
Gaston 歌词

歌曲 Gaston
歌手 Alan Menken
专辑 Beauty And The Beast (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
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[00:01.81] Who does she think she is?
[00:04.89] That girl has tangled with the wrong man.
[00:06.71] No one says no to Gaston.
[00:08.73] Darn right.
[00:10.30] Dismissed, rejected...
[00:12.60] publicly humiliated.
[00:14.28] Why, it's more than I can bear.
[00:16.33] More beer?
[00:17.40] What for?
[00:18.57] Nothing helps.
[00:20.22] I'm disgraced.
[00:21.34] Who, you?
[00:22.38] Never!
[00:23.78] Gaston, you've got to pull yourself together.
[00:27.31] Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
[00:30.21] Looking so down in the dumps
[00:33.60] Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston
[00:36.85] Even when taking your lumps
[00:39.97] There's no man in town as admired as you
[00:43.21] You're everyone's favorite guy
[00:46.48] Everyone's awed and inspired by you
[00:50.24] And it's not very hard to see why
[00:58.28] No... one's... Slick as Gaston
[01:03.65] No one's quick as Gaston
[01:05.20] No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston
[01:08.60] For there's no man in town half as manly
[01:11.48] Perfect, a pure paragon
[01:15.23] You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley
[01:17.91] And they'll tell you whose team
[01:20.57] They prefer to be on,
[01:23.95] No... one's... been like Gaston
[01:28.24] A kingpin like Gaston
[01:29.65] No one's got a swell cleft
[01:31.55] In his chin like Gaston
[01:33.40] As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating
[01:37.60] My, what a guy, that Gaston
[01:40.61] Give five "hurrahs!" Give 12 "hip-hips!"
[01:43.46] Gaston is the best and the rest is all drips
[01:48.79] No... one... Fights like Gaston
[01:52.90] Douses lights like Gaston
[01:54.74] In a wrestling match, nobody bites like Gaston
[01:58.13] For there's no one as burly and brawny
[02:01.31] As you see, I've got biceps to spare
[02:04.71] Not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny That's right
[02:08.48] And every last inch of me's covered with hair
[02:12.70] No one hits like Gaston
[02:13.21] Matches wits like Gaston
[02:14.82] In a spitting match,
[02:16.47] nobody spits like Gaston
[02:18.28] I'm especially good at expectorating
[02:22.40] Ptooey! Ten points for Gaston!
[02:25.90] When I was a lad
[02:26.78] I ate four dozen eggs
[02:28.43] Every morning to help me get large
[02:31.63] And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs
[02:35.70] So I'm roughly the size of a barge
[02:41.23] No... one... Shoots like Gaston
[02:46.30] Makes those beauts like Gaston
[02:47.68] Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston
[02:51.40] I use antlers in all of my decorating
[02:55.50] Say it again
[02:56.55] Who's a man among men?
[02:58.90] And then say it once more
[02:59.64] Who's the hero next door?
[03:01.37] Who's a super success?
[03:02.98] Don't you know? Can't you guess?
[03:04.41] Ask his fans and his five hangers-on
[03:07.70] There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down
[03:15.90] And his name's G-A-S- T -
[03:22.61] G-A-S-T - E -
[03:24.96] G-A-S-T-O - oh!
[03:27.90] Gaston!
[00:01.81] 她以为她是谁呀?
[00:04.89] 根本没把我放在眼里
[00:06.71] 没有人敢跟我加斯顿说“不”
[00:08.73] 你说的对
[00:10.30] 推辞,拒绝
[00:12.60] 当着那么多人的面,丢尽我的脸
[00:14.28] 叫我以后怎么做人嘛
[00:16.33] 还要啤酒吗?
[00:17.40] 干什么?
[00:18.57] 没有用的
[00:20.22] 丢死人了
[00:21.34] 谁,你?
[00:22.38] 不可能的啦!
[00:23.78] 加斯顿,你一定要振作起来
[00:27.31] 为何你会如此颓丧,加斯顿
[00:30.21] 看起来如此绝望
[00:33.60] 虽然你有不少缺点,加斯顿
[00:36.85] 这儿每个人都希望能像你
[00:39.97] 在小城中每个人都羡慕你
[00:43.21] 因为所有的人都爱你
[00:46.48] 人人都尊重你也敬畏你
[00:50.24] 而且也不难猜出其中缘由
[00:58.28] 没人像你一样机灵,加斯顿
[01:03.65] 没人像你一样敏锐,加斯顿
[01:05.20] 没人有你一样强壮的肌肉,加斯顿
[01:08.60] 城中无人比你更有男子气概
[01:11.48] 你是我们纯粹的榜样
[01:15.23] 你可以去向任何人打听
[01:17.91] 他们一定会跟随
[01:20.57] 在你的身旁
[01:23.95] 没人像你...加斯顿
[01:28.24] 你是偶像,加斯顿
[01:29.65] 没人能比你更英俊潇洒
[01:31.55] 在这世界上没人
[01:33.40] 能比我强
[01:37.60] 人人崇拜的加斯顿
[01:40.61] 为他欢呼,为他喝彩
[01:43.46] 加斯顿是最好的没人比得上他
[01:48.79] 没人像你 加斯顿
[01:52.90] 骁勇善战 加斯顿
[01:54.74] 没人胜过你 别想打败加斯顿
[01:58.13] 因为你拥有了强壮的身体
[02:01.31] 还有健美的结实肌肉
[02:04.71] 而且绝没有松弛的赘肉
[02:08.48] 我结实的胸口还长满胸毛
[02:12.70] 勇敢坚强 加斯顿
[02:13.21] 聪明机智 加斯顿
[02:14.82] 就连嚼烟草
[02:16.47] 也没人胜过加斯顿
[02:18.28] 嚼烟草的功夫是无人能比
[02:22.40] 完美的加斯顿!
[02:25.90] 当我年少
[02:26.78] 每天都最少吃四打蛋
[02:28.43] 以帮助我的长大
[02:31.63] 而如今我长大要多吃一打
[02:35.70] 使我看起来像座高山
[02:41.23] 没人像你 加斯顿
[02:46.30] 百发百中 加斯顿
[02:47.68] 穿着神气皮靴与众不同 加斯顿
[02:51.40] 我用美丽的鹿角来做成装饰
[02:55.50] 再说一次
[02:56.55] 谁最帅
[02:58.90] 然后再说一次
[02:59.64] 谁是门边的英雄
[03:01.37] 谁最厉害
[03:02.98] 你知道吗?你来猜?
[03:04.41] 问问他的粉丝和追随者
[03:07.70] 这城中只有一人受到万人景仰
[03:15.90] 他的名字是G-A-S-T-
[03:22.61] G-A-S-T-E-
[03:24.96] G-A-S-T-O-哦!
[03:27.90] Gaston(加斯顿)!
Gaston 歌词
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