)
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[00:00.325] JOE:
[00:01.010] Girl meets boy
[00:02.890] That's a safe beginning
[00:04.446] BETTY:
[00:04.783] It's nearly closing
[00:07.186] I thought you weren't going to show
[00:09.566] JOE:
[00:09.751] So did I
[00:11.946] I felt it might be kinder
[00:13.629] BETTY:
[00:13.803] What are you saying?
[00:16.240] JOE:
[00:16.404] Come on, Miss Schaefer, you know
[00:19.050] BETTY:
[00:19.189] What?
[00:19.805] JOE:
[00:20.003] Every time I see some young kid
[00:22.544] Dreaming they'll produce a masterpiece
[00:25.564] I just want to throw them on the next train home
[00:30.184] BETTY:
[00:30.428] Never thought
[00:32.691] You'd be so condescending
[00:35.269] JOE:
[00:35.606] Sorry, Miss Schaefer
[00:37.846] I didn't come here to fight
[00:40.006] BETTY:
[00:40.262] Girl meets boy
[00:43.720] If that's how you want it
[00:46.321] She's a young teacher
[00:48.468] He's a reporter
[00:50.942] It's hate at first sight
[00:53.508] JOE:
[00:53.820] It won't sell
[00:56.166] These days they want glamour
[00:58.546] Fabulous heiress meets handsome Hollywood heel
[01:03.643] The problem is
[01:05.627] She thinks he's a burglar
[01:08.182] Would you believe it?
[01:10.225] A wedding in the last reel
[01:13.325] BETTY:
[01:13.521] It doesn't have to be so mindless
[01:15.983] You should write from your experience
[01:19.281] Give us something really moving;
[01:22.067] Something true
[01:24.006] JOE:
[01:24.202] Who wants true?
[01:26.722] Who the hell wants moving?
[01:29.183] Moving means starving
[01:31.784] And true means holes in your shoe
[01:34.164] BETTY:
[01:34.500] No, you're wrong
[01:36.961] They still make good pictures
[01:39.666] Stick to your story
[01:41.907] It's a good story
[01:44.682] JOE:
[01:45.379] O.K., Miss Schaefer
[01:47.700] I give it to you
[01:50.823] BETTY:
[01:51.381] What do you mean?
[01:52.367] JOE:
[01:52.681] Just what I said. I've given up writing myself. So you write it.
[01:56.500] BETTY:
[01:56.779] Oh, I'm not good enough to do it on my own.
[01:59.263] But I thought we could write it together.
[02:02.584] JOE:
[02:02.978] I can't. I'm all tied up.
[02:05.881] BETTY:
[02:06.241] Couldn't we work evenings? Six o'clock in the morning?
[02:08.400] I'd come to your place.
[02:09.444] JOE:
[02:09.979] Look, Betty, it can't be done. It's out.
[02:11.836] Look, let's keep in touch through Artie.
[02:13.856] That way if you get stuck, we can at least talk.
[02:15.784] Write this down
[02:17.397] I'll give you some ground rules
[02:21.078] Plenty of conflict
[02:23.237] But nice guys don't break the law
[02:26.138] Girl meets boy
[02:27.997] She gives herself completely
[02:31.038] And though she loves him
[02:33.082] JOE & BETTY:
[02:33.475] She keeps one foot on the floor
[02:35.856] BETTY:
[02:36.064] No one dies except the best friend
[02:39.119] No one ever mentions communists
[02:41.962] No one takes a black friend to a restaurant
[02:46.595] JOE:
[02:46.816] Very good.
[02:49.323] Nothing I can teach you.
[02:51.982] We could have had fun
[02:54.478] Fighting the studio
[02:56.242] BETTY:
[02:57.542] Yes, Mr. Gillis
[02:59.562] That's just what I want.
[03:02.117] ARTIE:
[03:02.302] What a nightmare
[03:03.637] Good to see you
[03:04.740] Come to my new year's party
[03:06.761] JOE:
[03:06.980] Last year it got out of hand
[03:09.477] ARTIE:
[03:09.662] Guaranteed bad behaviour
[03:12.101] JOE:
[03:12.239] See you then
[03:13.238] BETTY:
[03:13.541] Don't give up
[03:14.875] You're too good
[03:15.677] JOE:
[03:16.464] Thanks.
[00:00.325] 【乔】
[00:01.010] 女孩遇到男孩
[00:02.890] 这是个保险的开场
[00:04.446] 【贝蒂】
[00:04.783] 这里快要关门了
[00:07.186] 我以为你不会出现了
[00:09.566] 【乔】
[00:09.751] 我也是这么想的
[00:11.946] 我觉得这样可能更好一些
[00:13.629] 【贝蒂】
[00:13.803] 你在说什么?
[00:16.240] 【乔】
[00:16.404] 拜托,谢尔福小姐,你知道的
[00:19.050] 【贝蒂】
[00:19.189] 什么?
[00:19.805] 【乔】
[00:20.003] 每次我看到那些愣头青
[00:22.544] 梦想着他们会制作一部惊世之作
[00:25.564] 我只想把他们扔到下一班回家的火车上
[00:30.184] 【贝蒂】
[00:30.428] 我没想到
[00:32.691] 你是个这么低三下四的人
[00:35.269] 【乔】
[00:35.606] 对不起,谢尔福小姐
[00:37.846] 我不是来这里战斗的
[00:40.006] 【贝蒂】
[00:40.262] 女孩遇到男孩
[00:43.720] 如果你想这样开场的话
[00:46.321] 女孩是个年轻的教师
[00:48.468] 而男孩是个记者
[00:50.942] 第一眼,他们就互相讨厌
[00:53.508] 【乔】
[00:53.820] 这不会卖座的
[00:56.166] 现在观众们喜欢更浮夸的剧情
[00:58.546] 华丽的女继承人和英俊的好莱坞男星
[01:03.643] 问题是
[01:05.627] 女孩以为男孩是个窃贼
[01:08.182] 你能想到吗?
[01:10.225] 婚礼是全片最后一幕
[01:13.325] 【贝蒂】
[01:13.521] 电影没必要这么浅薄
[01:15.983] 你可以根据你的经历写剧本
[01:19.281] 写一些感人肺腑的故事
[01:22.067] 一些真情实感的故事
[01:24.006] 【乔】
[01:24.202] 谁还要真情实感?
[01:26.722] 谁还要感人肺腑?
[01:29.183] 感人肺腑意味着忍饥挨饿
[01:31.784] 真情实感就是你鞋子上的破洞
[01:34.164] 【贝蒂】
[01:34.500] 不,你错了
[01:36.961] 它们还是能写出好电影的
[01:39.666] 你要坚持你的故事
[01:41.907] 这是个好故事
[01:44.682] 【乔】
[01:45.379] 好吧,谢尔福小姐
[01:47.700] 我把它交给你
[01:50.823] 【贝蒂】
[01:51.381] 你说什么?
[01:52.367] 【乔】
[01:52.681] 就像我说的,我自己不写了,你来写这个剧本
[01:56.500] 【贝蒂】
[01:56.779] 可是我一个人写不了这个剧本
[01:59.263] 我以为我们可以合作写完它
[02:02.584] 【乔】
[02:02.978] 我不会写的,我很忙
[02:05.881] 【贝蒂】
[02:06.241] 我们不可以晚上写吗?或者早上六点就写?
[02:08.400] 我可以到你家里去
[02:09.444] 【乔】
[02:09.979] 听着,贝蒂,这行不通,到此结束吧
[02:11.836] 这样吧,你可以通过阿蒂联系我
[02:13.856] 如果你写到哪里卡住了,我们可以谈一谈
[02:15.784] 你把它写完
[02:17.397] 我可以给你提供一点基本规则
[02:21.078] 写作要有许多冲突
[02:23.237] 但好人不能触犯法律
[02:26.138] 女孩遇到男孩
[02:27.997] 全心全意投入
[02:31.038] 女孩爱着男孩
[02:33.082] 【乔和贝蒂】
[02:33.475] 但她仍会保持理智
[02:35.856] 【贝蒂】
[02:36.064] 谁也不会死去,除了挚友
[02:39.119] 谁也不会提起共产党
[02:41.962] 谁也不会带一个黑人朋友去餐厅
[02:46.595] 【乔】
[02:46.816] 很好
[02:49.323] 你都知道了
[02:51.982] 我们本来可以找些乐子
[02:54.478] 对抗那些大电影公司
[02:56.242] 【贝蒂】
[02:57.542] 是的,吉利先生
[02:59.562] 这就是我想做的
[03:02.117] 【阿蒂】
[03:02.302] 真是一场噩梦
[03:03.637] 很高兴见到你
[03:04.740] 来我的跨年派对吧
[03:06.761] 【乔】
[03:06.980] 去年的派对都失控了
[03:09.477] 【阿蒂】
[03:09.662] 今年的保证也是一样
[03:12.101] 【乔】
[03:12.239] 那到时见
[03:13.238] 【贝蒂】
[03:13.541] 千万别放弃
[03:14.875] 你真的写得很好
[03:15.677] 【乔】
[03:16.464] 谢谢你
Act I: Girl Meets Boy 歌词
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